======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_01 20:52:21] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_01 20:52:22] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_01 20:52:35] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:37] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:37] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:37] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:45] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:45] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:46] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:46] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:46] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:46] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:48] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_01 20:53:49] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_01 20:53:49] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:51] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:51] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:51] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:51] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:51] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:51] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:52] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:52] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:53] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:53] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:53] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:57] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:59] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:59] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:59] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:59] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:59] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:59] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_01 20:53:59] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:06] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:07] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:09] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:09] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:12] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:12] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:20629633167788172773652195020341951402","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:12] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:20629633167788172773652195020341951402', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:12] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:20629633167788172773652195020341951402', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:12] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x46AEDFB0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:13] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:14] setServerTime: serverTime=1519912453 time.time()=1519912454.03 gInitialClientTime=14.9440002441 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:14] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:14] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:15] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:15] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:15] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:15] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:15] _onChangeTimeOut 700 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] __updateTaskProgress start: {'24923_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 374586}}, '24902_q3': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '24902_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 31}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24901_q02': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 1039198}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 12}}, '24901_q03': {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 20341}}, '24902_q1': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 1114.0}, 3: {'count': 25.0}}, '24901_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 5}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1007092) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 30, 30, None))) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:18] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 30, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:19] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (2, False, 2), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 1.0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:19] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1519948800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 4831182597822232L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 4831182597822232L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1519819282.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4831182597822232L, 'credits': 36140, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 26, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 2, 'exp': 49, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519818520, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1007043, 49), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 49, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/42_Neighbors.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 26, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 49, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1007092, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/42_NEIGHBORS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '28.02.2018 18:48', 'dt': 1519819282.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1007043, 49), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4831182597822232L, 'credits': 36140, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1519818520, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1519819282.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 720, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 18400}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 720, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519819282.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 19120, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 18400, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': True} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 42L, 'dt': 1519819282.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1519819282.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 55L, 'dt': 1519819282.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'cost': (45000, 0), 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1519819282.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1519948800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 35, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 35, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 35, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1519914600.0, 1519918180.0)",) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 2139 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1519914600.0, 1519918180.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1519918200.0, 1519918200.0)",) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 2139 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1519914600.0, 1519918180.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1519932600.0, 1519932600.0)",) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 2139 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1519914600.0, 1519918180.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520087400.0, 1520090980.0)",) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 2139 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1519914600.0, 1519918180.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520091000.0, 1520091000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 2139 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1519914600.0, 1519918180.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520105400.0, 1520105400.0)",) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 2139 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1519914600.0, 1519918180.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:23] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:23] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:24] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 2136 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1519914600.0, 1519918180.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:26] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:28] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7093712 {'jid': '7093712@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'monster777destroer', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519883203L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd0\xb7\xd1\x8c\xd1\x8f, \xd0\xa2\xd0\xa1 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 ! \xd0\x9d\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd1\x81 r5.ts3.so:10032', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519887724L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd1\x81...\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519887744L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd1\x85...\xd1\x8f 7 \xd1\x8f\xd1\x89\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd1\x80\xd1\x8f\xd0\xbb \xd1\x81\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd1\x83', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/25013670', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519888082L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x97\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd1\x8b!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3101923', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519893442L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x83\xd1\x82\xd0\xb8', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3101923', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519893554L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3101923', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519893612L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8f \xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe \xd1\x87\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x83\xd0\xb7\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb \xd1\x87\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\x9d\xd0\x95 \xd0\x9e\xd0\x91\xd0\x97\xd0\x90\xd0\xa2\xd0\x95\xd0\x9b\xd0\xac\xd0\x9d\xd0\x9e \xd0\xb8\xd1\x81\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb8 \xd1\x83\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd0\xba\xd0\xb5', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3101923', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519893657L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb6\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd1\x83 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb7\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82\xd1\x8b\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd1\x85\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x83\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb4\xd0\xb2\xd1\x83\xd1\x85 \xd0\xb8 \xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd1\x85\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb5', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3101923', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519893671L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd0\xbf\xd1\x86', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3101923', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519893687L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x8d\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd1\x88\xd0\xbe\xd0\xba', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/65106205', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519900352L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\x9d\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4!!!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519902680L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b, \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc\xd1\x83 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xa2\xd0\xa1 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/25013670', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519902707L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd, \xd1\x82\xd1\x81 \xd0\xb3\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8e\xd1\x87\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0, \xd0\xbc\xd1\x8b \xd1\x83\xd1\x88\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x82\xd1\x81 \xd0\xba \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd1\x83..', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/25013670', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519902725L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb3\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x8c \xd0\xb1\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb6\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe \xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe \xd1\x83 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd1\x85 \xd1\x81\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7\xd1\x83', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519902735L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '...', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519905265L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xaf \xd0\xb5\xd1\x89\xd1\x91 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb7, \xd1\x83\xd0\xb1\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd1\x88\xd1\x83, \xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 \xd0\x92\xd1\x8b \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd1\x83, \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd1\x85\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xa2\xd0\xa13.', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:31] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519907159L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:32] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:36] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:43] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:43] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:47] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:49] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:49] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:54:52] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4280119216L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4280119216L: 9}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4280119216L}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4280119216L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:14] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:19] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:21] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:21] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:21] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:36] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:38] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 9 Free: 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0414\u043e\u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d GOH.\u041e\u0442 \u043d\u0430\u0441: \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430, \u0441\u043f\u043b\u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432 \u0438 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u043f\u043b\u044e\u0448\u043a\u0438.\u043e\u0442 \u0412\u0430\u0441: \u0441\u0440. \u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d 50+, \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442 1100+, ProAlfa 1500 +.', 'dogTag': [4270836656L, 4280241072L], 'name': 'Recoden', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 14931616, 'dbid': 71254793, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 429498, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'GOH', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043e\u0431\u0443\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435, \u043f\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044f\u0442\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434\u043e\u043c, \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'dogTag': [4252355504L], 'name': 'SkewGun', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 23300875, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'dogTag': [4293905328L, 4293872560L], 'name': 'BeTeP_He6e', 'level': 5, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 68859407, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0418\u0449\u0443 \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 6 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043e\u0442 57+ \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'dogTag': [4270836656L, 4282338224L], 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 11776947, 'dbid': 7924640, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 8, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134234336, 'rank': 14, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'dogTag': [4293905328L, 4293872560L], 'name': 'Ma4_3_1', 'level': 5, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 91868897, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d SVP (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0414\u0418\u0421\u041a\u041e\u0420\u0414 . \u041d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0435\u0439 10 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f.\u0411\u043e\u0438 1000 +++ \u041d\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430) \u0412 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414\u0410\u0425 \u041d\u0415 \u0418\u0413\u0420\u0410\u042e.\u041f\u041e \u0412\u0421\u0415\u041c \u0412\u041e\u041f\u0420\u041e\u0421\u0410\u041c \u0412 \u041b\u0418\u0427\u041a\u0423', 'dogTag': [4285516720L, 4266609584L], 'name': 'MINER_1956', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13427940, 'dbid': 71118075, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 425046, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'SVP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043c\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0430 - \u043d\u0430\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0435\u043c \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d, \u0441\u043c\u043e\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043c \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0444\u0438\u043b\u044c. \u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044c \u0417\u0410\u042f\u0412\u041a\u041e\u0419 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d, \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u043d\u0435 \u0437\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c.', 'dogTag': [4284861360L], 'name': '44Legioner', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 14931616, 'dbid': 3789866, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 419498, 'rankSeasonId': 8, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134234336, 'rank': 14, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'-DRT-', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'dogTag': [4293905328L, 4293872560L], 'name': 'tanchik_207', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 11776947, 'dbid': 3704507, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 425868, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'AN13', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:39] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0448\u0430\u0435\u043c \u043f\u043e\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438 \u0430\u0434\u0435\u043a\u0432\u0430\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u043b\u044e\u0434\u0435\u0439 \u0432 \u041a\u043b\u0430\u043d \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b \u0438 \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f. \u041f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434 \u043e\u0442 49%, \u0431\u043e\u0451\u0432 <2\u0442,\u0447 \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 10\u0443\u0440 \u043f\u043b\u044e\u0441 \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c. \u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443. \u0412 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u0434\u0443.', 'dogTag': [4272933808L, 4281289648L], 'name': 'zhakr', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 16777215, 'dbid': 73478335, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 433362, 'rankSeasonId': 8, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134234336, 'rank': 14, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'SBSBF', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:51] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:51] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:51] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:53] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:53] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:53] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_01 20:55:54] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 31 battleType = 116 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:01] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:01] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:02] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 50_Gold_harbor [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 381067 Name: Dastin1995 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1430568 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 537187982 Name: mirskiy_d TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 1430570 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 537239955 Name: Erdny TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1430572 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 537283991 Name: termitatm TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1430574 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 228259 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1430576 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 537337512 Name: Lakki89 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD106_Ernst_Gaede avatarId: 1430578 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 285871 Name: sem_183 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1430580 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 305986 Name: Vjpujtl TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD206_Pr_7 avatarId: 1430582 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 537228230 Name: lebin1941 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1430584 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 281544 Name: vvf1963 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1430586 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 537199182 Name: pihnar TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 1430588 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 379600 Name: _BAPS_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1430590 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 249556 Name: l_Black_Beard_l TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1430592 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 409047 Name: Alex_Gor_2017 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1430594 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 413273 Name: sss_1969 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA009_Ryujo_1933 avatarId: 1430596 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 376666 Name: BALTIKA74 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA009_Ryujo_1933 avatarId: 1430598 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 270171 Name: kaa1479 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1430600 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 313466 Name: Limonad2011 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1430612 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 321121 Name: protasik_stalnoj TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1430604 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 537200107 Name: DuxSidus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 1430606 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 537202029 Name: zoubarev_s_v TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1430608 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 514039 Name: Arti1093 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1430610 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 404986 Name: xxxOVENxxx TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1430602 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] player: Id: 418047 Name: MOPEMAH__1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1430614 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1430566; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1430566; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-261.0, 244.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-112.0, -112.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [110.0, 110.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [244.0, -261.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1430567, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:04] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537387143, 0, 0, 1430578, 1519912553283L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537387143: PreBattleInfo: id: 537387143, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1430578, creationTime 1519912553283, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537387143, 0, 0, 1430578, 1519912553283L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537387143: PreBattleInfo: id: 537387143, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1430578, creationTime 1519912553283, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537387143, 0, 0, 1430578, 1519912553283L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537387143: PreBattleInfo: id: 537387143, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1430578, creationTime 1519912553283, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537387143, 0, 0, 1430578, 1519912553283L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537387143: PreBattleInfo: id: 537387143, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1430578, creationTime 1519912553283, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537387143, 0, 0, 1430578, 1519912553283L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537387143: PreBattleInfo: id: 537387143, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1430578, creationTime 1519912553283, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537387143, 0, 0, 1430578, 1519912553283L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537387143: PreBattleInfo: id: 537387143, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1430578, creationTime 1519912553283, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:56:54] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_01 20:57:07] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_01 20:57:22] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_01 20:57:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 20:57:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7093712 {'jid': '7093712@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'monster777destroer', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:57:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 20:59:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 20:59:56] id 1430583 [S] [2018_03_01 20:59:56] name Vjpujtl [S] [2018_03_01 20:59:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:19] id 1430587 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:19] name vvf1963 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:30] id 1430587 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] id 1430595 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] name Alex_Gor_2017 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1430595 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] [Weather][5024] onEnterWorld (map spaces/50_Gold_harbor/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] id 1430577 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_01 21:00:51] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:04] id 1430579 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:04] name Lakki89 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:05] id 1430613 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:05] name Limonad2011 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:06] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:06] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:07] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:25] id 1430589 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:25] name pihnar [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:29] id 1430613 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] id 1430585 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] name lebin1941 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] id 1430599 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] name BALTIKA74 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1430599 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] id 1430607 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] name DuxSidus [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1430607 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:49] id 1430589 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:55] id 1430615 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:55] name MOPEMAH__1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:01:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:00] id 1430603 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:00] name xxxOVENxxx [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:00] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_01 21:02:00] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:01] id 1430603 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:15] id 1430589 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:15] name pihnar [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:16] id 1430615 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:17] id 1430601 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:17] name kaa1479 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:34] id 1430569 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:34] name Dastin1995 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:41] id 1430569 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:45] id 1430595 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] id 1430609 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] name zoubarev_s_v [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1430609 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] id 1430587 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] name vvf1963 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] id 1430615 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] name MOPEMAH__1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] id 1430603 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] name xxxOVENxxx [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:02:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] id 1430611 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] name Arti1093 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] id 1430581 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] name sem_183 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] id 1430593 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] name l_Black_Beard_l [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] id 1430613 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] name Limonad2011 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] id 1430575 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] name termitatm [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1430575 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:12] id 1430595 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:12] name Alex_Gor_2017 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1430595 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:12] id 1430573 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:12] name Erdny [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:13] id 1430603 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1430566; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] [Weather][5024] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] id 1430573 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] id 1430575 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] id 1430577 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] id 1430579 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] id 1430581 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] id 1430583 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:23] id 1430585 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430587 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430589 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430593 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430595 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430599 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430601 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430607 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430609 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430611 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430613 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:24] id 1430615 [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_01 21:03:25] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_02 13:46:54] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_02 13:46:55] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:00] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:05] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:05] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:05] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:12] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:12] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:14] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:14] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:14] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:14] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:16] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_02 13:47:18] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_02 13:47:18] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:20] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:20] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:20] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:20] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:20] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:20] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:20] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:21] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:22] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:22] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:22] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:26] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:27] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:27] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 0, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:27] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:27] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:28] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:41] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:47:41] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:23] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:23] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:25] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:25] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:90280970189018887338683847040120509595","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:25] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:90280970189018887338683847040120509595', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:25] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:90280970189018887338683847040120509595', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:25] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:25] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x468A6030 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:26] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:27] setServerTime: serverTime=1519973307 time.time()=1519973307.11 gInitialClientTime=58.2890014648 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:27] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:27] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:30] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:30] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:30] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:30] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:30] _onChangeTimeOut 701 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:31] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 12}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 0}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:31] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:31] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1011014) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:31] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:31] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:32] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:32] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None))) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:32] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:32] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:32] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0]}, {4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10]}, {4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (2, False, 2), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 1.0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:32] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 5136060851422825L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 5136060851422825L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1519913685.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5136060851422825L, 'credits': 157162, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 31, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 1, 'exp': 3922, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519912553, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1007092, 3922), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 3922, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/50_Gold_harbor.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 31, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3922, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1011014, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/50_GOLD_HARBOR', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '01.03.2018 20:55', 'dt': 1519913685.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1007092, 3922), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5136060851422825L, 'credits': 157162, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1519912553, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1519913685.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 1730, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1730, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519913685.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 69230, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 42L, 'dt': 1519913685.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519913685.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 55L, 'dt': 1519913685.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (45000, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519913685.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 101, 'data': {'count': 1, 'totalCost': 2000, 'at': 1519948800.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 101, 'at': 1519948800.0, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_AUTO_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 23, 'totalCost': 2000, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 116L, 'dt': 1519973306.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1519973306.0, 'postponed': True, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:34] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520087400.0, 1520090980.0)",) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 114085 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520091000.0, 1520091000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 114085 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520105400.0, 1520105400.0)",) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 114085 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:36] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:36] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:37] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 114082 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalEventScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:40] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:42] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:42] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:42] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28276812 {'jid': '28276812@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vovan74vovan', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519964172L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x83\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe, \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:47] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:53] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:55] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:55] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:56] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:56] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:56] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 4, 4287557552L: 20, 4274876336L: 30}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 2 [('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4274876336L}), ('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4284313520L}), ('Item', {'count': 2, 'total': False, 'idx': 4287557552L})] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4356 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4357 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4358 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4274876336L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] onUpdateAchievement: 4225950640 [0, 0, 0, 97] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] onUpdateAchievement: PCH065 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4284313520L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 97] [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:48:58] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4287557552L: 2}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:03] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4274876336L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4284313520L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4287557552L: 2}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:03] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:03] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:51] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_02 13:49:53] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:06] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:18] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:19] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:20] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:20] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:21] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:21] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:21] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:23] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:24] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:24] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:32] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 9 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:40] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 15_NE_north [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536914312 Name: P_AV TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD518_Asashio avatarId: 844737 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 55307 Name: ROYAL_NAVI TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 844739 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 115235 Name: 1981_18 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 844741 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 86567 Name: _Kaizer_Wilhelm_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 844743 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4265561008L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536983849 Name: Yasha TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA011_Hiryu_1942 avatarId: 844745 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268084144L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536890282 Name: bossic TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA011_Hiryu_1942 avatarId: 844747 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 537024815 Name: Anton050119801 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 844749 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4265561008L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 89137 Name: evgenii_950 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 844751 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536950515 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 844773 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536995892 Name: shadowstim1987 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 844755 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 172854 Name: YURAS_NORD TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 844757 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536923964 Name: Sdraste77 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 844759 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 537019970 Name: Dr_Yuri TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 844761 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536935887 Name: popobl2122 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD106_Fu_Shun avatarId: 844765 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536914895 Name: VladimirShevtsov TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC707_Flint avatarId: 844763 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536916785 Name: __13_13_13__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 844767 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 103263 Name: be_happy_Ante TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 844769 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 101223 Name: ReBeL12 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 844771 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268084144L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 536878323 Name: shura1968 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB507_Scharnhorst avatarId: 844753 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 106230 Name: Boxa7 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB527_Duke_of_York avatarId: 844775 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 7287 Name: rgd6 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 844777 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 64888 Name: 71amigo71 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PZSD106_Fu_Shun avatarId: 844779 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 52857 Name: vjhjpjd62 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 844781 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4257172400L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] player: Id: 28924 Name: aleksandr9393 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PZSD107_Gadjah_Mada avatarId: 844783 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] (, 40957038887736, 48): 844735; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] (, 40957038887736, 48): 844735; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-425.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-16.0, 0.0], radius: 80.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [373.9999084472656, 3.0], radius: 95.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [666.9998779296875, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 844736, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 6}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022490, 0, 0, 844775, 1519973424384L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022490: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022490, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 844775, creationTime 1519973424384, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022490, 0, 0, 844753, 1519973424384L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022490: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022490, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 844753, creationTime 1519973424384, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022490, 0, 0, 844753, 1519973424384L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022490: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022490, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 844753, creationTime 1519973424384, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022490, 0, 0, 844753, 1519973424384L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022490: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022490, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 844753, creationTime 1519973424384, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:46] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:48] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_02 13:50:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:20] id 844776 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:20] name Boxa7 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:21] [Weather][2047] onEnterWorld (map spaces/15_NE_north/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:22] id 844764 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:22] name VladimirShevtsov [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] id 844744 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] name _Kaizer_Wilhelm_ [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] @ launchpadAppeared 844744 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] id 844766 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] name popobl2122 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] id 844774 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:24] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] id 844762 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] name Dr_Yuri [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] @ launchpadAppeared 844762 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] id 844740 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] name ROYAL_NAVI [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] id 844750 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] name Anton050119801 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] id 844746 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] name Yasha [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] @ launchpadAppeared 844746 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] id 844752 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] name evgenii_950 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:28] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] id 844756 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] name shadowstim1987 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] @ launchpadAppeared 844756 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] id 844754 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] name shura1968 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:32] @ launchpadAppeared 844754 [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:45] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 13:51:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:52:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:52:01] id 844746 [S] [2018_03_02 13:52:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:52:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:52:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:52:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:52:23] id 844776 [S] [2018_03_02 13:52:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:19] id 844770 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:19] name be_happy_Ante [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:19] @ launchpadAppeared 844770 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:20] id 844742 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:20] name 1981_18 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:23] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:23] name 71amigo71 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:31] id 844760 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:31] name Sdraste77 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:33] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:35] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:35] name 71amigo71 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:37] id 844738 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:37] name P_AV [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:49] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:49] name vjhjpjd62 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:49] @ launchpadAppeared 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:54] id 844776 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:54] name Boxa7 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:55] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:55] name ReBeL12 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:56] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:57] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:57] name vjhjpjd62 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:53:57] @ launchpadAppeared 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:00] id 844738 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:03] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:03] id 844760 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:07] id 844760 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:07] name Sdraste77 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:07] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:07] name vjhjpjd62 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:07] @ launchpadAppeared 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:28] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:28] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:28] name __13_13_13__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:34] id 844770 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:41] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] name YURAS_NORD [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] @ launchpadAppeared 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] id 844770 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] name be_happy_Ante [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] @ launchpadAppeared 844770 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:56] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:56] name vjhjpjd62 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:56] @ launchpadAppeared 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:57] id 844776 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:58] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:54:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:00] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:00] name 71amigo71 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:03] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:04] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:04] name 71amigo71 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:15] id 844784 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:15] name aleksandr9393 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:26] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:27] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:38] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:43] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:49] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:49] name YURAS_NORD [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:49] @ launchpadAppeared 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:55] id 844744 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:56] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:56] name vjhjpjd62 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:56] @ launchpadAppeared 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:55:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:03] id 844776 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:03] name Boxa7 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:05] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:10] id 844740 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:18] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:18] id 844776 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:22] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:22] name vjhjpjd62 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:22] @ launchpadAppeared 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:32] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:32] name YURAS_NORD [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:32] @ launchpadAppeared 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:34] id 844740 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:34] name ROYAL_NAVI [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:34] id 844754 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:45] id 844742 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:51] id 844742 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:51] name 1981_18 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:52] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:52] name ReBeL12 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:56:58] id 844742 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:00] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:02] id 844744 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:02] name _Kaizer_Wilhelm_ [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:02] @ launchpadAppeared 844744 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:05] id 844752 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:05] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:05] name __13_13_13__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:07] id 844742 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:07] name 1981_18 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:09] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:11] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:11] name ReBeL12 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:16] id 844742 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:30] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:35] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:35] name YURAS_NORD [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:35] @ launchpadAppeared 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:36] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:36] name __13_13_13__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:39] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:43] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:43] name ReBeL12 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:54] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:57:58] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:07] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:07] name __13_13_13__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:14] id 844752 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:14] name evgenii_950 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:29] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:40] id 844752 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:47] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:47] name __13_13_13__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:48] id 844754 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:48] name shura1968 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:48] @ launchpadAppeared 844754 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:50] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:58:58] id 844764 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:03] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:03] name YURAS_NORD [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:03] @ launchpadAppeared 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:12] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:12] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:12] name __13_13_13__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:14] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:14] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:15] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:15] name YURAS_NORD [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:15] @ launchpadAppeared 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:19] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:19] name __13_13_13__ [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:36] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:43] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:43] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:43] name YURAS_NORD [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:43] @ launchpadAppeared 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28276812 {'jid': '28276812@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vovan74vovan', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 13:59:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:09] id 844738 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:09] name P_AV [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:10] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:10] name 71amigo71 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:15] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:15] name ReBeL12 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:21] id 844778 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:21] name rgd6 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:26] id 844738 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:35] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:43] id 844748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:43] name bossic [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:43] @ launchpadAppeared 844748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:47] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:47] name YURAS_NORD [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:47] @ launchpadAppeared 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:48] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:51] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:51] name YURAS_NORD [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:51] @ launchpadAppeared 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:00:58] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:03] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:03] name ReBeL12 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:13] id 844744 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:14] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:17] id 844744 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:17] name _Kaizer_Wilhelm_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:17] @ launchpadAppeared 844744 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:23] id 844742 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:23] name 1981_18 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:29] id 844762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28276812 {'jid': '28276812@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vovan74vovan', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:01:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:01] id 844738 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:01] name P_AV [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:07] id 844762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:07] name Dr_Yuri [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:07] @ launchpadAppeared 844762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:07] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:07] name ReBeL12 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:35] id 844740 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:50] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:50] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:50] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] (, 40957038887736, 48): 844735; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] [Weather][2047] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844738 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844742 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844744 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844750 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844754 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844766 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844768 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844770 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844772 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844778 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844780 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844782 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:52] id 844784 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4280119216L: 18}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 108240}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 23254}}, 'moneyXP': 369, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 7379, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 7379, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 253984, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -75070, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4286410672L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L))}}}}, 'storage': {4280119216L: 17, 4279168944L: 9, 4274876336L: 29, 4286410672L: 1, 4275924912L: 8}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4278362032L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -45000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:54] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4286461936L, 1)]} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1011014) (15, 1018393) [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BR: {'credits': 141102, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1623, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0], ['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 7570, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 67500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[307, 3070], [30, 4500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 45000, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [WWSD-103943] Apply BattleResult SSE: 24938_q01 progress {0: {'count': 13}, 'count': 0} to: {'24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 12}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [WWSD-103943] after apply, SSE: 24938_q01 commonTaskProgress 0.722222222222 task.percentProgress 0.722222222222 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [WWSD-103943] Apply BattleResult SSE: 24925_q01 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}} to: {'24925_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {}, 2: {'count': 0}, 1: {}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [WWSD-103943] after apply, SSE: 24925_q01 commonTaskProgress 0.0333333333333 task.percentProgress 0.0333333333333 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [WWSD-103943] Apply BattleResult SSE: 24924_q01 progress {'count': 1, 3: {'count': 154.0}} to: {'24924_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {}, 2: {}, 3: {'count': 0}, 1: {}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [WWSD-103943] after apply, SSE: 24924_q01 commonTaskProgress 1.0 task.percentProgress 1.0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3628106423792696L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3628106423792696L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 12}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] updateActionsProgress: {'24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 13}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] __updateTaskProgress start: {'24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 13}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519974170, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'24938_q01': {0: {'count': (13, 1)}, 'progress': (0.7222222222222222, 0.05555555555555555), 'name': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0424\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'count': (0, 0)}, '24925_q01': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.03333333333333333, 0.03333333333333333), 2: {'count': (1.0, 1.0)}, 'name': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0412\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 14'}, '25810_q02': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.3, 0.3), 2: {'count': (1.0, 1.0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!'}, '25810_q01': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.25, 0.25), 2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438'}, '24924_q01': {'count': (1, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 3: {'count': (0, 154.0)}, 'name': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0412\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 13'}}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3628106423792696L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 9, 'credits': 253984, 'result': 1, 'exp': 7379, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519973432, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1011014, 7379), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 7379, 'tasks': {'24938_q01': {0: {'count': (13, 1)}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': (1.0, 1.0)}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': (1.0, 1.0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 1)}}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': (1, 1)}}, '24924_q01': {3: {'count': (0, 154.0)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/15_NE_north.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 9, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 7379, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1018393, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/15_NE_NORTH', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 13:50', 'dt': 1519974170, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1011014, 7379), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3628106423792696L, 'credits': 253984, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 5.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '24938_q01', 'titleText': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0424\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 72.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 3.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '24925_q01', 'titleText': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0412\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 14', 'currentProgress': 3.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 30.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!', 'currentProgress': 30.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 25.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438', 'currentProgress': 25.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '24924_q01', 'titleText': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0412\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 13', 'currentProgress': 100.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519973432, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519974170, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 7570, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 7570, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519974170, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 75070, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28276812 vovan74vovan 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3926182 XOZQIN 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519974170, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519974170, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1519974170, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:02:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (45000, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519974170, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:05] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:16] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:16] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:20] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:26] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:26] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:28] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:28] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:28] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:28] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:28] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:28] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 5379, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5379, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 2000, 'type': 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 2000, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 4, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1519974215, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1519974215, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:38] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:38] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:39] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:39] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 5379, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4287459248L: 16}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5379, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 4 [('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4287459248L})] [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4638 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4287459248L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] onUpdateAchievement: 4225950640 [0, 0, 0, 98] [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] onUpdateAchievement: PCH065 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 98] [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:44] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:48] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:49] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:49] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4287459248L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:58] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:58] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 14:03:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:12] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:27] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4274876336L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4274876336L: 28}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:27] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:27] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:40] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4280119216L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4280119216L: 16}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:40] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4280119216L}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:40] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4280119216L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:42] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:45] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:45] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 4 [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:45] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4284463088 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:58] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:58] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:04:58] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 25 battleType = 170 gameMode = Epicenter duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:06] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:06] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:06] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:06] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 41_Conquest [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536948104 Name: centurion02region TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD105_Jian_Wei avatarId: 868727 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536909577 Name: syvak TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 868729 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276472752L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536991243 Name: stoyt_boytsy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 868731 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 29251 Name: MERFI83 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 868733 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4257172400L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536950421 Name: HenTyH4uK TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 868735 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 60315 Name: Hat777 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 868737 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 69664 Name: Alex_27a TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 868739 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293249968L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 537048738 Name: 12018700_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 868741 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536904616 Name: Grakha TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg avatarId: 868743 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 108202 Name: 1234564 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 868745 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 537041579 Name: DenroB78 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 868747 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 165809 Name: v6v6v6 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 868749 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536950515 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 868751 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 46134 Name: 12345678_130 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 868753 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536953144 Name: Chekist_ussr TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 868755 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536998329 Name: kaban___1981 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA009_Ryujo_1933 avatarId: 868757 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536883423 Name: GDN85 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 868759 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 55363 Name: oleg_bratki_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 868761 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 189789 Name: IIopTBeIIIok TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 868763 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536983775 Name: wert64 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 868765 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 537024787 Name: aleks_gv TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 868767 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 536887925 Name: Contra_Mike TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 868769 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 21883 Name: 101roman TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA009_Ryujo_1933 avatarId: 868771 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] player: Id: 101246 Name: Kolbasnik161 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 868773 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] (, 40957038887736, 48): 868725; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] (, 40957038887736, 48): 868725; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-9.918212890625e-05, -9.918212890625e-05], radius: 170.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 6, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 240.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: 0, controlPointType: 6, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 310.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: 1, controlPointType: 6, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 868726, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 4}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [450, 450], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:07] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:09] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] id 868744 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] name Grakha [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] @ launchpadAppeared 868744 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] [Weather][1778] onEnterWorld (map spaces/41_Conquest/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] id 868758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] name kaban___1981 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:34] @ launchpadAppeared 868758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:35] id 868736 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:35] name HenTyH4uK [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:35] @ launchpadAppeared 868736 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:36] id 868770 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:36] name Contra_Mike [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:36] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_02 14:05:36] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 14:05:36] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_Stern_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 14:05:36] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_MidBack_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:37] id 868728 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:37] name centurion02region [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:37] id 868734 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:37] name MERFI83 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] id 868740 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] name Alex_27a [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] id 868738 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] name Hat777 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] @ launchpadAppeared 868738 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] id 868766 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] name wert64 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] @ launchpadAppeared 868766 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] id 868746 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] name 1234564 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] id 868750 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] name v6v6v6 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] id 868752 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] @ launchpadAppeared 868752 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] @ launchpadAppeared 868752 [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] AirplanesCommander.init [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:39] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:05:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:12] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:12] setMode Airplanes [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:06:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:25] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:25] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:36] id 868754 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:36] name 12345678_130 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] id 868742 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] name 12018700_1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] team id 0 [A] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_MidBack_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_MidFront_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] @ launchpadAppeared 868742 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] name Kolbasnik161 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:40] @ launchpadAppeared 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] id 868768 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] name aleks_gv [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] name DenroB78 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:55] @ launchpadAppeared 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] name Chekist_ussr [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:07:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:00] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:05] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:05] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:11] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:13] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:13] name oleg_bratki_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:13] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:26] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:26] id 868768 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:35] id 868768 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:35] name aleks_gv [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:37] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:37] name DenroB78 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:37] @ launchpadAppeared 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:41] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:41] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:41] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:42] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:43] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:45] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:45] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:45] name oleg_bratki_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:51] id 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:51] name GDN85 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:51] @ launchpadAppeared 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:51] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:54] id 868768 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:55] id 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:57] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:57] name Kolbasnik161 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:57] @ launchpadAppeared 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:59] id 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:59] name GDN85 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:59] @ launchpadAppeared 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:59] id 868768 [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:59] name aleks_gv [S] [2018_03_02 14:08:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:01] id 868768 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:03] id 868768 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:03] name aleks_gv [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:10] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:13] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:15] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:15] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:15] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:19] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:25] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:25] name Chekist_ussr [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:27] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:27] name oleg_bratki_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:27] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:29] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:29] name Kolbasnik161 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:29] @ launchpadAppeared 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:35] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:43] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:43] name DenroB78 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:43] @ launchpadAppeared 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:45] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:45] name Chekist_ussr [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:48] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:48] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:50] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:09:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:03] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:12] id 868754 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:12] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:13] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:13] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:13] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:15] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:19] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:28] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:28] id 868754 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:28] name 12345678_130 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:35] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:40] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:40] name oleg_bratki_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:56] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:56] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:56] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:10:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:13] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:13] name DenroB78 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:13] @ launchpadAppeared 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:19] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:19] id 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:20] id 868754 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:25] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:25] name oleg_bratki_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:33] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:35] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:35] name Kolbasnik161 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:35] @ launchpadAppeared 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:39] id 868754 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:39] name 12345678_130 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:40] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:40] id 868754 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:41] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:57] id 868754 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:57] name 12345678_130 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:59] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:59] name Kolbasnik161 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:11:59] @ launchpadAppeared 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:17] id 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:17] name GDN85 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:17] @ launchpadAppeared 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:25] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:25] name oleg_bratki_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:37] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3926182', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519974757L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:46] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:51] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:51] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:12:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:05] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:05] name Kolbasnik161 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:05] @ launchpadAppeared 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:13] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:17] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:17] name Kolbasnik161 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:17] @ launchpadAppeared 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:17] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:17] name Chekist_ussr [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:28] id 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:33] id 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:33] name GDN85 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:33] @ launchpadAppeared 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:46] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:56] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:57] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:59] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:59] name DenroB78 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:13:59] @ launchpadAppeared 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:00] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:03] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:03] name Chekist_ussr [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:05] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:13] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:13] name DenroB78 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:13] @ launchpadAppeared 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:13] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:13] name Chekist_ussr [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:18] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:54] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:14:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:04] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:11] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:11] name Chekist_ussr [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:19] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:19] name DenroB78 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:19] @ launchpadAppeared 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:19] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:39] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:39] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:39] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:39] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:39] name Chekist_ussr [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:45] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:49] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:49] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:56] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:57] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:15:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:01] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:01] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:05] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:05] name oleg_bratki_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:07] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:08] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:08] name oleg_bratki_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:11] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:13] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:13] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:13] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:14] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:16] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:16] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:25] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:41] id 868764 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:41] name IIopTBeIIIok [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:41] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:41] @ launchpadAppeared 868764 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:47] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:47] name Chekist_ussr [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:48] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:48] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:51] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:53] id 868764 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:57] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:57] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:16:57] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:02] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:21] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:28] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:28] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:28] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:34] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:37] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:37] name DenroB78 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:37] @ launchpadAppeared 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:56] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:56] name oleg_bratki_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:17:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:00] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:00] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:18:55] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:00] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:00] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:16] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] id 868772 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] name 101roman [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] @ launchpadAppeared 868772 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:34] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:34] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:35] id 868772 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28276812 {'jid': '28276812@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vovan74vovan', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:48] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:48] name stoyt_boytsy [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:19:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:09] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:09] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:09] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:10] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:15] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:16] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:16] name syvak [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:16] @ launchpadAppeared 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:20:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:08] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:19] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:31] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] (, 40957038887736, 48): 868725; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] [Weather][1778] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] id 868728 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] id 868730 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] id 868732 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] id 868734 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] id 868736 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] id 868738 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:34] id 868740 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868742 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868744 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868746 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868748 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868750 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868752 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868754 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868756 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868758 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868760 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868762 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868766 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868768 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868770 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:35] id 868774 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:36] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:37] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28276812 vovan74vovan 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3926182 XOZQIN 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:43] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:44] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:44] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:44] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:44] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:44] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28276812 {'jid': '28276812@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vovan74vovan', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:21:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:23:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:08] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'exp': 44372}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 53527}}, 'moneyXP': 95, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 7264, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 7264, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 234648, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -60200, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1018393) (15, 1020278) [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 37, 4280119216L: 15, 4275924912L: 7, 4274876336L: 27, 4278120368L: 14}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] __updateTaskProgress start: {'24938_q01': {0: {'count': 13}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 1.0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 1.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 1}}, '24924_q01': {}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 26.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 13}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 26.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] updateActionsProgress: {'24925_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 26.0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 26.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] __updateTaskProgress start: {'24925_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 26.0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 26.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519975449, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'24925_q01': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.8666666666666667, 0.8333333333333334), 2: {'count': (26.0, 25.0)}, 'name': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0412\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 14'}, '25810_q02': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.75, 0.5), 2: {'count': (26.0, 25.0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3550174242207642L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 25, 'credits': 234648, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1885, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519974298, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1018393, 1885), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:10] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1885, 'tasks': {'24925_q01': {2: {'count': (26.0, 25.0)}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': (26.0, 25.0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/41_Conquest.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 25, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1885, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1020278, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/41_CONQUEST', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 14:04', 'dt': 1519975449, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1018393, 1885), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3550174242207642L, 'credits': 234648, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 83.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '24925_q01', 'titleText': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0412\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 14', 'currentProgress': 86.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 50.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!', 'currentProgress': 75.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519974298, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BR: {'credits': 104288, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 821, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 22400, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 37800, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [64, 22400]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519975449, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 22400, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 37800}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 22400, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519975449, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 60200, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 37800, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519975449, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1519975449, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 14:24:12] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:25:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:25:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:04] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:04] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 4 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:04] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4284463088 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:10] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:10] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:20] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 11 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:28] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 17_NA_fault_line [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536895105 Name: Sergey775645 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 885927 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536878340 Name: doz1000 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 885929 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536895118 Name: TAHK_vrn36 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD206_Pr_7 avatarId: 885931 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536900255 Name: war159 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 885941 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 81834 Name: PILOTOLO TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 885935 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 177886 Name: xGANS66x TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 885937 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 106295 Name: FiluS302 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 885939 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536955039 Name: gora6123 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 885933 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536948028 Name: MAJOR_MOCKBA TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 885943 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536923972 Name: DARTH1939VADER TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 885945 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536995922 Name: B_A_R_A_K_Y_D_A TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 885963 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283812784L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536950393 Name: Valeriy66 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 885971 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 537039326 Name: cfp TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 885951 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536911840 Name: Djek2015_15 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 885953 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 81890 Name: _BOBAH_24_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 885955 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 19427 Name: Yzemlyak TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 885957 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536890346 Name: Armed95 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 885959 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 537007980 Name: SLAVYANYCHK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 885961 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 74706 Name: znobok TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 885947 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 36848 Name: PITOT TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC505_KrasniKrym avatarId: 885965 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536950515 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 885967 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 84212 Name: FrostasMG TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 885969 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 536915065 Name: Wowan5808 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 885949 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] player: Id: 136956 Name: vashington_2017 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 885973 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] (, 40957038887736, 48): 885925; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] (, 40957038887736, 48): 885925; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [1.1995999813079834, 370.0], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [1.1995999813079834, -370.0], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 885926, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:29] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:51] id 885946 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:51] name DARTH1939VADER [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:51] [Weather][2398] onEnterWorld (map spaces/17_NA_fault_line/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:52] id 885932 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:52] name TAHK_vrn36 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:53] id 885948 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:53] name znobok [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:53] @ launchpadAppeared 885948 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] id 885940 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] name FiluS302 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] @ launchpadAppeared 885940 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] id 885944 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] name MAJOR_MOCKBA [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] @ launchpadAppeared 885944 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] id 885954 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] name Djek2015_15 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:55] @ launchpadAppeared 885954 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] id 885950 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] name Wowan5808 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] @ launchpadAppeared 885950 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] id 885952 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] name cfp [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] @ launchpadAppeared 885952 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] id 885958 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] name Yzemlyak [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] @ launchpadAppeared 885958 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] id 885964 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] name B_A_R_A_K_Y_D_A [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] id 885968 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] @ launchpadAppeared 885968 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] id 885942 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] name war159 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] @ launchpadAppeared 885968 [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] AirplanesCommander.init [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 14:26:57] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:34] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:34] setMode Airplanes [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:27:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:28:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:05] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:05] name Valeriy66 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:08] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:08] name xGANS66x [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:08] id 885930 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:08] name doz1000 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:08] @ launchpadAppeared 885930 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:12] id 885930 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:13] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:17] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:20] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:20] name Valeriy66 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] name xGANS66x [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] id 885930 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] name doz1000 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:23] @ launchpadAppeared 885930 [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:29:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:18] id 885930 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:20] id 885930 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:20] name doz1000 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:20] @ launchpadAppeared 885930 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:29] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:29] name Armed95 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:29] @ launchpadAppeared 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:31] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:31] name vashington_2017 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:39] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:39] name _BOBAH_24_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:39] @ launchpadAppeared 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:40] id 885962 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:40] name SLAVYANYCHK [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:40] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:40] @ launchpadAppeared 885962 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:48] id 885962 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:55] id 885966 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:55] name PITOT [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:59] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:59] name FrostasMG [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:30:59] @ launchpadAppeared 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:00] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:09] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:09] name _BOBAH_24_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:09] @ launchpadAppeared 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:10] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:11] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:11] name FrostasMG [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:11] @ launchpadAppeared 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:14] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:14] id 885966 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:15] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:15] name vashington_2017 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:16] id 885966 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:16] name PITOT [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:19] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:20] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:20] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:20] name Armed95 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:20] @ launchpadAppeared 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:21] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:21] name vashington_2017 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:27] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:28] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:28] name Armed95 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:28] @ launchpadAppeared 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:30] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:33] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:35] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:35] name Valeriy66 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:36] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:36] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:39] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:40] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:40] name xGANS66x [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:41] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] name gora6123 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] @ launchpadAppeared 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] name Armed95 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:47] @ launchpadAppeared 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:53] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:56] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:58] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:59] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:59] name Armed95 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:31:59] @ launchpadAppeared 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:00] id 885966 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:01] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:15] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:15] name xGANS66x [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:25] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:25] name vashington_2017 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:33] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:33] name Armed95 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:33] @ launchpadAppeared 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:40] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] id 885928 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] name Sergey775645 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] @ launchpadAppeared 885928 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] name _BOBAH_24_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:43] @ launchpadAppeared 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:44] id 885928 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:44] id 885966 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:44] name PITOT [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:46] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:47] id 885928 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:47] name Sergey775645 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:47] @ launchpadAppeared 885928 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:53] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:53] name FrostasMG [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:53] @ launchpadAppeared 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:59] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:59] name vashington_2017 [S] [2018_03_02 14:32:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] id 885936 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] name PILOTOLO [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] name _BOBAH_24_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:04] @ launchpadAppeared 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:25] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:29] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:29] name _BOBAH_24_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:29] @ launchpadAppeared 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:52] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:55] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:55] name gora6123 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:55] @ launchpadAppeared 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:33:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:04] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:11] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:11] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:11] name Valeriy66 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:12] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:12] name gora6123 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:12] @ launchpadAppeared 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:16] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:19] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:31] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:31] name Valeriy66 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:33] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:33] name gora6123 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:33] @ launchpadAppeared 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:37] id 885966 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:44] id 885966 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:44] name PITOT [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:59] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:59] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:34:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:23] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:23] name FrostasMG [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:23] @ launchpadAppeared 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:33] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:33] name gora6123 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:33] @ launchpadAppeared 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:35] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:36] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:36] name FrostasMG [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:36] @ launchpadAppeared 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:49] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:49] name _BOBAH_24_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:49] @ launchpadAppeared 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:55] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:35:56] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:08] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:08] name Valeriy66 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:09] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:15] setMode PlaneTracker [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:17] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:17] name _BOBAH_24_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:17] @ launchpadAppeared 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:27] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:29] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:31] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:31] name Valeriy66 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:35] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:35] name _BOBAH_24_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:35] @ launchpadAppeared 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:45] id 885962 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:45] name SLAVYANYCHK [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:45] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:45] @ launchpadAppeared 885962 [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:36:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:14] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] id 885962 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:16] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:17] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:17] name FrostasMG [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:17] @ launchpadAppeared 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28276812 {'jid': '28276812@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vovan74vovan', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:40] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:43] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:43] name _BOBAH_24_ [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:37:43] @ launchpadAppeared 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:01] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:01] name FrostasMG [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:01] @ launchpadAppeared 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:02] id 885956 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:04] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:04] name Valeriy66 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:06] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:06] name xGANS66x [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:15] Avatar.makeEvaluation 0 885945 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:15] Avatar.onEvaluationAccepted 0 6 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:20] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', True, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:20] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', True, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] (, 40957038887736, 48): 885925; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] [Weather][2398] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885928 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885930 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885932 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885934 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885936 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885938 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885940 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885942 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885944 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885946 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885948 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885950 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885952 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885954 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885958 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885960 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885964 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] id 885966 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] id 885968 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] id 885970 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] id 885972 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] id 885974 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:25] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:26] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['denunciationsLeft', 'praisesLeft'] [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28276812 vovan74vovan 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3926182 XOZQIN 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:32] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 14:38:33] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 14:40:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28276812 {'jid': '28276812@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vovan74vovan', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:40:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4278022064L: 47}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'exp': 45854}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 55009}}, 'moneyXP': 75, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 8746, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 8746, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 173298, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:07] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -50400, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1020278) (15, 1021760) [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 46, 4280119216L: 14, 4275924912L: 6, 4274876336L: 26, 4278120368L: 13}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] __updateTaskProgress start: {'24925_q01': {2: {'count': 26.0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 26.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 61.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 13}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] updateActionsProgress: {'24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] __updateTaskProgress start: {'24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519976527, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'24938_q01': {0: {'count': (14, 1)}, 'progress': (0.7777777777777778, 0.05555555555555555), 'name': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0424\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'count': (0, 0)}, '24925_q01': {'count': (1, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 1.0), 2: {'count': (61.0, 35.0)}, 'name': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0412\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 14'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3805016126717084L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 11, 'credits': 173298, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1482, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519975580, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1020278, 1482), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:08] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1482, 'tasks': {'24938_q01': {0: {'count': (14, 1)}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': (61.0, 35.0)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/17_NA_fault_line.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 11, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1482, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1021760, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/17_NA_FAULT_LINE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 14:26', 'dt': 1519976527, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1020278, 1482), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3805016126717084L, 'credits': 173298, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 5.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '24938_q01', 'titleText': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0424\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 77.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '24925_q01', 'titleText': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0412\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 14', 'currentProgress': 100.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519975580, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:09] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:09] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BR: {'credits': 77021, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 645, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 12600, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 37800, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [36, 12600]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519976527, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 12600, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 37800}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:10] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 12600, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519976527, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 50400, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 37800, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:11] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519976527, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:11] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1519976527, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 14:42:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:43:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:46:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:47:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:49:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:49:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:49:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:49:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:51:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:52:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:53:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28276812 {'jid': '28276812@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vovan74vovan', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:12] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:12] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:12] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:22] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:22] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:23] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:23] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:26] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:34] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:41] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:41] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:43] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:44] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:44] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_02 14:54:44] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:29] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:29] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:33] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:39] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:39] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:39] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:45] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:45] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:47] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:47] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:47] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:47] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:48] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_02 16:43:50] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_02 16:43:50] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:52] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:52] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:52] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:52] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:52] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:52] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:52] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:52] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:53] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:53] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:53] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:57] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:57] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:57] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_02 16:43:58] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_02 16:44:09] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_02 16:44:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:44:10] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:50] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:51] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:53] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:53] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:249720078776153833777814620460617664927","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:53] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:249720078776153833777814620460617664927', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:53] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:249720078776153833777814620460617664927', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:53] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:53] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x4BEFFEA0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:54] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:55] setServerTime: serverTime=1519984074 time.time()=1519984075.01 gInitialClientTime=236.602996826 [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:55] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:55] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:58] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:58] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:58] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:58] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:58] _onChangeTimeOut 701 [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:59] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 61.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:59] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:59] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1021760) [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:59] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:59] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:59] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 16:47:59] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:00] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None))) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:00] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:00] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:00] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4287545264L: [1, 0], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 1.0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (2, False, 3), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:00] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 8746, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 8746, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520087400.0, 1520090980.0)",) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 103318 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520091000.0, 1520091000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 103318 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520105400.0, 1520105400.0)",) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 103318 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:04] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:04] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:05] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 103315 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:07] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:08] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:08] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:09] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519964172L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x83\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe, \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3926182', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519974757L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35959136', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519978894L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519980061L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x97\xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb2\xd1\x83\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5, \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:11] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519980367L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:13] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:21] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:21] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:21] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:28] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:28] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:28] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:29] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:38] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:38] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:38] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 10 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:46] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:46] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 16_OC_bees_to_honey [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 536928901 Name: mihaaanik TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1055258 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 536915209 Name: SitkX TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 1055260 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 55569 Name: alex0373 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 1055262 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 91666 Name: Var1k TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 1055264 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 157587 Name: T424AC TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1055266 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 537063958 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1055268 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 537027610 Name: Luttiens TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1055270 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 537056540 Name: Bull40 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1055272 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 137246 Name: habaar TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1055274 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 175907 Name: Pshelovod_98 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 1055276 isBot: False dogeTage: [4259695536L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 537079079 Name: BOBAH_GTN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1055278 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 122798 Name: vadimys22 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB110_Grossdeutschland avatarId: 1055280 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 536936239 Name: vfibyf123 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC110_Henri_IV avatarId: 1055282 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 53168 Name: Simmargll TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD110_Z_52 avatarId: 1055284 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 536977011 Name: Crazy_Mankei TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1055300 isBot: False dogeTage: [4263889840L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 537017666 Name: MikeVik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD108_Akizuki avatarId: 1055288 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276079536L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 84805 Name: f0A TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 1055290 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 536886091 Name: dimafil25515 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 1055292 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 536955229 Name: corma73 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1055294 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 18277 Name: _Drevnij_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1055296 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 69744 Name: Panzer_51 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD210_Grozovoy_pr_40N avatarId: 1055298 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 151667 Name: Okonar_92 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1055286 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 120822 Name: ausvays68 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1055302 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] player: Id: 157692 Name: liccec831_2015 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1055304 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1055256; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1055256; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [249.9998016357422, -291.9999084472656], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-250.0001983642578, 291.99981689453125], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1055257, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:51] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:54] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_02 16:48:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:19] id 1055269 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:19] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:19] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:19] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:19] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:19] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:19] [Weather][2114] onEnterWorld (map spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:20] id 1055259 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:20] name mihaaanik [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:20] id 1055291 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:20] name f0A [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1055291 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:21] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:21] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] id 1055261 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] name SitkX [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] id 1055301 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] name Crazy_Mankei [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] id 1055305 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] name liccec831_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:23] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] id 1055273 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] name Bull40 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] id 1055271 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] name Luttiens [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1055271 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] id 1055279 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] name BOBAH_GTN [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:28] id 1055281 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:28] name vadimys22 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1055281 [S] [2018_03_02 16:49:52] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:12] id 1055273 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:40] id 1055293 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:40] name dimafil25515 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1055293 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:43] id 1055293 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:50] id 1055265 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:50] name Var1k [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1055265 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:54] id 1055293 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:54] name dimafil25515 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1055293 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:56] id 1055283 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:56] name vfibyf123 [S] [2018_03_02 16:50:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:04] id 1055285 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:04] name Simmargll [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:05] id 1055295 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:05] name corma73 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:08] id 1055287 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:08] name Okonar_92 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:13] id 1055299 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:13] name Panzer_51 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:15] id 1055285 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:15] id 1055299 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:26] id 1055295 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:29] id 1055287 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:30] id 1055293 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:31] id 1055287 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:31] name Okonar_92 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:32] id 1055265 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:43] id 1055293 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:43] name dimafil25515 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1055293 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:46] id 1055273 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:46] name Bull40 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] id 1055263 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] name alex0373 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1055263 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] id 1055293 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] id 1055275 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] name habaar [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:47] id 1055283 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:48] id 1055303 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:48] name ausvays68 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:50] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:50] id 1055287 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1055256; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] [Weather][2114] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055259 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055261 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055263 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055269 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055271 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055273 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055275 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055279 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055281 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055291 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055301 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055303 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:51] id 1055305 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:52] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:53] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:53] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:53] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:53] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:53] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:53] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:53] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:53] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:54] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:54] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3926182 XOZQIN 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 16:51:59] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:05] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:08] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:08] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:08] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:12] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:12] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 4 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:12] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4284463088 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:13] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:13] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 26 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:20] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:20] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 42_Neighbors [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 5249 Name: aleksey06061977 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 1051518 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 75010 Name: blaid_zheleznyj TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1051520 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 537039247 Name: Camel_731 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1051522 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 144785 Name: Schadim_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1051524 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 537063958 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 1051526 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 536974368 Name: Merlon49 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1051528 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 537010725 Name: Dagoniss TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1051530 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 536921895 Name: Tcyme TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC506_De_Grasse avatarId: 1051532 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 536991662 Name: bezbashik TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 1051534 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 537041718 Name: rembrant_100 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1051536 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 536907191 Name: Mecheslav7 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1051538 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 536890426 Name: waldi6322_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB008_Colorado_1945 avatarId: 1051540 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 537005884 Name: skygringo TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB507_Scharnhorst avatarId: 1051542 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 190149 Name: procop2006 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 1051544 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 111697 Name: kolopuh TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1051546 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 536965078 Name: Valdemar_The_Avenger TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1051548 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 38744 Name: uragrebnev TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1051550 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 144729 Name: VadiMaller TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1051552 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 19676 Name: xxl_302 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1051554 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 65082 Name: Lukasorma TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1051556 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 74725 Name: cmo_xn TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 1051562 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 537053412 Name: sudovod1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1051560 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 536902501 Name: Kozorezov TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD207_Minsk avatarId: 1051558 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] player: Id: 7528 Name: Tsvent TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1051564 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1051516; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1051516; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-269.9996032714844, -269.99951171875], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-12.0, -12.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [269.99908447265625, 269.99908447265625], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1051517, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:21] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:23] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] id 1051527 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1051527 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] [Weather][2562] onEnterWorld (map spaces/42_Neighbors/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:53] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1051527 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] AirplanesCommander.init [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] id 1051523 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] name Camel_731 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:54] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] id 1051565 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] name Tsvent [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1051565 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] id 1051539 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] name Mecheslav7 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1051539 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] id 1051561 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] name sudovod1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:57] id 1051537 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:57] name rembrant_100 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1051537 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:59] id 1051541 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:59] name waldi6322_1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:52:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1051541 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:01] id 1051529 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:01] name Merlon49 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1051529 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] id 1051533 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] name Tcyme [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1051533 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] id 1051553 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] name VadiMaller [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] team id 0 [A] [2018_03_02 16:53:03] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:05] id 1051557 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:05] name Lukasorma [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1051557 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:06] id 1051551 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:06] name uragrebnev [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1051551 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:26] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:26] setMode Airplanes [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:53:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:54:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:15] id 1051559 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:15] name Kozorezov [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:22] id 1051559 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:28] id 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:28] name xxl_302 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:34] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:34] name Dagoniss [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:37] id 1051559 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:37] name Kozorezov [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:40] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:40] name skygringo [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:41] id 1051559 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:43] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:43] name procop2006 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:43] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_02 16:55:43] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 16:55:43] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_MidBack_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 16:55:43] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_MidFront_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:54] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:55:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:08] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:08] name Dagoniss [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:13] id 1051525 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:13] name Schadim_1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:14] id 1051547 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:14] name kolopuh [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:14] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_02 16:56:14] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:17] id 1051549 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:17] name Valdemar_The_Avenger [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:17] id 1051559 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:17] name Kozorezov [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:40] id 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:54] id 1051547 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:56] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:57] id 1051547 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:57] name kolopuh [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:56:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:03] id 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:03] name xxl_302 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:04] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:06] id 1051547 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:14] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:14] name procop2006 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:27] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:27] name cmo_xn [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:42] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:42] name Dagoniss [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:43] id 1051519 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:43] name aleksey06061977 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:43] id 1051547 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:43] name kolopuh [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:56] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:57] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:57] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519984677L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc, \xd0\x9c\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8....\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc!!!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:58] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:58] name Dagoniss [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:57:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:05] id 1051549 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:06] id 1051549 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:06] name Valdemar_The_Avenger [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:07] id 1051521 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:07] name blaid_zheleznyj [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:08] id 1051519 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:13] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:13] name procop2006 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:16] id 1051521 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:25] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:27] id 1051521 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:27] name blaid_zheleznyj [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:33] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:33] name cmo_xn [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:34] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:35] id 1051519 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:35] name aleksey06061977 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:38] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:38] name procop2006 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:58:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:01] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:14] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:15] id 1051519 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:21] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:38] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:39] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:39] name Dagoniss [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:44] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:44] name skygringo [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:48] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:51] id 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:58] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 16:59:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:04] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:05] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:05] name skygringo [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:26] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:27] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:27] name skygringo [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:28] id 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:28] name xxl_302 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] id 1051519 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] name aleksey06061977 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] name cmo_xn [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] name procop2006 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:36] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:38] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:38] name Dagoniss [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:41] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:41] name cmo_xn [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:43] id 1051519 [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:00:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:02] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:11] id 1051535 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:11] name bezbashik [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1051535 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:13] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:13] name cmo_xn [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:19] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:22] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:22] name procop2006 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:35] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:47] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:47] name procop2006 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:48] id 1051521 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:57] id 1051521 [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:57] name blaid_zheleznyj [S] [2018_03_02 17:01:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:04] id 1051521 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:13] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:22] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:22] name skygringo [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:23] id 1051519 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:23] name aleksey06061977 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:24] id 1051535 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:25] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:32] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:32] name Dagoniss [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:44] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:46] id 1051519 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:49] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:02:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:41] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:42] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] name cmo_xn [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] name skygringo [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:47] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:47] name Dagoniss [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:54] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:59] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:04:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:12] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:13] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:13] name procop2006 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:16] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:16] name cmo_xn [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:17] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:24] id 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:36] id 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:36] name xxl_302 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:51] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:51] name procop2006 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:05:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:08] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:21] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:21] name cmo_xn [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] name Dagoniss [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:49] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:50] id 1051531 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:57] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:57] name cmo_xn [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:06:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:41] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:41] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:41] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1051516; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] [Weather][2562] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] id 1051523 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] id 1051525 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] id 1051527 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] id 1051529 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] id 1051533 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] id 1051537 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] id 1051539 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:43] id 1051541 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051543 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051545 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051547 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051549 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051551 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051553 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051555 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051557 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051559 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051561 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051563 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:44] id 1051565 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'exp': 47782}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 56937}}, 'moneyXP': 97, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 10674, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10674, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 276197, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -57400, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278120368L: 12, 4278022064L: 45, 4274876336L: 25, 4280119216L: 13, 4275924912L: 5}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:45] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1021760) (15, 1023688) [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:46] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BR: {'credits': 122754, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 840, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 19600, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 37800, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [56, 19600]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519985261, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3848266447396556L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 26, 'credits': 276197, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1928, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519984332, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1021760, 1928), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1928, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/42_Neighbors.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 26, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1928, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1023688, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/42_NEIGHBORS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 16:52', 'dt': 1519985261, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1021760, 1928), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3848266447396556L, 'credits': 276197, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519984332, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {}, '25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 61.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '25818_q1': {}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519985261, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 19600, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 37800}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 19600, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519985261, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 57400, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 37800, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3926182 XOZQIN 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:48] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519985261, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:48] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1519985261, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:52] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:52] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:58] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:59] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:07:59] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:00] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:00] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:02] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:02] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:02] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ExtendedSystemLogWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:06] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:06] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:06] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:12] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:12] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:12] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 174, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:12] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 174, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:12] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:12] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 10500, 'type': 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 10500, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 4, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1519985292, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1519985292, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:21] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:21] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:21] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 174, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4293750704L: 8}, 'dogTags': {'unlocks': {'addedUnlocks': (4282370992L,), 'removedUnlocks': ()}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 174, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 4 [('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293750704L}), ('DogTag', {'count': 1, 'total': False, 'idx': 4282370992L})] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4706 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4707 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4293750704L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] onUpdateAchievement: 4225950640 [0, 0, 0, 99] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] onUpdateAchievement: PCH065 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'dogtagitem': {'itemID': 4282370992L, 'operation': 1}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 99] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:22] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:27] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4293750704L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:27] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'dogtagitem': {'itemID': 4282370992L, 'operation': 1}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:27] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:27] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:27] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:51] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:51] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:54] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:54] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:54] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:08:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:11] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4286461936L, 2)]} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4264488880L: 2}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 110329}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 25343}}, 'moneyXP': 105, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 2263, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 2263, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 101625, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67590, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1023688) (15, 1025777) [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4286410672L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L))}}}}, 'storage': {4286410672L: 0, 4279168944L: 8, 4274876336L: 24, 4280119216L: 12, 4275924912L: 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4278362032L: 2}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -45000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] updateActionsProgress: {'25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] onUpdateDogTags: 4263889840 [0, 0, 0, 36, 27272.0] [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU029 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3700695666073078L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3700695666073078L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BR: {'credits': 56458, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 686, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 90, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 67500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[9, 90], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 45000, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] onUpdateDogTags: 4262841264 [0, 0, 0, 36, 27272.0] [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU030 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519985360, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {'count': (1, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 0.25), 2: {'count': (85.0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!'}, '25810_q01': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.25), 2: {'count': (2, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3700695666073078L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'credits': 101625, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2089, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519984118, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1023688, 2089), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2089, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {2: {'count': (85.0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 1)}}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': (2, 1)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/16_OC_bees_to_honey.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2089, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1025777, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/16_OC_BEES_TO_HONEY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 16:48', 'dt': 1519985360, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1023688, 2089), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3700695666073078L, 'credits': 101625, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 25.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!', 'currentProgress': 100.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 25.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438', 'currentProgress': 50.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519984118, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519985360, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 90, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 90, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519985360, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 67590, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519985360, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519985360, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:24] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1519985360, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:24] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (45000, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519985360, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:25] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:32] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:32] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:37] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:37] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:37] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:39] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:47] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:47] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:48] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:48] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:54] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4284313520L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:55] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 17:09:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:09] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:11] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:12] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:12] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:25] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:25] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:25] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:28] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:28] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:28] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 16 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:35] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:35] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 23_Shards [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 184960 Name: RenamedUser_11047258 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC737_Nachi avatarId: 675091 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 537049218 Name: Maks_67_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 675093 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 77891 Name: Medvedovskiy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 675115 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 537063958 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 675097 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 68548 Name: dim72z TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 675117 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282370992L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 108193 Name: oleg_blr_162 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 675101 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 536962722 Name: Walter33 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 675103 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 108335 Name: Disa32ru TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 675105 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 537013424 Name: Stakannof TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 675107 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 144820 Name: Vsem_Hana_89 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 675109 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 536934711 Name: Peptilio TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 675111 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 163643 Name: vitalij5015 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 675113 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 168387 Name: vladimir_265 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD308_Pr_48 avatarId: 675095 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 159044 Name: smanikaev TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 675099 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282764208L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 94415 Name: NeDoTyPa TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 675119 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 536873592 Name: DrDurov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD508_Z_39 avatarId: 675121 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 110557 Name: ArTEm20124679 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 675123 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 536938207 Name: Agronom_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 675125 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 537010402 Name: mihail_01 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 675127 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 536986227 Name: Admiral_Pronin_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 675129 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 115831 Name: shket TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 675131 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 536916984 Name: shaman39 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB108_Monarch avatarId: 675133 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 536878201 Name: eugen_748 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 675135 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270181296L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] player: Id: 536979347 Name: Dmitry67ru TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 675137 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282370992L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] (, 40957038887736, 48): 675089; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] (, 40957038887736, 48): 675089; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-300.0, -212.0], radius: 80.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 119.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [299.9999084472656, 212.0], radius: 80.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 675090, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537023443, 0, 0, 675137, 1519985427815L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:36] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537023443: PreBattleInfo: id: 537023443, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 675137, creationTime 1519985427815, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:37] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] id 675120 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] name NeDoTyPa [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] [Weather][2372] onEnterWorld (map spaces/23_Shards/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] id 675104 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] name Walter33 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] @ launchpadAppeared 675104 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] id 675132 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] name shket [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:55] @ launchpadAppeared 675132 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] id 675138 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] name Dmitry67ru [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] @ launchpadAppeared 675138 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] id 675114 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] name vitalij5015 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] id 675094 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] name Maks_67_1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] @ launchpadAppeared 675094 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] id 675098 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:57] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] id 675112 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] name Peptilio [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] id 675134 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] name shaman39 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Stern_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] @ launchpadAppeared 675134 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] id 675102 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] name oleg_blr_162 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:10:59] @ launchpadAppeared 675102 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] id 675092 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] name RenamedUser_11047258 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] @ launchpadAppeared 675092 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] id 675124 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] name ArTEm20124679 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:00] @ launchpadAppeared 675124 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:11:41] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:11] id 675124 [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:40] id 675132 [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:53] id 675120 [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:56] id 675102 [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:12:57] id 675112 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:02] id 675114 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:17] id 675108 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:17] name Stakannof [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:17] @ launchpadAppeared 675108 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:39] id 675114 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:39] name vitalij5015 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:43] id 675106 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:43] name Disa32ru [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:43] @ launchpadAppeared 675106 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:57] id 675106 [S] [2018_03_02 17:13:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:12] id 675128 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:12] name mihail_01 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:12] @ launchpadAppeared 675128 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:20] id 675106 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:20] name Disa32ru [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:20] @ launchpadAppeared 675106 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:31] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:31] name Agronom_1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:54] id 675110 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:54] name Vsem_Hana_89 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:54] @ launchpadAppeared 675110 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:56] id 675118 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:56] name dim72z [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:14:56] @ launchpadAppeared 675118 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:07] id 675136 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:07] name eugen_748 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:11] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:19] id 675120 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:19] name NeDoTyPa [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:30] id 675122 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:30] name DrDurov [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:35] id 675110 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:37] id 675118 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:39] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:39] name Agronom_1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:40] id 675118 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:40] name dim72z [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:40] @ launchpadAppeared 675118 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:54] id 675102 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:54] name oleg_blr_162 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:54] @ launchpadAppeared 675102 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:55] id 675110 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:55] name Vsem_Hana_89 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:55] @ launchpadAppeared 675110 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:57] id 675138 [S] [2018_03_02 17:15:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:03] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:07] id 675122 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:07] id 675096 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:07] name vladimir_265 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:08] id 675112 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:08] name Peptilio [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:11] id 675104 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:12] id 675118 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:14] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:14] name Agronom_1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:16] id 675134 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:20] id 675094 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:36] id 675116 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:36] name Medvedovskiy [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:36] @ launchpadAppeared 675116 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:37] id 675108 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:40] id 675128 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:41] id 675106 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:42] id 675130 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:42] name Admiral_Pronin_ [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:42] @ launchpadAppeared 675130 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:44] id 675092 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:52] id 675110 [S] [2018_03_02 17:16:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] id 675124 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] name ArTEm20124679 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] @ launchpadAppeared 675124 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] id 675104 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] name Walter33 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:03] @ launchpadAppeared 675104 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:04] id 675100 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:04] name smanikaev [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:04] @ launchpadAppeared 675100 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:23] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:39] id 675132 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:39] name shket [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:39] @ launchpadAppeared 675132 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:44] id 675130 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:47] id 675130 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:47] name Admiral_Pronin_ [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:47] @ launchpadAppeared 675130 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:51] id 675130 [S] [2018_03_02 17:17:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:04] id 675130 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:04] name Admiral_Pronin_ [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:04] @ launchpadAppeared 675130 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:07] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:23] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:23] name Agronom_1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:31] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:52] id 675122 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:52] name DrDurov [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] id 675110 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] name Vsem_Hana_89 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] @ launchpadAppeared 675110 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] id 675106 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] name Disa32ru [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] @ launchpadAppeared 675106 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] id 675094 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] name Maks_67_1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] @ launchpadAppeared 675094 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] id 675128 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] name mihail_01 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] @ launchpadAppeared 675128 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] id 675118 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] name dim72z [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] @ launchpadAppeared 675118 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] id 675108 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] name Stakannof [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] @ launchpadAppeared 675108 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] id 675092 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] name RenamedUser_11047258 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] @ launchpadAppeared 675092 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] id 675138 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] name Dmitry67ru [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:56] @ launchpadAppeared 675138 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:57] id 675134 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:57] name shaman39 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:57] @ launchpadAppeared 675134 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:58] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:58] name Agronom_1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:58] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:18:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] (, 40957038887736, 48): 675089; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] [Weather][2372] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675092 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675094 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675096 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675098 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675100 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675102 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675104 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675106 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675108 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675110 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675112 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675114 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675116 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675118 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675120 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675122 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675124 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675126 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675128 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675130 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675132 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675134 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:02] id 675136 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] id 675138 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:03] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:04] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3926182 XOZQIN 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:10] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:16] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:16] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:16] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:19] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:20] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 4 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:20] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4284463088 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:45] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:45] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:45] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 26 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 42_Neighbors [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536888192 Name: BRODYGA2013 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1084796 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 537000967 Name: BARBOSSA_1977 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1084798 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 149256 Name: covtung_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB527_Duke_of_York avatarId: 1084800 isBot: False dogeTage: [4259695536L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 51467 Name: RE_ANIMATOR TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1102402 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536934033 Name: Kidza1606 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB527_Duke_of_York avatarId: 1102404 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 537063958 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 1102406 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536905117 Name: jarik_06 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1102414 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536953252 Name: sandei_17 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 1102410 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536876846 Name: 10k__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923 avatarId: 1102412 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 53021 Name: shizcool TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1102408 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536940977 Name: Shtorkas TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA011_Hiryu_1942 avatarId: 1102416 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 10176 Name: GarsamW TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 1102418 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536926276 Name: irbis_690 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB527_Duke_of_York avatarId: 1102420 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 98892 Name: Nek0mata TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1102422 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536996217 Name: 508_2016 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 1102440 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 60836 Name: MichaelFritz TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1102426 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 537037533 Name: DRAGONlotos TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 1102428 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536983905 Name: Aspidd2014 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 1102430 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536991204 Name: rubiconas TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1102432 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 31977 Name: TimonS68 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1102434 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 38768 Name: NAXIMOW_2016 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1102436 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 115830 Name: vovanssssssssss TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1102438 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 536972409 Name: YBIVASHKA_GT TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1102424 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] player: Id: 96343 Name: sanchez263 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1102442 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1084794; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1084794; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-305.3184814453125, 384.7937927246094], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [332.9254150390625, -361.380615234375], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1084795, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:53] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022641, 0, 0, 1102420, 1519985985089L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102420, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022641, 0, 0, 1102420, 1519985985089L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102420, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022641, 0, 0, 1102420, 1519985985089L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102420, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022641, 0, 0, 1102404, 1519985985089L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022641, 0, 0, 1102404, 1519985985089L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537022641, 0, 0, 1102404, 1519985985089L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:19:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (113961, 0, 0, 1102410, 1519985985090L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537022641: PreBattleInfo: id: 537022641, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102404, creationTime 1519985985089, hidden False, locked False , 113961: PreBattleInfo: id: 113961, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1102410, creationTime 1519985985090, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 17:20:58] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] id 1102415 [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] name jarik_06 [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1102415 [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] [Weather][2256] onEnterWorld (map spaces/42_Neighbors/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] id 1102411 [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] name sandei_17 [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:42] id 1102429 [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:42] name DRAGONlotos [S] [2018_03_02 17:21:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] id 1102439 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] name vovanssssssssss [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1102439 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] id 1102425 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] name YBIVASHKA_GT [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1102425 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] id 1102409 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] name shizcool [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1102409 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] id 1102433 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] name rubiconas [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1102433 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:43] id 1102413 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:43] name 10k__ [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1102413 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] id 1102435 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] name TimonS68 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] id 1102407 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1102407 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1102407 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] AirplanesCommander.init [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] setMode Airplanes [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:45] id 1102401 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:45] name covtung_1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:45] id 1102431 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:45] name Aspidd2014 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:56] id 1084797 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:56] name BRODYGA2013 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:22:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1084797 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:01] id 1084797 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:27] id 1084797 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:27] name BRODYGA2013 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1084797 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:50] id 1102423 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:50] name Nek0mata [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:55] id 1102403 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:55] name RE_ANIMATOR [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1102403 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:58] id 1102423 [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:23:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:04] id 1102419 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:04] name GarsamW [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:16] id 1102443 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:16] name sanchez263 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1102443 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:17] id 1102403 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:24] id 1084799 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:24] name BARBOSSA_1977 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:27] id 1084799 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:33] id 1102403 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:33] name RE_ANIMATOR [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1102403 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:35] id 1084799 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:35] name BARBOSSA_1977 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:36] id 1102441 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:36] name 508_2016 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1102441 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:55] id 1102403 [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:24:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:00] id 1102405 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:00] name Kidza1606 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:00] id 1102421 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:00] name irbis_690 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:07] id 1102405 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:15] id 1102441 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:16] id 1084799 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:17] id 1102405 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:17] name Kidza1606 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:17] id 1102443 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:18] id 1102421 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:21] id 1084799 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:21] name BARBOSSA_1977 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:25] id 1102423 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:25] name Nek0mata [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:26] id 1102421 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:26] name irbis_690 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:35] id 1102403 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:35] name RE_ANIMATOR [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1102403 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:39] id 1102405 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:41] id 1102441 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:41] name 508_2016 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1102441 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:46] id 1102423 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:47] id 1102421 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:49] id 1102405 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:49] name Kidza1606 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:50] id 1102427 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:50] name MichaelFritz [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1102427 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:52] id 1102443 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:52] name sanchez263 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1102443 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:56] id 1102421 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:56] name irbis_690 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:57] id 1102423 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:57] name Nek0mata [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:25:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:14] id 1084799 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:17] id 1102421 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:18] id 1102423 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:19] id 1084799 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:19] name BARBOSSA_1977 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:26] id 1102421 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:26] name irbis_690 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:28] id 1102423 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:28] name Nek0mata [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:37] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:49] id 1102421 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:50] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1084794; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] [Weather][2256] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1084797 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1084799 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102401 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102403 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102405 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102407 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102409 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102411 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102413 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102415 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102419 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102423 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102425 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102427 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102429 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102431 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102433 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102435 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102439 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102441 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:51] id 1102443 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:52] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:53] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:54] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:54] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:55] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:55] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:55] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:55] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:26:59] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:05] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:08] [DivisionEntranceContext] requestDivisionSeekerList: Account.requestPreBattleSeekerList(): [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:09] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] receivePreBattles() PreBattleType: 4 Num: 12 Free: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] onReceivePreBattleSeekers [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'dogTag': [4269788080L, 4277095344L], 'name': 'wolna20', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13408614, 'dbid': 35193216, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 427316, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'STALK', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'9 \u043b\u0432\u043b 55% \u0431\u0435\u0437 \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u0438 .\u041f\u0418\u0421\u0410\u0422\u042c \u0412 \u041b\u0421 \u0421\u041c\u041e\u0422\u0420\u042e \u0421\u0422\u0410\u0422\u0423 \u041a\u0411 \u041d\u0415 \u0418\u041d\u0422\u0415\u0420\u0415\u0421\u0423\u042e\u0422.', 'dogTag': [4252355504L], 'name': 'FonsShlangen', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 71053191, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0414\u043e\u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 TOP -150 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432- GOH.\u041e\u0442 \u043d\u0430\u0441: \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430, \u0441\u043f\u043b\u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432 \u0438 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u043f\u043b\u044e\u0448\u043a\u0438.\u043e\u0442 \u0412\u0430\u0441: \u0441\u0440. \u0443\u0440\u043e\u043d 50+, \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442 1100+, ProAlfa 1500 +.', 'dogTag': [4270836656L, 4280241072L], 'name': 'Recoden', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 14931616, 'dbid': 71254793, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 429498, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'GOH', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u0440\u0430\u043d\u0434\u043e\u043c,5-8 \u043b\u0432\u043b,\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043b\u0441,\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c', 'dogTag': [4272933808L, 4292823984L], 'name': 'med671', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13427940, 'dbid': 3290698, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 415106, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'NESW', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u041e\u0434\u0435\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d, \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0438 \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 \u0425 \u0438 \u0432\u043d\u0443\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c, \u043e\u0431\u044f\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e! \u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c \u0432 \u043b\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0443', 'dogTag': [4258646960L], 'name': 'blackhawk91_1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13427940, 'dbid': 63295883, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 426102, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'UA-OD', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0435\u0441 \u043d\u0430 5 \u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434', 'dogTag': [4270836656L, 4282338224L], 'name': 'Sergiksuper1', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 11776947, 'dbid': 7924640, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 428411, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'TSUWR', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u044e \u0441\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438-\u0431\u0435\u0437 \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u0438 \u0438\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0441\u043f\u0430\u0442\u044c-\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d \u044d\u0441\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0446 6\u04389 \u043b\u0432\u043b \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 -\u043e\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0443 \u041b\u0421', 'dogTag': [4293905328L, 4293872560L], 'name': 'pavel12334', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 27340068, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0438\u0449\u0443 \u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0434 6-10 \u043b\u0432\u043b 20+!15 \u043b\u0432\u043b \u0430\u043a\u043a\u0430!\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0441\u0442\u044b,\u043a\u043e\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432\u0449\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0438 \u0431\u0435\u0437 \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u0438 \u043c\u0438\u043c\u043e!\u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u0441\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0431\u043e\u0438!', 'dogTag': [4262841264L], 'name': 'pandora_32', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 35968519, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'', 'dogTag': [4292856752L, 4276046768L], 'name': 'Devil1268', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 0, 'dbid': 4814641, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 0, 'rankSeasonId': 8, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 134234416, 'rank': 19, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u041f\u0420\u0418\u0413\u041b\u0410\u0428\u0410\u042e \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d \u0418\u0413\u0420\u041e\u041a\u041e\u0412 \u041e\u0422 49 \u041f\u0420\u041e\u0426\u0415\u041d\u0422\u041e\u0412 \u041f\u041e\u0411\u0415\u0414. \u041f\u0418\u0428\u0418\u0422\u0415 \u0412 \u041b\u0418\u0427\u041a\u0423. \u0412\u0420\u0415\u041c\u042f + - 2 \u0427\u0410\u0421\u0410 \u041f\u041e \u041c\u041e\u0421\u041a\u0412\u0415,\u0421\u0412\u042f\u0417\u042c RaidCall \u0420\u0423\u0421\u0421\u041a\u0410\u042f \u0412\u0415\u0420\u0421\u0418\u042f 7,3,8,', 'dogTag': [4284861360L], 'name': 'aleks66777', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13427940, 'dbid': 6282488, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 430301, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'VOIN', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u043d\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0440 \u0432 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u043d SVP (\u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u044c \u0414\u0418\u0421\u041a\u041e\u0420\u0414 . \u041d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0435\u0439 10 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044f.\u0411\u043e\u0438 1000 +++ \u041d\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430) \u0412 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414\u0410\u0425 \u041d\u0415 \u0418\u0413\u0420\u0410\u042e.\u041f\u041e \u0412\u0421\u0415\u041c \u0412\u041e\u041f\u0420\u041e\u0421\u0410\u041c \u0412 \u041b\u0418\u0427\u041a\u0423', 'dogTag': [4285516720L, 4266609584L], 'name': 'MINER_1956', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13427940, 'dbid': 71118075, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 425046, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'SVP', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:10] [Seek] s: {'comment': u'\u0412 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u041e\u0419\u0414\u0423 \u041d\u0410\u0411\u041e\u0420 \u0412 \u041a\u041b\u0410\u041d SEV92 53% \u041f\u041e\u0411\u0415\u0414 \u041d\u0410\u041b\u0418\u0427\u0418\u042f 10 \u041b\u0415\u0412\u0415\u041b\u041e\u0412 \u041a\u0420 \u0418 \u042d\u0421\u041c\u041e\u0412 \u0412 \u041b\u0418\u0427\u041a\u0423 \u0418 \u0415\u0429\u0415 \u0412 \u041e\u0422\u0420\u042f\u0414 \u041d\u0415 \u041f\u041e\u0419\u0414\u0423', 'dogTag': [4259695536L], 'name': 'Silk_Bees', 'level': 15, 'clanColor': 13427940, 'dbid': 33212157, 'regionID': 'RU', 'clanID': 421052, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'isAbuser': 0, 'rankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'league': 0, 'clanTag': u'SEV92', 'inviteType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:25] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 385, 'add_slots': (((), 4282216368L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4282216368L: 9}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4282216368L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4282216368L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:40] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 769, 'add_slots': (((), 4288507824L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4288507824L: 10}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:40] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4288507824L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:40] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4288507824L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:44] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1537, 'add_slots': (((), 4280119216L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4280119216L: 11}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:45] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4280119216L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:45] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4280119216L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:50] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 3073, 'add_slots': (((), 4284313520L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 2}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:50] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:50] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:51] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:54] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:54] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 4 [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:55] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4259264496 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:59] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:59] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:59] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 10 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:27:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:03] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:03] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 16_OC_bees_to_honey [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 536900873 Name: Moriak55 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 692044 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 536934797 Name: ProLegend_rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 692046 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 536873745 Name: spanki91 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 692048 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 129939 Name: ivan_1_550 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 692050 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 537063958 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 692052 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 536940953 Name: ded255 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 692054 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 82076 Name: petrucha67 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 692056 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 536924317 Name: Akek001 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 692058 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 537008034 Name: Andriei81 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 692060 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 537079079 Name: BOBAH_GTN TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 692062 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 537037626 Name: kyrsantisd TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 692064 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 536943292 Name: sega17011981 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA011_Hiryu_1942 avatarId: 692066 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 154688 Name: _A_N_C_H_A_R_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC507_Belfast_1959 avatarId: 692068 isBot: False dogeTage: [4267035568L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 537060808 Name: qosta13 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 692070 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 18377 Name: GoldRocket TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 692072 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 537015757 Name: _Sanya_8387_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 692074 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 537017808 Name: Gardemarin211 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 692076 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 536907224 Name: kotic81 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 692078 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 18402 Name: vitaly72 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 692080 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 144868 Name: IHTIGR TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA507_Saipan_1946 avatarId: 692082 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 537060709 Name: tsigan777 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 692084 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 170940 Name: AWSmith TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC506_De_Grasse avatarId: 692086 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 537034487 Name: Medved_essen TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSD506_Aigle avatarId: 692088 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] player: Id: 159097 Name: olegfet_2018 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 692090 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4257172400L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] (, 40957038887736, 48): 692042; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] (, 40957038887736, 48): 692042; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [249.9998016357422, -291.9999084472656], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-250.0001983642578, 291.99981689453125], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 692043, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:04] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] id 692049 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] name spanki91 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] @ launchpadAppeared 692049 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] [Weather][2104] onEnterWorld (map spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] id 692075 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] name _Sanya_8387_ [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:28] @ launchpadAppeared 692075 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:29] id 692089 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:29] name Medved_essen [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:31] id 692085 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:31] name tsigan777 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:31] @ launchpadAppeared 692085 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] id 692069 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] name _A_N_C_H_A_R_ [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] id 692081 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] name vitaly72 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] @ launchpadAppeared 692081 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] id 692057 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] name petrucha67 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] id 692063 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] name BOBAH_GTN [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:32] @ launchpadAppeared 692063 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:33] id 692061 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:33] name Andriei81 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:33] id 692083 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:33] name IHTIGR [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:33] @ launchpadAppeared 692083 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] id 692047 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] name ProLegend_rus [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] @ launchpadAppeared 692047 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] id 692053 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] @ launchpadAppeared 692053 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] @ launchpadAppeared 692053 [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 17:28:34] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 17:29:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:29:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:29:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:29:09] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 17:29:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:19] id 692091 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:19] name olegfet_2018 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:19] @ launchpadAppeared 692091 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] name Moriak55 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] @ launchpadAppeared 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] name ded255 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:21] @ launchpadAppeared 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:25] id 692071 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:25] name qosta13 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:25] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:25] name AWSmith [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:25] @ launchpadAppeared 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:28] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:28] name Gardemarin211 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:30] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:30] id 692091 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:32] id 692071 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:33] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:37] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:38] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:46] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:46] name Moriak55 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:46] @ launchpadAppeared 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:58] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:58] name Gardemarin211 [S] [2018_03_02 17:30:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:01] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:01] name kyrsantisd [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:06] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:06] id 692075 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:07] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:07] name Moriak55 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:07] @ launchpadAppeared 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:07] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:10] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:10] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:13] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:13] name Gardemarin211 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:26] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:28] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:28] name kyrsantisd [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:40] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:46] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:46] name ivan_1_550 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:46] @ launchpadAppeared 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:51] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:51] name kyrsantisd [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:51] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:51] name Gardemarin211 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:31:57] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:09] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:09] name kyrsantisd [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:14] id 692089 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:19] id 692057 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:30] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:31] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:31] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] id 692085 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] id 692079 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] name kotic81 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] @ launchpadAppeared 692079 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:52] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:52] name ivan_1_550 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:52] @ launchpadAppeared 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:58] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:58] name Gardemarin211 [S] [2018_03_02 17:32:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:00] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:10] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:10] name Gardemarin211 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:10] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:11] id 692059 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:11] name Akek001 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:11] @ launchpadAppeared 692059 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:16] id 692049 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:19] id 692083 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:24] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:24] name kyrsantisd [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:26] id 692049 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:26] name spanki91 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:26] @ launchpadAppeared 692049 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:30] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:39] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:39] name ivan_1_550 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:39] @ launchpadAppeared 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:40] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:42] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:42] name Gardemarin211 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:46] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:46] name ivan_1_550 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:46] @ launchpadAppeared 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:51] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:53] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:53] name kyrsantisd [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:33:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:01] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:02] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:05] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] name kyrsantisd [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] name Gardemarin211 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] name ivan_1_550 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:13] @ launchpadAppeared 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:14] id 692071 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:14] name qosta13 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:28] id 692071 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:38] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:38] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:39] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:48] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:48] name kyrsantisd [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:54] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '9' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 9}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:54] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:54] name Gardemarin211 [S] [2018_03_02 17:34:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:04] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:04] name ivan_1_550 [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:04] @ launchpadAppeared 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:35:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:06] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:06] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:06] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:06] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:06] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:07] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:07] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:07] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:07] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:07] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:07] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:08] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:08] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:08] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:08] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:08] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:08] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:08] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:09] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:09] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:09] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:09] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:09] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: invalid key '0' for map {1: 'SCOUT', 3: 'SPEED_BOOSTER', 4: 'TA_BOOSTER', 5: 'MB_BOOSTER', 6: 'HANGAR_BOOSTER', 7: 'SMOKE_GENERATOR'} data - {'state': 2, 'type': 0}",) [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:19] id 692063 [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:28] id 692085 [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:28] name tsigan777 [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:28] @ launchpadAppeared 692085 [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:36:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:22] id 692083 [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:22] name IHTIGR [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:22] @ launchpadAppeared 692083 [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:41] id 692063 [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:41] name BOBAH_GTN [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:41] @ launchpadAppeared 692063 [S] [2018_03_02 17:37:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:05] id 692073 [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:05] name GoldRocket [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:07] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:07] name Moriak55 [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:07] @ launchpadAppeared 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:32] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:47] id 692089 [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:47] name Medved_essen [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:38:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:04] id 692071 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:04] name qosta13 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:08] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:08] name AWSmith [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:08] @ launchpadAppeared 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:21] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:21] name Moriak55 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:21] @ launchpadAppeared 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:34] id 692071 [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:39:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:03] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:04] id 692071 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:04] name qosta13 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:04] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:04] name AWSmith [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:04] @ launchpadAppeared 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:06] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:12] id 692091 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:12] name olegfet_2018 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:12] @ launchpadAppeared 692091 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:15] id 692075 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:15] name _Sanya_8387_ [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:15] @ launchpadAppeared 692075 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:16] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:16] name AWSmith [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:16] @ launchpadAppeared 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:31] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:31] name ded255 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:31] @ launchpadAppeared 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:36] id 692057 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:36] name petrucha67 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:51] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:51] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:51] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:56] id 692091 [S] [2018_03_02 17:40:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:05] id 692091 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:05] name olegfet_2018 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:05] @ launchpadAppeared 692091 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:13] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:13] name ded255 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:13] @ launchpadAppeared 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:16] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:16] name AWSmith [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:16] @ launchpadAppeared 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:33] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:37] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:37] name ded255 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:37] @ launchpadAppeared 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:45] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:46] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:46] name ded255 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:46] @ launchpadAppeared 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:41:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:42:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:42:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:42:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:42:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:42:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:42:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:42:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:43:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:43:02] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:43:02] name Moriak55 [S] [2018_03_02 17:43:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:43:02] @ launchpadAppeared 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:43:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:43:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:44:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:44:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:44:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:44:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:44:25] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_02 17:44:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:44:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:44:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:44:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:21] setMode ShellTracker [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:22] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:35] id 692067 [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:35] name sega17011981 [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:35] @ launchpadAppeared 692067 [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:53] id 692083 [S] [2018_03_02 17:45:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:46:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:45] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:45] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:45] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] (, 40957038887736, 48): 692042; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] [Weather][2104] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] id 692045 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] id 692047 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] id 692049 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] id 692051 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:47] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692053 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692055 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692057 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692059 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692061 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692063 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692065 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692067 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692069 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692071 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692073 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692075 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692077 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692079 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692081 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692085 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692087 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692089 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:48] id 692091 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 112437}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 27451}}, 'moneyXP': 106, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 4371, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 4371, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 130238, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -69330, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L), ((), 4284313520L))}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 1, 4279168944L: 7, 4274876336L: 23, 4280119216L: 10, 4275924912L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4278362032L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -45000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'exp': 48791}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 57946}}, 'moneyXP': 51, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 5380, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 5380, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 61388, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -49350, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278120368L: 11, 4278022064L: 44, 4274876336L: 22, 4280119216L: 9, 4275924912L: 2}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:49] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4287459248L: 26}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'exp': 47883}}, 'changedCrews': {16: {'exp': 52356}}, 'moneyXP': 342, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 12204, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 12204, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 444551, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -30600, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 8, 'autobuy': 13}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4291993520L), (None, 4288847792L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1537, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4287459248L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4282216368L), ((), 4288507824L), ((), 4280119216L), ((), 4284313520L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 43, 4280119216L: 8, 4287459248L: 25, 4282216368L: 8, 4284313520L: 0, 4288507824L: 9, 4278120368L: 10}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4280459184L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4280459184L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -45000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4283604912L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:50] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1025777) (15, 1035718) [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] BR: {'credits': 72354, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 692, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 1830, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 67500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[33, 330], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 45000, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 2857726729855763L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 2857726729855763L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q02': {2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 2}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 3}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4259264496L, 1)]} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] updateActionsProgress: {'25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 3}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 3}}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4289901488L: {(0, 4289913776L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BR: {'credits': 27283, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 439, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 11550, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 37800, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [33, 11550]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519986573, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2857726729855763L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 16, 'credits': 130238, 'result': 2, 'exp': 2108, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519985427, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1025777, 2108), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2108, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/23_Shards.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 16, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2108, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1027885, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/23_SHARDS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 17:10', 'dt': 1519986573, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1025777, 2108), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2857726729855763L, 'credits': 130238, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519985427, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BR: {'credits': 197578, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1798, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0], ['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 9900, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4283604912L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 20700, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[165, 9900], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 45000, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519986573, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1830, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1830, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519986573, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 69330, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519986573, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519986573, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1519986573, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (45000, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519986573, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519987259, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3764244002186561L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 26, 'credits': 61388, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1009, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519985985, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1027885, 1009), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1009, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/42_Neighbors.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 26, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1009, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1028894, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/42_NEIGHBORS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 17:19', 'dt': 1519987259, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1027885, 1009), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3764244002186561L, 'credits': 61388, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519985985, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519987259, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 11550, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 37800}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 11550, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519987259, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 49350, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 37800, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519987259, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1519987259, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 2699963991140139L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 2699963991140139L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519987666, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4289913776L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'25810_q01': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.75, 0.25), 2: {'count': (3, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438'}}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2699963991140139L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'credits': 444551, 'result': 1, 'exp': 6824, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519986475, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1028894, 6824), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 6824, 'tasks': {'25810_q01': {2: {'count': (3, 1)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/16_OC_bees_to_honey.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4289913776L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 6824, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1035718, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/16_OC_BEES_TO_HONEY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': ((4289913776L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 17:27', 'dt': 1519987666, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1028894, 6824), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2699963991140139L, 'credits': 444551, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 25.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438', 'currentProgress': 75.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519986475, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519987666, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 9900, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 20700}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 9900, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519987666, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 30600, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 20700, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519987666, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1519987666, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1519987666, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:47:58] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'cost': (45000, 0), 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1519987666, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:01] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:19] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:19] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:24] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:27] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:27] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:28] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:28] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:29] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:36] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:36] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:36] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:45] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:46] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:46] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:47] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:47] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:50] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:50] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:53] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:48:58] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:00] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:01] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:01] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:05] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:06] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:06] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:10] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:10] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:18] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 9 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:25] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:25] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 15_NE_north [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 536943510 Name: xxNexZoXxx TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 702347 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 537063958 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 702345 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 537029916 Name: 07_zhenya_10 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 702349 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 103586 Name: Abraham_Linkoln_T TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 702351 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 537003548 Name: MOTOSAILOR TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 702353 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4261366704L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 157871 Name: rus_27_andrew TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 702355 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 537008433 Name: Freelancer100 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB109_Lion avatarId: 702357 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 537001017 Name: DarkSpark TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 702359 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276079536L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 536994490 Name: zapotek TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 702361 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 142785 Name: crazyRussianShip TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD409_Pr_20i_Tashkent avatarId: 702363 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 536938562 Name: Lekars85 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 702365 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 2634 Name: Rossish_Boy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 702367 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282764208L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 537034316 Name: ashavo TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 702369 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 180559 Name: K_Tromp TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA012_Zuikaku_1944 avatarId: 702371 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4284435376L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 22100 Name: Leuzer TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 702373 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4256123824L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 536982101 Name: 1Daedalus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 702375 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 190049 Name: BFG_M3 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 702377 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 44006 Name: RenamedUser_25927054 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 702379 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 536931563 Name: celticsss TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 702381 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 10220 Name: Lead_gift TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 702383 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 19822 Name: Lem111 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 702385 isBot: False dogeTage: [4281322416L, 4260318128L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 536981753 Name: Barakuda_12_77 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 702387 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293249968L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 7547 Name: ___sil___ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 702389 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] player: Id: 536886013 Name: bober_74 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 702391 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] (, 40957038887736, 48): 702343; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] (, 40957038887736, 48): 702343; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-425.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-16.0, 0.0], radius: 80.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [373.9999084472656, 3.0], radius: 95.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [666.9998779296875, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 702344, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 6}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:26] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:27] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:58] id 702378 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:58] name BFG_M3 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:58] @ launchpadAppeared 702378 [S] [2018_03_02 17:49:58] [Weather][2723] onEnterWorld (map spaces/15_NE_north/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:00] id 702350 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:00] name 07_zhenya_10 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:02] id 702352 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:02] name Abraham_Linkoln_T [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:02] id 702360 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:02] name DarkSpark [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] id 702382 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] name celticsss [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] @ launchpadAppeared 702382 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] id 702354 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] name MOTOSAILOR [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:03] @ launchpadAppeared 702354 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] id 702374 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] name Leuzer [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] @ launchpadAppeared 702374 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] id 702392 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] name bober_74 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:05] @ launchpadAppeared 702392 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:07] id 702386 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:07] name Lem111 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:07] @ launchpadAppeared 702386 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:08] id 702376 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:08] name 1Daedalus [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:08] @ launchpadAppeared 702376 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] id 702362 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] name zapotek [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] id 702346 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:09] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:50:31] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:33] id 702376 [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:38] id 702392 [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:48] id 702384 [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:48] name Lead_gift [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:48] @ launchpadAppeared 702384 [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:55] id 702388 [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:55] name Barakuda_12_77 [S] [2018_03_02 17:51:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:04] id 702352 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:08] id 702368 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:08] name Rossish_Boy [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:17] id 702348 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:17] name xxNexZoXxx [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:17] @ launchpadAppeared 702348 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:21] id 702366 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:21] name Lekars85 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:23] id 702386 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:29] id 702368 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:32] id 702384 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] id 702384 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] name Lead_gift [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] @ launchpadAppeared 702384 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] id 702356 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] name rus_27_andrew [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:33] @ launchpadAppeared 702356 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:39] id 702368 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:39] name Rossish_Boy [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] id 702390 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] name ___sil___ [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] @ launchpadAppeared 702390 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] id 702352 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] name Abraham_Linkoln_T [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:44] id 702366 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:44] id 702388 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:44] id 702368 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] id 702392 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] name bober_74 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] @ launchpadAppeared 702392 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] id 702358 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] name Freelancer100 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] @ launchpadAppeared 702358 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] id 702386 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] name Lem111 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:45] @ launchpadAppeared 702386 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:46] id 702376 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:46] name 1Daedalus [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:46] @ launchpadAppeared 702376 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] (, 40957038887736, 48): 702343; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] [Weather][2723] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] id 702346 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] id 702348 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] id 702350 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] id 702352 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] id 702354 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] id 702356 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:49] id 702358 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702360 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702362 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702374 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702376 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702378 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702382 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702384 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702386 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702390 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] id 702392 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:50] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:51] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:51] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:52] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:52] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:52] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:52] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:52] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:52] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:52] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:52] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:53] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:53] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:54] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:54] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:54] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:54] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:57] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:58] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:58] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:58] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:58] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:52:58] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:05] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:05] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:06] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:14] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:15] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:15] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:17] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:17] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:17] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:38] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:42] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:43] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 4 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:43] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4284463088 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:48] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:48] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:48] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 31 battleType = 116 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:55] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:55] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:56] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 50_Gold_harbor [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536955273 Name: Cgfhsx TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 707184 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536929040 Name: cthuj61 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC006_Atlanta_1942 avatarId: 707186 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 537063958 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 707188 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536945819 Name: Dnepr_12 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 707190 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 537003554 Name: westik84 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 707192 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4288629680L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 537030058 Name: RenamedUser_17575393 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 707194 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536994482 Name: Alexey_734 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 707196 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536983870 Name: m2d_ADK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 707198 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536929217 Name: xaltus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA011_Hiryu_1942 avatarId: 707200 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 58055 Name: xOTTO68x TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB506_Arizona_1941 avatarId: 718002 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 537044553 Name: Rabid_Opossum TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 718004 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4261366704L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536902861 Name: _Parlament68_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 718006 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 118226 Name: tema62rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD205_Podvoisky_pr_1929 avatarId: 718008 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 149332 Name: SMS161 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 718010 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536890581 Name: Olegaaa TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 718012 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536901343 Name: PbICb_rus42 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PISB505_Giulio_Cesare avatarId: 718014 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 151906 Name: tzoi_jenia2018 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 718016 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536948708 Name: YZVA_83 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 718018 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536876646 Name: polkan46 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC705_Myoko avatarId: 718020 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536921319 Name: amigonikol TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC737_Nachi avatarId: 718022 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536885866 Name: Igrok_46_rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC507_Belfast_1959 avatarId: 718024 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 51564 Name: GEM1971 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 718026 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 536938614 Name: dgordgikk TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 718028 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] player: Id: 19818 Name: Dredok TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 718030 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] (, 40957038887736, 48): 707182; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] (, 40957038887736, 48): 707182; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-261.0, 244.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-112.0, -112.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [110.0, 110.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [244.0, -261.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 707183, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:53:57] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:15] id 707197 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:15] name Alexey_734 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:15] [Weather][1763] onEnterWorld (map spaces/50_Gold_harbor/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] id 718011 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] name SMS161 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] @ launchpadAppeared 718011 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] id 718017 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] name tzoi_jenia2018 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:16] @ launchpadAppeared 718017 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] id 718009 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] name tema62rus [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] id 707185 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] name Cgfhsx [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] @ launchpadAppeared 707185 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] id 718023 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] name amigonikol [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] @ launchpadAppeared 718023 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] id 718007 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] name _Parlament68_ [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] @ launchpadAppeared 718007 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] id 707189 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] @ launchpadAppeared 707189 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] id 718027 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] name GEM1971 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] @ launchpadAppeared 707189 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] AirplanesCommander.init [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] id 707193 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] name westik84 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:18] @ launchpadAppeared 707193 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:20] id 718015 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:20] name PbICb_rus42 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:21] id 707195 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:21] name RenamedUser_17575393 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:21] @ launchpadAppeared 707195 [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:54:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:01] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:01] setMode Airplanes [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:55:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:30] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:30] name Rabid_Opossum [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:30] @ launchpadAppeared 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:32] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:32] name Igrok_46_rus [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:35] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:35] name m2d_ADK [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:36] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:40] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:41] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:41] name YZVA_83 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:41] @ launchpadAppeared 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:46] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:48] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:48] name Rabid_Opossum [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:48] @ launchpadAppeared 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:53] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:53] name cthuj61 [S] [2018_03_02 17:56:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:00] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:00] name Igrok_46_rus [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:01] id 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:01] name polkan46 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:01] @ launchpadAppeared 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:04] id 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] id 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] name polkan46 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:05] @ launchpadAppeared 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:07] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:07] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:11] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:11] name Igrok_46_rus [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:11] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:12] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:15] id 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:16] id 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:16] name polkan46 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:16] @ launchpadAppeared 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:17] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:17] name Igrok_46_rus [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:18] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:18] name YZVA_83 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:18] @ launchpadAppeared 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:18] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:18] name cthuj61 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:20] id 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:21] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:21] name m2d_ADK [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:24] id 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:24] name polkan46 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:24] @ launchpadAppeared 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:24] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:25] id 718031 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:25] name Dredok [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:25] @ launchpadAppeared 718031 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:26] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] name Rabid_Opossum [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] @ launchpadAppeared 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:28] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:28] name YZVA_83 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:28] @ launchpadAppeared 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:30] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:30] name xOTTO68x [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:30] @ launchpadAppeared 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:39] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:58] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:58] name dgordgikk [S] [2018_03_02 17:57:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:06] id 718013 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:06] name Olegaaa [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:08] id 718013 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:11] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:15] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:15] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:16] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:16] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:22] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:22] name Rabid_Opossum [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:22] @ launchpadAppeared 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:24] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:24] name xOTTO68x [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:24] @ launchpadAppeared 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:31] id 707191 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:31] name Dnepr_12 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:31] @ launchpadAppeared 707191 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:32] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:32] name cthuj61 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:36] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:40] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:40] name cthuj61 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:47] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:57] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:57] name cthuj61 [S] [2018_03_02 17:58:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:01] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:02] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:02] name YZVA_83 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:02] @ launchpadAppeared 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:05] id 718013 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:05] name Olegaaa [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:11] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:12] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:14] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:14] name YZVA_83 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:14] @ launchpadAppeared 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:14] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:14] name cthuj61 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:17] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:28] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:33] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:33] name cthuj61 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:36] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:36] name m2d_ADK [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:50] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:50] name Igrok_46_rus [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:55] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:56] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:56] name xOTTO68x [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:56] @ launchpadAppeared 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 17:59:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:01] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:02] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:02] name Igrok_46_rus [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:12] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:13] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:15] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:15] name m2d_ADK [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:26] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:26] name dgordgikk [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:30] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:36] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:39] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:39] name Rabid_Opossum [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:39] @ launchpadAppeared 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] name xOTTO68x [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] @ launchpadAppeared 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:47] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:52] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:52] name m2d_ADK [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:59] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 18:00:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:13] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:13] name dgordgikk [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:31] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:32] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:32] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:40] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:40] name xOTTO68x [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:40] @ launchpadAppeared 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:47] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:47] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:50] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:50] name m2d_ADK [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:50] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:50] name dgordgikk [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:54] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:54] name Rabid_Opossum [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:54] @ launchpadAppeared 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 18:01:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:06] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:06] name cthuj61 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:11] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:12] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:12] name dgordgikk [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:32] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:45] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] name xOTTO68x [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] @ launchpadAppeared 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:02:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:03] id 718013 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:06] id 718013 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:06] name Olegaaa [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:21] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:22] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:29] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:30] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:36] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] name xOTTO68x [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] @ launchpadAppeared 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:55] id 718013 [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:03:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:02] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:02] name dgordgikk [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:08] id 718013 [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:08] name Olegaaa [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:52] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:04:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:02] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:02] name m2d_ADK [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:23] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:25] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:25] name m2d_ADK [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:40] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:40] name dgordgikk [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:05:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:08] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:08] name Igrok_46_rus [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:25] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:06:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:08] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:10] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:10] name m2d_ADK [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:36] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:54] id 718001 [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:54] name xaltus [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:07:54] @ launchpadAppeared 718001 [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:08:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:06] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:51] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] (, 40957038887736, 48): 707182; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] [Weather][1763] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 707185 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 707187 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 707189 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 707191 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 707193 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 707195 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 707197 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 707199 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718001 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718003 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718005 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718007 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718009 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718011 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718013 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718015 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718017 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718019 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718021 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718023 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718025 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718027 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718029 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:54] id 718031 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 12204, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 9}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 12204, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 9} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 114807}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 29821}}, 'moneyXP': 119, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 14574, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 9}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 14574, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 9} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 93336, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67750, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L))}}}}, 'storage': {4279168944L: 6, 4274876336L: 21, 4280119216L: 7, 4275924912L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4278362032L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -45000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'exp': 57004}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 66159}}, 'moneyXP': 411, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 22787, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 9}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 22787, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 9} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 542151, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:55] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -51100, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4275924912L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278120368L: 9, 4278022064L: 42, 4274876336L: 20, 4280119216L: 6, 4275924912L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4286461936L, 3)]} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 9 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 9 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1035718) (15, 1046301) [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] BR: {'credits': 51853, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 778, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:56] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 250, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 67500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[25, 250], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 45000, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1519988641, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1519988641, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] updateActionsProgress: {'25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4284463088L, 1)]} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:57] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:59] BR: {'credits': 240956, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 2164, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:59] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0], ['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:09:59] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 13300, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 37800, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [38, 13300]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3016537440594989L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3016537440594989L, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519988641, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'25810_q01': {'count': (1, 1), 'progress': (1.0, 0.25), 2: {'count': (4, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3016537440594989L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 9, 'credits': 93336, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2370, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519987757, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1035718, 2370), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2370, 'tasks': {'25810_q01': {2: {'count': (4, 1)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/15_NE_north.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 9, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2370, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1038088, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/15_NE_NORTH', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 17:49', 'dt': 1519988641, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1035718, 2370), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3016537440594989L, 'credits': 93336, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 2, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 25.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438', 'currentProgress': 100.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519987757, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519988641, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 250, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:00] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 250, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519988641, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 67750, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519988641, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519988641, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1519988641, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (45000, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519988641, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519988992, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 4.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2552427569556795L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 31, 'credits': 542151, 'result': 1, 'exp': 8213, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519988027, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1038088, 8213), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 8213, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/50_Gold_harbor.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4282573744L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 31, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 8213, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1046301, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/50_GOLD_HARBOR', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipsKilled': 4.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 17:53', 'dt': 1519988992, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1038088, 8213), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2552427569556795L, 'credits': 542151, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519988027, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:02] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519988992, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 13300, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 37800}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 13300, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519988992, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 51100, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 37800, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:02] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519988992, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1519988992, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:04] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:04] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:11] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:13] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:13] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:14] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:14] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:14] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:18] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:18] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:18] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:18] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:18] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:18] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 9 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 22787, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4273827760L: 1}, 'collection': {'changedAlbums': {4292844464L: {'cards': (4277050288L, 4263418800L, 4270758832L, 4272855984L, 4266564528L, 4262370224L), 'duplicates': 0, 'rewardSended': False, 'finishedSubscription': 0}}, 'newCards': (4266564528L, 4262370224L)}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 22787, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 9 [('Item', {'count': 1, 'total': False, 'idx': 4273827760L}), ('CollectionCard', {'count': 1, 'idx': 4266564528L}), ('CollectionCard', {'count': 1, 'idx': 4262370224L})] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:6211 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:6212 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:6213 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4273827760L: 1}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] onUpdateAchievement: 4225950640 [0, 0, 0, 100] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] onUpdateAchievement: PCH065 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'duplicates': 0, 'card': {4266564528L: 1}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] onUpdateAchievement: 4225950640 [1, 1519989020.424414] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] onUpdateAchievement: PCH065 done: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:20] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'duplicates': 0, 'card': {4262370224L: 1}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:21] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 100] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:21] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 60, 'dt': 1519989020, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievementId': 4225950640L}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 60, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EARN_ACHIEVEMENT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 16, 'achievementId': 4225950640L, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1519989020, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievementId': 4225950640L}, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4273827760L: 1}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'duplicates': 0, 'card': {4266564528L: 1}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'duplicates': 0, 'card': {4262370224L: 1}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:28] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:28] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:29] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:29] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:36] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:36] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:36] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:40] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:43] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 18:10:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:00] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:00] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:01] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_02 18:11:02] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_02 20:05:05] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_02 20:05:06] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:05:21] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:29] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:29] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:29] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:54] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:54] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:56] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:56] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:56] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:56] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_02 20:06:58] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_02 20:07:10] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_02 20:07:10] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:22] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:22] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:22] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:22] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:22] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:22] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:23] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:23] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:24] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:24] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:24] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:28] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:28] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:28] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 0, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:30] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:30] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:32] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:33] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:33] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:34] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:35] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:35] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:36] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:36] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:37] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:37] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:37] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:37] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:37] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:37] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:38] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:38] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:38] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_02 20:07:38] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:03] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:03] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:10] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:11] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:14] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:15] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:174045091792590899485141417479458599398","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:15] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:174045091792590899485141417479458599398', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:15] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:174045091792590899485141417479458599398', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:15] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:15] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x46DA6050 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] setServerTime: serverTime=1519996097 time.time()=1519996096.71 gInitialClientTime=38.4020004272 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:16] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:17] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:18] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:18] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:18] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:18] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:18] _onChangeTimeOut 701 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:20] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:21] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:21] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1046301) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:21] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:21] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:21] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None))) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:21] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:21] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:22] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0]}, {4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4283023280L: [2, 0, 0], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10]}, {4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (2, False, 3), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 1.0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:22] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:23] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:23] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 22787, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 22787, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520087400.0, 1520090980.0)",) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 91295 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520091000.0, 1520091000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 91295 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520105400.0, 1520105400.0)",) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 91295 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:32] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:32] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:32] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 91287 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:37] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:38] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:38] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:38] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:39] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519964172L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x83\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe, \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3926182', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519974757L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35959136', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519978894L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519980061L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x97\xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb2\xd1\x83\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5, \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519980367L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519984677L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc, \xd0\x9c\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8....\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc!!!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/65106205', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519989261L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\x9d\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519989363L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0 \xd0\x91\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:41] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519994372L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb6\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x86\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8e \xd0\xbe\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd1\x8f\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:46] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:54] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 20:08:54] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:11] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:21] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:21] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:21] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:22] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:22] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:22] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 13 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:23] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:29] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 19_OC_prey [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 536986626 Name: AlexeyB24 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1319858 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 162066 Name: tvotv TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 1319860 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 186515 Name: DimasAkkol TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1319862 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 140446 Name: TOLL1987 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1319864 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 145444 Name: kotenok_monah TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1319866 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4260318128L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1319868 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 12587 Name: spongilit TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1319870 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 138159 Name: alex210578 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1319872 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 31920 Name: pauchok82 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD308_Pr_48 avatarId: 1319874 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 537064882 Name: _SantaCIaus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1319876 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4288629680L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 5811 Name: T_E_R_M_I_T_70rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1319878 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 537065015 Name: Urzu TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1319880 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 102201 Name: Samminosh TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1319882 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 536881596 Name: ssinijj TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB527_Duke_of_York avatarId: 1319884 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 112065 Name: Racemate TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1319886 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 536975173 Name: Silvestr41 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1319888 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 27467 Name: Simakadze TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1319890 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 536901970 Name: 4yDila42 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB108_Monarch avatarId: 1319892 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 115937 Name: UZGEN_3 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1319894 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 536881766 Name: PCST TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 1319896 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 536884328 Name: Gera0605 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 1319898 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 537016044 Name: karina_1952 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1319900 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 536972666 Name: kaspruk_2005 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 1319902 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] player: Id: 161918 Name: sasha_boec_76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1319904 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1319856; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1319856; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-494.9997863769531, -494.9999084472656], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-102.9999008178711, -102.9999008178711], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [254.99990844726562, 254.99990844726562], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1319857, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:30] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:34] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:43] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_02 20:09:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:04] id 1319885 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:04] name ssinijj [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:04] [Weather][5348] onEnterWorld (map spaces/19_OC_prey/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:07] id 1319899 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:07] name Gera0605 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1319899 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:08] id 1319877 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:08] name _SantaCIaus [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1319877 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:08] id 1319891 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:08] name Simakadze [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:10] id 1319861 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:10] name tvotv [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1319861 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:11] id 1319871 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:11] name spongilit [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:13] id 1319903 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:13] name kaspruk_2005 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:13] team id 0 [A] [2018_03_02 20:10:13] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 20:10:13] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_MidBack_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 20:10:13] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942/BSB011_Queen_Elizabeth_1942_MidFront_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1319903 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:15] id 1319867 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:15] name kotenok_monah [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1319867 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] id 1319883 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] name Samminosh [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1319883 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] id 1319869 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:16] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] id 1319879 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] name T_E_R_M_I_T_70rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1319879 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] id 1319859 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] name AlexeyB24 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1319859 [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:29] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:10:34] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 20:11:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:00] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:00] name DimasAkkol [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:04] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:08] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:08] name DimasAkkol [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:09] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:16] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:16] name DimasAkkol [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:25] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:26] id 1319877 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:29] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:29] name DimasAkkol [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:29] id 1319895 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:29] name UZGEN_3 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1319895 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:31] id 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:31] name karina_1952 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:36] id 1319865 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:36] name TOLL1987 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1319865 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:40] id 1319865 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:42] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:45] id 1319895 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:51] id 1319881 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:51] name Urzu [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:51] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_02 20:12:51] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:52] id 1319875 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:52] name pauchok82 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:52] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:52] name Racemate [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:53] id 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:55] id 1319873 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:55] name alex210578 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1319873 [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:12:58] id 1319881 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:00] id 1319865 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:00] name TOLL1987 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1319865 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:02] id 1319875 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:03] id 1319885 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:04] id 1319873 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:05] id 1319873 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:05] name alex210578 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1319873 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:07] id 1319893 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:07] name 4yDila42 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:07] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_02 20:13:07] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Bow_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 20:13:07] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Stern_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 20:13:07] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_MidBack_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1319893 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:09] id 1319893 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:13] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:13] id 1319875 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:13] name pauchok82 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:17] id 1319875 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:17] id 1319893 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:17] name 4yDila42 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1319893 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:21] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:21] name Racemate [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:27] id 1319875 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:27] name pauchok82 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:28] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:28] name sasha_boec_76 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:32] id 1319897 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:32] name PCST [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1319897 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:32] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:32] name DimasAkkol [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:36] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:37] id 1319897 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:40] id 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:40] name karina_1952 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:40] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:41] id 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:43] id 1319881 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:43] name Urzu [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:45] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:45] name DimasAkkol [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:47] id 1319899 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:47] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:48] id 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:48] name karina_1952 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:53] id 1319875 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:56] id 1319881 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:57] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:57] name sasha_boec_76 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:13:59] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:00] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:00] name sasha_boec_76 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:01] id 1319873 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:01] id 1319873 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:01] name alex210578 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1319873 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:03] id 1319875 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:03] name pauchok82 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:03] id 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:05] id 1319875 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:08] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:08] name Racemate [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:11] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:12] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:12] name sasha_boec_76 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:14] id 1319883 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:16] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:19] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:27] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:27] name sasha_boec_76 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:27] id 1319899 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:27] name Gera0605 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1319899 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:28] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:28] name Racemate [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:33] id 1319893 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:34] id 1319873 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:47] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:51] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] id 1319881 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] name Urzu [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] id 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] name karina_1952 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] id 1319897 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] name PCST [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1319897 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] id 1319877 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] name _SantaCIaus [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1319877 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:53] id 1319883 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:53] name Samminosh [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1319883 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:54] id 1319885 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:54] name ssinijj [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:56] id 1319893 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:56] name 4yDila42 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:14:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1319893 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:00] id 1319895 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:00] name UZGEN_3 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1319895 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:04] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:04] name Racemate [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:14] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1319856; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] [Weather][5348] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] id 1319859 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] id 1319861 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] id 1319863 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] id 1319865 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] id 1319867 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319869 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319871 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319877 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319879 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319881 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319883 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319885 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319887 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319891 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319893 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319895 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319897 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319899 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319901 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319903 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:18] id 1319905 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:19] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:20] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:20] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:20] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:20] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:20] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:20] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:20] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:20] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:21] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:21] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 23371028 ctark69 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:26] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:33] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:33] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:44] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:44] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:52] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:58] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:58] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4183701200 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:58] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4183701200 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 20:15:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:00] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:00] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4183701200 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:04] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 4 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:12] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:12] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:13] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 05_Ring [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 102151 Name: Kuscha TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 1335765 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286958512L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 111245 Name: Alex18277281 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1335767 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4265561008L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 112016 Name: mushmurla TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1335769 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 536975249 Name: WR_104 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1335771 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 183459 Name: Hubbord TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 1335773 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 537094821 Name: SAMMM2 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 1335775 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 1335777 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 536946183 Name: Suvorov_69 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1335779 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 536922156 Name: kok400 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA002_Bogue_1942 avatarId: 1335781 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 536886462 Name: Gaiver_Den TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD106_Ernst_Gaede avatarId: 1335783 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 8385 Name: tdn1975 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC105_Emerald avatarId: 1335785 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 58181 Name: ligr_1985 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1335787 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 111436 Name: mcCOL TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 1335791 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 142796 Name: Revvisor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1335789 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 149667 Name: vikkok TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944 avatarId: 1335799 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 537039715 Name: BadYogurt TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1335797 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 536890853 Name: __StAriK_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1335795 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 537037799 Name: Gtong TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1335801 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4256123824L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 44267 Name: House_Of_Evil TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1335803 isBot: False dogeTage: [4257598384L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 181102 Name: rus41 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1335805 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 536992083 Name: Boroda29031975 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944 avatarId: 1335793 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 536951670 Name: zelvenski TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1335807 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 536957820 Name: wildrain888 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1335809 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] player: Id: 159613 Name: Alekx07 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA006_Zuiho_1944 avatarId: 1335811 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1335763; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1335763; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [149.99990844726562, 149.9998016357422], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-149.99990844726562, -149.99990844726562], radius: 111.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1335764, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:21] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:23] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:40] id 1335788 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:40] name ligr_1985 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:40] [Weather][5852] onEnterWorld (map spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] id 1335782 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] name kok400 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1335782 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] id 1335778 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:41] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] id 1335798 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] name BadYogurt [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] id 1335774 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] name Hubbord [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] id 1335810 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] name wildrain888 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1335810 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] id 1335794 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] name Boroda29031975 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1335794 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] id 1335772 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] name WR_104 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:44] id 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:44] name tdn1975 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] id 1335766 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] name Kuscha [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] id 1335770 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] name mushmurla [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] id 1335806 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] name rus41 [S] [2018_03_02 20:16:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:17:18] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:20] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:20] name House_Of_Evil [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:25] id 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:25] name mcCOL [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:33] id 1335790 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:33] name Revvisor [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:46] id 1335808 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:46] name zelvenski [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1335808 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:47] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:47] name Gaiver_Den [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:50] id 1335790 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:55] id 1335796 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:55] name __StAriK_ [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:55] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:55] name Gtong [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:57] id 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:57] name Alex18277281 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:18:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:01] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:02] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:02] name Suvorov_69 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:07] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:07] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:07] name Gaiver_Den [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:17] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:17] name SAMMM2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:20] id 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:22] id 1335808 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:25] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:26] id 1335798 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:28] id 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:28] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:31] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:31] name Gtong [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:38] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:38] name Gaiver_Den [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:39] id 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:39] name tdn1975 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:49] id 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:49] name Alex18277281 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:51] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:51] name SAMMM2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:51] id 1335798 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:51] name BadYogurt [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:52] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:52] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:53] id 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:56] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:56] id 1335798 [S] [2018_03_02 20:19:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:02] id 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:05] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:05] name Gtong [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:09] id 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:09] name tdn1975 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:09] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:12] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:12] name Suvorov_69 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:12] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:18] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:18] id 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:20] id 1335790 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:20] name Revvisor [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:21] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:24] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:24] name Suvorov_69 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:30] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:30] name Gtong [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:30] id 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:30] name Alex18277281 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:35] id 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:35] name mcCOL [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:36] id 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:37] id 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:38] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:38] name House_Of_Evil [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:40] id 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:46] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:48] id 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:48] name mcCOL [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:50] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:50] name Gtong [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:52] id 1335802 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] id 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] name Alex18277281 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] name Gaiver_Den [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:55] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:55] name SAMMM2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:56] id 1335808 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:56] name zelvenski [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1335808 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:56] id 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:57] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:20:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:00] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:00] id 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:00] name tdn1975 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:02] id 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:02] name mcCOL [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:11] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:11] name House_Of_Evil [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:13] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:14] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:14] name Suvorov_69 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:14] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:14] name Gaiver_Den [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:20] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:24] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:25] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:26] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:26] name House_Of_Evil [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:29] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:29] name Gaiver_Den [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:29] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:33] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:33] name House_Of_Evil [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:34] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:37] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:37] name Suvorov_69 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:38] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:38] name Gaiver_Den [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:44] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:44] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:45] id 1335790 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:45] id 1335792 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:45] id 1335808 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:48] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:48] name Suvorov_69 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:50] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:50] name SAMMM2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:21:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:03] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] name SAMMM2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] id 1335798 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] name BadYogurt [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:09] id 1335790 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:09] name Revvisor [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1335763; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] [Weather][5852] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335766 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335768 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335770 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335772 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335774 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335776 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335778 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335782 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335784 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335786 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335788 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335790 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335794 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335796 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335798 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335804 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335806 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:11] id 1335810 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:12] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:13] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:13] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:13] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:13] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:13] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:13] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:13] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:13] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:14] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:14] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 23371028 ctark69 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:19] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:20] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:20] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:20] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:21] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:21] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:30] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:30] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:44] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:22:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:23:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:23:57] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:05] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: ModalWindow [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 1647500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'storage': {3863850832L: 0, 4283604912L: 1, 4287459248L: 26, 4287557552L: 21, 3862343504L: 0, 3862703952L: 0, 4284313520L: 1}, 'crewsAssignments': ({21: 0}, {}), 'changedShips': {4184815440L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 3, 'autobuy': 13}, 2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, 4291993520L), (None, None), (None, None))}}, 'own': False}}, 'changedShipDockStats': {4184815440L: (1518271103, 1518271103, 1519997053)}, 'freeShipSlots': 1} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 28, 'data': {'crewId': 21}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 28, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_DISEMBARK', 'crewId': 1021, 'shipId': 0, 'data': {'crewId': 1021}, 'groupId': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4184815440L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4287557552L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PFSB105', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4184815440L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4287557552L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:14] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4184815440L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:14] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PFSB105', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4184815440L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:14] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4184815440L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4287459248L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:14] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PFSB105', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4184815440L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4287459248L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:14] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4184815440L, 'abilId': 4283604912L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:14] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4184815440L, 'abilId': 4283604912L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:14] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 1, 'data': {'modsCost': (42, 66), 'modMask': 0, 'cost': (1647500, 0), 'modsCount': 0, 'shipId': 4184815440L, 'sellMask': 0, 'result': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:14] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'modsCost': (42, 66), 'typeId': 1, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PFSB105', 'idInGroup': 1, 'modMask': 0, 'costShipCR': 1647500, 'costShipGL': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SELL_0', 'cost': (1647500, 0), 'result': 0, 'isElite': False, 'uiSpecial': False, 'costModCR': 42, 'groupId': 5, 'shipId': 4184815440L, 'sourceId': 0, 'modFlag': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'V', 'modsCount': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'sellMask': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:19] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:27] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:28] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:28] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:51] availableShipParts 59 [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:24:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:25:00] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 20:25:00] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:25:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:25:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4286461936L, 4)]} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 117936}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 32950}}, 'moneyXP': 157, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 25916, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 25916, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 132077, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:29] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -69400, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 4, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1046301) (15, 1049430) [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 99, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L))}}}}, 'storage': {4280119216L: 5, 4279168944L: 5, 4274876336L: 19}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q3': {'count': 0}, '25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] onUpdateDogTags: 4262841264 [0, 0, 0, 39, 26016.0] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU030 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519997250, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5461834120908033L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 13, 'credits': 132077, 'result': 1, 'exp': 3129, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519996161, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1046301, 3129), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:30] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 3129, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/19_OC_prey.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 13, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3129, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1049430, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/19_OC_PREY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 20:09', 'dt': 1519997250, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1046301, 3129), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5461834120908033L, 'credits': 132077, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519996161, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BR: {'credits': 73376, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1027, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 1900, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 67500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[40, 400], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] onUpdateDogTags: 4263889840 [0, 0, 0, 39, 26016.0] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU029 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519997250, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1900, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:32] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1900, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519997250, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 69400, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519997250, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519997250, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1519997250, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519997250, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:42] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:42] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:42] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 1416, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 1416, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 24500, 'type': 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 24500, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 4, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1519997268, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:48] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1519997268, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 1416, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 1416, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 4 [('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4279070640L})] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4651 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4279070640L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 101] [S] [2018_03_02 20:27:57] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:01] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:02] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:02] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4279070640L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:04] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:10] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:11] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4279070640L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:11] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4279070640L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278022064L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 41}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:20] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4278022064L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:20] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4278022064L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:32] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:34] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:35] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:35] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:42] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:42] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:42] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 15 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:51] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:51] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 22_tierra_del_fuego [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 79379 Name: hjghjhjg7ui7ku9hg TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD308_Pr_48 avatarId: 844742 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 537042198 Name: yakov6666_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC006_Atlanta_1942 avatarId: 844744 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4288629680L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536926788 Name: korolev197906 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 844774 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4257172400L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536907806 Name: BelaruSea TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD108_Akizuki avatarId: 844748 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 106912 Name: Scol1986 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 844750 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 537048354 Name: tankt58 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 844752 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536977319 Name: SchmaliyKiller TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 844754 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 844756 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536953129 Name: K_S_G_1978_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 844758 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 65708 Name: communik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 844760 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 46253 Name: DistroFUN TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 844762 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536926897 Name: slg412 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 844764 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536935095 Name: _Slepoi_5 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 844766 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 125755 Name: tim228mamedov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 844782 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536946237 Name: ADMIRALFURY TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 844770 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 12354 Name: sergeibylbah TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 844772 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536873924 Name: kit_682 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 844746 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 8262 Name: papa_324_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 844776 isBot: False dogeTage: [4265986992L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 72783 Name: Master_z62_2014 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 844778 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536936669 Name: Mo1oto4ek TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 844780 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282370992L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 27963 Name: TolegenX TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB108_Monarch avatarId: 844768 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536893556 Name: Maikl_Soling TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD108_Akizuki avatarId: 844784 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 536957689 Name: RenamedUser_26696247 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 844786 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] player: Id: 70655 Name: groza_okeana TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 844788 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] (, 40957038887736, 48): 844740; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] (, 40957038887736, 48): 844740; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [20.0, 400.0], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [20.0, -400.0], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 844741, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:52] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:54] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:28:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:16] id 844751 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:16] name Scol1986 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:16] @ launchpadAppeared 844751 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] id 844745 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] name yakov6666_1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] id 844759 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] name K_S_G_1978_ [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] id 844743 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] name hjghjhjg7ui7ku9hg [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] id 844769 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] name TolegenX [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Stern_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] @ launchpadAppeared 844769 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] [Weather][3181] onEnterWorld (map spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] id 844757 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] id 844775 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] name korolev197906 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] id 844779 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] name Master_z62_2014 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] id 844755 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] name SchmaliyKiller [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:18] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:28] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:28] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:29:56] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 20:30:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:30:18] id 844759 [S] [2018_03_02 20:30:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:30:26] id 844755 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:11] id 844771 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:11] name ADMIRALFURY [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:11] @ launchpadAppeared 844771 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:16] id 844765 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:16] name slg412 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:16] @ launchpadAppeared 844765 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:17] id 844753 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:17] name tankt58 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:30] id 844743 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:42] id 844765 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:43] id 844771 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:44] id 844765 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:44] name slg412 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:44] @ launchpadAppeared 844765 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:47] id 844765 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] id 844781 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] name Mo1oto4ek [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] @ launchpadAppeared 844781 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] id 844763 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] name DistroFUN [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] id 844755 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] name SchmaliyKiller [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] id 844789 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] name groza_okeana [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] @ launchpadAppeared 844789 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] id 844759 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] name K_S_G_1978_ [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] id 844753 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] id 844743 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] name hjghjhjg7ui7ku9hg [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:51] id 844773 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:51] name sergeibylbah [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:51] @ launchpadAppeared 844773 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:53] id 844777 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:53] name papa_324_1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:53] id 844761 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:53] name communik [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:53] @ launchpadAppeared 844761 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:54] id 844753 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:54] name tankt58 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:31:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] (, 40957038887736, 48): 844740; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] [Weather][3181] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] id 844743 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] id 844745 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] id 844751 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] id 844753 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] id 844755 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844757 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844759 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844761 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844763 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844769 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844773 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844775 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844777 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844779 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844781 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] id 844789 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:11] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:12] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:17] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:18] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:18] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:18] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:18] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:18] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:23] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:27] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:27] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:27] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4259264496 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:31] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:31] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:31] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 15 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:39] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 22_tierra_del_fuego [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 168449 Name: _dauren85 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1355382 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 537061516 Name: DEWAR8 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1355384 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 22542 Name: ImAl1ve TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1355386 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 188706 Name: _R_E_B_U_S TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1355388 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1355390 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 536888242 Name: Sergey_Andreev TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1355392 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 53815 Name: Ahtubinsk_AD TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1355394 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 537013816 Name: MrachniyAlex TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC508_Kutuzov_1952 avatarId: 1355396 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 86076 Name: PonikA_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1355398 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 125887 Name: fil_a TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1355400 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 537011008 Name: ALEX_570 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD208_Pr_30 avatarId: 1355402 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 536922337 Name: sergeysera TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 1355404 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 212552 Name: Lodrinn TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1355406 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 140361 Name: BLANDINKA_8 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD108_Z_23 avatarId: 1355408 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 537010770 Name: ell08 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1355410 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 537001300 Name: Renormat TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1355412 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 536905176 Name: wiggum666 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB106_Queen_Elizabeth avatarId: 1355414 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 35168 Name: Yoar TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 1355416 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 3041 Name: Jojinor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1355418 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 536879970 Name: aleks2_3 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 1355420 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 262506 Name: val_K_I_R_A_yrie TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD206_Pr_7 avatarId: 1355422 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 536960754 Name: Andry_Stakhiv TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1355424 isBot: False dogeTage: [4256549808L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 70521 Name: MasterValera57 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1355426 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] player: Id: 536877375 Name: daemonSSSR TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1355428 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1355380; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1355380; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-528.0919189453125, 7.188799858093262], radius: 150.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-43.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [355.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1355381, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:32:46] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 20:33:01] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 20:33:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:33:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:33:44] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 20:34:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:34:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:34:36] id 1355399 [S] [2018_03_02 20:34:36] name PonikA_ [S] [2018_03_02 20:34:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:34:36] [Weather][5577] onEnterWorld (map spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 20:34:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:00] id 1355415 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:00] name wiggum666 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1355415 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:09] id 1355397 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:09] name MrachniyAlex [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:10] id 1355429 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:10] name daemonSSSR [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1355429 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:22] id 1355419 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:22] name Jojinor [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:22] id 1355389 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:22] name _R_E_B_U_S [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:24] id 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:24] name ImAl1ve [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] name sergeysera [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] id 1355401 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] name fil_a [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] id 1355413 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] name Renormat [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1355413 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] id 1355395 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] name Ahtubinsk_AD [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1355395 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] id 1355393 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] name Sergey_Andreev [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] id 1355391 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1355391 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1355391 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:47] id 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:53] id 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:53] name Lodrinn [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:55] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:35:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:06] id 1355417 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:06] name Yoar [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1355417 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:14] id 1355421 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:14] name aleks2_3 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1355421 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:25] id 1355409 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:25] name BLANDINKA_8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:27] id 1355417 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:35] id 1355421 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:37] setMode ShellTracker [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:37] id 1355421 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:37] name aleks2_3 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1355421 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:39] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:40] id 1355413 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:52] id 1355395 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:56] id 1355417 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:56] name Yoar [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:36:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1355417 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:09] id 1355409 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:41] id 1355409 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:41] name BLANDINKA_8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:43] id 1355409 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:47] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:47] name _dauren85 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:51] id 1355409 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:51] name BLANDINKA_8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:52] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:52] name val_K_I_R_A_yrie [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:53] id 1355411 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:53] name ell08 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:54] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:54] name sergeysera [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:55] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:37:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:09] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:09] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:09] name _dauren85 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:10] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:20] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:20] name val_K_I_R_A_yrie [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:26] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:29] id 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:30] id 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:30] name Lodrinn [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:33] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:33] name _dauren85 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:34] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:35] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519997915L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xa3 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x83\xd1\x80\xd1\x83 \xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xb3\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd1\x83\xd0\xba', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:37] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:37] name val_K_I_R_A_yrie [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:46] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:51] id 1355409 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:52] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:52] name _dauren85 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:38:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:14] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:21] id 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:22] id 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:22] name Lodrinn [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:23] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:23] name val_K_I_R_A_yrie [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:36] id 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:47] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:47] name sergeysera [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:49] id 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:49] name DEWAR8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:52] id 1355403 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:52] name ALEX_570 [S] [2018_03_02 20:39:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:03] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:11] id 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:11] id 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:11] name DEWAR8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:12] id 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:12] name Lodrinn [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] id 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] name sergeysera [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:17] id 1355407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:25] id 1355411 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:29] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:29] name val_K_I_R_A_yrie [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] id 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] name ImAl1ve [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] id 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] name DEWAR8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:41] id 1355403 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:45] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:56] id 1355411 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:56] name ell08 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:57] id 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:40:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:02] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:02] name sergeysera [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:14] id 1355411 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:18] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:25] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:25] name sergeysera [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:26] id 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:27] id 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:27] name ImAl1ve [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:31] id 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:31] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:34] id 1355411 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:34] name ell08 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] id 1355427 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] name MasterValera57 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1355427 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:41] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:41] name _dauren85 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:42] id 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:42] name DEWAR8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:49] id 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:49] name ImAl1ve [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:52] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] id 1355425 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] name Andry_Stakhiv [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] id 1355395 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] name Ahtubinsk_AD [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1355395 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] id 1355413 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] name Renormat [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1355413 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] id 1355403 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] name ALEX_570 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:41:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1355380; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] [Weather][5577] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355383 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355385 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355387 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355389 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355391 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355393 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355395 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355397 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355399 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355401 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355403 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355405 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355411 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355413 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355415 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355417 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355419 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355421 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355423 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355425 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355427 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:02] id 1355429 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4183701200L: {'exp': 28837}}, 'changedCrews': {17: {'exp': 28169}}, 'moneyXP': 122, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 3850, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 3850, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 135436, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22700, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4183701200 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4183701200L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 7, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4183701200L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4293750704L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4279070640L))}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 2, 4293750704L: 7, 4274876336L: 18, 4278120368L: 8}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4183701200L, 1)]} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:03] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:04] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:04] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:04] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:04] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:04] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1049430) (15, 1051864) [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BR: {'credits': 53112, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 641, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0], ['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0], [4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 2000, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 20700, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[20, 200], [9, 1800], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519997839, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5737055625236117L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'credits': 135436, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2434, 'shipId': 4183701200L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519996565, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1049430, 2434), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2434, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/05_Ring.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 4, 'shipId': 4183701200L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2434, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1051864, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/05_RING', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD106', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 20:16', 'dt': 1519997839, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1049430, 2434), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5737055625236117L, 'credits': 135436, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519996565, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] [STAT] no data for seasonId: 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] ---- no data for seasonId: 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] ---- no data for seasonId: 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] ---- no data for seasonId: 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] ---- no data for seasonId: 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:10] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519997839, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 2000, 'shipId': 4183701200L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 20700}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2000, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4183701200L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD106', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519997839, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 22700, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 20700, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519997839, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4183701200L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:11] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD106', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519997839, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4183701200L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:42:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:43:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4286461936L, 5)]} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 120391}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 36010}}, 'moneyXP': 123, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 6305, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 6305, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 122174, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67810, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1051864) (15, 1054319) [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L), ((), 4279070640L), ((), 4278022064L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 40, 4280119216L: 4, 4274876336L: 17, 4279070640L: 1, 4279168944L: 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:13] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] onUpdateDogTags: 4262841264 [0, 0, 0, 40, 25585.0] [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU030 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519998253, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3315643258065291L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 15, 'credits': 122174, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2455, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519997323, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1051864, 2455), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:14] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2455, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/22_tierra_del_fuego.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 15, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2455, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1054319, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/22_TIERRA_DEL_FUEGO', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 20:28', 'dt': 1519998253, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1051864, 2455), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3315643258065291L, 'credits': 122174, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519997323, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BR: {'credits': 67874, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 806, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 310, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 67500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[31, 310], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] onUpdateDogTags: 4263889840 [0, 0, 0, 40, 25585.0] [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU029 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519998253, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 310, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 310, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519998253, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 67810, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519998253, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519998253, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1519998253, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519998253, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:44:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:27] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:27] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:33] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:34] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:36] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:36] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:37] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:40] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:40] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:50] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 10 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:58] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 16_OC_bees_to_honey [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 37509 Name: Babay_56 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 865792 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 536890925 Name: peredymal TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 865808 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 537051664 Name: sanechek407 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 865796 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 536977435 Name: Rumusey TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD508_LoYang avatarId: 865798 isBot: False dogeTage: [4281322416L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 536874014 Name: Quantazm TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 865800 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4288629680L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 121247 Name: Numenis TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA009_Ryujo_1933 avatarId: 865802 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4261366704L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 10533 Name: Vlad3x TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 865804 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 865806 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 536941997 Name: kilbil123 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB106_Bayern avatarId: 865794 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 536957236 Name: timpen TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945 avatarId: 865810 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 9908 Name: mkhy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD207_Minsk avatarId: 865812 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 32194 Name: HenTyH4uK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 865814 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 44359 Name: nub483 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 865816 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 536890826 Name: MadMaxx911 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 865818 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 537101133 Name: ka44ek26rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 865820 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 173141 Name: carovod TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 865822 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 170582 Name: V_I_N_T_O_R_E_Z_75ru TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 865824 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 537003739 Name: VASYAN_161_RUS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 865826 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 130274 Name: Barsik177 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 865828 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 536926948 Name: Challenger2 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD207_Shiratsuyu avatarId: 865830 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 537034469 Name: Rusichi121 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 865832 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 130287 Name: Grabr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 865834 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 537057021 Name: c100OxoTHuk TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 865836 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] player: Id: 12670 Name: npokToJLog TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 865838 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] (, 40957038887736, 48): 865790; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] (, 40957038887736, 48): 865790; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-329.9999084472656, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [329.9999084472656, -0.00029754638671875], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 865791, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:45:59] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:00] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] id 865811 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] name timpen [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] @ launchpadAppeared 865811 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] [Weather][3804] onEnterWorld (map spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] id 865827 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] name VASYAN_161_RUS [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] id 865815 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] name HenTyH4uK [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:18] @ launchpadAppeared 865815 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:19] id 865813 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:19] name mkhy [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:19] id 865801 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:19] name Quantazm [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] id 865839 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] name npokToJLog [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] id 865807 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:20] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] id 865795 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] name kilbil123 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] id 865829 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] name Barsik177 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] id 865805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] name Vlad3x [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] @ launchpadAppeared 865805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] id 865837 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] name c100OxoTHuk [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] @ launchpadAppeared 865837 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] name MadMaxx911 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:21] @ launchpadAppeared 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:46:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:47:03] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 20:47:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:47:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:47:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:47:53] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:47:53] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:47:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:01] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:01] name carovod [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:01] @ launchpadAppeared 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:10] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:10] name V_I_N_T_O_R_E_Z_75ru [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:13] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:13] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:13] @ launchpadAppeared 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:14] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:14] name Grabr [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:18] id 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:18] name peredymal [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:18] @ launchpadAppeared 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:29] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:31] id 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:34] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:34] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:38] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:38] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:38] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:40] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:41] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:41] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:45] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:45] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:45] @ launchpadAppeared 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:46] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:50] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:50] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:50] @ launchpadAppeared 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:51] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:54] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:48:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:06] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:06] name carovod [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:06] @ launchpadAppeared 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:09] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:14] id 865831 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:14] name Challenger2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:15] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:16] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:16] name Grabr [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:17] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:17] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:17] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:24] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:24] name carovod [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:24] @ launchpadAppeared 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:32] id 865831 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] @ launchpadAppeared 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] id 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] name peredymal [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:37] @ launchpadAppeared 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:38] id 865805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:41] id 865831 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:41] name Challenger2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:42] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:46] id 865831 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:52] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:54] id 865805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:54] name Vlad3x [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:54] @ launchpadAppeared 865805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:56] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:49:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:05] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:05] name MadMaxx911 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:05] @ launchpadAppeared 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:07] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:07] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:08] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:09] id 865803 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:09] name Numenis [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:09] node HP_Deck_23 not found [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:09] @ launchpadAppeared 865803 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:10] id 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:13] id 865803 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:19] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:22] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:22] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:40] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:40] name Grabr [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:47] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:48] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:48] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:48] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:52] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:52] name Grabr [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:50:59] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:01] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:01] id 865831 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:01] name Challenger2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:09] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:17] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:17] name Grabr [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:21] id 865817 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:21] name nub483 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:25] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:25] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:26] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:26] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:26] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:32] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:33] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:33] name Rumusey [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:36] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:36] name MadMaxx911 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:36] @ launchpadAppeared 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:41] id 865827 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:45] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:48] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:51] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:51] name MadMaxx911 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:51] @ launchpadAppeared 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:53] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:53] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:56] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:56] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:57] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:57] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:51:59] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:00] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:00] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:05] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:09] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:09] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:13] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:20] id 865827 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:20] name VASYAN_161_RUS [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:20] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:21] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:21] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] name V_I_N_T_O_R_E_Z_75ru [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] name Rumusey [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:27] id 865839 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:29] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:29] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:45] id 865815 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:51] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:59] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:52:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:03] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:03] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:06] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:13] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:13] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:14] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:14] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:22] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:22] name Rumusey [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:25] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:25] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:25] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:37] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:38] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:39] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:45] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:45] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:45] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:49] id 865805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:52] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:53:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] id 865839 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] name npokToJLog [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] id 865805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] name Vlad3x [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] @ launchpadAppeared 865805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] name Grabr [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] id 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] name peredymal [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] @ launchpadAppeared 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] name MadMaxx911 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:01] @ launchpadAppeared 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:02] id 865815 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:02] name HenTyH4uK [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:02] @ launchpadAppeared 865815 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:02] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:02] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:07] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:15] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:17] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:17] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:23] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:28] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:28] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:28] @ launchpadAppeared 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:28] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:28] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:41] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:42] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:44] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:44] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:44] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:45] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:45] name carovod [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:45] @ launchpadAppeared 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:54:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:03] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:11] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:14] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:14] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:20] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:20] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:20] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:38] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:41] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:41] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:49] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:54] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:54] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:54] name V_I_N_T_O_R_E_Z_75ru [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:57] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:57] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:55:57] @ launchpadAppeared 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:00] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:00] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:00] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:01] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:01] name Rumusey [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:01] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:06] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:07] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:07] name carovod [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:07] @ launchpadAppeared 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:20] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:42] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:46] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:46] name V_I_N_T_O_R_E_Z_75ru [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:50] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:52] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:53] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:53] name V_I_N_T_O_R_E_Z_75ru [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:53] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:54] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:54] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:58] id 865825 [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:56:58] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:05] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:05] name Rumusey [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:09] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:09] name sanechek407 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:13] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:14] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:14] name Rumusey [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:15] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:16] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] name Babay_56 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] @ launchpadAppeared 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:21] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:21] name Grabr [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:37] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:37] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:40] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:40] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:41] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:41] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:45] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:48] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:48] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:57:48] @ launchpadAppeared 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:03] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:10] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:10] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:12] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:13] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:13] name ka44ek26rus [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:14] id 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:15] id 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:15] name peredymal [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:15] @ launchpadAppeared 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:22] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:22] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:22] @ launchpadAppeared 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] (, 40957038887736, 48): 865790; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] [Weather][3804] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] id 865793 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] id 865795 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] id 865797 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] id 865799 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865801 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865805 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865807 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865809 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865811 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865813 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865815 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865817 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865819 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865821 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865823 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865827 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865829 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865831 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865833 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865835 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865837 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:52] id 865839 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'exp': 49554}}, 'changedCrews': {16: {'exp': 27, 'level': 11}}, 'moneyXP': 84, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 7976, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 7976, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 242243, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -25740, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 7, 'autobuy': 13}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4291993520L), (None, 4288847792L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1537, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4287459248L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4282216368L), ((), 4288507824L), ((), 4280119216L), ((), 4284313520L))}}}}, 'storage': {4288507824L: 8, 4278022064L: 39, 4280119216L: 3, 4282216368L: 7, 4284313520L: 0, 4287459248L: 25, 4278120368L: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, 4283604912L), (None, 4280459184L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4283604912L: 0, 4280459184L: 2}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:53] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:54] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:54] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:54] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:54] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:54] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:56] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:56] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1054319) (15, 1055990) [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] BR: {'credits': 107663, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 728, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 5040, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 20700, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[84, 5040], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 22500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 5540225863996015L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4283604912L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 5540225863996015L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4283604912L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q4': {}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:58:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:00] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 5540225863996015L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 5540225863996015L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519998507, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5540225863996015L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 15, 'credits': 242243, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1671, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519997551, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1054319, 1671), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1671, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/22_tierra_del_fuego.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 15, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1671, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1055990, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/22_TIERRA_DEL_FUEGO', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 20:32', 'dt': 1519998507, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1054319, 1671), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5540225863996015L, 'credits': 242243, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519997551, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:03] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519998507, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5040, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 20700}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5040, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519998507, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 25740, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 20700, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519998507, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1519998507, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1519998507, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'cost': (22500, 0), 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1519998507, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (22500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowDogTag, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 20:59:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:00:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:00:38] >>> receiveChanges {'dogTags': {}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:00:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:01:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName4.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName4_over.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName2.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName2_over.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName0.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName0_over.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName1.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName1_over.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName3.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName3_over.png" [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:51] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:54] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: OptionsWindow [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:02:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:03:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:03:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:03:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:03:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:03:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:03:45] __onFoghornHearChanged hearFoghorn True [S] [2018_03_02 21:03:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSelectCrosshair, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:04:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:04:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:04:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:04:56] __onFoghornHearChanged hearFoghorn True [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:00] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:00] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:00] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 3, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:00] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:00] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:00] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 123526}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 39917}}, 'moneyXP': 157, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 11111, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:00] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 11111, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:00] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 223838, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -71820, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1055990) (15, 1059125) [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L), ((), 4279070640L), ((), 4278022064L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 38, 4280119216L: 2, 4274876336L: 16, 4279070640L: 0, 4279168944L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:01] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q4': {}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] onUpdateDogTags: 4262841264 [0, 0, 0, 41, 25405.0] [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU030 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1519999501, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3718536960234894L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'credits': 223838, 'result': 2, 'exp': 3135, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519998350, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1055990, 3135), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 3135, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/16_OC_bees_to_honey.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3135, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1059125, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/16_OC_BEES_TO_HONEY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 20:45', 'dt': 1519999501, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1055990, 3135), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3718536960234894L, 'credits': 223838, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519998350, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:02] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BR: {'credits': 124354, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1029, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 4320, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 67500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[132, 1320], [20, 3000], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] onUpdateDogTags: 4263889840 [0, 0, 0, 41, 25405.0] [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU029 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1519999501, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 4320, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 4320, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1519999501, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 71820, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1519999501, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519999501, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1519999501, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1519999501, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:12] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:18] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:20] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:21] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:21] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:42] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:42] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:42] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:46] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:46] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:05:53] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 18 battleType = 170 gameMode = Epicenter duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:01] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 28_naval_mission [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 536893576 Name: Basc_geroj TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 878708 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 537025552 Name: valentin751 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB109_Lion avatarId: 878710 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 537038192 Name: Drobash1110 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 878748 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 47003 Name: kolona5 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 878712 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 155297 Name: shizcool TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD207_Minsk avatarId: 878714 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 536905379 Name: CAPSYLA TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 878716 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 536975270 Name: Dj11 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 878718 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 878720 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 143277 Name: sonya45 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 878722 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 12591 Name: makdren TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 878724 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 103857 Name: _t_Sukhov_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 878726 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286958512L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 103864 Name: Grasmester TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC017_Baltimore_1944 avatarId: 878728 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 536986811 Name: davil_red TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 878730 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 61378 Name: jafarovnazim TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 878732 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 208323 Name: cherdak617 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 878734 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4284435376L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 536877368 Name: demonl5 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 878738 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 106964 Name: Flockey23 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD518_Asashio avatarId: 878740 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 536948955 Name: __Imperious__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 878742 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 115938 Name: stopkadrr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 878744 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 537101286 Name: _RORIC_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 878746 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 536974448 Name: Martinenko1978 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 878736 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 125809 Name: seraj74 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 878750 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 27383 Name: _assur TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB508_Gascogne avatarId: 878752 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] player: Id: 536941305 Name: SV343 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 878754 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] (, 40957038887736, 48): 878706; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] (, 40957038887736, 48): 878706; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [10.0, 14.0], radius: 200.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 6, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [10.0, 14.0], radius: 300.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: 0, controlPointType: 6, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [10.0, 14.0], radius: 400.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: 1, controlPointType: 6, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 878707, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 4}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [450, 450], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:02] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:03] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537097624, 0, 0, 878740, 1519999547371L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537097624: PreBattleInfo: id: 537097624, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 878740, creationTime 1519999547371, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537097624, 0, 0, 878740, 1519999547371L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537097624: PreBattleInfo: id: 537097624, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 878740, creationTime 1519999547371, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537097624, 0, 0, 878740, 1519999547371L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537097624: PreBattleInfo: id: 537097624, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 878740, creationTime 1519999547371, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537097624, 0, 0, 878740, 1519999547371L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537097624: PreBattleInfo: id: 537097624, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 878740, creationTime 1519999547371, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537097624, 0, 0, 878740, 1519999547371L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537097624: PreBattleInfo: id: 537097624, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 878740, creationTime 1519999547371, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537097624, 0, 0, 878740, 1519999547371L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:20] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537097624: PreBattleInfo: id: 537097624, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 878740, creationTime 1519999547371, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:28] id 878713 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:28] name kolona5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:28] @ launchpadAppeared 878713 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:28] [Weather][3922] onEnterWorld (map spaces/28_naval_mission/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:29] id 878719 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:29] name Dj11 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:29] @ launchpadAppeared 878719 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:30] id 878741 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:30] name Flockey23 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:32] id 878749 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:32] name Drobash1110 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:32] @ launchpadAppeared 878749 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:35] id 878711 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:35] name valentin751 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:35] @ launchpadAppeared 878711 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] id 878731 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] name davil_red [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] @ launchpadAppeared 878731 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] id 878743 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] name __Imperious__ [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] team id 0 [A] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] id 878747 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] name _RORIC_ [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:38] id 878709 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:38] name Basc_geroj [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:38] @ launchpadAppeared 878709 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] id 878721 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:39] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:40] id 878735 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:40] name cherdak617 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:40] @ launchpadAppeared 878735 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:46] id 878725 [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:46] name makdren [S] [2018_03_02 21:06:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:07:06] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 21:07:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:16] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 16443875@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:16] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:16] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:16] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:16] XMPPCHAT: ChannelHandler.updateInfo : new name: Well_11 [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:16] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': '16443875@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519999696L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '16443875@wowsru.loc/wows', 'text': '\xd0\x9c\xd0\xb0\xd0\xba\xd1\x81 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 !, \xd0\x90\xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd1\x81 \xd0\xa2\xd0\xa1 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8, \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb9 - r5.ts3.so:10032 !', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:18] id 878711 [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:23] id 878731 [S] [2018_03_02 21:08:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:04] id 878711 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:04] name valentin751 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:04] @ launchpadAppeared 878711 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:12] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:12] name Martinenko1978 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:12] id 878755 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:12] name SV343 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:13] id 878733 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:13] name jafarovnazim [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:13] @ launchpadAppeared 878733 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:13] id 878733 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] id 878751 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] name seraj74 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] @ launchpadAppeared 878751 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] id 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] name _t_Sukhov_ [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:14] @ launchpadAppeared 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] name Grasmester [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] @ launchpadAppeared 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] id 878733 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] name jafarovnazim [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:17] @ launchpadAppeared 878733 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:30] id 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:43] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:48] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:48] name Grasmester [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:48] @ launchpadAppeared 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:51] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:53] id 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:53] name _t_Sukhov_ [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:53] @ launchpadAppeared 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:57] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:58] id 878755 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:59] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:59] name demonl5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:09:59] @ launchpadAppeared 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:01] id 878755 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:01] name SV343 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:12] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:13] id 878731 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:13] name davil_red [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:13] @ launchpadAppeared 878731 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:15] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:15] name Grasmester [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:15] @ launchpadAppeared 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:23] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:23] name demonl5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:23] @ launchpadAppeared 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:29] id 878745 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:29] name stopkadrr [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:33] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:33] name Martinenko1978 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:35] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:36] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:36] name Grasmester [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:36] @ launchpadAppeared 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:36] id 878715 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:36] name shizcool [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:39] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:39] name sonya45 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:47] id 878713 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:47] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:49] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:51] id 878713 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:51] name kolona5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:51] @ launchpadAppeared 878713 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:51] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:52] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:52] name sonya45 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:53] id 878715 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:53] id 878745 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:57] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:57] name Martinenko1978 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:57] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:57] name demonl5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:10:57] @ launchpadAppeared 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:15] id 878755 [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:15] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:21] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:29] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:32] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:32] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:39] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:39] name Grasmester [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:39] @ launchpadAppeared 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:51] id 878749 [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:11:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:12] id 878715 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:12] name shizcool [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:13] id 878745 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:13] name stopkadrr [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:18] id 878745 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:20] id 878745 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:20] name stopkadrr [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:43] id 878745 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:52] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:52] name sonya45 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:57] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:59] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:59] name sonya45 [S] [2018_03_02 21:12:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:00] id 878749 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:00] name Drobash1110 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:00] @ launchpadAppeared 878749 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:01] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:15] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:24] id 878745 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:24] name stopkadrr [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:42] id 878749 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:56] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:56] name Grasmester [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:56] @ launchpadAppeared 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:13:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:12] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:12] name Martinenko1978 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:15] id 878749 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:15] name Drobash1110 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:15] @ launchpadAppeared 878749 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:27] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:27] name CAPSYLA [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:27] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:29] id 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:29] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:29] name sonya45 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:51] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:14:54] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:08] id 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:08] name _t_Sukhov_ [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:08] @ launchpadAppeared 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:13] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:13] name CAPSYLA [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:39] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:39] name demonl5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:39] @ launchpadAppeared 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:51] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:53] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:53] name CAPSYLA [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:55] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:56] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:56] name CAPSYLA [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:15:58] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:03] id 878755 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:03] name SV343 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:06] id 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:12] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:12] name CAPSYLA [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:15] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:15] name Martinenko1978 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:23] id 878737 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:23] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:28] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:28] name CAPSYLA [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:35] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:36] id 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:36] name _t_Sukhov_ [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:36] @ launchpadAppeared 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:39] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:39] name demonl5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:39] @ launchpadAppeared 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:41] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:44] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:44] name demonl5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:44] @ launchpadAppeared 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:53] id 878753 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:53] name _assur [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:16:53] @ launchpadAppeared 878753 [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:01] id 878711 [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:46] id 878711 [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:46] name valentin751 [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:46] @ launchpadAppeared 878711 [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:17:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] (, 40957038887736, 48): 878706; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] [Weather][3922] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878709 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878711 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878713 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878715 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878717 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878719 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878721 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878723 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878725 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878727 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878729 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878731 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878733 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878735 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878739 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878741 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878743 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878745 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878747 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:10] id 878749 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] id 878751 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] id 878753 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] id 878755 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': {'layout': 'horizontal', 'weight': 0.005, 'conditions': [('isBattleType', {'battleTypes': [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]})], 'question': (u'\u041d\u0430\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u0432\u044b \u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0435\u0434\u0448\u0438\u043c \u0431\u043e\u0435\u043c?',), 'answers': [u'\u0410\u0431\u0441\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0442\u043d\u043e \u043d\u0435\u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043d', u'\u041d\u0435\u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043d', u'\u0417\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0443\u0434\u043d\u044f\u044e\u0441\u044c \u043e\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0438\u0442\u044c', u'\u0414\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043d', u'\u0410\u0431\u0441\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0442\u043d\u043e \u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043d'], 'exclusiveIndices': [], 'type': 'radio', 'id': 201607071}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:11] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattleSurveyWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:12] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:15] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:15] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3101923 He_Hago_neceH_0 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:19] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:20] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:20] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:20] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:20] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:20] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 21:18:20] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 21:20:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4286461936L, 6)]} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 4, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:47] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4283264944L: 10}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 128776}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 46460}}, 'moneyXP': 263, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 16361, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 16361, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 283781, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -74230, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1059125) (15, 1064375) [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:48] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L), ((), 4278022064L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 37, 4280119216L: 1, 4274876336L: 15, 4279168944L: 2}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] onUpdateAchievement: 4282573744 [74, 1520000018.221075, 4286461936L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] onUpdateAchievement: PCH011 done: 74 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] onUpdateDogTags: 4262841264 [0, 0, 0, 42, 25806.0] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU030 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520000508, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1), (4283622320L, 1)), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3774010757831233L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 18, 'credits': 283781, 'result': 1, 'exp': 5250, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1519999553, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1059125, 5250), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 5250, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/28_naval_mission.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4282573744L}, {'amount': 1, 'id': 4283622320L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 18, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 5250, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1064375, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/28_NAVAL_MISSION', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1), (4283622320L, 1)), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 21:05', 'dt': 1520000508, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1059125, 5250), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3774010757831233L, 'credits': 283781, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1519999553, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:49] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BR: {'credits': 157656, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1724, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 6730, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 67500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[223, 2230], [30, 4500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateAchievement: 4283622320 [12, 1520000267.753789, 4286461936L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateAchievement: PCH010 done: 12 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateDogTags: 4281715632 [0, 0, 0, 11] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU012 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520000508, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 6730, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 6730, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520000508, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 74230, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateDogTags: 4263889840 [0, 0, 0, 42, 25806.0] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU029 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520000508, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520000508, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateDogTags: 4284861360 [0, 0, 0, 11] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU009 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520000508, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520000508, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateDogTags: 4282764208 [0, 0, 0, 11] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:51] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU011 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:52] onUpdateDogTags: 4283812784 [0, 0, 0, 11] [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:52] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU010 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:21:53] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:05] SUR __executeSurveyCheck index 3 [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:05] SUR __executeRadioCheck index False [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:05] SUR __executeSurveyFinish isSubmit True [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:05] SUR __executeSurveyFinish variants [3] [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:06] SUR __executeSurveyFinish isSubmit False [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:06] SUR __executeSurveyFinish variants [] [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:22] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'fromJid': '4604162@wowsru.loc/wows', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520000662L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\x94\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd, \xd0\xbe\xd0\xba, \xd1\x81\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': True, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:51] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:51] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:56] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:56] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:24:56] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:07] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:07] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:07] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:08] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:08] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:25:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:26:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:35] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:35] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:36] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:40] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:40] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:47] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 24 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:55] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:55] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:55] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:55] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 40_Okinawa [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 27785 Name: forester59 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 911721 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 536956427 Name: aza84 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 911723 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 537051410 Name: milgelm TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 911725 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 56479 Name: _HOLLANDER TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 911727 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 171680 Name: kosta_nett TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 911729 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278569904L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 537030690 Name: Fopoiop16 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 911731 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 91427 Name: klenoff TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB517_Nelson avatarId: 911733 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 536984486 Name: shar964 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 911735 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 911737 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 536890931 Name: taigir TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC038_Atago_1944 avatarId: 911739 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 536992436 Name: ZzRIPRAPzZ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 911741 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 537129144 Name: olobac TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 911743 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 536996235 Name: pen2007 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 911745 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 61893 Name: k5390 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 911747 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282370992L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 537018189 Name: RogerBunny TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 911749 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 536907983 Name: Ahwassa TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 911751 isBot: False dogeTage: [4257598384L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 161873 Name: burmahina TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 911753 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283812784L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 537103011 Name: Miniel TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 911755 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 190805 Name: STEVEDORE_5 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 911757 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 537018074 Name: COMMANDOC69 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 911759 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 78175 Name: zusima71 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 911761 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 536926948 Name: Challenger2 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 911763 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 183505 Name: bogucki78 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB507_Scharnhorst avatarId: 911765 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] player: Id: 63483 Name: DinOZavR_Nat TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 911767 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] (, 40957038887736, 48): 911719; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] (, 40957038887736, 48): 911719; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-250.00009155273438, 249.99990844726562], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [249.99990844726562, -250.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 911720, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:56] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:27:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:20] id 911766 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:20] name bogucki78 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:20] @ launchpadAppeared 911766 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:20] [Weather][4081] onEnterWorld (map spaces/40_Okinawa/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] id 911730 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] name kosta_nett [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] @ launchpadAppeared 911730 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] id 911738 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:22] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:23] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:23] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:25] id 911734 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:25] name klenoff [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:25] id 911722 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:25] name forester59 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:25] @ launchpadAppeared 911722 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] id 911758 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] name STEVEDORE_5 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] @ launchpadAppeared 911758 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] id 911726 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] name milgelm [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:26] @ launchpadAppeared 911726 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] id 911746 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] name pen2007 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] @ launchpadAppeared 911746 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] id 911740 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] name taigir [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:27] @ launchpadAppeared 911740 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:28] id 911736 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:28] name shar964 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:28:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:29:01] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 21:29:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:29:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:29:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:10] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:10] name ZzRIPRAPzZ [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:10] @ launchpadAppeared 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:22] id 911766 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:29] id 911722 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:29] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:32] id 911748 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:32] name k5390 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:32] @ launchpadAppeared 911748 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:38] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:38] name ZzRIPRAPzZ [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:38] @ launchpadAppeared 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:42] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:42] name DinOZavR_Nat [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:42] @ launchpadAppeared 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:52] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:52] name burmahina [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:54] id 911746 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:57] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:57] name Challenger2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:57] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:57] name Miniel [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:30:57] @ launchpadAppeared 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:03] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:05] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:05] name DinOZavR_Nat [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:05] @ launchpadAppeared 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:13] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:13] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:17] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:17] name zusima71 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:17] @ launchpadAppeared 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:22] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:24] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:25] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:31] id 911724 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:31] name aza84 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:31] @ launchpadAppeared 911724 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:35] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:42] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:42] name burmahina [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:45] id 911748 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:46] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:46] name DinOZavR_Nat [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:46] @ launchpadAppeared 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:47] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:48] id 911748 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:48] name k5390 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:48] @ launchpadAppeared 911748 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:49] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:49] name zusima71 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:49] @ launchpadAppeared 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:52] id 911748 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:55] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:31:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:00] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:00] name zusima71 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:00] @ launchpadAppeared 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:01] id 911724 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:03] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:05] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:05] name DinOZavR_Nat [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:05] @ launchpadAppeared 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:05] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:06] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:08] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:08] name Challenger2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:18] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:18] name zusima71 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:18] @ launchpadAppeared 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:20] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:21] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:21] name Challenger2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:23] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:30] id 911724 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:30] name aza84 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:30] @ launchpadAppeared 911724 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:36] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:38] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:38] name ZzRIPRAPzZ [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:38] @ launchpadAppeared 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:43] id 911746 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:43] name pen2007 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:43] @ launchpadAppeared 911746 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:48] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:48] name zusima71 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:48] @ launchpadAppeared 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:51] id 911724 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:53] id 911724 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:53] name aza84 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:53] @ launchpadAppeared 911724 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:54] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:54] name DinOZavR_Nat [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:32:54] @ launchpadAppeared 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:00] id 911752 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:00] name Ahwassa [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:00] @ launchpadAppeared 911752 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:02] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:02] name Challenger2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:05] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:05] name Miniel [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:05] @ launchpadAppeared 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:06] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:10] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:10] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:12] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:14] id 911748 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:14] name k5390 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:14] @ launchpadAppeared 911748 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:16] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:16] name burmahina [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:16] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:16] name Miniel [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:16] @ launchpadAppeared 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:17] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:17] name zusima71 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:17] @ launchpadAppeared 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:18] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:18] name DinOZavR_Nat [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:18] @ launchpadAppeared 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:18] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:22] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:22] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:26] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:26] name burmahina [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:29] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:29] name Miniel [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:29] @ launchpadAppeared 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:30] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:30] name Challenger2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:31] id 911760 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:31] name COMMANDOC69 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:38] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:48] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:48] name zusima71 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:48] @ launchpadAppeared 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:50] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:50] name burmahina [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:33:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] id 911744 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] name olobac [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] @ launchpadAppeared 911744 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] id 911732 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] name Fopoiop16 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] @ launchpadAppeared 911732 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] id 911750 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] name RogerBunny [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:05] id 911748 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:05] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:06] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:06] name Miniel [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:06] @ launchpadAppeared 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:06] id 911728 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:06] name _HOLLANDER [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] id 911766 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] name bogucki78 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] @ launchpadAppeared 911766 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] id 911722 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] name forester59 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:08] @ launchpadAppeared 911722 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:15] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:17] id 911756 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:23] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:27] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:27] id 911750 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:28] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:28] name burmahina [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:29] id 911752 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:30] id 911752 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:30] name Ahwassa [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:30] @ launchpadAppeared 911752 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:43] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:46] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:46] name zusima71 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:46] @ launchpadAppeared 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:56] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:56] name ZzRIPRAPzZ [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:56] @ launchpadAppeared 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:58] id 911750 [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:58] name RogerBunny [S] [2018_03_02 21:34:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:03] id 911750 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:06] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:08] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:08] name ZzRIPRAPzZ [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:08] @ launchpadAppeared 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:14] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:14] name DinOZavR_Nat [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:14] @ launchpadAppeared 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:16] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:16] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:17] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:17] name DinOZavR_Nat [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:17] @ launchpadAppeared 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:28] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:28] name ZzRIPRAPzZ [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:28] @ launchpadAppeared 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:34] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:46] id 911752 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:48] id 911750 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:48] name RogerBunny [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] id 911752 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] name Ahwassa [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] @ launchpadAppeared 911752 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] id 911742 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:50] id 911750 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:50] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:50] name DinOZavR_Nat [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:50] @ launchpadAppeared 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] (, 40957038887736, 48): 911719; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] [Weather][4081] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911722 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911724 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911726 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911728 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911730 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911732 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911734 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911736 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911738 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911740 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911744 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911746 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911752 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911754 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911758 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911760 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911762 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911764 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911766 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:53] id 911768 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:54] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:55] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:55] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:55] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:55] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:55] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:55] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:55] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:55] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:56] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:56] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:56] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:56] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:35:59] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3101923 He_Hago_neceH_0 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 21:36:00] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 21:37:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:40:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:40:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:41:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:41:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:43:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:44:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:44:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:45:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:45:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:45:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:46:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:46:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:46:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:46:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:01] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:01] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:01] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 4, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:01] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:01] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4293750704L: 8}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 131284}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 48968}}, 'moneyXP': 126, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 18869, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 18869, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 179529, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -71000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 4, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1064375) (15, 1066883) [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4280119216L), ((), 4278022064L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 36, 4280119216L: 0, 4274876336L: 14, 4279168944L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:02] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q4': {}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] onUpdateAchievement: 4277330864 [26, 1520001234.500143, 4286461936L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] onUpdateAchievement: PCH016 done: 26 [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4282561456L: {(0, 4277330864L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] onUpdateDogTags: 4262841264 [0, 0, 0, 43, 25511.0] [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU030 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520002082, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4277330864L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3915800513175395L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 24, 'credits': 179529, 'result': 2, 'exp': 2508, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520000867, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1064375, 2508), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2508, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/40_Okinawa.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4277330864L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 24, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2508, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1066883, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/40_OKINAWA', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': ((4277330864L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 21:27', 'dt': 1520002082, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1064375, 2508), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3915800513175395L, 'credits': 179529, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520000867, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BR: {'credits': 99738, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 823, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 3500, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 67500, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[50, 500], [20, 3000], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] onUpdateDogTags: 4263889840 [0, 0, 0, 43, 25511.0] [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU029 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520002082, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3500, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 67500}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3500, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520002082, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 71000, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 67500, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520002082, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520002082, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520002082, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:05] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520002082, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 21:48:08] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:30] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:30] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:30] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:38] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:40] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:41] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_02 21:50:41] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:06] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:19] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:22] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:22] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:22] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:27] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:33] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4283264944L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4283264944L: 9}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:40] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:46] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:46] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:46] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:54] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:54] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:51:58] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 12 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:06] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:06] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 18_NE_ice_islands [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 537056960 Name: Disa90killer TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1488293 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 46850 Name: siniy2217 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 1488265 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 277125 Name: anzory TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1488267 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 536874124 Name: Liteau TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1488295 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 22669 Name: UNDERWORLD_WoT TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1488271 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 537057051 Name: StelsNew1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD208_Pr_30 avatarId: 1488273 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 537090591 Name: ShEDEvRIO TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1488275 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 536921762 Name: SemiQvatro TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 1488277 isBot: False dogeTage: [4275030960L, 4261366704L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 126117 Name: blakangel_zashhitnik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 1488279 isBot: False dogeTage: [4273982384L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1488281 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 37805 Name: MaratMaratovich_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB108_Monarch avatarId: 1488283 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 536891056 Name: fredi410 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD308_Pr_48 avatarId: 1488285 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 24884 Name: NaVi_VO1NA TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 1488287 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 537039544 Name: greiderrr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 1488289 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 536977341 Name: joker1962_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1488291 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 537049024 Name: _volchara_32rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 1488263 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 61452 Name: VittaBrevis TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1488269 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 536937055 Name: eduardos66 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 1488297 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 162150 Name: NORDSTAR36D TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1488299 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 122983 Name: rozov8383 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1488301 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 536945010 Name: 3aKPblM TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC508_Kutuzov_1952 avatarId: 1488303 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 163578 Name: radio343150 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1488305 isBot: False dogeTage: [4275030960L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 188411 Name: LeoN_30_rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1488307 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4284435376L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] player: Id: 269439 Name: nik5807 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1488309 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1488261; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1488261; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [0.0, 488.99981689453125], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -490.9999084472656], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1488262, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537024110, 0, 0, 1488307, 1520002314355L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537024110: PreBattleInfo: id: 537024110, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1488307, creationTime 1520002314355, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537024110, 0, 0, 1488307, 1520002314355L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537024110: PreBattleInfo: id: 537024110, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1488307, creationTime 1520002314355, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537024110, 0, 0, 1488307, 1520002314355L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537024110: PreBattleInfo: id: 537024110, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1488307, creationTime 1520002314355, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:10] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537024110, 0, 0, 1488307, 1520002314355L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:10] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537024110: PreBattleInfo: id: 537024110, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1488307, creationTime 1520002314355, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:10] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537024110, 0, 0, 1488307, 1520002314355L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:10] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537024110: PreBattleInfo: id: 537024110, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1488307, creationTime 1520002314355, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:10] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537024110, 0, 0, 1488307, 1520002314355L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:10] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537024110: PreBattleInfo: id: 537024110, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1488307, creationTime 1520002314355, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 21:52:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:53:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:53:12] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] id 1488292 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] name joker1962_1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1488292 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] [Weather][6926] onEnterWorld (map spaces/18_NE_ice_islands/weathers.xml, scheme 2, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] id 1488272 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] name UNDERWORLD_WoT [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1488272 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:49] id 1488294 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:49] name Disa90killer [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:50] id 1488290 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:50] name greiderrr [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:55:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:23] id 1488266 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:23] name siniy2217 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1488266 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:40] id 1488300 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:40] name NORDSTAR36D [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1488300 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:48] id 1488274 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:48] name StelsNew1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:56] id 1488296 [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:56] name Liteau [S] [2018_03_02 21:56:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:00] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:00] name LeoN_30_rus [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:11] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:13] id 1488296 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:13] id 1488310 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:13] name nik5807 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] id 1488306 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] name radio343150 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] id 1488302 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] name rozov8383 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] id 1488298 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] name eduardos66 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1488298 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] id 1488282 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] id 1488296 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] name Liteau [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:31] id 1488272 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:34] id 1488300 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:41] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:45] id 1488274 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:50] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:50] name LeoN_30_rus [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:57:58] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:34] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:34] name VittaBrevis [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:41] id 1488306 [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:58:50] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:10] id 1488300 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:10] name NORDSTAR36D [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1488300 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:13] id 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:13] name _volchara_32rus [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:24] id 1488298 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:29] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:34] id 1488284 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:34] name MaratMaratovich_1 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1488284 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:36] id 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:37] id 1488292 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:44] id 1488284 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:46] id 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:46] name _volchara_32rus [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:51] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:51] name VittaBrevis [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:52] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:52] name LeoN_30_rus [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 21:59:55] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:03] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:03] name VittaBrevis [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:04] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:04] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:05] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:05] name VittaBrevis [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:05] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:05] name LeoN_30_rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:08] id 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:09] id 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:09] name _volchara_32rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:10] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:10] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:10] id 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:18] id 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:18] name _volchara_32rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:26] id 1488284 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:26] name MaratMaratovich_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1488284 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:27] id 1488276 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:27] name ShEDEvRIO [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:40] id 1488278 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:40] name SemiQvatro [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1488278 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:54] id 1488304 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:54] name 3aKPblM [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:00:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:09] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:09] name LeoN_30_rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:10] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:12] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:12] name VittaBrevis [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:12] id 1488264 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:18] id 1488270 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:26] id 1488304 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:31] id 1488284 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:34] id 1488288 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:34] name NaVi_VO1NA [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:55] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:55] name LeoN_30_rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:01:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:02] id 1488280 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:02] name blakangel_zashhitnik [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1488280 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:13] id 1488294 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] id 1488298 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] name eduardos66 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1488298 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] id 1488294 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] name Disa90killer [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] id 1488272 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] name UNDERWORLD_WoT [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1488272 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] id 1488292 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] name joker1962_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1488292 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] id 1488306 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] name radio343150 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:19] id 1488274 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:19] name StelsNew1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:30] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:30] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1488261; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:30] [Weather][6926] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:30] id 1488266 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488272 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488274 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488276 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488278 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488280 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488282 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488288 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488290 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488292 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488294 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488296 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488298 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488300 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488302 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488306 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488308 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:31] id 1488310 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:32] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:33] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3101923 He_Hago_neceH_0 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:39] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:40] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:40] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:40] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:40] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:40] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:47] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:48] inviteToPreBattle() {preBattleId: 537132534, preBattleType: 1, inviteType: 1, expirationTime: 1520003269, creatorInfo: None, senderInfo: {senderName: '__ReRuRk__', senderId: 536963818, senderDBID: 42068440L, senderLevel: 15, senderRankInfo: 0, isAbuser: 0, clanID: 431228L, clanTag: u'WI-NT', clanColor: 13427940}, state: '', regionID: 'RU'} [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:48] [DivisionEntranceContext] onInvitationReceived: {'isAbuser': 0, 'senderName': '__ReRuRk__', 'league': 0, 'inviteType': 1, 'senderDBID': 42068440L, 'preBattleId': 537132534, 'regionID': 'RU', 'senderId': 536963818, 'clanID': 431228L, 'rankSeasonId': 0, 'creatorInfo': None, 'senderLevel': 15, 'clanColor': 13427940, 'state': '', 'senderRankInfo': 0, 'rank': 0, 'creationTime': 1520002969.0052261, 'expirationTime': 1520003269, 'clanTag': u'WI-NT', 'preBattleType': 1} [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:48] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 8, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_INVITATION_RECEIVED_DIVISION', 'playerName': '__ReRuRk__', 'idInGroup': 8, 'divisionType': 'division', 'groupId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'id': 537132534} [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:48] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0.0, 'selectedEntityId': 6115, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:48] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:48] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:49] onActionFailed(): errorId: RES_WRONG_ARGS: ERROR_INGAMENEWS_GET [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:49] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:02:59] joinToPreBattle() PrebattleId: 537132534 ShipId: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] onInviteAccepted() PreBattleId: 537132534 InviteResultId: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] Account.enterPreBattle: (289) (1, 537132534, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 536963818, 42068440, u'', 1, None, 3, [(536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520002968830L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'idInGroup': 2, 'divisionType': 'division', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_YOUR_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:00] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:01] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:19] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:23] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:28] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:28] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:28] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:28] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:28] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:28] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:28] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:32] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:32] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:32] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:32] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:32] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:32] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:32] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:03:32] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:04:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:05:08] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:05:08] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:05:08] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 1], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:05:08] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [59] [S] [2018_03_02 22:05:08] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:05:19] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_02 22:05:19] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_02 22:05:19] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:05:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:07:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:07:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:01] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:01] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:01] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 4, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 133232}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 50916}}, 'moneyXP': 98, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 20817, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 20817, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 127672, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -61730, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:08:59] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1066883) (15, 1068831) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4279168944L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4283264944L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 35, 4279168944L: 0, 4283264944L: 8, 4274876336L: 13}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:00] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q4': {}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] onUpdateDogTags: 4262841264 [0, 0, 0, 44, 25327.0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU030 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520003339, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': -1, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6392029547947279L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -17, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 12, 'credits': 127672, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1948, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520002319, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1066883, 1948), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1948, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/18_NE_ice_islands.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 12, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1948, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1068831, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/18_NE_ICE_ISLANDS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 21:51', 'dt': 1520003339, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1066883, 1948), 'expPenalty': -1, 'arenaUniqueID': 6392029547947279L, 'credits': 127672, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': -17, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520002319, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:01] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BR: {'credits': 70938, 'credits_penalty': 17, 'exp_penalty': 1, 'exp': 640, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 1730, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 60000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[23, 230], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] onUpdateDogTags: 4263889840 [0, 0, 0, 44, 25327.0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU029 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520003339, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1730, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 60000}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1730, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520003339, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 61730, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 60000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520003339, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520003339, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:05] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520003339, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:05] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520003339, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4286461936L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4286461936L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 9], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:24] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4286461936L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4286461936L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:27] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:31] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:31] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:31] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 15 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:38] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 22_tierra_del_fuego [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 537017793 Name: Finch19883 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1532126 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293249968L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 55438 Name: serjikkkkk TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB527_Duke_of_York avatarId: 1532110 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 537050647 Name: Crazy_Korsar84 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1532112 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 129689 Name: kayuk_kayak TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 1532114 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 536916255 Name: Shultz_76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB517_Nelson avatarId: 1532116 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1532118 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 38956 Name: ej777 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1532120 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 65716 Name: BISMARK_7795 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1532122 isBot: False dogeTage: [4257598384L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 107070 Name: 161_ALEX_161_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC017_Baltimore_1944 avatarId: 1532124 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 58561 Name: shuler72 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1532108 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 537040075 Name: bizhanov002 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD108_Z_23 avatarId: 1532128 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 537037902 Name: 111RazrushiteL111 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 1532130 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 158287 Name: Bratok_59 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1532132 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283812784L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 61778 Name: Obezbashenuy33 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1532134 isBot: False dogeTage: [4279225264L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 536886613 Name: heroy2_boec TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 1532136 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 96984 Name: rutumik TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1532138 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 70876 Name: zheleznuj_snajper TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 1532140 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 537018077 Name: z7snake7z TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 1532142 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 152418 Name: darksairus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 1532144 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 536921190 Name: CaMcoH_16 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1532146 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 536963818 Name: __ReRuRk__ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1532148 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 191218 Name: RenamedUser_24422690 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1532150 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 102643 Name: Roma7w TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1532152 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] player: Id: 536954238 Name: Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 1532154 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1532106; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1532106; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-528.0919189453125, 7.188799858093262], radius: 150.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-43.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [355.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1532107, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1532118, 1520003370650L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532118, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1532118, 1520003370650L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532118, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1532118, 1520003370650L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532118, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116423, 0, 0, 1532142, 1520003370651L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532118, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532142, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116423, 0, 0, 1532142, 1520003370651L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532118, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532142, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116423, 0, 0, 1532142, 1520003370651L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532118, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532142, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116423, 0, 0, 1532146, 1520003370651L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532118, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532146, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116423, 0, 0, 1532146, 1520003370651L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532118, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532146, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116423, 0, 0, 1532146, 1520003370651L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532118, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532146, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1532148, 1520003370650L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532148, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532146, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1532148, 1520003370650L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532148, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532146, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1532148, 1520003370650L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532148, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532146, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116423, 0, 0, 1532146, 1520003370651L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532148, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532146, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116423, 0, 0, 1532146, 1520003370651L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532148, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532146, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116423, 0, 0, 1532146, 1520003370651L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:41] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532148, creationTime 1520003370650, hidden False, locked False , 537116423: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116423, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1532146, creationTime 1520003370651, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:09:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:06] id 1532131 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:06] name 111RazrushiteL111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1532131 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:06] [Weather][6512] onEnterWorld (map spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:07] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:07] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:08] id 1532151 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:08] name RenamedUser_24422690 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:09] id 1532139 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:09] name rutumik [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1532139 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] id 1532115 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] name kayuk_kayak [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1532115 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] id 1532119 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] id 1532141 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] name zheleznuj_snajper [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1532141 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:10] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:11] id 1532117 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:11] name Shultz_76 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:13] id 1532133 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:13] name Bratok_59 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:13] id 1532127 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:13] name Finch19883 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:22] id 1532129 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:22] name bizhanov002 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:10:43] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 22:11:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:11:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:11:31] id 1532133 [S] [2018_03_02 22:11:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:15] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:15] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:17] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:21] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:21] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:21] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:21] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:23] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:23] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:23] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:28] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:34] id 1532115 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:45] id 1532137 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:45] name heroy2_boec [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:55] id 1532147 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:55] name CaMcoH_16 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:57] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:57] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:12:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:01] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:01] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:03] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:03] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:05] id 1532137 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:05] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:05] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:09] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:09] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:12] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:12] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:17] id 1532147 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:21] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:27] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:30] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:30] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:31] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:31] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:35] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:13:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:01] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:01] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:12] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:18] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:18] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:21] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:22] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:22] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:24] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:24] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:24] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:26] id 1532137 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:26] name heroy2_boec [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:35] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:36] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:36] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:14:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:00] id 1532137 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:00] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:00] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:03] id 1532137 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:03] name heroy2_boec [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:18] id 1532121 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:18] name ej777 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:20] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:20] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:25] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:27] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:27] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:27] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:29] id 1532147 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:29] name CaMcoH_16 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:29] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:32] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:32] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:35] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:40] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:44] id 1532121 [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:15:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:00] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:00] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:01] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:12] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:12] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:15] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:15] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:19] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:19] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:21] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:25] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:28] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:28] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:34] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:34] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:36] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:36] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:41] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:41] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:44] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:44] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:45] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:46] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:46] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:47] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:47] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:49] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:49] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:50] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:50] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:16:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:09] id 1532121 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:09] name ej777 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:15] id 1532121 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:25] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:29] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:41] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:43] id 1532147 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] id 1532147 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] name CaMcoH_16 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:57] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:58] id 1532121 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:58] name ej777 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:59] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:59] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:17:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:08] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:08] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:11] id 1532147 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:29] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:33] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:35] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:35] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:36] id 1532111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:36] name serjikkkkk [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:37] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:37] id 1532111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:38] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:38] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:41] id 1532111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:41] name serjikkkkk [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:45] id 1532123 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:45] name BISMARK_7795 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:45] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:48] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:48] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:52] id 1532133 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:52] name Bratok_59 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:18:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:08] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:12] id 1532111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] id 1532111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] name serjikkkkk [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:24] id 1532111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:29] id 1532147 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:29] name CaMcoH_16 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:50] id 1532145 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:50] name darksairus [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1532145 [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:19:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:03] id 1532123 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:15] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:15] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:25] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:25] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:27] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:27] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:27] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:33] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:40] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:40] id 1532141 [S] [2018_03_02 22:20:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:10] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:10] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:21] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:21] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:23] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:23] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:31] id 1532153 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:31] name Roma7w [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:36] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:39] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:47] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:47] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:53] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:21:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:03] id 1532131 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:13] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:13] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:20] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:20] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:28] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:32] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:32] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:32] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:45] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] id 1532141 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] name zheleznuj_snajper [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1532141 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:53] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:22:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:01] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:01] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:01] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:01] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:17] setMode ShellTracker [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:18] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:47] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:47] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:55] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:55] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:57] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:23:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:00] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:00] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:11] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:11] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:13] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:14] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:14] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:22] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:22] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:31] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:42] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:42] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:47] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:50] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:50] name Obezbashenuy33 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:24:59] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:23] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:23] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:24] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:24] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:35] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:45] id 1532109 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:45] name shuler72 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1532109 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:48] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:48] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:49] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:57] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:57] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:59] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:59] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:25:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:11] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:13] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:21] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:22] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:22] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:25] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:38] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:38] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] id 1532111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] name serjikkkkk [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:46] id 1532123 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:46] name BISMARK_7795 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:46] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:46] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:47] id 1532115 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:47] name kayuk_kayak [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1532115 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:48] id 1532131 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:48] name 111RazrushiteL111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1532131 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:49] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:53] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:26:54] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:13] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:23] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:23] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:27] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:33] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:33] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:44] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:49] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:49] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:27:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:05] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:05] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:10] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:10] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:18] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:18] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:20] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:31] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:31] name z7snake7z [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:34] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:35] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:35] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:49] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:49] name Danila_tigr_2015_S_2015 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:28:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:29:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:29:54] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:29:54] name 161_ALEX_161_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:29:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:29:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:29:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:07] id 1532113 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:10] id 1532155 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:44] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:44] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:44] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:46] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:46] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1532106; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] [Weather][6512] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532109 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532111 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532115 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532117 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532119 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532121 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532123 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532125 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532127 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532129 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532131 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532133 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532135 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532137 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:47] id 1532139 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] id 1532141 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] id 1532143 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] id 1532145 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] id 1532147 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] id 1532149 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] id 1532151 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:48] id 1532153 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 137867}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 55551}}, 'moneyXP': 232, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 25452, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 25452, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 237381, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67740, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 4, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 99, 'add_slots': (((), 4274876336L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4283264944L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 34, 4283264944L: 7, 4274876336L: 12}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:49] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4286461936L, 7)]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 5, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1068831) (15, 1073466) [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] Account.enterPreBattle: (278) (1, 537132534, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 536963818, 42068440, u'', 1, None, 3, [(536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520003370650L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BR: {'credits': 131878, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1522, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279168944L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 7740, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 60000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[174, 1740], [40, 6000], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520004645, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6160818573502762L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 15, 'credits': 237381, 'result': 1, 'exp': 4635, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520003370, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1068831, 4635), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 4635, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/22_tierra_del_fuego.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 15, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 4635, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1073466, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/22_TIERRA_DEL_FUEGO', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 22:09', 'dt': 1520004645, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1068831, 4635), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6160818573502762L, 'credits': 237381, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520003370, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520004645, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 7740, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 60000}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 7740, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520004645, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 67740, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 60000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3101923 He_Hago_neceH_0 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520004645, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520004645, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:52] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520004645, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:52] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520004645, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:55] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:55] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 22:30:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:03] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:04] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:04] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:07] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:07] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:07] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:07] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:16] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:17] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:17] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:17] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4286461936L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4286461936L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [7, 9], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:23] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:25] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:25] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:26] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:29] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:29] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:29] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:53] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4270780336L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4270780336L: 4}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4270780336L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4270780336L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:55] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4286461936L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4286461936L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [7, 9], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:31:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GuideBrowserWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:27] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: lobby.GuideBrowserWindow [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GuideBrowserWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:42] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:42] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:42] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:42] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:42] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 9], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4286461936L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4286461936L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4286461936 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:47] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 4 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:48] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:48] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:48] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 8 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:55] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:55] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:56] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 14_Atlantic [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 35584 Name: alexey68_lom TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1590170 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 244358 Name: angrychrome_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1590172 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 274439 Name: tihonok TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 1590174 isBot: False dogeTage: [4261792688L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 536975126 Name: iv_mikson TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1590176 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 97057 Name: cirkon44 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB507_Scharnhorst avatarId: 1590178 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 47012 Name: Siling TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1590180 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1590182 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 536965680 Name: aman_653 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 1590184 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 174656 Name: kashirinr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD308_Pr_48 avatarId: 1590186 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 536960833 Name: biboni TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1590188 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 90309 Name: Rollo_Tomazi TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1590190 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 54626 Name: xxxCROWxxx TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1590206 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 536952148 Name: Sergey_174ru_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 1590194 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 70613 Name: dimadonscoy5 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 1590196 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 58454 Name: Trofim_100 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1590198 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 536948955 Name: __Imperious__ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1590200 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 536936412 Name: Gufaka_mazafOIka TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB109_Lion avatarId: 1590202 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 536954209 Name: Spartanec89 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD409_Pr_20i_Tashkent avatarId: 1590204 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 44770 Name: zed10_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1590192 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 537014117 Name: _Dikii_ZVER_Zhas_Kz_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD208_Pr_30 avatarId: 1590208 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 536963818 Name: __ReRuRk__ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1590210 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 537009003 Name: olegan737 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1590212 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4288629680L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 149486 Name: hunter_bad TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 1590214 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] player: Id: 264822 Name: Capitan_Organic TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1590216 isBot: False dogeTage: [4259695536L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1590168; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1590168; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-360.0, -360.0], radius: 142.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 151.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [360.0, 360.0], radius: 142.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1590169, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590196, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 1, 0, 1590182, 1520004768540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590182, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 1, 0, 1590182, 1520004768540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590182, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 1, 0, 1590182, 1520004768540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590182, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:57] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:58] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261134, 0, 0, 1590174, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:58] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590174, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590182, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:58] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261134, 0, 0, 1590174, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:58] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590174, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590182, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:58] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261134, 0, 0, 1590174, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:58] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590174, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590182, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 1, 0, 1590210, 1520004768540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590174, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 1, 0, 1590210, 1520004768540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590174, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 1, 0, 1590210, 1520004768540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590174, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261134, 0, 0, 1590194, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261134, 0, 0, 1590194, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261134, 0, 0, 1590194, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:32:59] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590196, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590190, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590190, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:01] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590190, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:01] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:32] id 1590197 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:32] name dimadonscoy5 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1590197 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:34] id 1590205 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:34] name Spartanec89 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:36] id 1590181 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:36] name Siling [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:37] id 1590201 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:37] name __Imperious__ [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:38] id 1590187 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:38] name kashirinr [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:39] id 1590185 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:39] name aman_653 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1590185 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] id 1590199 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] name Trofim_100 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] id 1590211 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1590211 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] id 1590217 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] name Capitan_Organic [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:42] id 1590171 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:42] name alexey68_lom [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1590171 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] id 1590191 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] name Rollo_Tomazi [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] [Weather][7003] onEnterWorld (map spaces/14_Atlantic/weathers.xml, scheme 2, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] id 1590183 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:44] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:58] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:58] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:33:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:34:06] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:37] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:37] name Sergey_174ru_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:44] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:44] name cirkon44 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:53] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:54] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:54] name cirkon44 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:58] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:35:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:06] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:06] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:09] id 1590171 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:19] id 1590173 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:19] name angrychrome_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:19] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:19] name olegan737 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:26] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:31] id 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:31] name biboni [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:35] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:35] name cirkon44 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:35] id 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:37] id 1590173 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] name Sergey_174ru_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] id 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] name biboni [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:52] id 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:57] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:58] id 1590171 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:58] name alexey68_lom [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1590171 [S] [2018_03_02 22:36:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:00] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:00] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:00] name zed10_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:02] id 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:02] name biboni [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:04] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:04] name iv_mikson [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:04] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:05] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:05] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:07] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:07] name zed10_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:07] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:12] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:12] name Sergey_174ru_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:16] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:17] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] name zed10_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] name iv_mikson [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:21] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:22] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:22] name Sergey_174ru_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:23] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:23] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:24] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:25] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:26] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:26] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:27] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:28] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:28] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:30] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:30] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:32] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:32] name zed10_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:35] id 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:37] id 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:37] name biboni [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:39] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:39] name iv_mikson [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:44] id 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:44] name tihonok [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:53] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:53] id 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:56] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:59] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:59] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:37:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:04] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:05] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:05] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:19] id 1590209 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:19] name _Dikii_ZVER_Zhas_Kz_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:21] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:30] id 1590209 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:33] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:33] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:36] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:39] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:47] id 1590173 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:47] name angrychrome_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:47] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:47] name iv_mikson [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:48] id 1590173 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:52] id 1590173 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:52] name angrychrome_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:55] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:55] name olegan737 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:38:58] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:02] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:03] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:03] name cirkon44 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:07] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:07] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:08] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:08] name Sergey_174ru_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:15] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:16] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:16] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:21] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:21] name zed10_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:29] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:32] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:32] name Sergey_174ru_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:35] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:35] name iv_mikson [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:38] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:39] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:39] name iv_mikson [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:40] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:41] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:42] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:45] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:45] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:46] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:46] name cirkon44 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] id 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] name tihonok [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] name olegan737 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:52] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:39:57] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:18] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:23] id 1590209 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:23] name _Dikii_ZVER_Zhas_Kz_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:25] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:25] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:39] id 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:42] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:44] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590190, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:44] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:44] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590190, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:44] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:44] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590190, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:44] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:45] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590190, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:45] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:45] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590190, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:45] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:45] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261150, 0, 0, 1590190, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:45] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:46] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:50] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:50] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:52] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:52] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:59] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:40:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:06] id 1590209 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:12] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:20] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:20] name hunter_bad [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:32] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:32] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:50] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:54] id 1590209 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:54] name _Dikii_ZVER_Zhas_Kz_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:54] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:54] name iv_mikson [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:41:59] id 1590209 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:02] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:02] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:04] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:04] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:04] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:08] id 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:08] name tihonok [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:09] id 1590209 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:09] name _Dikii_ZVER_Zhas_Kz_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:10] id 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:25] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:25] name olegan737 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:47] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:52] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:56] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:56] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:42:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:06] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:17] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:17] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:21] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:22] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:22] name xxxCROWxxx [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:33] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:33] name olegan737 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:42] id 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:42] name tihonok [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:53] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:53] name iv_mikson [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:43:59] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:00] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:03] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261134, 0, 1, 1590194, 1520004768541L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:13] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:13] name hunter_bad [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:22] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:22] name zed10_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:29] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:29] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:43] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (261134, 0, 1, 1590194, 1520004768541L, True, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:44:53] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {261134: PreBattleInfo: id: 261134, occupied: 1, sign: 0, ownerId 1590194, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden True, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1590210, creationTime 1520004768540, hidden False, locked False , 261150: PreBattleInfo: id: 261150, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1590190, creationTime 1520004768541, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:05] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:05] name iv_mikson [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:27] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:27] name olegan737 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:29] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:33] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:33] name olegan737 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] name hunter_bad [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] name zed10_1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:45:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:46:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:46:10] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:46:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:46:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:46:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:46:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:46:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:47:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:47:22] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:47:22] name hunter_bad [S] [2018_03_02 22:47:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:47:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:47:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:47:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:47:57] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:04] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:04] name hunter_bad [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:55] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:55] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:55] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:57] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1590168; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] [Weather][7003] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590171 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590173 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590175 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590177 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590179 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590181 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590183 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590185 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590187 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590189 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590191 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590193 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590195 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590197 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590199 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590201 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590203 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590205 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590207 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:58] id 1590209 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] id 1590211 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] id 1590213 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] id 1590215 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] id 1590217 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:49:59] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 140176}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 58997}}, 'moneyXP': 116, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 27761, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 27761, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 84312, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -61660, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4286461936 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 4, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4270780336L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4283264944L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 33, 4283264944L: 6, 4274876336L: 11, 4270780336L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4286461936L, 8)]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 5, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:00] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1073466) (15, 1075775) [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] Account.enterPreBattle: (277) (1, 537132534, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 536963818, 42068440, u'', 1, None, 3, [(536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520004768540L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 0}) [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BR: {'credits': 56208, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 758, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4270780336L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4270780336L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 1660, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 60000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[16, 160], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520005796, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6424697069203104L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 8, 'credits': 84312, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2309, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520004768, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1073466, 2309), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2309, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/14_Atlantic.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 8, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2309, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1075775, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/14_ATLANTIC', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 22:32', 'dt': 1520005796, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1073466, 2309), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6424697069203104L, 'credits': 84312, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520004768, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520005796, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1660, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 60000}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1660, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520005796, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 61660, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 60000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520005796, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520005796, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520005796, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520005796, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:04] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:04] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:10] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:11] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:11] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:14] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:14] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:15] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:15] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:27] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowResearchShip, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {3444551664L: 0, 3454414832L: 0, 3433836528L: 0, 3444420592L: 0, 3443961840L: 0}, 'addedShips': {4272830448L: (False, 0, '', ((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), ((), 0, ()), ((4293042096L, 4287799216L, 4286750640L, 0), 0), ()))}, 'moneyXP': -17824, 'changedShipDockStats': {4272830448L: (1520005831, 0, 0)}, 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'exp': 0}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] Available permoflages: ['PCEP119_Permo_Upgr_9_lvl'] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] Purchased permoflages: [] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] crew: none [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] peculiarity: default [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] PEC False False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 6, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': 158000}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 6, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_EXPLORE', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': 158000, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'groupId': 5} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] onUpdateAchievement: 4245873584 [0, 0, 0, 30] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:31] onUpdateAchievement: PCH046 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:39] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:39] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['clan'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:39] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:39] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:40] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 5978000, 'moneyGL': -75, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'storage': {4279410608L: 1, 4278022064L: 34, 4284653488L: 1, 3548819440L: 0, 3559272432L: 0, 4283264944L: 7, 3538694128L: 0, 4274876336L: 12, 4267888560L: 1, 4271034288L: 1, 4262645680L: 2, 4278362032L: 1, 4270780336L: 4}, 'crewsAssignments': ({18: 0}, {}), 'changedShips': {4286461936L: {'slots': {0: {'slots': ((None, 0), (None, 0), (None, None), (None, 0), (None, None))}, 1: {'del_slots': 4, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}, 'own': False}}, 'changedShipDockStats': {4286461936L: (1518974929, 1518974938, 1520005840)}, 'freeShipSlots': 1} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:40] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 28, 'data': {'crewId': 18}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:40] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 28, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_DISEMBARK', 'crewId': 22018, 'shipId': 0, 'data': {'crewId': 22018}, 'groupId': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 20, 'data': {'slot': 0, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (0, 25), 'modId': 4262645680L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 20, 'data': {'slot': 0, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (0, 25), 'modId': 4262645680L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 20, 'data': {'slot': 1, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (0, 25), 'modId': 4271034288L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 20, 'data': {'slot': 1, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (0, 25), 'modId': 4271034288L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 20, 'data': {'slot': 3, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (0, 25), 'modId': 4267888560L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 20, 'data': {'slot': 3, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'cost': (0, 25), 'modId': 4267888560L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 1520006142, [4272278448L]) 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=1520006142, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (1,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4270780336L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4270780336L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4278022064L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4278022064L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4286461936L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4279410608L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4279410608L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:43] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 1, 'data': {'modsCost': (42, 66), 'modMask': 0, 'cost': (5978000, 0), 'modsCount': 0, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'sellMask': 0, 'result': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:43] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'modsCost': (42, 66), 'typeId': 1, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD008', 'idInGroup': 1, 'modMask': 0, 'costShipCR': 5978000, 'costShipGL': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SELL_0', 'cost': (5978000, 0), 'result': 0, 'isElite': False, 'uiSpecial': False, 'costModCR': 42, 'groupId': 5, 'shipId': 4286461936L, 'sourceId': 0, 'modFlag': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VIII', 'modsCount': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'sellMask': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_ENTERED_PREBATTLE', 'typeId': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_PLAYER_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'GuestNight_', 'idInGroup': 3, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20583925 {'jid': '20583925@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'GuestNight_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['clan'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:50:48] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20583925 {'jid': '20583925@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'GuestNight_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['clan', 'specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:01] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:09] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:09] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:09] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:09] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:09] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:09] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 1], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['clan', 'specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:09] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:09] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:11] availableShipParts 55 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:11] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:20] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowPurchaseShip, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:27] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -12850000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShipDockStats': {4272830448L: (1520005831, 1520005887, 0)}, 'freeShipSlots': -1, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'own': True}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:27] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:27] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 0, 'data': {'numItems': 1, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (12850000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:27] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 0, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'costCR': 12850000, 'sourceId': 0, 'costGold': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_BUY', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (12850000, 0), 'numItems': 1, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'groupId': 5} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:27] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowAssignCrew, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:36] >>> receiveChanges {'crewsAssignments': ({18: 4272830448L}, {})} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowRetrainCrew, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:39] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 27, 'data': {'crewId': 18, 'shipId': 4272830448L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:39] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 27, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 0, 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_ASSIGN', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'crewId': 23018, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'data': {'crewId': 23018, 'shipId': 4272830448L}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:42] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -200000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedCrews': {18: {'retraining': 2, 'spec': 4272830448L, 'adapt_earned': 37500, 'adapt_penalty': 75000}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 32, 'data': {'crewId': 18, 'retrainingType': 2, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -200000, 'XP': 0, 'GL': 0, 'ELXP': 0}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 32, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 0, 'isElite': False, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -200000, 'XP': 0, 'GL': 0, 'ELXP': 0}, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 6, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_START_ADAPTATION', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'crewId': 24018, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'data': {'crewId': 24018, 'retrainingType': 2, 'moneyChange': {'CR': -200000, 'XP': 0, 'GL': 0, 'ELXP': 0}}, 'uiSpecial': False, 'retrainingType': 2} [S] [2018_03_02 22:51:44] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:07] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {0: {'slots': ((None, 4262645680L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4262645680L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:07] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 0, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4262645680L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:07] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 0, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4262645680L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:34] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {0: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, 4271034288L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4271034288L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 1, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4271034288L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:52:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 1, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4271034288L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:16] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -500000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {0: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4259499952L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:16] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 21, 'data': {'numItems': 1, 'cost': 500000, 'useGold': False, 'modId': 4259499952L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 21, 'data': {'numItems': 1, 'cost': 500000, 'useGold': False, 'modId': 4259499952L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:17] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 2, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4259499952L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:17] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 2, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4259499952L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:28] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {0: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (None, 4267888560L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4267888560L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:28] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 3, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4267888560L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:28] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 3, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4267888560L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowModernizations, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:42] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -2000000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {0: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (None, 4265791408L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 21, 'data': {'numItems': 1, 'cost': 2000000, 'useGold': False, 'modId': 4265791408L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 21, 'data': {'numItems': 1, 'cost': 2000000, 'useGold': False, 'modId': 4265791408L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 4, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4265791408L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:53:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 19, 'data': {'slot': 4, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'modId': 4265791408L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:31] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'autobuy': 2, 'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4284653488L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:31] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4293042096L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:31] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4293042096L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:32] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:32] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:37] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'autobuy': 0}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:40] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'autobuy': 4, 'slots': ((None, None), (None, 4279410608L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4279410608L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4287799216L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4287799216L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4279410608L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4279410608L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:44] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'autobuy': 0}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:48] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'autobuy': 8, 'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4278362032L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:49] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4286750640L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4286750640L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:49] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:53] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'autobuy': 0}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:54:54] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:04] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'add_slots': (((), 4270780336L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4270780336L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4270780336L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4270780336L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:09] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 18}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:10] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:25] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 34, 'add_slots': (((), 4283264944L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4283264944L: 6}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:39] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:39] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:44] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20583925 {'jid': '20583925@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'GuestNight_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:53] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:59] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:59] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:55:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:08] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 10 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:15] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:15] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:15] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:15] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:15] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 16_OC_bees_to_honey [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 80391 Name: Holddd TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1642684 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 537000087 Name: Popeye_MS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA015_Taiho_1944 avatarId: 1642686 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 537028493 Name: monstr9299 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1642688 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 537050512 Name: filippow1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 1642690 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 537050647 Name: Crazy_Korsar84 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1642692 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 537018527 Name: ISKITIM TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 1642694 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270181296L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 536884897 Name: vanolondon TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 1642696 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1642698 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 158252 Name: Dr_Fleisch TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 1642700 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 6321 Name: Madic18rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD013_Gearing_1945 avatarId: 1642702 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 38003 Name: BaraBoomMachine TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 1642704 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 56643 Name: fedya_07_Rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 1642706 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 164171 Name: GuestNight_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1642708 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 191308 Name: ___L_u_x___ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 1642710 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 536954318 Name: alexgrid1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD708_HSF_Harekaze avatarId: 1642712 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 130016 Name: UJIbIBKA TeamId: 0 ShipName: PZSD508_LoYang avatarId: 1642714 isBot: False dogeTage: [4275030960L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 536965351 Name: yury3396 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB110_Grossdeutschland avatarId: 1642716 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4256123824L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 536963818 Name: __ReRuRk__ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1642718 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 537041643 Name: borodko TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD108_Akizuki avatarId: 1642720 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 537057260 Name: KOS_86RUS TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD013_Gearing_1945 avatarId: 1642722 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 536935281 Name: betr777 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA013_Essex_1945 avatarId: 1642724 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 537061875 Name: kolobok522 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 1642726 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 536973047 Name: alex811025 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1642728 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] player: Id: 537093116 Name: gopnicgts TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 1642730 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1642682; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1642682; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [249.9998016357422, -291.9999084472656], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-250.0001983642578, 291.99981689453125], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1642683, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1642698, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1642698, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1642698, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1642698, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1642698, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1642698, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:16] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (275037, 0, 0, 1642706, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642706, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (275037, 0, 0, 1642706, 1520006158236L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642706, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (275037, 0, 0, 1642706, 1520006158236L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642706, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (275037, 0, 0, 1642706, 1520006158236L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642706, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (275037, 0, 0, 1642704, 1520006158236L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642704, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (275037, 0, 0, 1642704, 1520006158236L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642704, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (275037, 0, 0, 1642704, 1520006158236L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642704, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642698, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1642718, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642704, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642718, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1642718, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642704, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642718, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1642718, 1520006158236L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642704, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642718, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] id 1642725 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] name betr777 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1642725 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] [Weather][7694] onEnterWorld (map spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] id 1642719 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1642719 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] id 1642701 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] name Dr_Fleisch [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1642701 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:41] id 1642709 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:41] name GuestNight_ [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] id 1642713 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] name alexgrid1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] id 1642723 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] name KOS_86RUS [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] id 1642699 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] id 1642711 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] name ___L_u_x___ [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1642711 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:42] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:43] id 1642729 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:43] name alex811025 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] id 1642689 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] name monstr9299 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] id 1642717 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] name yury3396 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1642717 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] id 1642697 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] name vanolondon [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 22:56:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1642697 [S] [2018_03_02 22:57:20] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 22:57:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:57:57] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 22:57:57] name BaraBoomMachine [S] [2018_03_02 22:57:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:57:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:28] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:28] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:41] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:41] name kolobok522 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:47] id 1642731 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:47] name gopnicgts [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1642731 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:51] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:52] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:52] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:55] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:55] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:56] id 1642721 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:56] name borodko [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:58:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:00] id 1642703 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:00] name Madic18rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:05] id 1642703 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:08] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:19] id 1642717 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:23] id 1642725 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:25] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:27] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:27] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:32] id 1642731 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:34] id 1642729 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:34] id 1642715 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:34] name UJIbIBKA [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:35] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:35] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:35] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:36] id 1642721 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:40] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:41] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:41] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:47] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:47] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:48] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:48] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:51] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:51] id 1642715 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:54] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:54] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:55] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:55] name kolobok522 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:55] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 22:59:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:02] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:02] name Crazy_Korsar84 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:04] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:08] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:08] name BaraBoomMachine [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:15] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:27] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:39] id 1642729 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:39] name alex811025 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:40] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:40] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:42] id 1642715 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:42] name UJIbIBKA [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:45] id 1642685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:45] name Holddd [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:46] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:46] name BaraBoomMachine [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:54] id 1642717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:54] name yury3396 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1642717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:00:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:01] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:17] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:18] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:18] name BaraBoomMachine [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:21] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:21] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:21] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:23] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:23] name BaraBoomMachine [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:28] id 1642685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:28] id 1642729 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:30] id 1642725 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:30] name betr777 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1642725 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:41] id 1642721 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:41] name borodko [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:42] id 1642717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:43] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:49] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:49] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:01:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:09] id 1642689 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:09] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:16] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:16] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:28] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:30] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:30] name BaraBoomMachine [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:36] id 1642685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:36] name Holddd [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:02:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:05] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:10] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:10] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:11] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:18] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:18] name fedya_07_Rus [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:28] id 1642729 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:28] name alex811025 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:30] id 1642687 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:30] name Popeye_MS [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1642687 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:45] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:48] id 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:48] name filippow1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:03:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:16] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:16] name kolobok522 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:31] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:31] id 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:38] id 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:38] name filippow1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:39] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:39] name kolobok522 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:47] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:48] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:48] name kolobok522 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:56] id 1642687 [S] [2018_03_02 23:04:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:03] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:07] id 1642687 [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:07] name Popeye_MS [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1642687 [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:12] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:15] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:32] id 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:45] id 1642687 [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (275037, 0, 0, 1642704, 1520006158236L, True, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 23:05:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {275037: PreBattleInfo: id: 275037, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642704, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden True, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1642718, creationTime 1520006158236, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:06] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:06] name kolobok522 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:12] id 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:12] name filippow1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:17] id 1642727 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:19] id 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:21] id 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:21] name filippow1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:27] id 1642695 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:27] name ISKITIM [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1642695 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:47] (, 90637015802688, 38): Arguments do not match string read by key '%s': %s, (('IDS_INFO_VP_ENEMY_CAPTURED_BASEWITHPOINTS', ('B',)),) [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:48] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:48] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:48] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1642682; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] [Weather][7694] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642693 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642695 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642699 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642709 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642711 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642715 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642719 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642721 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642723 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642725 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:51] id 1642729 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType', 'nearMouseHandler', 'closestMouseHandler', 'selectedMouseHandler']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 1584}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'adapt_earned': 39864}}, 'moneyXP': 80, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 29345, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 29345, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 118376, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -99300, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 2, 'autobuy': 10}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 18, 'add_slots': (((), 4270780336L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4270780336L: 2}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 5, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1075775) (15, 1077359) [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] Account.enterPreBattle: (351) (1, 537132534, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 536963818, 42068440, u'', 1, None, 3, [(536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520006158236L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20583925 GuestNight_ 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BR: {'credits': 78917, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 520, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4270780336L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4270780336L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 3300, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[105, 1050], [15, 2250], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520006809, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7055262692766744L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'credits': 118376, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1584, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520006168, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1075775, 1584), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1584, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/16_OC_bees_to_honey.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1584, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1077359, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/16_OC_BEES_TO_HONEY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 22:56', 'dt': 1520006809, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1075775, 1584), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7055262692766744L, 'credits': 118376, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520006168, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q4': {}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:54] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:55] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520006809, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3300, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3300, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520006809, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 99300, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:55] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520006809, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520006809, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': False, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:59] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 23:06:59] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:08] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:09] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:09] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:12] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:12] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:13] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:13] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:15] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:15] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:15] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:15] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:15] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:15] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:19] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:19] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20583925 {'jid': '20583925@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'GuestNight_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:19] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:19] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:19] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:19] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:19] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:19] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:25] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:33] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 34, 'add_slots': (((), 4278022064L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 33}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4278022064L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4278022064L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:40] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 66, 'add_slots': (((), 4274876336L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4274876336L: 11}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:43] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 99}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:48] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:48] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:48] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:49] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 23:07:53] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20583925 {'jid': '20583925@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'GuestNight_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:12] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:13] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:13] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:20] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 30 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:27] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:27] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:27] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:27] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:28] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 47_Sleeping_Giant [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 168449 Name: _dauren85 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1669889 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 536882177 Name: Dead_Hand3446 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 1669891 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 537050900 Name: Andreizk_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1669893 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 536963989 Name: SR_Titan TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 1669895 isBot: False dogeTage: [4273982384L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 159638 Name: Kydasov__1975 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 1669897 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 536997018 Name: gromoboyandre TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1669899 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 536908315 Name: Zerikava TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 1669901 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 536995106 Name: dfvf TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1669903 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 537006758 Name: AdmiralKid TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1669905 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1669907 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 536880046 Name: anromix TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1669909 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 191037 Name: TayLeR56RuS TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 1669911 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 536979904 Name: saltikovart TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 1669913 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 149964 Name: zmak2015 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1669915 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 164171 Name: GuestNight_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1669917 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 537016908 Name: vitali434 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 1669919 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 537061842 Name: Fox_BRAVO TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 1669921 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 177246 Name: 777tadeski777 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD013_Gearing_1945 avatarId: 1669923 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 80486 Name: AVENGER009 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1669925 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 120296 Name: Zelya77 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 1669927 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 536963818 Name: __ReRuRk__ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1669929 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 537037678 Name: POSPEL_2016 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1669931 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 112381 Name: trak_groznyj TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1669933 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] player: Id: 76030 Name: Psyhovint TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 1669935 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1669887; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1669887; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-280.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-9.918212890625e-05, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [280.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1669888, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1669917, 1520006892954L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1669917, creationTime 1520006892954, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1669917, 1520006892954L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1669917, creationTime 1520006892954, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1669917, 1520006892954L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1669917, creationTime 1520006892954, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1669917, 1520006892954L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1669917, creationTime 1520006892954, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:29] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1669929, 1520006892954L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1669929, creationTime 1520006892954, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1669929, 1520006892954L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1669929, creationTime 1520006892954, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1669929, 1520006892954L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1669929, creationTime 1520006892954, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:50] id 1669910 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:50] name anromix [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:50] [Weather][7847] onEnterWorld (map spaces/47_Sleeping_Giant/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:50] id 1669892 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:50] name Dead_Hand3446 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:51] id 1669904 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:51] name dfvf [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] id 1669932 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] name POSPEL_2016 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] id 1669912 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] name TayLeR56RuS [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1669912 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] id 1669918 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] name GuestNight_ [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] id 1669908 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:53] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] id 1669896 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] name SR_Titan [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1669896 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] id 1669928 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] name Zelya77 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1669928 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] id 1669906 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] name AdmiralKid [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:56] id 1669890 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:56] name _dauren85 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:08:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1669890 [A] [2018_03_02 23:09:04] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/LVA177.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_02 23:09:04] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod1.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_02 23:09:04] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod2.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_02 23:09:04] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod3.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [S] [2018_03_02 23:09:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:09:06] id 1669930 [S] [2018_03_02 23:09:06] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 23:09:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:09:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1669930 [S] [2018_03_02 23:09:33] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:10] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:10] name 777tadeski777 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:11] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:11] name Zerikava [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:23] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:23] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:25] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:25] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:25] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:27] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:27] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:27] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:28] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:28] name 777tadeski777 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:29] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:29] name Zerikava [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:31] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:31] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:38] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:38] name Zerikava [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:39] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:40] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:40] name Zerikava [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:43] id 1669906 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:11:46] id 1669932 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:00] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:00] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:00] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:04] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:06] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:06] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:09] id 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:09] name Kydasov__1975 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:13] id 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:27] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:30] id 1669906 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:30] name AdmiralKid [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:31] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:31] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:39] id 1669906 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:47] id 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:47] name Kydasov__1975 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:54] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:54] name Zerikava [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:55] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:12:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:02] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:02] name 777tadeski777 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:08] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:08] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] id 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] name 777tadeski777 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:11] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:11] name Zerikava [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:14] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:22] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:22] name Fox_BRAVO [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:25] id 1669932 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:25] name POSPEL_2016 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:25] id 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:25] name Kydasov__1975 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:34] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:34] name vitali434 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:40] id 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:40] name Psyhovint [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:41] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:41] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:41] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:43] id 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:49] id 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:49] name Psyhovint [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:49] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:13:59] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:01] id 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:02] id 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:10] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:15] id 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:15] name Psyhovint [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:16] id 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:22] id 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:22] name Psyhovint [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:31] id 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:31] name Kydasov__1975 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:35] id 1669936 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:41] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:41] name Zerikava [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:45] id 1669896 [S] [2018_03_02 23:14:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:01] id 1669894 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:01] name Andreizk_ [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:30] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:30] name 777tadeski777 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:50] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:55] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:59] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:59] name Fox_BRAVO [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:15:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:04] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:04] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:07] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:19] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:25] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:45] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:45] name Fox_BRAVO [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:52] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:52] name Zerikava [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:16:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:20] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:20] name 777tadeski777 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:29] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:31] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:31] name vitali434 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:33] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:33] name 777tadeski777 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:33] id 1669906 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:33] name AdmiralKid [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:34] setMode ShellTracker [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:36] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:41] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:45] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:45] name vitali434 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:17:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:02] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:10] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:11] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:11] name Fox_BRAVO [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:18] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:18] name vitali434 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] id 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] name AVENGER009 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] id 1669896 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] name SR_Titan [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1669896 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:47] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:51] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:51] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:18:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:12] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:22] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:22] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:43] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:44] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:46] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:46] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:54] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:54] name vitali434 [S] [2018_03_02 23:19:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:01] id 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:05] id 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:05] name AVENGER009 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:07] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:08] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:08] name Fox_BRAVO [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:17] id 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:20] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:20] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:39] id 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:39] name AVENGER009 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:42] id 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:43] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:44] id 1669922 [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:20:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:01] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:14] id 1669920 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:16] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:16] name zmak2015 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:25] id 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:25] name AVENGER009 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:39] id 1669916 [S] [2018_03_02 23:21:47] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:01] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:01] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:01] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1669887; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] [Weather][7847] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] id 1669890 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] id 1669892 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] id 1669894 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] id 1669896 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] id 1669898 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] id 1669902 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] id 1669904 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] id 1669906 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:04] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] id 1669908 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] id 1669910 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] id 1669912 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] id 1669918 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] id 1669924 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] id 1669926 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] id 1669928 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] id 1669930 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:05] id 1669932 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 4167}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'adapt_earned': 43719}}, 'moneyXP': 130, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 31928, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 31928, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 212390, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -114990, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 3, 'autobuy': 15}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 99, 'add_slots': (((), 4270780336L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4274876336L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 32, 4274876336L: 10, 4270780336L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 5, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:06] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1077359) (15, 1079942) [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] Account.enterPreBattle: (351) (1, 537132534, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 536963818, 42068440, u'', 1, None, 3, [(536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520006892954L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20583925 GuestNight_ 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BR: {'credits': 141593, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 848, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4270780336L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4270780336L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 6990, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 108000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[174, 1740], [35, 5250], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520007723, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4283622320L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7172107278055156L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'credits': 212390, 'result': 2, 'exp': 2583, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520006900, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1077359, 2583), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2583, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/47_Sleeping_Giant.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4283622320L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2583, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1079942, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/47_SLEEPING_GIANT', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': ((4283622320L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 23:08', 'dt': 1520007723, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1077359, 2583), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7172107278055156L, 'credits': 212390, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520006900, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q4': {}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520007723, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 6990, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 108000}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:08] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 6990, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520007723, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 114990, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 108000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:09] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520007723, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:09] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520007723, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:12] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:12] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:18] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:19] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:19] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:21] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:21] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:22] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:22] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:35] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:36] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:36] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:36] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:36] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:36] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:36] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:36] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:36] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] DivisionProxy.setReady: 0 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:39] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:43] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:43] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:43] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:43] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:43] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:47] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: ModalWindow [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:55] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:55] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 51, 'data': {'useGold': False, 'shipId': None, 'cost': 22500, 'numItems': 1, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 51, 'data': {'useGold': False, 'shipId': None, 'cost': 22500, 'numItems': 1, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4293042096L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4293042096L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4284653488L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:22:57] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'autobuy': 33}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:02] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, 4279410608L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:02] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 51, 'data': {'useGold': False, 'shipId': None, 'cost': 22500, 'numItems': 1, 'abilId': 4279410608L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:02] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 51, 'data': {'useGold': False, 'shipId': None, 'cost': 22500, 'numItems': 1, 'abilId': 4279410608L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:03] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4287799216L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4287799216L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:03] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4279410608L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4279410608L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowBuyConsume, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:15] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:15] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 51, 'data': {'useGold': False, 'shipId': None, 'cost': 22500, 'numItems': 1, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:15] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 51, 'data': {'useGold': False, 'shipId': None, 'cost': 22500, 'numItems': 1, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:16] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4286750640L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 54, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4286750640L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:16] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': None, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'abilId': 4278362032L}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:17] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:17] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:17] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:17] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:17] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:17] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:17] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:17] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ExtendedSystemLogWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:43] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:43] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20583925 {'jid': '20583925@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'GuestNight_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:43] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:43] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:23:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:02] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20583925 {'jid': '20583925@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'GuestNight_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:24] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:28] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:28] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:38] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 22 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:45] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:45] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:45] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:45] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:46] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 37_Ridge [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 266113 Name: NeNemezNien TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 1741670 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 536906116 Name: RenamedUser_20126957 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1741672 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 54665 Name: Drozdik71 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1741674 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4261366704L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 163238 Name: Chudilo666 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1741676 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1741678 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 536930092 Name: Rossi30 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1741680 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 166962 Name: Alex_bfg TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1741682 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 28091 Name: maksikus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 1741684 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 76021 Name: Sergmikhalych TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD308_Pr_48 avatarId: 1741686 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 536882273 Name: Nik_Nik_Bazyl TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 1741688 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 73289 Name: Smoke_metkij TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1741690 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 164171 Name: GuestNight_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1741692 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 75981 Name: PRizrAK681 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC508_Kutuzov_1952 avatarId: 1741694 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 536989138 Name: Yastremski29 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1741696 isBot: False dogeTage: [4248161200L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 536973396 Name: Wokiall TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 1741698 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 536936412 Name: Gufaka_mazafOIka TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB109_Lion avatarId: 1741700 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 171743 Name: Volkodav3655 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1741702 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 76001 Name: goust7 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 1741704 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 536963818 Name: __ReRuRk__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1741706 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 152939 Name: Putin__vor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1741708 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 537031285 Name: Ruslan623 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 1741710 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 181752 Name: ORFEY67 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1741712 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 537011581 Name: stavr945 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1741714 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282764208L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] player: Id: 183295 Name: CDS TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC110_Henri_IV avatarId: 1741716 isBot: False dogeTage: [4275424176L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1741668; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1741668; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-279.99969482421875, 0.0], radius: 135.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [150.0, -0.000396728515625], radius: 135.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [536.9974975585938, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 135.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1741669, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116418, 1, 0, 1741702, 1520007867366L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1741692, 1520007867366L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1741692, 1520007867366L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1741692, 1520007867366L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1741692, 1520007867366L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (287007, 0, 0, 1741686, 1520007867367L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741686, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (287007, 0, 0, 1741686, 1520007867367L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741686, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (287007, 0, 0, 1741686, 1520007867367L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741686, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (287007, 0, 0, 1741696, 1520007867367L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (287007, 0, 0, 1741696, 1520007867367L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (287007, 0, 0, 1741696, 1520007867367L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741692, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1741706, 1520007867366L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741706, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1741706, 1520007867366L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741706, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1741706, 1520007867366L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741702, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741706, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116418, 1, 0, 1741680, 1520007867366L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741680, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741706, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116418, 1, 0, 1741680, 1520007867366L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741680, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741706, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537116418, 1, 0, 1741680, 1520007867366L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_02 23:24:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741680, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741706, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:20] id 1741711 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:20] name Ruslan623 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1741711 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:20] [Weather][8051] onEnterWorld (map spaces/37_Ridge/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:22] id 1741677 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:22] name Chudilo666 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:22] id 1741673 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:22] name RenamedUser_20126957 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1741673 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] id 1741681 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] name Rossi30 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1741681 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] id 1741707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1741707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] id 1741715 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] name stavr945 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:27] id 1741695 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:27] name PRizrAK681 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] id 1741703 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] name Volkodav3655 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1741703 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] id 1741691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] name Smoke_metkij [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1741691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] id 1741679 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:28] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:40] id 1741693 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:40] name GuestNight_ [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:40] id 1741671 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:40] name NeNemezNien [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1741671 [S] [2018_03_02 23:25:51] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 23:26:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:26:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:26:45] id 1741691 [S] [2018_03_02 23:26:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:08] id 1741695 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:26] id 1741681 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:36] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:36] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:44] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:44] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:47] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:47] name maksikus [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:52] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:52] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:54] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:59] id 1741703 [S] [2018_03_02 23:27:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:03] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:03] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:06] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:06] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:14] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:14] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:15] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:15] name maksikus [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:17] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:50] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:28:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:04] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:12] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:12] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:16] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:17] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:17] name maksikus [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:20] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (287007, 0, 0, 1741696, 1520007867367L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:20] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741680, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741706, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False , 287007: PreBattleInfo: id: 287007, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741696, creationTime 1520007867367, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:21] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:21] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:25] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:30] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:30] name maksikus [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:31] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:31] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:32] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:32] name Yastremski29 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:34] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:41] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:46] id 1741711 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:50] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:50] name maksikus [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:51] id 1741673 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:55] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:56] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:56] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:29:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:02] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:03] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:03] name Yastremski29 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:05] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:05] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:11] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:11] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:14] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:14] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:14] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:15] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:17] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:17] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:20] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:20] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:25] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:25] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:26] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:26] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:28] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:34] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:34] name Yastremski29 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:34] id 1741705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:34] name goust7 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:35] id 1741689 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:35] name Nik_Nik_Bazyl [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1741689 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:45] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:48] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:48] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:50] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:50] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:54] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:56] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:56] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:56] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:57] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:58] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:58] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:59] id 1741681 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:59] name Rossi30 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1741681 [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:30:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:00] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:01] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:01] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:03] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:04] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:06] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:06] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:07] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:07] name Yastremski29 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:10] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:10] name maksikus [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:12] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:12] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:13] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:16] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:16] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:37] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:37] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:38] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:39] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:39] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:39] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:39] name Yastremski29 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:41] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:54] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:59] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:31:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:00] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:00] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:00] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:00] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:06] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:12] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:12] name Yastremski29 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:15] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:15] name maksikus [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:21] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:31] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:31] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:33] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:36] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:36] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:39] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:39] name maksikus [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:47] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:48] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:51] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:51] name Yastremski29 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:32:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:06] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:26] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:32] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:32] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:38] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:38] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:58] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:58] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:59] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:59] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:33:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:02] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:03] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:03] name Alex_bfg [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:12] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:12] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:41] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:34:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:15] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:15] name CDS [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:35:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:07] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:07] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:09] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:10] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:10] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:32] id 1741687 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:32] name Sergmikhalych [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:39] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:44] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:44] name ORFEY67 [S] [2018_03_02 23:36:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:19] id 1741701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:19] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1741701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:33] id 1741703 [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:33] name Volkodav3655 [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1741703 [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:37:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:00] id 1741709 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:00] name Putin__vor [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1741709 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:08] id 1741701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:16] id 1741701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:16] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1741701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:21] id 1741675 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:21] name Drozdik71 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1741675 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:23] id 1741701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:25] id 1741701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:25] name Gufaka_mazafOIka [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1741701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:44] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (287007, 0, 0, 0, 1520007867367L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:44] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537116418: PreBattleInfo: id: 537116418, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1741680, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked 1 , 537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1741706, creationTime 1520007867366, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:52] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:52] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:52] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1741668; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] [Weather][8051] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] id 1741671 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] id 1741675 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] id 1741677 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:55] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741679 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741681 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741683 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741685 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741687 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741689 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741693 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741697 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741701 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741703 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741705 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741707 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741709 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741713 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741715 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:56] id 1741717 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 10031}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'adapt_earned': 51518}}, 'moneyXP': 294, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 37792, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 37792, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520035200.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 162380, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -113150, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 3, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 99, 'add_slots': (((), 4270780336L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4274876336L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 31, 4274876336L: 9, 4270780336L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:57] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4272830448L, 1)]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4130750384L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4130750384 data (False, 6, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1079942) (15, 1085806) [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] Account.enterPreBattle: (351) (1, 537132534, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 536963818, 42068440, u'', 1, None, 3, [(536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520007867366L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20583925 GuestNight_ 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:58] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BR: {'credits': 108253, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1290, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0], ['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4270780336L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4270780336L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 5150, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 108000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[215, 2150], [20, 3000], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520008733, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7480404325530310L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 22, 'credits': 162380, 'result': 1, 'exp': 5864, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520007878, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1079942, 5864), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 5864, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/37_Ridge.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 22, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 5864, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1085806, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/37_RIDGE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 23:24', 'dt': 1520008733, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1079942, 5864), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7480404325530310L, 'credits': 162380, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520007878, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q4': {'count': 0}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 85.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 4}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520008733, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5150, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 108000}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5150, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520008733, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 113150, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 108000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520008733, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:38:59] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520008733, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:00] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520008733, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:00] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520008733, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:04] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:04] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:10] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:11] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:11] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:15] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:15] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:19] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:19] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:33] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:33] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:33] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:33] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:33] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:33] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:33] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:33] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:52] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:52] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:52] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:52] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:52] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:52] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:52] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:52] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:53] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:53] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20583925 {'jid': '20583925@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'GuestNight_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:53] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:39:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536996648, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=536963818, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537132534 (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=164171, dbid=20583925, name='GuestNight_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=12511165, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4272278448L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20583925 {'jid': '20583925@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'GuestNight_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:12] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:15] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:15] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:20] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 18 battleType = 170 gameMode = Epicenter duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:28] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:28] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:28] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:28] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:28] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:28] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:28] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:28] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 28_naval_mission [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537094915 Name: IvyCain TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 1104441 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537114633 Name: iSteelHunter TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1104443 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537091338 Name: astro1981 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 1104445 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 232465 Name: Konifron TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1104447 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 160403 Name: _69_LeXa_69__2016 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1104449 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 536996648 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1104451 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 536997420 Name: Artem_Makarov86 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1104453 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537123770 Name: LAVR74rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 1104455 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537028283 Name: Psych0maniac TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1104457 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537091389 Name: SvoboduStrausam TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1104459 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 164171 Name: GuestNight_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1104461 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 52428 Name: Zahar1977 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSA015_Taiho_1944 avatarId: 1104463 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 177232 Name: Lazar_Rabinchuk TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA013_Essex_1945 avatarId: 1104465 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4265561008L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 96977 Name: slava_236 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 1104467 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537126616 Name: strong_solger TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1104469 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 123578 Name: ig58mae_geroj TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 1104471 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 68830 Name: Lexa__75ru TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1104473 isBot: False dogeTage: [4281322416L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 219745 Name: 19ivan76m TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 1104475 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537083750 Name: Vovan_Sidirovich TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB108_Monarch avatarId: 1104477 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 536963818 Name: __ReRuRk__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1104479 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537051755 Name: GEPARD_Eburg TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 1104481 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 152565 Name: SerNik_Babay TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC006_Atlanta_1942 avatarId: 1104483 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 536946295 Name: shizzik_2 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 1104485 isBot: False dogeTage: [4275030960L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] player: Id: 537050618 Name: Cocuco4ku TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 1104487 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283812784L] [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1104439; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1104439; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [10.0, 14.0], radius: 200.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 6, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [10.0, 14.0], radius: 300.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: 0, controlPointType: 6, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [10.0, 14.0], radius: 400.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: 1, controlPointType: 6, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1104440, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 4}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [450, 450], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1104461, 1520008815106L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1104461, creationTime 1520008815106, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1104461, 1520008815106L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1104461, creationTime 1520008815106, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1104461, 1520008815106L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1104461, creationTime 1520008815106, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1104461, 1520008815106L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1104461, creationTime 1520008815106, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:29] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:32] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1104479, 1520008815106L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:32] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1104479, creationTime 1520008815106, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:32] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1104479, 1520008815106L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:32] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1104479, creationTime 1520008815106, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:32] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537132534, 0, 0, 1104479, 1520008815106L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:32] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537132534: PreBattleInfo: id: 537132534, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1104479, creationTime 1520008815106, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] id 1104462 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] name GuestNight_ [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] id 1104480 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1104480 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:52] [Weather][5061] onEnterWorld (map spaces/28_naval_mission/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:53] id 1104486 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:53] name shizzik_2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1104486 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:55] id 1104478 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:55] name Vovan_Sidirovich [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1104478 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] id 1104452 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:56] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] id 1104468 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] name slava_236 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1104468 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] id 1104446 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] name astro1981 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:40:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] id 1104442 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] name IvyCain [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1104442 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] id 1104454 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] name Artem_Makarov86 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] id 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] name Zahar1977 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:41:33] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:30] id 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:38] id 1104458 [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:38] name Psych0maniac [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:49] id 1104474 [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:49] name Lexa__75ru [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:42:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] id 1104476 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] name 19ivan76m [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] name Konifron [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:11] id 1104450 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:11] name _69_LeXa_69__2016 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:19] id 1104450 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:21] id 1104476 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:23] id 1104444 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:23] name iSteelHunter [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1104444 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:26] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:27] id 1104484 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:27] name SerNik_Babay [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:32] id 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:32] name Zahar1977 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:42] id 1104460 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:42] name SvoboduStrausam [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:43:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:00] id 1104472 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:00] name ig58mae_geroj [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1104472 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:18] id 1104456 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:18] name LAVR74rus [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1104456 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:19] id 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:19] name Cocuco4ku [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:20] id 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:31] id 1104460 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:43] id 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:43] name Cocuco4ku [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:46] id 1104460 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:46] name SvoboduStrausam [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:54] id 1104482 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:54] name GEPARD_Eburg [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:44:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1104482 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:08] id 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:20] id 1104484 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:35] id 1104456 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:36] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:39] id 1104444 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:40] id 1104456 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:40] name LAVR74rus [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1104456 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:51] id 1104444 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:51] name iSteelHunter [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1104444 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:56] id 1104476 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:56] name 19ivan76m [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:56] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:56] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:45:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:02] id 1104484 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:02] name SerNik_Babay [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:04] id 1104454 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:15] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:15] name Konifron [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:27] id 1104482 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:32] id 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:35] id 1104450 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:35] name _69_LeXa_69__2016 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:36] id 1104482 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:36] name GEPARD_Eburg [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1104482 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:38] id 1104476 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:40] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:55] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:55] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:46:59] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:03] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:03] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:05] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:06] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:06] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:07] id 1104476 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:07] name 19ivan76m [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:10] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] id 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] name Zahar1977 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] name Konifron [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:20] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:27] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:27] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:33] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:38] id 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:38] name Cocuco4ku [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:43] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:43] id 1104476 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:45] id 1104450 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:48] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:48] name Konifron [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:54] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:47:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:16] id 1104444 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:18] id 1104444 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:18] name iSteelHunter [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1104444 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:18] id 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:31] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:31] name Konifron [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:35] id 1104450 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:35] name _69_LeXa_69__2016 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:36] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:36] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:39] id 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:40] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:41] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:43] id 1104476 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:43] name 19ivan76m [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:48] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:48] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:49] id 1104460 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:51] id 1104450 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:52] id 1104468 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:55] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:55] name Konifron [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:48:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:02] id 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:02] name Cocuco4ku [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:03] id 1104478 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:04] id 1104460 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:04] name SvoboduStrausam [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:25] id 1104478 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:25] name Vovan_Sidirovich [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1104478 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] id 1104468 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] name slava_236 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1104468 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] id 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] name Zahar1977 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:28] id 1104454 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:28] name Artem_Makarov86 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:41] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:43] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:45] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:46] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:46] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:47] id 1104450 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:47] name _69_LeXa_69__2016 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:47] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:47] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:51] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:51] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:51] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:54] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:55] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:55] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:49:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:44] id 1104450 [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:51] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:59] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:59] name strong_solger [S] [2018_03_02 23:50:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:09] id 1104470 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:13] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:27] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:27] name Konifron [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1104439; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] [Weather][5061] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104442 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104444 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104446 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104448 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104452 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104454 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104456 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104458 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104460 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104462 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104464 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104468 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104472 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:53] id 1104474 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] id 1104476 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] id 1104478 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] id 1104480 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] id 1104482 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] id 1104484 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] id 1104486 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] id 1104488 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:54] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:55] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:55] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:55] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:55] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:55] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:55] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:55] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:55] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:56] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:56] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:56] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:56] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:56] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:56] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:56] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:56] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:59] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_02 23:51:59] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] Account.enterPreBattle: (371) (1, 537132534, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 536963818, 42068440, u'', 1, None, 3, [(536996648, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (536963818, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (164171, 20583925, 'GuestNight_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 12511165, 0, [4272278448L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520008815106L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20583925 GuestNight_ 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:00] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:05] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:05] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:29] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:29] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:29] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:29] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:31] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:32] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:32] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:32] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:32] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_02 23:52:32] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:19] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:20] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:27] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:48] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:48] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:48] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:56] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:56] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:58] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:58] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:58] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_03 13:03:58] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:01] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_03 13:04:02] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_03 13:04:02] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:04] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:04] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:04] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:04] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:04] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:04] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:05] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:06] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:07] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:07] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:07] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:12] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 310.0, 'prebattle': 340.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'spectatorHotkeysHidden': True, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'prebattle': 600.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 0, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 220.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 426.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:14] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:26] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:04:26] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:21] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:22] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:24] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:24] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:219830948613662270035883013162273427769","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:24] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:219830948613662270035883013162273427769', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:219830948613662270035883013162273427769', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x467CA520 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] [WWSD-XXX] issue init [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] [WWSD-XXX] issue in progress [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:25] (, 85216719876408, 20): onStreamComplete, ('no such requestId', (172, 172)) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:26] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:26] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:26] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:26] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:26] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:26] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:26] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:26] setServerTime: serverTime=1520057126 time.time()=1520057126.18 gInitialClientTime=71.8050003052 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:26] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:27] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:27] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:27] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:27] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:27] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:27] _onChangeTimeOut 701 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:30] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:30] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:30] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1090488) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:31] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:31] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:31] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:31] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:31] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None))) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:31] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:31] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 30, None)) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:31] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 0, 1], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 1.0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (3, False, 7), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (1, False, 0), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:31] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1520009919.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1), (4277330864L, 1)), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4743526610468468L, 'credits': 260601, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 18, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 1, 'exp': 4682, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520008820, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1085806, 4682), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 4682, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/28_naval_mission.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4282573744L}, {'amount': 1, 'id': 4277330864L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 18, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 4682, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1090488, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/28_NAVAL_MISSION', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1), (4277330864L, 1)), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '02.03.2018 23:40', 'dt': 1520009919.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1085806, 4682), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4743526610468468L, 'credits': 260601, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1520008820, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1520009919.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 4170, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 108000}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 4170, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520009919.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 112170, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 108000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 42L, 'dt': 1520009919.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520009919.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 55L, 'dt': 1520009919.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520009919.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:33] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 15, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520087400.0, 1520090980.0)",) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 30266 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520091000.0, 1520091000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 30266 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520105400.0, 1520105400.0)",) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 30266 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520173800.0, 1520177380.0)",) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 30266 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520177400.0, 1520177400.0)",) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 30266 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520191800.0, 1520191800.0)",) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 30266 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:35] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:39] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 30261 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520087400.0, 1520090980.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:41] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:42] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:42] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:44] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:44] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:44] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 16443875@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Well_11 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:45] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519964172L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x83\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe, \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3926182', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519974757L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35959136', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519978894L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519980061L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x97\xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb2\xd1\x83\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5, \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519980367L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519984677L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc, \xd0\x9c\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8....\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc!!!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/65106205', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519989261L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\x9d\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519989363L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0 \xd0\x91\xd0\xb5\xd0\xba', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519994372L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb6\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbe\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x86\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8e \xd0\xbe\xd1\x82\xd1\x80\xd1\x8f\xd0\xb4\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc \xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1519997915L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xa3 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb1\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb0\xd1\x82\xd1\x83\xd1\x80\xd1\x83 \xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xb3\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb2\xd1\x83\xd0\xba', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:55] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:55] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:57] [CampaignsCommon] takeReward: taskID 4130750384 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:57] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4284313520L: 25}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:57] [CampaignsCommon] onTakeReward: taskID 4130750384; newState 1; totalStars 2; completedTasks [] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:57] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:57] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:57] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:57] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:57] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:58] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 98, 'data': {'lootStars': 2, 'isRewarded': True, 'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '1', 'campaignName': 'PCQC002_CampaignSB'}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:05:58] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 98, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_REWARDED_ALL', 'headerIDS': 'ALL', 'data': {'lootStars': 2, 'isRewarded': True, 'taskNumber': 6, 'missionNumber': '1', 'campaignName': 'PCQC002_CampaignSB'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:06:54] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 99, 'add_slots': (((), 4264488880L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4264488880L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:12] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4264488880L}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:12] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4264488880L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:14] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:15] setMode DockEnsign [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:16] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:21] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4273827760L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4273827760L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4273827760L}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4273827760L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:34] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4284313520L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 24}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4284313520L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:42] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4283264944L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4283264944L: 5}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:42] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 13:07:45] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:44] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:46] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName1_over.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName1.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName3.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName3_over.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName2.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName2_over.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName0_over.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName0.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName4.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:49] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName4_over.png" [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:08:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:08] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:08] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:08] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:10] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:20] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:20] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:27] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 30 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:35] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:35] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 47_Sleeping_Giant [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 323843 Name: stalker62_00 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 545766 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 536909195 Name: andreyxxxxxxx TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 545764 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 285187 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 545762 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 537107732 Name: alexandr_russia TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 545768 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 213419 Name: UncIeKroff TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 545770 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 234401 Name: ivhin82 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 545772 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 229928 Name: mantissa2014 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 545774 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 229931 Name: Andres_BandRes TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC708_ARP_Takao avatarId: 545776 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 537143086 Name: Oleg_Mst TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 545778 isBot: False dogeTage: [4277128112L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 304052 Name: Bublosik TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 545780 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 265269 Name: zero170498 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 545782 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 254519 Name: andrey1205_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 545790 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 536950069 Name: Ivan_Saven TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 545786 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 220231 Name: Mehanik_tomsk TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 545788 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 294327 Name: berserk_34 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 545784 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 537165519 Name: lekarkin_igor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 545792 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 331347 Name: Bodrums TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 545794 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 537137253 Name: PANSAI_74_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 545796 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 537147240 Name: DIMOCRATIY TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 545798 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 536918377 Name: Thorax512 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 545800 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 225514 Name: FENIX1967 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 545802 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 57586 Name: 1VESTNIK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA013_Essex_1945 avatarId: 545804 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283812784L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 537122552 Name: ziaalot TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA015_Taiho_1944 avatarId: 545806 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278569904L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:36] player: Id: 220158 Name: msa1067 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 545808 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282764208L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] (, 40957038887736, 48): 545760; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] (, 40957038887736, 48): 545760; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-280.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-9.918212890625e-05, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [280.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 545761, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537270290, 0, 0, 545776, 1520057360889L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537270290: PreBattleInfo: id: 537270290, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 545776, creationTime 1520057360889, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537270290, 0, 0, 545776, 1520057360889L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537270290: PreBattleInfo: id: 537270290, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 545776, creationTime 1520057360889, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537270290, 0, 0, 545776, 1520057360889L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537270290: PreBattleInfo: id: 537270290, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 545776, creationTime 1520057360889, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537270290, 0, 0, 545776, 1520057360889L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537270290: PreBattleInfo: id: 537270290, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 545776, creationTime 1520057360889, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537270290, 0, 0, 545776, 1520057360889L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537270290: PreBattleInfo: id: 537270290, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 545776, creationTime 1520057360889, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537270290, 0, 0, 545776, 1520057360889L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:37] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537270290: PreBattleInfo: id: 537270290, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 545776, creationTime 1520057360889, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:41] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:43] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_03 13:09:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] id 545763 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] [Weather][1366] onEnterWorld (map spaces/47_Sleeping_Giant/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] id 545789 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] name Mehanik_tomsk [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] @ launchpadAppeared 545789 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:10] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:12] id 545807 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:12] name ziaalot [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:12] @ launchpadAppeared 545807 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:13] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:13] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:14] id 545793 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:14] name lekarkin_igor [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:14] @ launchpadAppeared 545793 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:14] id 545781 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:14] name Bublosik [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:17] id 545795 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:17] name Bodrums [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:17] @ launchpadAppeared 545795 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:18] id 545777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:18] name Andres_BandRes [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:18] @ launchpadAppeared 545777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:19] id 545785 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:19] name berserk_34 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:19] @ launchpadAppeared 545785 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:22] id 545799 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:22] name DIMOCRATIY [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:22] @ launchpadAppeared 545799 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:23] id 545801 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:23] name Thorax512 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:23] @ launchpadAppeared 545801 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:24] id 545771 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:24] name UncIeKroff [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:24] @ launchpadAppeared 545771 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:24] id 545787 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:24] name Ivan_Saven [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:33] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:10:40] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [A] [2018_03_03 13:10:48] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/LVA177.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_03 13:10:48] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod1.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_03 13:10:48] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod2.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_03 13:10:48] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod3.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [S] [2018_03_03 13:11:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:11:54] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:11:54] name andreyxxxxxxx [S] [2018_03_03 13:11:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:11:55] @ launchpadAppeared 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:11:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:21] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:21] name zero170498 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:23] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:26] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:26] name zero170498 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:29] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:29] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:29] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:30] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:37] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:38] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:38] name andreyxxxxxxx [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:38] @ launchpadAppeared 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:43] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:55] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:55] name zero170498 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:55] id 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:55] name mantissa2014 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:55] @ launchpadAppeared 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:56] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:56] name andreyxxxxxxx [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:56] @ launchpadAppeared 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:59] id 545773 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:59] name ivhin82 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:59] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:59] name Oleg_Mst [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:12:59] @ launchpadAppeared 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:00] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:00] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:01] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:01] name stalker62_00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:01] @ launchpadAppeared 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:02] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:02] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:02] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:03] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:05] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:08] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:08] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:08] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:14] id 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:19] id 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:19] name msa1067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:19] @ launchpadAppeared 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:27] id 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:27] name mantissa2014 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:27] @ launchpadAppeared 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:34] id 545787 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:39] id 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:42] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:44] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:44] name Oleg_Mst [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:44] @ launchpadAppeared 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:47] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:47] name andreyxxxxxxx [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:47] @ launchpadAppeared 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:48] id 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:48] name msa1067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:48] @ launchpadAppeared 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:55] id 545807 [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:13:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:07] id 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:07] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:08] id 545771 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:18] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:18] name stalker62_00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:18] @ launchpadAppeared 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:19] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:21] id 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:21] name msa1067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:21] @ launchpadAppeared 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:23] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:24] id 545807 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:24] name ziaalot [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:24] @ launchpadAppeared 545807 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:28] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:28] name zero170498 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:31] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:31] id 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:34] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:34] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:34] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:41] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:41] id 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:44] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:44] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:44] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:47] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:53] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:53] name Oleg_Mst [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:53] @ launchpadAppeared 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] id 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] name msa1067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] @ launchpadAppeared 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] id 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] name mantissa2014 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:54] @ launchpadAppeared 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:55] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:55] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:55] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:57] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:59] id 545807 [S] [2018_03_03 13:14:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:00] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:00] name stalker62_00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:00] @ launchpadAppeared 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:01] id 545791 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:01] name andrey1205_1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:05] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:06] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:08] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:08] name zero170498 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:09] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:09] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:09] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:13] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:13] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:14] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:15] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:15] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:15] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:16] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:16] name zero170498 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:24] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:29] id 545791 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:32] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:33] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:33] name stalker62_00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:33] @ launchpadAppeared 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:33] id 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:36] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] id 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] name mantissa2014 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] @ launchpadAppeared 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:38] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:38] name zero170498 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:40] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:40] name stalker62_00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:40] @ launchpadAppeared 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:42] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:42] name Oleg_Mst [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:42] @ launchpadAppeared 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:45] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:45] name andreyxxxxxxx [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:45] @ launchpadAppeared 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:47] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:48] id 545791 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:48] name andrey1205_1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:48] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:48] name alexandr_russia [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:48] @ launchpadAppeared 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:50] id 545765 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:57] id 545771 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:57] name UncIeKroff [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:57] @ launchpadAppeared 545771 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] id 545803 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] name FENIX1967 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] @ launchpadAppeared 545803 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] id 545787 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] name Ivan_Saven [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] id 545807 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] name ziaalot [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:15:59] @ launchpadAppeared 545807 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:01] id 545797 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:01] name PANSAI_74_1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:01] @ launchpadAppeared 545797 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:05] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:10] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:10] name Oleg_Mst [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:10] @ launchpadAppeared 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:12] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:12] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:13] id 545791 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] name stalker62_00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] @ launchpadAppeared 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] id 545797 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] (, 40957038887736, 48): 545760; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] [Weather][1366] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:15] id 545763 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545767 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545769 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545771 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545773 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545775 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545779 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545781 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545783 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545785 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545787 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545789 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545793 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545795 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545799 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545801 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545803 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545807 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:16] id 545809 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:17] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:20] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:20] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:20] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:20] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:20] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:20] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:20] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:20] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:24] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:25] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:25] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:25] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:25] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:25] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:29] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:29] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:29] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:39] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:39] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:40] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:41] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:41] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:48] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:48] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_03 13:16:48] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:17:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:17:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:17:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:18:21] [CampaignsCommon] activateTask: taskID 4135993264 [S] [2018_03_03 13:18:21] [CampaignsCommon] onActivateTask: taskID 4135993264 [S] [2018_03_03 13:18:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 96, 'data': {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '1', 'campaignName': 'PCQC002_CampaignSB'}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:18:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 96, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CAMPAIGNS_TASK_ACTIVATED', 'data': {'taskNumber': 1, 'missionNumber': '1', 'campaignName': 'PCQC002_CampaignSB'}, 'groupId': 9} [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:00] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:00] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:00] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4284463088 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:08] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:08] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:09] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 14 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:16] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:16] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 20_NE_two_brothers [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 285187 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 895855 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537131908 Name: Dmitrii772008 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 895857 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 240785 Name: vova_238_shilov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC105_Emile_Bertin avatarId: 895859 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537166357 Name: CHAP777 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 895861 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537186852 Name: Duglas TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 895863 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 241449 Name: Anatoliy6626 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 895865 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 345648 Name: MaDMaN251974 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC005_Omaha_1923 avatarId: 895867 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 241329 Name: TROFIMUHA TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 895869 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537175667 Name: girei777 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD207_Minsk avatarId: 895871 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 100535 Name: KaJIyIIaToP TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 895873 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 40762 Name: bahus69 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 895875 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4261366704L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 272187 Name: ynuch TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 895877 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 288576 Name: Bars077 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 895879 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 204613 Name: pat80 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD025_True_Kamikaze avatarId: 895881 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 327240 Name: sergey75_novikov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 895883 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4288629680L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 293708 Name: Alex771319 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 895885 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537218894 Name: sucharrev TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 895887 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537256912 Name: Novikovv_Aleksey TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 895889 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537117012 Name: ZweroBerg TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA011_Hiryu_1942 avatarId: 895891 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537152088 Name: leon23_nepobedimyj TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 895893 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 40671 Name: max201279 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 895895 isBot: False dogeTage: [4263889840L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537078131 Name: FGOT228 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PZSD105_Jian_Wei avatarId: 895897 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 207223 Name: _ANGLER TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 895899 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] player: Id: 537133433 Name: 2013cdtn TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC737_Nachi avatarId: 895901 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] (, 40957038887736, 48): 895853; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] (, 40957038887736, 48): 895853; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [0.0, 255.0], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -255.34130859375], radius: 167.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 895854, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:17] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] id 895878 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] name ynuch [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] @ launchpadAppeared 895878 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] [Weather][1730] onEnterWorld (map spaces/20_NE_two_brothers/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] id 895858 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] name Dmitrii772008 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:47] @ launchpadAppeared 895858 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:49] id 895876 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:49] name bahus69 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:50] id 895870 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:50] name TROFIMUHA [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:50] @ launchpadAppeared 895870 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:50] id 895866 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:50] name Anatoliy6626 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:51] id 895860 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:51] name vova_238_shilov [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:51] @ launchpadAppeared 895860 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:52] id 895902 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:52] name 2013cdtn [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:52] @ launchpadAppeared 895902 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] id 895874 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] name KaJIyIIaToP [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] @ launchpadAppeared 895874 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] id 895856 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] @ launchpadAppeared 895856 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] @ launchpadAppeared 895856 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] AirplanesCommander.init [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:54] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] id 895896 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] name max201279 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] team id 0 [A] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] id 895898 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] name FGOT228 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] id 895884 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] name sergey75_novikov [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:19:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:21] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:21] setMode Airplanes [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:20:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:59] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:59] name Alex771319 [S] [2018_03_03 13:21:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:01] id 895888 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:01] name sucharrev [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:01] @ launchpadAppeared 895888 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:04] id 895888 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:16] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:16] name Bars077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:16] @ launchpadAppeared 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:17] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:32] id 895888 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:32] name sucharrev [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:32] @ launchpadAppeared 895888 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:44] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:44] name leon23_nepobedimyj [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:44] id 895900 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:44] name _ANGLER [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:51] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:51] name Bars077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:51] @ launchpadAppeared 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:22:53] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:08] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:09] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:09] name Alex771319 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:14] id 895868 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:14] name MaDMaN251974 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:14] @ launchpadAppeared 895868 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:16] id 895872 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:16] name girei777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:16] id 895900 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:18] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:18] name Bars077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:18] @ launchpadAppeared 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:19] id 895900 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:19] name _ANGLER [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:21] id 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:21] name CHAP777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:21] @ launchpadAppeared 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:22] id 895864 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:22] name Duglas [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:22] @ launchpadAppeared 895864 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:30] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:33] id 895890 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:33] name Novikovv_Aleksey [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:34] id 895872 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:38] id 895892 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:38] name ZweroBerg [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:38] @ launchpadAppeared 895892 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:40] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:40] name leon23_nepobedimyj [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:45] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:46] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:46] name leon23_nepobedimyj [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:56] id 895892 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:57] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:57] name Alex771319 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:23:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:01] id 895890 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:06] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:08] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:10] id 895868 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:16] id 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:16] id 895900 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:23] id 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:23] name CHAP777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:23] @ launchpadAppeared 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:32] id 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:40] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:44] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:44] name Alex771319 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:54] id 895868 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:54] name MaDMaN251974 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:54] @ launchpadAppeared 895868 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:57] id 895900 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:57] name _ANGLER [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:24:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:04] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:10] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:10] name leon23_nepobedimyj [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:10] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:10] name Bars077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:10] @ launchpadAppeared 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:16] id 895872 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:16] name girei777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:23] id 895890 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:23] name Novikovv_Aleksey [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:24] id 895890 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:27] id 895890 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:27] name Novikovv_Aleksey [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:32] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:33] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:33] name leon23_nepobedimyj [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:40] id 895872 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:55] id 895882 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:55] name pat80 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:57] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:57] name Alex771319 [S] [2018_03_03 13:25:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:09] id 895882 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:13] id 895872 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:13] name girei777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:18] id 895882 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:18] name pat80 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:22] id 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:22] name CHAP777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:22] @ launchpadAppeared 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:38] id 895882 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:40] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:26:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:00] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:00] name Alex771319 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:26] id 895868 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:30] id 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:30] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:33] id 895900 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:34] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:37] id 895900 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:37] name _ANGLER [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:39] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:39] name Alex771319 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] id 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] name CHAP777 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] @ launchpadAppeared 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] name Bars077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:40] @ launchpadAppeared 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:27:53] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:01] id 895862 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:12] id 895880 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:15] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:15] (, 40957038887736, 48): 895853; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:15] [Weather][1730] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:15] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:15] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:15] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895856 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895858 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895860 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895864 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895866 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895870 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895872 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895874 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895876 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895878 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895884 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895886 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895888 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895890 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895894 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895896 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895898 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895900 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:16] id 895902 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 18522}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'adapt_earned': 69585}}, 'moneyXP': 382, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 3809, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 3809, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 120330, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -96030, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4264488880L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L))}}}}, 'storage': {4264488880L: 0, 4284313520L: 23, 4283264944L: 4, 4278022064L: 29, 4274876336L: 7}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4272830448L, 1)]} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:17] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:18] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:18] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:18] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:18] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:18] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:20] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:20] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1090488) (15, 1094297) [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BR: {'credits': 80220, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1003, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4264488880L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 1.0, True, 0], ['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4264488880L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4264488880L, 1.5, True, 0], [4273827760L, 3.33, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 30, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[3, 30], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520058007, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.35, 0.35), 2: {'count': (2.0, 2.0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!'}, '25810_q01': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.25, 0.25), 2: {'count': (1, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2344018576555032L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'credits': 120330, 'result': 1, 'exp': 3809, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520057368, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1090488, 3809), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 3809, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {2: {'count': (2.0, 2.0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 1)}}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': (1, 1)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/47_Sleeping_Giant.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3809, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1094297, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/47_SLEEPING_GIANT', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '03.03.2018 13:09', 'dt': 1520058007, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1090488, 3809), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2344018576555032L, 'credits': 120330, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 3, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 35.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!', 'currentProgress': 35.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 3, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 25.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438', 'currentProgress': 25.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520057368, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] updateActionsProgress: {'25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520058007, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 30, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 30, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520058007, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 96030, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:26] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:27] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520058007, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:27] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520058007, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:28] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520058007, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:28] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520058007, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:29] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:29] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:29] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ExtendedSystemLogWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:40] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:40] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:41] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 1809, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 4}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:41] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 1809, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 4} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:41] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:41] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 2000, 'type': 4}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 2000, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 4, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:41] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1520058521, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:41] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1520058521, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 1809, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4281167792L: 4}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 1809, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 4 [('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4281167792L})] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4636 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4281167792L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 102] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:49] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4281167792L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:55] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:55] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:55] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:58] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_03 13:28:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:03] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:11] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4281167792L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4281167792L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:11] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4281167792L}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:11] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4281167792L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:15] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:26] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:26] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:26] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:32] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:32] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:39] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 27 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:46] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:46] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 44_Path_warrior [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 285187 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 912032 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537157254 Name: SAV1958 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 912034 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 297132 Name: vladimir_2356 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 912036 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537133454 Name: makspoly TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 912038 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537132958 Name: PaNgU3 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 912040 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 229913 Name: sanechek116 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 912042 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537189534 Name: _A_WOT_I_YA_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 912044 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 59679 Name: AmoreMio TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB110_Grossdeutschland avatarId: 912046 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 536968995 Name: ramiresT34 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 912048 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293249968L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537146661 Name: amiD3179 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 912050 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537199532 Name: azon59rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 912052 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4260318128L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 291247 Name: Tomahawk__919 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 912054 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4256123824L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537076658 Name: ___SAIFER___ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 912056 isBot: False dogeTage: [4256549808L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 231838 Name: taaroa00 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 912058 isBot: False dogeTage: [4253404080L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 179896 Name: LiveHammer TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 912060 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537012433 Name: keptan_2017 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB108_Monarch avatarId: 912062 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537107795 Name: GALAX59 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 912064 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537256918 Name: 1Barracuda1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 912066 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537199578 Name: sasha_1996 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD108_Akizuki avatarId: 912068 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 295520 Name: _Otec_Dimitriy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC110_Henri_IV avatarId: 912070 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537196263 Name: koguha TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 912072 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537219313 Name: tehas_17 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD108_Hsien_Yang avatarId: 912074 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 537143160 Name: Lykoi TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 912076 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] player: Id: 536951037 Name: Fayshass TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 912078 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] (, 40957038887736, 48): 912030; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] (, 40957038887736, 48): 912030; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-375.9999084472656, -0.00029754638671875], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [100.21749877929688, -0.00029754638671875], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [502.7755126953125, 9.999999747378752e-05], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 912031, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:47] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:49] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:29:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:09] id 912041 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:09] name PaNgU3 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:09] @ launchpadAppeared 912041 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] id 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] name vladimir_2356 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] @ launchpadAppeared 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] id 912033 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] id 912035 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] name SAV1958 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:10] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] id 912047 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] name AmoreMio [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] @ launchpadAppeared 912047 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] id 912039 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] name makspoly [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:12] @ launchpadAppeared 912039 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:13] id 912069 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:13] name sasha_1996 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] id 912057 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] name ___SAIFER___ [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] id 912071 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] name _Otec_Dimitriy [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] id 912079 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] name Fayshass [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:17] [Weather][2655] onEnterWorld (map spaces/44_Path_warrior/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:17] id 912063 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:17] name keptan_2017 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:17] team id 0 [A] [2018_03_03 13:30:17] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Bow_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_03 13:30:17] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Stern_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_03 13:30:17] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_MidBack_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:17] @ launchpadAppeared 912063 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:23] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:23] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:30:52] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_03 13:31:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:31:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:25] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:25] name Tomahawk__919 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:25] @ launchpadAppeared 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:29] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:29] id 912073 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:29] name koguha [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:35] id 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:35] name taaroa00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:35] @ launchpadAppeared 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:36] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:36] name 1Barracuda1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:36] @ launchpadAppeared 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:38] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] name Tomahawk__919 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] @ launchpadAppeared 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] id 912051 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] name amiD3179 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:43] @ launchpadAppeared 912051 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:46] id 912073 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:46] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:46] name sanechek116 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:46] @ launchpadAppeared 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:52] id 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:59] id 912077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:59] name Lykoi [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:32:59] @ launchpadAppeared 912077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:00] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:17] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:17] name Tomahawk__919 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:17] @ launchpadAppeared 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:22] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:22] name 1Barracuda1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:22] @ launchpadAppeared 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:25] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:35] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:35] name sanechek116 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:35] @ launchpadAppeared 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:56] id 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:33:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:07] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:23] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:23] name sanechek116 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:23] @ launchpadAppeared 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:36] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:44] id 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:44] name taaroa00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:44] @ launchpadAppeared 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:52] id 912073 [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:52] name koguha [S] [2018_03_03 13:34:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:02] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:05] id 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:06] id 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:06] name taaroa00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:06] @ launchpadAppeared 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:08] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:08] name Tomahawk__919 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:08] @ launchpadAppeared 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:13] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:13] name sanechek116 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:13] @ launchpadAppeared 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:14] id 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:25] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:25] name azon59rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:32] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:38] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:43] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:43] name Tomahawk__919 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:43] @ launchpadAppeared 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:57] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:57] name azon59rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:35:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:04] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:04] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:05] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:07] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:07] name sanechek116 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:07] @ launchpadAppeared 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:10] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:10] name Tomahawk__919 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:10] @ launchpadAppeared 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:13] id 912077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:16] id 912069 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:18] id 912077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:18] name Lykoi [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:18] @ launchpadAppeared 912077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:20] id 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:20] name taaroa00 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:20] @ launchpadAppeared 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:36:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:06] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:10] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:10] name 1Barracuda1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:10] @ launchpadAppeared 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:11] id 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:11] name vladimir_2356 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:11] @ launchpadAppeared 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:25] id 912069 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:25] name sasha_1996 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:29] id 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:30] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:43] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:53] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:53] name azon59rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:55] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:55] name sanechek116 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:37:55] @ launchpadAppeared 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:06] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:08] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:08] name 1Barracuda1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:08] @ launchpadAppeared 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:17] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:17] name azon59rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:23] id 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:23] name vladimir_2356 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:23] @ launchpadAppeared 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:26] id 912065 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:26] name GALAX59 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:34] id 912065 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:44] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] name LiveHammer [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] @ launchpadAppeared 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] name 1Barracuda1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:57] @ launchpadAppeared 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:59] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:38:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:01] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:01] name sanechek116 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:01] @ launchpadAppeared 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:11] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:16] id 912045 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:16] name _A_WOT_I_YA_ [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:42] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:46] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:46] name azon59rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:51] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:51] name LiveHammer [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:51] @ launchpadAppeared 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:52] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:53] id 912035 [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:39:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:02] id 912049 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:02] name ramiresT34 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:10] id 912075 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:10] name tehas_17 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:10] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_03 13:40:10] content/gameplay/panasia/ship/destroyer/ZSD004_Hsien_Yang_1945/ZSD004_Hsien_Yang_1945_Bow_ports_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_03 13:40:10] content/gameplay/panasia/ship/destroyer/ZSD004_Hsien_Yang_1945/ZSD004_Hsien_Yang_1945_Stern_ports_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_03 13:40:10] content/gameplay/panasia/ship/destroyer/ZSD004_Hsien_Yang_1945/ZSD004_Hsien_Yang_1945_MidFront_ports_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:12] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:15] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:15] name LiveHammer [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:15] @ launchpadAppeared 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:15] id 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:31] id 912053 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:37] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:40] id 912063 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:41] id 912065 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:41] name GALAX59 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:53] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:53] name LiveHammer [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:53] @ launchpadAppeared 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:54] id 912065 [S] [2018_03_03 13:40:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] id 912035 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] name SAV1958 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] name 1Barracuda1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] @ launchpadAppeared 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] id 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] name vladimir_2356 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:00] @ launchpadAppeared 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:01] id 912063 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:01] name keptan_2017 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:01] @ launchpadAppeared 912063 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:02] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:03] setMode ShellTracker [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:04] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:04] name LiveHammer [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:04] @ launchpadAppeared 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:08] id 912065 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:08] name GALAX59 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:09] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:11] id 912043 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:14] id 912075 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] (, 40957038887736, 48): 912030; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] [Weather][2655] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912033 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912035 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912037 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912039 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912041 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912045 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912047 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912049 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912051 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:16] id 912055 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912057 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912059 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912061 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912063 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912065 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912067 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912069 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912071 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912073 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912077 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] id 912079 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:17] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'exp': 58068}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 67223}}, 'moneyXP': 54, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 2873, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 2873, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 93824, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -39900, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 99, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4274876336L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278120368L: 6, 4278022064L: 28, 4274876336L: 6}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4135993264L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 1.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:18] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:19] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:19] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:19] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:21] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:21] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1094297) (15, 1095361) [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BR: {'credits': 41699, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 463, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 2100, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 37800, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [6, 2100]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520059223, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.45, 0.1), 2: {'count': (4.0, 2.0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3551162084769373L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'credits': 93824, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1064, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520057949, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1094297, 1064), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1064, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {2: {'count': (4.0, 2.0)}, 3: {'count': (1, 0)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/20_NE_two_brothers.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 14, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1064, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1095361, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/20_NE_TWO_BROTHERS', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '03.03.2018 13:19', 'dt': 1520059223, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1094297, 1064), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3551162084769373L, 'credits': 93824, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 3, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 10.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!', 'currentProgress': 45.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520057949, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q02': {2: {'count': 2.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] updateActionsProgress: {'25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:24] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520059223, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 2100, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 37800}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2100, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520059223, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 39900, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 37800, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520059223, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1520059223, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:34] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:34] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_03 13:41:34] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:43:40] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:13] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:15] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:15] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:15] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:29] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4135993264L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 2.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 20515}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'adapt_earned': 73531}}, 'moneyXP': 500, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 4866, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 4866, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 212597, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -100600, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1095361) (15, 1097354) [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:32] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278022064L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4281167792L))}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 22, 4283264944L: 3, 4278022064L: 27, 4281167792L: 2, 4274876336L: 5}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q02': {2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] onUpdateDogTags: 4263889840 [0, 0, 0, 52, 25498.0] [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU029 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520059472, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3917136248062163L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 27, 'credits': 212597, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1993, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520058579, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1095361, 1993), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1993, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/44_Path_warrior.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 27, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1993, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1097354, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/44_PATH_WARRIOR', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '03.03.2018 13:29', 'dt': 1520059472, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1095361, 1993), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3917136248062163L, 'credits': 212597, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520058579, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BR: {'credits': 141731, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 868, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4264488880L, 1.0, True, 0], [4281167792L, 3.0, True, 0]]}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4264488880L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4264488880L, 1.5, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 4600, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[85, 850], [25, 3750], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] onUpdateDogTags: 4261792688 [0, 0, 0, 6, 29446.0] [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU031 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520059472, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 4600, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 4600, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520059472, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 100600, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] onUpdateDogTags: 4262841264 [0, 0, 0, 52, 25498.0] [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU030 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520059472, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520059472, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520059472, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520059472, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:36] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:37] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:39] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:42] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:42] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:42] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:57] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4265537456L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4265537456L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4265537456L}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4265537456L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:44:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:47] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:52] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:52] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:52] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:55] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:55] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:55] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 8 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_03 13:45:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:02] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 14_Atlantic [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 285187 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 569699 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 265476 Name: shur1kz TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD110_Z_52 avatarId: 569701 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283812784L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 206729 Name: arzamas16 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 569703 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 271506 Name: LEXAGL TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 569705 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 104979 Name: VEIRONpro TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 569707 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 343444 Name: Gneisgenau TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 569709 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537230231 Name: karavay_kair TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 569711 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 258844 Name: jf63rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 569715 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 293660 Name: zZzKamikad3ezZz TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 569713 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537151024 Name: meleshchenko1981 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 569717 isBot: False dogeTage: [4253404080L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537196211 Name: Nikll TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 569719 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537196212 Name: Sergey_174ru_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC110_Henri_IV avatarId: 569721 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537167805 Name: poligraf197615 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 569723 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537203777 Name: mkv1961 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 569725 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 179907 Name: Avrora89 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC110_Henri_IV avatarId: 569727 isBot: False dogeTage: [4253404080L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 179911 Name: CobraBY TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 569729 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 251603 Name: RA25694 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 569731 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 386900 Name: GoldenGear TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 569733 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537186667 Name: SKOROBEY_2015 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 569735 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537120623 Name: LelikPRO474 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD109_Chung_Mu avatarId: 569737 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 298608 Name: Emkkey TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 569739 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537074547 Name: mamuka82 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 569741 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 304630 Name: yur45 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 569743 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] player: Id: 537130611 Name: Tokinawa TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 569745 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] (, 40957038887736, 48): 569697; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] (, 40957038887736, 48): 569697; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-360.0, -360.0], radius: 142.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 151.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [360.0, 360.0], radius: 142.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 569698, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:03] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:05] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] id 569710 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] name Gneisgenau [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] @ launchpadAppeared 569710 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] id 569724 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] name poligraf197615 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] @ launchpadAppeared 569724 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] id 569708 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] name VEIRONpro [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:35] id 569720 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:35] name Nikll [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:36] id 569742 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:36] name mamuka82 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] id 569706 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] name LEXAGL [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] @ launchpadAppeared 569706 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] id 569722 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] name Sergey_174ru_ [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] id 569746 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] name Tokinawa [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] id 569700 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] id 569714 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] name zZzKamikad3ezZz [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:39] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:40] id 569734 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:40] name GoldenGear [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:40] @ launchpadAppeared 569734 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:41] [Weather][1123] onEnterWorld (map spaces/14_Atlantic/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:41] id 569738 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:41] name LelikPRO474 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:55] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_03 13:46:55] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_03 13:47:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:47:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 13:47:07] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_03 13:47:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:47:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:13] id 569714 [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:55] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:55] name Avrora89 [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:58] id 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:58] name arzamas16 [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:48:58] @ launchpadAppeared 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:04] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:04] name karavay_kair [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:43] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:57] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:57] name RA25694 [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:49:57] @ launchpadAppeared 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:01] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:05] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:05] name karavay_kair [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:05] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:05] name RA25694 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:05] @ launchpadAppeared 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:08] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:08] name jf63rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:41] id 569736 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:41] name SKOROBEY_2015 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:45] id 569736 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:51] id 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:53] id 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:53] name arzamas16 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:50:53] @ launchpadAppeared 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:06] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:13] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:17] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:17] name karavay_kair [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:23] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:31] id 569736 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:31] name SKOROBEY_2015 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:35] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:40] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:40] name shur1kz [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:42] id 569736 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:44] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:44] name jf63rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:50] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:53] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:54] id 569714 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:54] name zZzKamikad3ezZz [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:57] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:57] name RA25694 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:57] @ launchpadAppeared 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:51:58] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:01] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:01] name Avrora89 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:01] id 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:04] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:04] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:05] id 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:05] name arzamas16 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:05] @ launchpadAppeared 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:05] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:09] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:09] name Avrora89 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:09] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:09] name RA25694 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:09] @ launchpadAppeared 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] name karavay_kair [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] name jf63rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] id 569736 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] name SKOROBEY_2015 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:18] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:21] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:21] name jf63rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:32] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:37] id 569736 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:44] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:45] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:45] name shur1kz [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:50] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:50] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:50] name karavay_kair [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:52:58] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:01] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:01] name RA25694 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:01] @ launchpadAppeared 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:04] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:05] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:05] name Avrora89 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:06] id 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:08] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:08] name jf63rus [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:09] id 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:09] name arzamas16 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:09] @ launchpadAppeared 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:11] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:11] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:15] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:15] name karavay_kair [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:16] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:16] name Avrora89 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:33] id 569736 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:33] name SKOROBEY_2015 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:53:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:29] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:30] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:30] name karavay_kair [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:36] id 569724 [S] [2018_03_03 13:54:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:29] id 569724 [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:29] name poligraf197615 [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:29] @ launchpadAppeared 569724 [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:40] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:40] name shur1kz [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:41] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:49] id 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:49] name CobraBY [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:55:49] @ launchpadAppeared 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:56:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:56:01] id 569706 [S] [2018_03_03 13:56:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:56:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:56:18] id 569718 [S] [2018_03_03 13:56:18] name meleshchenko1981 [S] [2018_03_03 13:56:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:56:18] @ launchpadAppeared 569718 [S] [2018_03_03 13:56:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:02] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:02] name shur1kz [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:14] id 569706 [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:14] name LEXAGL [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:14] @ launchpadAppeared 569706 [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:57:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:19] id 569722 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:30] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:30] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:30] name shur1kz [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:39] id 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:39] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:44] id 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:44] name CobraBY [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:44] @ launchpadAppeared 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:56] id 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:58:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:03] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:03] name Emkkey [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:13] id 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:13] name CobraBY [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:13] @ launchpadAppeared 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:28] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:30] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:30] name shur1kz [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:34] id 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:36] id 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:36] name CobraBY [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:36] @ launchpadAppeared 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 13:59:58] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:00:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:00:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:00:17] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 14:00:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:00:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:00:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:00:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:00:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:00:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:01] id 569722 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:01] name Sergey_174ru_ [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:30] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:30] name mkv1961 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:41] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:41] name yur45 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:45] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:45] name shur1kz [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:47] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:47] name Emkkey [S] [2018_03_03 14:01:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:11] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:13] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:13] name yur45 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:14] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:25] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:39] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:40] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:40] name mkv1961 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:43] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:52] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:52] name Emkkey [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:57] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:57] name yur45 [S] [2018_03_03 14:02:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:02] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:05] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:05] name Emkkey [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:12] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:22] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:22] name Emkkey [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:25] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:25] name mkv1961 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:26] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:26] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:26] name yur45 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:28] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:32] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:32] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:03:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:05] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:05] name mkv1961 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:08] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:14] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:45] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:45] name Emkkey [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:45] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:45] name yur45 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:46] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:46] name mkv1961 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:04:59] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:08] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:15] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:24] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:24] name yur45 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:25] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:25] name mkv1961 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:25] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:34] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:34] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:34] name mkv1961 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:38] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:38] name yur45 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:40] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:49] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:53] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:53] name Emkkey [S] [2018_03_03 14:05:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:09] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:09] name yur45 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:10] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:10] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:10] name yur45 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:27] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:27] name mkv1961 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:35] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:53] id 569744 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:57] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:57] name mkv1961 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:58] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:58] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:58] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_03 14:06:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] (, 40957038887736, 48): 569697; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] [Weather][1123] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569700 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569702 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569704 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569706 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569708 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569710 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569712 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569714 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569716 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569718 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569720 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569722 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569724 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569726 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569728 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:00] id 569730 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] id 569732 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] id 569734 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] id 569736 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] id 569738 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] id 569740 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] id 569742 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] id 569746 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:01] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 22581}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'retraining': 0, 'adapt_earned': 0, 'exp': 60944, 'adapt_penalty': 0}}, 'moneyXP': 416, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 6932, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 6932, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 256745, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -103920, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4265537456L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4281167792L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 26, 4283264944L: 2, 4274876336L: 4, 4281167792L: 1, 4265537456L: 2, 4284313520L: 21}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4135993264L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 2.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 4504, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:02] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1097354) (15, 1099420) [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BR: {'credits': 142636, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 900, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4281167792L, 3.0, True, 0]]}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4265537456L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4265537456L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4265537456L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 7920, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[192, 1920], [40, 6000], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520060819, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2236111818212514L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 8, 'credits': 256745, 'result': 2, 'exp': 2066, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520059554, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1097354, 2066), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2066, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/14_Atlantic.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 8, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2066, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1099420, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/14_ATLANTIC', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '03.03.2018 13:45', 'dt': 1520060819, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1097354, 2066), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2236111818212514L, 'credits': 256745, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520059554, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:03] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q5': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 1}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520060819, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 7920, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 7920, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520060819, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 103920, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520060819, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520060819, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:05] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520060819, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:05] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520060819, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:14] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:07:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 14:08:58] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_03 14:08:58] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 14:08:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:03] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:09] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:16] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:21] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:09:30] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:03] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:04] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowCrewFastTraining, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:10:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:44] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:44] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:44] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:50] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:50] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:50] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 21 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_03 14:13:58] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 35_NE_north_winter [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 285187 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 590910 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 265733 Name: lenovo2000 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 590912 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537133198 Name: PROXor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 590914 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537195023 Name: A1boMan TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC110_Henri_IV avatarId: 590916 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537143188 Name: Dr_Fleisch TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 590918 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 294424 Name: Urfajuse TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD109_Z_46 avatarId: 590920 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537220768 Name: Tirpitz174 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 590922 isBot: False dogeTage: [4277128112L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 141473 Name: sereban1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 590924 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537076772 Name: Flint888_2016 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 590926 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537146790 Name: Mr_ZaDroT18 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 590928 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537082535 Name: dimon19750411 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 590930 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 204718 Name: kitsunekko TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB110_Grossdeutschland avatarId: 590932 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 288572 Name: _MaXiBoN__ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 590934 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 277437 Name: sergs64 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 590936 isBot: False dogeTage: [4257598384L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537160769 Name: Bublik_590 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC110_Henri_IV avatarId: 590938 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282764208L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537164103 Name: kok1975 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 590940 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537165641 Name: SAILOR_40SERG TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 590942 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537186651 Name: _Vovan_Baron_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD210_Grozovoy_pr_40N avatarId: 590944 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537155294 Name: muhali4 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 590946 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 229737 Name: Chatlanin_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 590948 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 536990827 Name: XepMauop_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 590950 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537130606 Name: darkfalcon_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 590952 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 293746 Name: Sansanitsch TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 590954 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] player: Id: 537133177 Name: SS192 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 590956 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] (, 40957038887736, 48): 590908; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] (, 40957038887736, 48): 590908; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-330.0, 225.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-330.0, -225.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-16.0, 0.0], radius: 80.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [373.9999084472656, 3.0], radius: 95.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 590909, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:10] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:14:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:15:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 14:15:04] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_03 14:15:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] id 590943 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] name SAILOR_40SERG [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] [Weather][1606] onEnterWorld (map spaces/35_NE_north_winter/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] id 590911 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] id 590917 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] name A1boMan [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] id 590913 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] name lenovo2000 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:17] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:17] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] id 590955 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] name Sansanitsch [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] @ launchpadAppeared 590955 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] id 590951 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] name XepMauop_ [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] @ launchpadAppeared 590951 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] id 590945 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] name _Vovan_Baron_ [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] id 590953 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] name darkfalcon_1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] id 590925 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] name sereban1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] @ launchpadAppeared 590925 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] id 590933 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] name kitsunekko [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] @ launchpadAppeared 590933 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] id 590947 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] name muhali4 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:23] @ launchpadAppeared 590947 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:24] id 590931 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:24] name dimon19750411 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:24] @ launchpadAppeared 590931 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:51] id 590941 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:51] name kok1975 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:16:51] @ launchpadAppeared 590941 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:15] id 590933 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:20] id 590949 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:20] name Chatlanin_1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:24] id 590941 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:37] id 590915 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:37] name PROXor [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:37] @ launchpadAppeared 590915 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:51] id 590949 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:52] id 590941 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:52] name kok1975 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:17:52] @ launchpadAppeared 590941 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:00] id 590927 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:00] name Flint888_2016 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:01] id 590949 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:01] name Chatlanin_1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:03] id 590949 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:04] id 590925 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:04] id 590953 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:13] id 590929 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:13] name Mr_ZaDroT18 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:13] @ launchpadAppeared 590929 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:27] id 590927 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:33] id 590927 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:33] name Flint888_2016 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:33] id 590921 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:33] name Urfajuse [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:36] id 590949 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:36] name Chatlanin_1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:38] id 590927 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:42] id 590915 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:48] id 590927 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:48] name Flint888_2016 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:49] id 590927 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:52] id 590927 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:52] name Flint888_2016 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] id 590957 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] name SS192 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] @ launchpadAppeared 590957 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] id 590919 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] name Dr_Fleisch [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] @ launchpadAppeared 590919 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] id 590935 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] name _MaXiBoN__ [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] id 590925 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] name sereban1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] @ launchpadAppeared 590925 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] id 590937 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] name sergs64 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] id 590939 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] name Bublik_590 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] id 590915 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] name PROXor [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] @ launchpadAppeared 590915 [S] [2018_03_03 14:18:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:00] id 590953 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:00] name darkfalcon_1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:00] id 590933 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:00] name kitsunekko [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:00] @ launchpadAppeared 590933 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:08] id 590921 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:09] id 590921 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:09] name Urfajuse [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:09] id 590935 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:16] id 590923 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:16] name Tirpitz174 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:16] @ launchpadAppeared 590923 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:31] id 590929 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:36] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] id 590929 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] name Mr_ZaDroT18 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] @ launchpadAppeared 590929 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:37] id 590949 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:38] id 590929 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:39] id 590927 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:39] id 590929 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:39] name Mr_ZaDroT18 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:39] @ launchpadAppeared 590929 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] (, 40957038887736, 48): 590908; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] [Weather][1606] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590911 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590913 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590915 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590917 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590919 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590921 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590923 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590925 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590929 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590931 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590933 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590937 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590939 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:40] id 590941 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] id 590943 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] id 590945 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] id 590947 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] id 590951 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] id 590953 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] id 590955 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] id 590957 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:41] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:42] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 23371028 ctark69 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:48] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:49] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:49] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:49] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:49] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 14:19:49] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_03 14:22:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:23:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_03 14:23:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:23:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4272830448L, 2)]} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4135993264L, 4134944688L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 2.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 4504, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:21] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4283264944L: 12}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 24687}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 64426}}, 'moneyXP': 424, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 9038, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 9038, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520121600.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 204512, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -97650, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1099420) (15, 1101526) [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:22] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4265537456L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4281167792L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 25, 4283264944L: 11, 4274876336L: 3, 4281167792L: 0, 4265537456L: 1, 4284313520L: 20}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] updateActionsProgress: {'25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2}}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 4.0}, 3: {'count': 2}}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 2}}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] onUpdateAchievement: 4283622320 [14, 1520061558.478206, 4272830448L] [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] onUpdateAchievement: PCH010 done: 14 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] onUpdateDogTags: 4263889840 [0, 0, 0, 54, 24886.0] [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU029 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520061922, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4283622320L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.7, 0.25), 2: {'count': (4.0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!'}, '25810_q01': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.25), 2: {'count': (2, 1)}, 'name': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2443610278218543L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 21, 'credits': 204512, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2106, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520061231, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1099420, 2106), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2106, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {2: {'count': (4.0, 0)}, 3: {'count': (2, 1)}}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': (2, 1)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/35_NE_north_winter.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4283622320L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 21, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2106, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1101526, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/35_NE_NORTH_WINTER', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': ((4283622320L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '03.03.2018 14:13', 'dt': 1520061922, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1099420, 2106), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2443610278218543L, 'credits': 204512, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 3, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 25.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!', 'currentProgress': 70.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 3, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 25.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q01', 'titleText': u'\u0412\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438', 'currentProgress': 50.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520061231, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:23] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BR: {'credits': 113617, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 917, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4281167792L, 3.0, True, 0]]}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4265537456L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4265537456L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4265537456L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 1650, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[15, 150], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] onUpdateDogTags: 4261792688 [0, 0, 0, 8, 24328.0] [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU031 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520061922, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1650, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1650, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520061922, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 97650, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] onUpdateDogTags: 4262841264 [0, 0, 0, 54, 24886.0] [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] onUpdateDogTags: PCNU030 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520061922, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520061922, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520061922, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520061922, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_03 14:25:27] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2018_03_03 14:28:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:10] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:10] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:10] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:20] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:20] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:21] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:21] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:22] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:22] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:23] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:24] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:24] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:24] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:24] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_03 14:31:24] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_04 16:33:53] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_04 16:33:54] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_04 16:34:24] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_04 16:34:57] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_04 16:34:57] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_04 16:34:57] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:05] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:05] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:08] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:08] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:08] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:08] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:10] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_04 16:35:12] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_04 16:35:12] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:14] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:14] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:14] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:14] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:14] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:14] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:15] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:15] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:16] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:16] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:17] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:21] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:22] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:22] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 310.0, 'prebattle': 340.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'spectatorHotkeysHidden': True, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'prebattle': 600.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 220.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 426.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:22] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:22] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:23] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:23] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:23] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:23] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:23] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:24] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:25] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:25] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:26] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:26] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:26] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:27] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:27] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:27] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:28] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:28] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:28] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:53] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:35:53] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:07] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:08] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:11] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:11] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:220960173185361359333229527935185797515","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:11] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:220960173185361359333229527935185797515', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:11] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:220960173185361359333229527935185797515', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:11] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:11] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x449446C0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] [WWSD-XXX] issue init [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] [WWSD-XXX] issue in progress [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] (, 85216719876408, 20): onStreamComplete, ('no such requestId', (172, 172)) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:12] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:13] setServerTime: serverTime=1520156173 time.time()=1520156173.05 gInitialClientTime=44.2120018005 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:13] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:13] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:14] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:14] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:14] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:14] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:14] _onChangeTimeOut 700 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:14] _onChangeTimeOut 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:17] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:17] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:17] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1101526) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:17] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:17] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:17] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:17] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:18] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 40, None))) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:18] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:18] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}}, 29, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:18] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4287545264L: [1, 0], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0]}, {4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4283023280L: [2, 2, 1], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10]}, {4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 2.0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (1, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (2, False, 4504), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:18] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 17, 'battle_result': 'defeat'}) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 17, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 17, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:20] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520173800.0, 1520177380.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 17619 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520173800.0, 1520177380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520177400.0, 1520177400.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 17619 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520173800.0, 1520177380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520191800.0, 1520191800.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 17619 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520173800.0, 1520177380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520433000.0, 1520436580.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 17619 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520173800.0, 1520177380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520436600.0, 1520436600.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 17619 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520173800.0, 1520177380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520451000.0, 1520451000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 17619 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520173800.0, 1520177380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:37] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:37] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:37] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 17602 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520173800.0, 1520177380.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 16:36:57] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 16443875@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Well_11 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:00] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 11200265 {'jid': '11200265@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dracon4uk', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520146885L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520150030L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520150461L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe.\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x8f \xd0\xb5\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb.\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520150493L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '))', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520150511L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xad\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\x92\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\x93\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb8, \xd1\x82\xd1\x83\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd1\x83\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe )', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:02] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dracon4uk', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/11200265', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520152632L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:13] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:13] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:25] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:27] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:36] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1539, 'add_slots': (((), 4293750704L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4293750704L: 7}} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:36] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4293750704L}} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:36] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4293750704L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_04 16:37:39] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:11] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:11] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:11] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:13] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:16] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:16] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:24] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 21 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:32] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:32] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:33] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 35_NE_north_winter [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 683521 Name: Coranzon TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 1213284 isBot: False dogeTage: [4256549808L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 355473 Name: SoulEmpty TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1213286 isBot: False dogeTage: [4273982384L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 537373679 Name: _De_La_Ferr_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 1213318 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 544287 Name: Realangel TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1213290 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 736035 Name: tango_papa_tango TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD308_Pr_48 avatarId: 1213292 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 580007 Name: GenomEbola TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1213294 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270181296L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 560683 Name: arhon TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB110_Grossdeutschland avatarId: 1213296 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4288629680L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 537466924 Name: statik_z TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 1213298 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 687026 Name: Grygorjev TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 1213300 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 533825 Name: quaddro TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 1213302 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 537462639 Name: ShadowgodD TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1213324 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 606660 Name: Scorpins TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 1213304 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 572617 Name: Single_Raider TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 1213306 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 564426 Name: azart TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1213308 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 594127 Name: Volodya_720 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 1213310 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 593109 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1213312 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 537249116 Name: denis_82_skripnik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1213314 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 537459423 Name: SrBION TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1213316 isBot: False dogeTage: [4265986992L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 537471720 Name: PoznavshiiNoch TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 1213320 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 654574 Name: rasik83 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 1213322 isBot: False dogeTage: [4263889840L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 585583 Name: Pivolub TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1213288 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 537431032 Name: HappyAnchor TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD108_Akizuki avatarId: 1213326 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 537462778 Name: RenamedUser_22004332 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 1213328 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] player: Id: 568315 Name: YAROST_POLKOVNIKA_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1213330 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1213282; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1213282; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-330.0, 225.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-330.0, -225.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-16.0, 0.0], radius: 80.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [373.9999084472656, 3.0], radius: 95.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1213283, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537607865, 0, 0, 1213294, 1520156296802L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537583517, 0, 0, 1213314, 1520156296801L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213314, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (737487, 1, 0, 1213320, 1520156296802L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213314, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537583517, 0, 0, 1213322, 1520156296801L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537583517, 0, 0, 1213322, 1520156296801L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537583517, 0, 0, 1213322, 1520156296801L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537589777, 1, 0, 1213324, 1520156296802L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213324, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537589777, 1, 0, 1213324, 1520156296802L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213324, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537589777, 1, 0, 1213324, 1520156296802L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213324, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537589777, 1, 0, 1213326, 1520156296802L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537589777, 1, 0, 1213326, 1520156296802L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537589777, 1, 0, 1213326, 1520156296802L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (737487, 1, 0, 1213320, 1520156296802L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (737487, 1, 0, 1213320, 1520156296802L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (737487, 1, 0, 1213320, 1520156296802L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:38:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:05] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:10] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:37] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:52] id 1213319 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:52] name _De_La_Ferr_ [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1213319 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:52] [Weather][4966] onEnterWorld (map spaces/35_NE_north_winter/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:54] id 1213323 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:54] name rasik83 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] id 1213299 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] name statik_z [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1213299 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] id 1213321 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] name PoznavshiiNoch [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1213321 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] id 1213303 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] name quaddro [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1213303 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] id 1213309 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] name azart [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] id 1213313 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] id 1213305 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] name Scorpins [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1213305 [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:57] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:58] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:58] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:59] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_04 16:39:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] id 1213289 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] name Pivolub [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1213289 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] id 1213315 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] name denis_82_skripnik [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1213315 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] id 1213293 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] name tango_papa_tango [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:05] id 1213317 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:05] name SrBION [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1213317 [S] [2018_03_04 16:40:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] name Single_Raider [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] name Coranzon [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:08] id 1213301 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:08] name Grygorjev [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1213301 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:12] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:19] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:19] name Single_Raider [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:21] id 1213287 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:21] name SoulEmpty [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1213287 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:27] id 1213311 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:27] name Volodya_720 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1213311 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:31] id 1213329 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:31] name RenamedUser_22004332 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1213329 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:34] id 1213291 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:34] name Realangel [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:36] id 1213291 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:41] id 1213287 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:42] id 1213297 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:42] name arhon [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1213297 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:43] id 1213287 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:43] name SoulEmpty [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1213287 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:47] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:47] id 1213327 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:47] name HappyAnchor [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:48] id 1213301 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:51] id 1213331 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:51] name YAROST_POLKOVNIKA_ [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:51] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:51] name Coranzon [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:52] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:54] id 1213287 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:54] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:55] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:55] name Coranzon [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:56] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:56] name Single_Raider [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:58] id 1213295 [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:58] name GenomEbola [S] [2018_03_04 16:41:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:00] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:00] id 1213295 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:02] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:10] id 1213325 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:10] name ShadowgodD [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1213325 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:13] id 1213331 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:16] id 1213325 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:17] id 1213311 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:18] id 1213325 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:18] name ShadowgodD [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1213325 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:21] id 1213327 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:22] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:22] name Coranzon [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:23] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:35] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:35] name Coranzon [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:44] id 1213311 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:44] name Volodya_720 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1213311 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:48] id 1213311 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:50] id 1213311 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:50] name Volodya_720 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1213311 [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:42:56] id 1213293 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:01] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:01] name Single_Raider [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:03] id 1213295 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:03] name GenomEbola [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:08] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:09] id 1213295 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:10] id 1213293 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:10] name tango_papa_tango [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:15] id 1213295 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:15] name GenomEbola [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:15] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:15] name Coranzon [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:22] id 1213311 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked False , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked 0 , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked 0 , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 1, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 1, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked 0 , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:42] id 1213291 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:42] name Realangel [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:46] id 1213331 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:46] name YAROST_POLKOVNIKA_ [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:46] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 2, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 2, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked 0 , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:51] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:51] name Single_Raider [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:43:55] id 1213295 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:03] id 1213331 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:09] id 1213291 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:10] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 1, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:10] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 1, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked 0 , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:22] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked 0 , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:27] id 1213327 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:27] name HappyAnchor [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:44] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:45] id 1213285 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:48] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:48] name Single_Raider [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:52] id 1213295 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:52] name GenomEbola [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:56] id 1213317 [S] [2018_03_04 16:44:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:00] id 1213327 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:00] id 1213295 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:10] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:15] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:15] name Single_Raider [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 1120986 {'jid': '1120986@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:25] id 1213325 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:37] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:41] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:41] name Single_Raider [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:45:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:01] id 1213291 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:01] name Realangel [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:02] id 1213307 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:02] id 1213325 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:02] name ShadowgodD [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1213325 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:03] id 1213291 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:04] id 1213317 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:04] name SrBION [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1213317 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:08] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:08] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked 0 , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:08] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:08] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked False , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:08] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:08] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked False , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked False , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked False , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (747464, 2, 0, 1213330, 1520156620539L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {747464: PreBattleInfo: id: 747464, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1213330, creationTime 1520156620539, hidden False, locked False , 537607865: PreBattleInfo: id: 537607865, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213294, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False , 537589777: PreBattleInfo: id: 537589777, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213326, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked 1 , 537583517: PreBattleInfo: id: 537583517, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1213322, creationTime 1520156296801, hidden False, locked False , 737487: PreBattleInfo: id: 737487, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1213320, creationTime 1520156296802, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:10] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:13] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1213282; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] [Weather][4966] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213289 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213293 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213297 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213299 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213303 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213305 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213309 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213313 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213315 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213317 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213319 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213321 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213323 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213325 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:14] id 1213329 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:15] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:15] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:15] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:15] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:15] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:15] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:16] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:16] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:16] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:16] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:16] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:16] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:16] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:16] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:31] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 11200265 Dracon4uk 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 1120986 Dubinapravocudia 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 16:46:35] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:15] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:15] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:15] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:15] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:16] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 11200265 {'jid': '11200265@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dracon4uk', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:16] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520156836L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:49] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:49] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:51] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_04 16:47:52] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:34] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:34] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:39] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:43] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:44] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:44] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:49] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:49] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:51] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:51] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:51] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:51] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:53] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_04 22:30:54] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_04 22:30:54] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:55] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:55] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:55] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:55] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:55] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:55] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:56] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:56] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:57] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:57] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_04 22:30:57] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:01] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:01] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:01] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 310.0, 'prebattle': 340.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'spectatorHotkeysHidden': True, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'prebattle': 600.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 220.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 426.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:02] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:11] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:12] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:17] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:17] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:19] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:19] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:175758669206672470343044208906135724581","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:19] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:175758669206672470343044208906135724581', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:19] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:175758669206672470343044208906135724581', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:19] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:19] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x4A17E210 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] [WWSD-XXX] issue init [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] [WWSD-XXX] issue in progress [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] (, 85216719876408, 20): onStreamComplete, ('no such requestId', (172, 172)) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] setServerTime: serverTime=1520177481 time.time()=1520177480.88 gInitialClientTime=17.9260005951 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:20] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:21] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:22] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:22] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:22] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:22] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:22] _onChangeTimeOut 701 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:25] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:25] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:25] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1102535) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:25] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:25] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:26] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:26] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 29, 40, None))) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:26] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 29, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:26] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 29, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:26] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 2, 1], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 2.0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (2, False, 10566), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:26] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 1009, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1520157064.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5211003736014480L, 'credits': 135803, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 21, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1009, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520156304, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1101526, 1009), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 1009, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/35_NE_north_winter.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 21, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1009, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1102535, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/35_NE_NORTH_WINTER', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '04.03.2018 16:38', 'dt': 1520157064.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1101526, 1009), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5211003736014480L, 'credits': 135803, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1520156304, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1520157064.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 1380, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1380, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520157064.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 97380, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 42L, 'dt': 1520157064.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520157064.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 55L, 'dt': 1520157064.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520157064.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 1009, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 17, 'battle_result': 'defeat'}) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 17, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 17, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:28] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}, interval: (1520177401.0, 1520191780.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520191800.0, 1520191800.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 14310 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520191800.0, 1520191800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520433000.0, 1520436580.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 14310 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520191800.0, 1520191800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520436600.0, 1520436600.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 14310 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520191800.0, 1520191800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520451000.0, 1520451000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 14310 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520191800.0, 1520191800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:35] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:35] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:35] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 14304 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520191800.0, 1520191800.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] (, 68775780203967, 123): __sendCurrentMessage:, (IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520177401.0, 1520191780.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_end'}),) [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 118, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'messageType': 'soon_end', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_BATTLE_PRIMETIME_CHANGED', 'groupId': 8} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:37] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:39] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:39] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 16443875@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Well_11 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:40] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 6199582 {'jid': '6199582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Jedas', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 11200265 {'jid': '11200265@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dracon4uk', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25713345 {'jid': '25713345@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'lll_BETEP_lll', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520146885L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520150030L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520150461L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd1\x8b\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe.\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x8f \xd0\xb5\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd1\x83\xd0\xb6\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb.\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520150493L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '))', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:42] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520150511L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xad\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\x92\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\x93\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb9\xd0\xb8, \xd1\x82\xd1\x83\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd1\x83\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd1\x8c\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe )', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dracon4uk', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/11200265', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520152632L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520156826L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520156870L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x81, \xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb7\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xbc\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xa2\xd0\xa1\xd0\xba\xd0\xb5...\xd1\x8f \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbf \xd0\xbf\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb5\xd1\x91...\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb6\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb1\xd1\x83\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbb\xd0\xbe\xd1\x81', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Jedas', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/6199582', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520158541L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Jedas', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/6199582', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520158552L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x87\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xa2\xd0\xa1, \xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb9 \xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80 \xd1\x82\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbf\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd1\x8c?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520159674L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x94\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520159679L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xa1\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb9\xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x83 \xd0\xb0\xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd1\x81', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520159694L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': 'r5.ts3.so:10032', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520164541L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x91\xd1\x91\xd1\x91\xd1\x91\xd1\x91\xd1\x91\xd1\x91\xd1\x91\xd1\x91', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NEO__17', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/77621238', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520167809L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\x9f\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8 ! \xd0\x92\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb8\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd1\x8e \xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb6\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x88\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb3\xd0\xbe \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xb2 \xd1\x81\xd0\xbb \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f\xd1\x85?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520169074L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd1\x85 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f\xd1\x85 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:43] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NEO__17', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/77621238', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520170941L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd1\x81\xd0\xbb\xd1\x83\xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb9\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b\xd1\x85', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:45] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:54] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_04 22:31:54] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:25] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:36] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520177556L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9d\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb7\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x8e, \xd1\x8f \xd0\xb2\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb6\xd1\x83 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd1\x85 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xb1\xd0\xbe\xd1\x8f\xd1\x85, \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd1\x87\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe, \xd0\xbd\xd0\xbe \xd0\xb1\xd1\x8b\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:39] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:41] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:43] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:43] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:32:53] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 24 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:00] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:00] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 40_Okinawa [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 796032 Name: Mr__DaLLaS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC038_Atago_1944 avatarId: 1247251 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537571030 Name: RenamedUser_2254958 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 1247253 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 839047 Name: iTechnoBot TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1247255 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537627145 Name: kantemirovez2005 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1247257 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 689547 Name: GADENbILLI TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB107_Gneisenau avatarId: 1247259 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293249968L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537555608 Name: NIKROPOLIS_2016 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 1247261 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537544604 Name: webbonik TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1247263 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537686663 Name: grey152ru TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 1247265 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 687794 Name: Mr_Demian TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 1247267 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537706542 Name: gpr41 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1247269 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537450287 Name: Novoselov_av TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 1247271 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537679282 Name: Lorddamvlob TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 1247273 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537623731 Name: MartinTirik TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 1247275 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 784309 Name: KlounKatrina TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1247277 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537530680 Name: Archibald_Brown TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 1247279 isBot: False dogeTage: [4275424176L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537522493 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1247281 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537616071 Name: Varyag505 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1247283 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537568209 Name: morskoy_ubiytsa TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1247285 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 747094 Name: error223 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PZSD109_Chung_Mu avatarId: 1247287 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276079536L, 4256123824L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537508839 Name: Terner328 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 1247289 isBot: False dogeTage: [4256549808L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537529779 Name: vorchun17 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1247291 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537621875 Name: Sergik19811211 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1247293 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537568116 Name: Drygu TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA011_Hiryu_1942 avatarId: 1247295 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:01] player: Id: 537651317 Name: tsbogdan1978 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 1247297 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537751849, 0, 0, 1247291, 1520177564348L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:02] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537751849: PreBattleInfo: id: 537751849, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1247291, creationTime 1520177564348, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:02] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1247249; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:02] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1247249; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-250.00009155273438, 249.99990844726562], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [249.99990844726562, -250.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1247250, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:02] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:02] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:03] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537751849, 0, 0, 1247297, 1520177564348L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:03] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537751849: PreBattleInfo: id: 537751849, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1247297, creationTime 1520177564348, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:03] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537751849, 0, 0, 1247297, 1520177564348L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:03] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537751849: PreBattleInfo: id: 537751849, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1247297, creationTime 1520177564348, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:03] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537751849, 0, 0, 1247297, 1520177564348L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:03] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537751849: PreBattleInfo: id: 537751849, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1247297, creationTime 1520177564348, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:05] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:09] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:38] id 1247286 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:38] name morskoy_ubiytsa [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:38] [Weather][5535] onEnterWorld (map spaces/40_Okinawa/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:40] id 1247254 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:40] name RenamedUser_2254958 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1247254 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:42] id 1247292 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:42] name vorchun17 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1247292 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] id 1247296 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] name Drygu [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1247296 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] id 1247278 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] name KlounKatrina [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] id 1247262 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] name NIKROPOLIS_2016 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_04 22:33:43] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:44] id 1247298 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:44] name tsbogdan1978 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1247298 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:46] id 1247290 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:46] name Terner328 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1247290 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] id 1247276 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] name MartinTirik [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1247276 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] id 1247264 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] name webbonik [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1247264 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] id 1247282 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:49] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:50] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:50] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:51] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:51] id 1247274 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:51] name Lorddamvlob [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:33:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1247274 [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:06] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:54] id 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:54] name kantemirovez2005 [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:56] id 1247276 [S] [2018_03_04 22:34:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:00] id 1247254 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:10] id 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:22] id 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:22] name kantemirovez2005 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:26] id 1247286 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:29] id 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:33] id 1247256 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:33] name iTechnoBot [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:33] team id 0 [A] [2018_03_04 22:35:33] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 6199582 {'jid': '6199582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Jedas', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:35] id 1247294 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:35] name Sergik19811211 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1247294 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:38] id 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:38] name kantemirovez2005 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:40] id 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:49] id 1247252 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:49] name Mr__DaLLaS [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1247252 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:50] id 1247292 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:50] id 1247298 [S] [2018_03_04 22:35:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:08] id 1247268 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:08] name Mr_Demian [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1247268 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:11] id 1247262 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 6199582 {'jid': '6199582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Jedas', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:17] id 1247252 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:23] id 1247272 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:23] name Novoselov_av [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:26] id 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:26] name kantemirovez2005 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:29] id 1247294 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:34] id 1247294 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:34] name Sergik19811211 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1247294 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:39] id 1247272 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:39] id 1247288 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:39] name error223 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:45] id 1247270 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:45] name gpr41 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1247270 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:55] id 1247294 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:57] id 1247252 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:57] name Mr__DaLLaS [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:36:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1247252 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:00] id 1247288 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:04] id 1247288 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:04] name error223 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:08] id 1247286 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:08] name morskoy_ubiytsa [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] id 1247254 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] name RenamedUser_2254958 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1247254 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] id 1247260 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] name GADENbILLI [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1247260 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:10] id 1247292 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:10] name vorchun17 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1247292 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:10] id 1247262 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:10] name NIKROPOLIS_2016 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:11] id 1247298 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:11] name tsbogdan1978 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1247298 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:11] setMode ShellTracker [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:12] id 1247276 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:12] name MartinTirik [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1247276 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:16] id 1247288 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:20] id 1247294 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:20] name Sergik19811211 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1247294 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:21] id 1247280 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:21] name Archibald_Brown [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1247280 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:25] id 1247256 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:26] id 1247280 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:30] id 1247288 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:30] name error223 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:32] id 1247280 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:32] name Archibald_Brown [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1247280 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:34] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:34] id 1247270 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:37] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:40] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:41] id 1247270 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:41] name gpr41 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1247270 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:42] id 1247252 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1247249; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] [Weather][5535] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247254 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247258 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247260 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247262 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247264 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247268 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247270 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247274 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247276 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247278 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] id 1247280 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:43] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] id 1247282 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] id 1247286 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] id 1247288 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] id 1247290 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] id 1247292 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] id 1247294 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] id 1247296 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:44] id 1247298 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:45] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:46] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:46] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:46] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:46] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:46] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:46] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:46] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:46] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:48] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:48] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 11200265 Dracon4uk 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 23371028 ctark69 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25713345 lll_BETEP_lll 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3101923 He_Hago_neceH_0 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 6199582 Jedas 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:51] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:52] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:56] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:57] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:57] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:37:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:00] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:00] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:00] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:03] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:03] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4284463088 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:05] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:05] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:05] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 25 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:13] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:13] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:13] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:13] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 41_Conquest [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 680193 Name: ZloiChaplin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1250940 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 699401 Name: WAVAS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1250942 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 704535 Name: Zad0FF TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD029_Sims_1941 avatarId: 1250944 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 687249 Name: Spiritual_Void TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1250946 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 780951 Name: Jon_Coleottero TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945 avatarId: 1250948 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 537510809 Name: GancoFerre TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB707_Haruna avatarId: 1250950 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 767257 Name: killerhuan TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 1250952 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 687904 Name: mstitel_643 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 1250954 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 696111 Name: flytraveller TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB105_Iron_Duke avatarId: 1250956 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 537522493 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 1250958 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 537662275 Name: smerthacam TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB708_Hiei_Arpeggio avatarId: 1250960 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 719303 Name: adolfkras TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1250962 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 758222 Name: Sanzero TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 1250964 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 734032 Name: Zerges TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1250966 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 728921 Name: six_inch TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1250968 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 546398 Name: vovchik53 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 1250970 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 537473893 Name: kinvodolos TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD107_Leberecht_Maass avatarId: 1250972 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 537385190 Name: m73121 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1250974 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 537580177 Name: Trivilias TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB007_Kongo_1942 avatarId: 1250976 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 733928 Name: GregoryIsland TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945 avatarId: 1250978 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 694250 Name: wawirutin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD004_Minekadze_1920 avatarId: 1250980 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 537706607 Name: nikolaihino TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC105_Kirov avatarId: 1250982 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 537610870 Name: serg_nazar6 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD106_Ernst_Gaede avatarId: 1250984 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] player: Id: 537530106 Name: tor4ek0 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC007_Cleveland_1945 avatarId: 1250986 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1250938; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1250938; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-290.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [25.0, 0.0], radius: 100.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [340.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1250939, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:16] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537729230, 0, 0, 1250944, 1520177886071L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537729230: PreBattleInfo: id: 537729230, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1250944, creationTime 1520177886071, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537729230, 0, 0, 1250944, 1520177886071L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537729230: PreBattleInfo: id: 537729230, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1250944, creationTime 1520177886071, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537729230, 0, 0, 1250944, 1520177886071L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537729230: PreBattleInfo: id: 537729230, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1250944, creationTime 1520177886071, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537729230, 0, 0, 1250944, 1520177886071L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537729230: PreBattleInfo: id: 537729230, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1250944, creationTime 1520177886071, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537729230, 0, 0, 1250944, 1520177886071L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537729230: PreBattleInfo: id: 537729230, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1250944, creationTime 1520177886071, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537729230, 0, 0, 1250944, 1520177886071L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537729230: PreBattleInfo: id: 537729230, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1250944, creationTime 1520177886071, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] id 1250979 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] name GregoryIsland [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1250979 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] [Weather][5063] onEnterWorld (map spaces/41_Conquest/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] id 1250951 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] name GancoFerre [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1250951 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:46] id 1250983 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:46] name nikolaihino [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1250983 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:46] id 1250943 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:46] name WAVAS [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] id 1250957 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] name flytraveller [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] team id 0 [A] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_Stern_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936/BSB005_Iron_Duke_1936_MidBack_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] id 1250975 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] name m73121 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] id 1250965 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] name Sanzero [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] id 1250963 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] name adolfkras [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] id 1250977 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] name Trivilias [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1250977 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] id 1250947 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] name Spiritual_Void [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1250947 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] id 1250959 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1250959 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] id 1250985 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] name serg_nazar6 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1250959 [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] AirplanesCommander.init [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:49] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:50] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:50] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:50] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_04 22:38:50] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:19] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:19] setMode Airplanes [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:39:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:16] id 1250967 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:16] name Zerges [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:24] id 1250961 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:24] name smerthacam [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1250961 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:29] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:29] name tor4ek0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:31] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:31] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:31] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:31] name ZloiChaplin [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:36] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:36] name killerhuan [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:40] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:40] name mstitel_643 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:48] id 1250973 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:48] name kinvodolos [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:40:59] id 1250973 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:23] id 1250967 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:24] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:27] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:42] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:45] id 1250973 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:45] name kinvodolos [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] id 1250945 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] name Zad0FF [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] id 1250971 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] name vovchik53 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1250971 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:54] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:54] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] name mstitel_643 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] name killerhuan [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:41:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:02] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:02] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] name mstitel_643 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:03] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:08] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:13] id 1250945 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:19] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:19] name mstitel_643 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:20] id 1250971 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] name killerhuan [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:23] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:24] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:24] name mstitel_643 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:24] id 1250967 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:24] name Zerges [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:29] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:29] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:29] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:29] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:40] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:40] name wawirutin [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:41] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:41] name ZloiChaplin [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:42] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:43] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:43] name killerhuan [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:43] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:53] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:53] name wawirutin [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:57] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:59] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:59] name mstitel_643 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:42:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:03] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:03] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:03] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:10] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:16] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:16] name killerhuan [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:25] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:26] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:28] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] name tor4ek0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:39] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:44] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:44] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17446636 {'jid': '17446636@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'DuckForce', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:43:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] name killerhuan [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] name wawirutin [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:17] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:24] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:24] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:26] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:27] id 1250961 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:29] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:33] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:40] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:40] name killerhuan [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:51] id 1250961 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:51] name smerthacam [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1250961 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:52] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:52] name wawirutin [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:54] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:57] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:44:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:02] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:03] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:03] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:07] id 1250961 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:08] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:08] name killerhuan [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:12] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:13] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:16] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:16] name ZloiChaplin [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:16] id 1250961 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:16] name smerthacam [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1250961 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:17] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:20] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:20] name tor4ek0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:25] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:29] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 22021030 {'jid': '22021030@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'TARZOKILLER', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:33] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:33] name wawirutin [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:36] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:47] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:47] name mstitel_643 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:45:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:10] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:15] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:27] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:41] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:44] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:44] name ZloiChaplin [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:52] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:52] name mstitel_643 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:52] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:52] name wawirutin [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:46:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:07] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:08] id 1250949 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:08] name Jon_Coleottero [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1250949 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:08] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:11] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:11] name killerhuan [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:12] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:12] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:29] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:29] name ZloiChaplin [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:29] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:29] name tor4ek0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:44] id 1250945 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:44] name Zad0FF [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:47] id 1250953 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:51] id 1250949 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:59] id 1250955 [S] [2018_03_04 22:47:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:04] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:04] name wawirutin [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:09] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:23] id 1250981 [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:36] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:36] name six_inch [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:46] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_04 22:48:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:00] id 1250971 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:00] name vovchik53 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:00] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1250971 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:01] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:04] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:04] name tor4ek0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1250938; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] [Weather][5063] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250941 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250943 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250945 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250947 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250951 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250957 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250959 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250961 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250963 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250965 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250967 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250969 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250971 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250973 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250975 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250977 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250979 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250983 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250985 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:10] id 1250987 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4283264944L: 20}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:11] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 27495}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 69068}}, 'moneyXP': 90, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 2808, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 2808, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 255401, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -97050, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278022064L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4293750704L))}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 18, 4278022064L: 23, 4283264944L: 19, 4293750704L: 5, 4274876336L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 2.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 10566, None, None) [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:12] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:13] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:16] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:16] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1102535) (15, 1104334) [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BR: {'credits': 121619, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 783, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4265537456L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4265537456L, 0.2, True, 0], [4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4265537456L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 1050, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[30, 300], [5, 750], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520178511, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1), (4283622320L, 1)), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.05, 0.05), 2: {'count': (1.0, 1.0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5356890890178981L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 24, 'credits': 255401, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1799, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520177573, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1102535, 1799), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1799, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {2: {'count': (1.0, 1.0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/40_Okinawa.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4282573744L}, {'amount': 1, 'id': 4283622320L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 24, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1799, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1104334, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/40_OKINAWA', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1), (4283622320L, 1)), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '04.03.2018 22:32', 'dt': 1520178511, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1102535, 1799), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5356890890178981L, 'credits': 255401, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 4, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 5.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!', 'currentProgress': 5.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520177573, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q5': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {2: {'count': 0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {}, '25810_q01': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}, 3: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24925_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 61.0}}, '24924_q01': {'count': 1}, '25810_q01': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] updateActionsProgress: {'25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25810_q02': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 1.0}, 3: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4288852912L: {(0, 4283622320L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 17446636 DuckForce 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 22021030 TARZOKILLER 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3101923 He_Hago_neceH_0 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 6199582 Jedas 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 65106205 Behruzbek1987 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:21] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520178511, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1050, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1050, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520178511, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 97050, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520178511, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:22] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520178511, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:23] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:24] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:24] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520178511, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:24] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520178511, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:27] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:27] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:27] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 808, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 4}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 808, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 4} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 2000, 'type': 4}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 2000, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 4, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1520178576, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1520178576, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:43] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:43] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 808, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4276973488L: 4}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 808, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520208000.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 4 [('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4276973488L})] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4620 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4276973488L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 103] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:44] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:49] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4276973488L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:50] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:51] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:51] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:53] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:49:56] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:00] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:00] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:00] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:06] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:06] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:07] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:07] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:15] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4278120368L: 5}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:15] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4278120368L}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:15] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4278120368L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:16] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:23] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1539, 'add_slots': (((), 4276973488L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4276973488L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:24] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4276973488L}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:24] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4276973488L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:32] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:49] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:51] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:52] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:52] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:58] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:58] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:50:58] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 10 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:05] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:05] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:06] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 16_OC_bees_to_honey [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537574914 Name: lunohod1975 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 2059530 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 728837 Name: advokat99911 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 2059532 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276079536L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 673160 Name: gudvinspase TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 2059534 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537594768 Name: SerKo TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 2059536 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537690769 Name: DEMENTOR15 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD308_Pr_48 avatarId: 2059542 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537530004 Name: Rubl_43 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 2059540 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537500060 Name: 1xolon TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 2059544 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 719138 Name: alex_born_ra TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA012_Zuikaku_1944 avatarId: 2059546 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537642280 Name: Kamikadze_voin_1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB109_Lion avatarId: 2059548 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537541905 Name: Veertu TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 2059538 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 749486 Name: Baguk77 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 2059550 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537517105 Name: Igur_Anko123 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 2059552 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537522493 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 2059554 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 676165 Name: sany_sanya_san TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 2059556 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 770252 Name: KapakypT_____ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 2059558 isBot: False dogeTage: [4261792688L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537650520 Name: KamykoB TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 2059560 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537606878 Name: P_Sevich TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 2059562 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 774118 Name: myski42 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 2059564 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 733542 Name: Obiralovka_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 2059566 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 667495 Name: tuchegon TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 2059568 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537522796 Name: dimon23121973 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 2059570 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537509239 Name: 6e3yMHbIu_mAkS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 2059572 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 743800 Name: TankistGeka TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 2059574 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] player: Id: 537673702 Name: Heavy_Metalll TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 2059576 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] (, 40957038887736, 48): 2059528; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] (, 40957038887736, 48): 2059528; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-329.9999084472656, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [329.9999084472656, -0.00029754638671875], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 2059529, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (914816, 0, 0, 2059538, 1520178658652L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (882890, 0, 0, 2059548, 1520178658652L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059548, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (882890, 0, 0, 2059532, 1520178658652L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (882890, 0, 0, 2059532, 1520178658652L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (882890, 0, 0, 2059532, 1520178658652L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537786144, 1, 0, 2059556, 1520178693598L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 537786144: PreBattleInfo: id: 537786144, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 2059556, creationTime 1520178693598, hidden False, locked False , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537786144, 1, 0, 2059556, 1520178693598L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 537786144: PreBattleInfo: id: 537786144, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 2059556, creationTime 1520178693598, hidden False, locked 0 , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537786144, 1, 0, 2059556, 1520178693598L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 537786144: PreBattleInfo: id: 537786144, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 2059556, creationTime 1520178693598, hidden False, locked 0 , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:33] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537786144, 1, 1, 2059556, 1520178693598L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:33] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 537786144: PreBattleInfo: id: 537786144, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 2059556, creationTime 1520178693598, hidden False, locked 0 , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:38] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537786144, 1, 2, 2059556, 1520178693598L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:51:38] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 537786144: PreBattleInfo: id: 537786144, occupied: 2, sign: 1, ownerId 2059556, creationTime 1520178693598, hidden False, locked 0 , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:52:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537786144, 1, 1, 2059556, 1520178693598L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:52:02] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 537786144: PreBattleInfo: id: 537786144, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 2059556, creationTime 1520178693598, hidden False, locked 0 , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:52:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537786144, 1, 0, 2059556, 1520178693598L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:52:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 537786144: PreBattleInfo: id: 537786144, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 2059556, creationTime 1520178693598, hidden False, locked 0 , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:52:10] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_04 22:52:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:52:11] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_04 22:52:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:53:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:53:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 6199582 {'jid': '6199582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Jedas', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:54:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 6199582 {'jid': '6199582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Jedas', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:55:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:55:05] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:55:05] name SerKo [S] [2018_03_04 22:55:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:55:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:55:09] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:26] id 2059541 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:26] name Rubl_43 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:26] @ launchpadAppeared 2059541 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:26] [Weather][7759] onEnterWorld (map spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:39] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:39] name SerKo [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:43] id 2059565 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:43] name myski42 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:43] @ launchpadAppeared 2059565 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] id 2059559 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] name KapakypT_____ [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] id 2059555 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:44] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] id 2059569 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] name tuchegon [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] @ launchpadAppeared 2059569 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] id 2059569 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] id 2059557 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] name sany_sanya_san [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] @ launchpadAppeared 2059557 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] id 2059577 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] name Heavy_Metalll [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:51] @ launchpadAppeared 2059577 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:56] id 2059567 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:56] name Obiralovka_ [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:56:56] @ launchpadAppeared 2059567 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:00] id 2059567 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:04] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537786144, 1, 0, 0, 1520178693598L, False, 0) [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:04] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {914816: PreBattleInfo: id: 914816, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059538, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked False , 882890: PreBattleInfo: id: 882890, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 2059532, creationTime 1520178658652, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:08] id 2059553 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:08] name Igur_Anko123 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:08] @ launchpadAppeared 2059553 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:09] id 2059543 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:09] name DEMENTOR15 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:13] id 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:13] name gudvinspase [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:13] @ launchpadAppeared 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:14] id 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:14] id 2059545 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:14] name 1xolon [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:19] id 2059545 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:23] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:23] name SerKo [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:26] id 2059543 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:38] id 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:38] name gudvinspase [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:38] @ launchpadAppeared 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:44] id 2059553 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:46] id 2059545 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:46] name 1xolon [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:46] id 2059569 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:46] name tuchegon [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:46] @ launchpadAppeared 2059569 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:51] id 2059545 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:55] id 2059567 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:55] name Obiralovka_ [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:57:55] @ launchpadAppeared 2059567 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 17446636 {'jid': '17446636@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'DuckForce', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:08] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:30] id 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:41] id 2059553 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:41] name Igur_Anko123 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:41] @ launchpadAppeared 2059553 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] id 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] name gudvinspase [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] @ launchpadAppeared 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] id 2059571 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] name dimon23121973 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:58:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:00] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:00] name SerKo [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:08] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:13] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:13] name SerKo [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:20] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:20] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:21] id 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:22] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:26] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:26] name SerKo [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:29] id 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:29] name gudvinspase [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:29] @ launchpadAppeared 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:34] id 2059545 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:34] name 1xolon [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] id 2059563 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] name P_Sevich [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] @ launchpadAppeared 2059563 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] id 2059531 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] name lunohod1975 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] @ launchpadAppeared 2059531 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] id 2059539 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] name Veertu [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] id 2059533 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] name advokat99911 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] id 2059549 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] name Kamikadze_voin_1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] @ launchpadAppeared 2059549 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] id 2059535 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] id 2059569 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] id 2059573 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] name 6e3yMHbIu_mAkS [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] @ launchpadAppeared 2059573 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] id 2059537 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] id 2059543 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] name DEMENTOR15 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:43] id 2059551 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:43] name Baguk77 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] (, 40957038887736, 48): 2059528; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] [Weather][7759] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059531 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059533 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059539 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059541 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059543 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059545 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059549 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059551 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059553 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059555 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059557 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059559 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059563 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059565 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059567 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059571 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059573 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:45] id 2059577 [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:47] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:48] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:48] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:48] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:48] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_04 22:59:48] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:37] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:37] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:40] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:45] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:45] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:45] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:49] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:49] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:50] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:50] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:50] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:50] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:52] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_05 14:35:53] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_05 14:35:53] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:55] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:55] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:55] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:55] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:55] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:55] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:55] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:56] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:56] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:56] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_05 14:35:57] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:00] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:01] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:01] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 310.0, 'prebattle': 340.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'spectatorHotkeysHidden': True, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'prebattle': 600.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 220.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 426.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:01] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:01] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:01] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:01] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:01] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:01] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:01] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:02] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:10] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:11] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:13] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:13] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:15] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:15] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:40531261220132869531542449315336322794","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:15] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:40531261220132869531542449315336322794', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:15] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:40531261220132869531542449315336322794', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:15] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:15] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x495C0230 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] [WWSD-XXX] issue init [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] [WWSD-XXX] issue in progress [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] (, 85216719876408, 20): onStreamComplete, ('no such requestId', (172, 172)) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] setServerTime: serverTime=1520235377 time.time()=1520235376.67 gInitialClientTime=14.3250007629 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:16] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:17] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:17] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:17] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:17] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:17] _onChangeTimeOut 700 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:20] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 0}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:20] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:20] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1106353) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:20] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:20] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:21] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:21] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 29, 40, None))) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:21] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 29, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:21] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 29, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:21] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0]}, {4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4283023280L: [2, 2, 1], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 2.0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (1, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (2, False, 10566), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:21] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1520179248.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7503013033547234L, 'credits': 127302, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 2, 'exp': 694, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520178658, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1105659, 694), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 694, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/16_OC_bees_to_honey.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 694, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1106353, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/16_OC_BEES_TO_HONEY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '04.03.2018 22:50', 'dt': 1520179248.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1105659, 694), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7503013033547234L, 'credits': 127302, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1520178658, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1520179248.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 2010, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2010, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520179248.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 98010, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 42L, 'dt': 1520179248.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520179248.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 55L, 'dt': 1520179248.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520179248.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1520178677.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {'count': (0, 0), 'progress': (0.5, 0.5), 2: {'count': (32.0, 31.0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}, 'name': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!'}}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4880767995613918L, 'credits': 144653, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 25, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1325, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520177886, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1104334, 1325), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 1325, 'tasks': {'25810_q02': {2: {'count': (32.0, 31.0)}, 3: {'count': (0, 0)}}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/41_Conquest.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 25, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1325, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1105659, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/41_CONQUEST', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '04.03.2018 22:38', 'dt': 1520178677.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1104334, 1325), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4880767995613918L, 'credits': 144653, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 5, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 50.0, 'type': 'challenge', 'id': '25810_q02', 'titleText': u'\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430!', 'currentProgress': 50.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1520177886, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1520178677.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 11200, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 37800}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 11200, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520178677.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 49000, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 37800, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': True} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 42L, 'dt': 1520178677.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1520178677.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'}) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:23] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520433000.0, 1520436580.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 197615 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520436600.0, 1520436600.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 197615 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520451000.0, 1520451000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 197615 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:25] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:25] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:28] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 197611 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:30] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:31] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:31] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:32] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:32] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:32] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 16443875@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Well_11 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:33] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:34] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:42] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:42] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 14:36:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:01] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:01] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:04] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:08] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:08] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:11] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:11] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:11] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:13] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:18] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:18] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:29] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 10 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:36] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:36] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 16_OC_bees_to_honey [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 913947 Name: dedyshka_otto TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 930652 isBot: False dogeTage: [4259695536L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 874912 Name: QuaRaNtiN TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD108_Z_23 avatarId: 930654 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293249968L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 840866 Name: kamaz_master29 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 930656 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 854565 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 930658 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 900006 Name: 11111TITAN11111 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 930660 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 836777 Name: ILNURKA73 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 930662 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 836595 Name: Ch_A_oS TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 930664 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 870964 Name: Panzer_51 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 930666 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 537761717 Name: alrad_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 930668 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 537771323 Name: _STALKER_RPO_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 930670 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 957245 Name: Litovec2013 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 930672 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 537771329 Name: lokhman1978 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 930674 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 537652689 Name: Strannik_PAA TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 930676 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 537640406 Name: Elipily TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 930678 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 836573 Name: kabanzahariy TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 930680 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 887776 Name: SwatSwotSwut TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 930682 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 850792 Name: _KHARN_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 930684 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 537627501 Name: SaxonRUS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 930686 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 537768424 Name: rebusan TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 930688 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 937843 Name: catishok TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 930690 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 842484 Name: BROKEN_2015 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD110_Z_52 avatarId: 930692 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 537707262 Name: vittoos TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 930698 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 537830395 Name: _ALEX_1973_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 930696 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] player: Id: 889854 Name: _GGG_L TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD013_Gearing_1945 avatarId: 930694 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] (, 40957038887736, 48): 930650; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] (, 40957038887736, 48): 930650; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [249.9998016357422, -291.9999084472656], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-250.0001983642578, 291.99981689453125], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 930651, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:37] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:40] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:43] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_05 14:37:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] id 930685 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] name _KHARN_ [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] @ launchpadAppeared 930685 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] [Weather][2898] onEnterWorld (map spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] id 930659 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:10] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:11] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:11] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:11] id 930681 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:11] name kabanzahariy [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:13] id 930673 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:13] name Litovec2013 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:13] @ launchpadAppeared 930673 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] id 930671 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] name _STALKER_RPO_ [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] @ launchpadAppeared 930671 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] id 930697 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] name _ALEX_1973_ [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] @ launchpadAppeared 930697 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] id 930675 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] name lokhman1978 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] @ launchpadAppeared 930675 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] id 930679 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] name Elipily [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] id 930689 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] name rebusan [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] @ launchpadAppeared 930689 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:15] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:16] id 930693 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:16] name BROKEN_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:18] id 930667 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:18] name Panzer_51 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:18] id 930665 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:18] name Ch_A_oS [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:38:42] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:23] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:23] name 11111TITAN11111 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:23] @ launchpadAppeared 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:43] id 930687 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:43] name SaxonRUS [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] name Strannik_PAA [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:50] @ launchpadAppeared 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:52] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:52] id 930687 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:54] id 930687 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:54] name SaxonRUS [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:55] id 930699 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:55] name vittoos [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:56] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:56] name 11111TITAN11111 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:56] @ launchpadAppeared 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:56] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:57] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:39:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:14] id 930669 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:14] name alrad_1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:17] id 930687 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:18] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:24] id 930669 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:26] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:26] name 11111TITAN11111 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:26] @ launchpadAppeared 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:27] id 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:27] name SwatSwotSwut [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:27] @ launchpadAppeared 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] name kamaz_master29 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] @ launchpadAppeared 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] name Strannik_PAA [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:30] @ launchpadAppeared 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:33] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:33] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:33] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:35] id 930687 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:35] name SaxonRUS [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:36] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:38] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:39] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:39] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:39] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:44] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:44] name 11111TITAN11111 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:44] @ launchpadAppeared 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:47] id 930673 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:48] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:50] id 930675 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:52] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:55] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:40:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] name 11111TITAN11111 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] @ launchpadAppeared 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] id 930685 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:02] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:02] name kamaz_master29 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:02] @ launchpadAppeared 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:10] id 930679 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:11] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:11] name Strannik_PAA [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:11] @ launchpadAppeared 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:21] id 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:22] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:22] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:22] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:30] id 930687 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:32] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:36] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:38] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:38] name QuaRaNtiN [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:39] id 930669 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:39] name alrad_1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:45] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:45] name Strannik_PAA [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:45] @ launchpadAppeared 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:52] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:56] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:56] name QuaRaNtiN [S] [2018_03_05 14:41:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:06] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:06] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:06] name kamaz_master29 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:06] @ launchpadAppeared 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:12] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:13] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:13] name Strannik_PAA [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:13] @ launchpadAppeared 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:16] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:17] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:17] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:17] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:20] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:20] name QuaRaNtiN [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:20] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:25] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:25] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:25] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:34] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:40] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:40] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:42] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:42] name QuaRaNtiN [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:45] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:45] name kamaz_master29 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:45] @ launchpadAppeared 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:46] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:50] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:50] name Strannik_PAA [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:50] @ launchpadAppeared 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:51] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:51] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:51] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:52] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:52] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:56] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:58] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:58] name Strannik_PAA [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:58] @ launchpadAppeared 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:59] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:59] name kamaz_master29 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:42:59] @ launchpadAppeared 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:02] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:05] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:10] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:10] name kamaz_master29 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:10] @ launchpadAppeared 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:14] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:20] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:20] name Strannik_PAA [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:20] @ launchpadAppeared 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:20] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:22] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:22] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:22] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:34] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:34] name kamaz_master29 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:34] @ launchpadAppeared 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:35] id 930653 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:35] name dedyshka_otto [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:35] @ launchpadAppeared 930653 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:39] id 930679 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:39] name Elipily [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:39] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:50] id 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:50] name SwatSwotSwut [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:50] @ launchpadAppeared 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:53] id 930673 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:53] name Litovec2013 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:53] @ launchpadAppeared 930673 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:54] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:54] name ILNURKA73 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:54] @ launchpadAppeared 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:43:57] id 930681 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:04] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:04] name QuaRaNtiN [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:06] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:06] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:06] name ILNURKA73 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:06] @ launchpadAppeared 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:07] id 930667 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:15] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:27] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:33] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:33] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:33] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:38] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:38] name ILNURKA73 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:38] @ launchpadAppeared 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:39] id 930697 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:44] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:49] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:53] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:59] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:44:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:03] id 930653 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:09] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:09] name ILNURKA73 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:09] @ launchpadAppeared 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:14] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:14] name kamaz_master29 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:14] @ launchpadAppeared 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:16] id 930653 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:16] name dedyshka_otto [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:16] @ launchpadAppeared 930653 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:21] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:21] name QuaRaNtiN [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:35] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:35] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:35] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:44] id 930667 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:44] name Panzer_51 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:45] id 930697 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:45] name _ALEX_1973_ [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:45] @ launchpadAppeared 930697 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:52] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:56] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:56] name catishok [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:56] @ launchpadAppeared 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:57] id 930671 [S] [2018_03_05 14:45:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:02] id 930697 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] id 930675 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] name lokhman1978 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] @ launchpadAppeared 930675 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] name 11111TITAN11111 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:17] @ launchpadAppeared 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:22] id 930673 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:24] id 930697 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:24] name _ALEX_1973_ [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:24] @ launchpadAppeared 930697 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:40] id 930681 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:40] name kabanzahariy [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:50] id 930677 [S] [2018_03_05 14:46:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:15] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] id 930671 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] name _STALKER_RPO_ [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] @ launchpadAppeared 930671 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] name ILNURKA73 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:18] @ launchpadAppeared 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:19] id 930691 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:23] id 930671 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:26] id 930695 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:26] name _GGG_L [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:27] id 930681 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:27] id 930697 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:32] id 930695 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:32] id 930663 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:32] id 930661 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:38] id 930679 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:43] id 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:43] id 930667 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:46] id 930693 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:48] id 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:48] name SwatSwotSwut [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:48] @ launchpadAppeared 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:57] id 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:47:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:09] id 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:09] name SwatSwotSwut [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:09] @ launchpadAppeared 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:20] id 930667 [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:20] name Panzer_51 [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:40] id 930679 [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:40] name Elipily [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:48] id 930667 [S] [2018_03_05 14:48:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:29] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:39] (, 90637015802688, 38): Arguments do not match string read by key '%s': %s, (('IDS_INFO_VP_ALLY_CAPTURED_BASEWITHPOINTS', ('A',)),) [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:39] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:39] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:39] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:41] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:41] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] (, 40957038887736, 48): 930650; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] [Weather][2898] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930653 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930655 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930657 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930659 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930665 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930669 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930675 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930679 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930683 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930689 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:42] id 930699 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4293750704L: 5}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 30231}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 71804}}, 'moneyXP': 103, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 2042, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 2042, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 237697, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -101440, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4293750704L), ((), 4276973488L))}}}}, 'storage': {4276973488L: 1, 4284313520L: 16, 4283264944L: 17, 4278022064L: 20, 4293750704L: 4, 4278120368L: 2}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4272830448L, 1)]} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 3.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 16606, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4282561456L: {(0, 4277330864L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:43] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1106353) (15, 1108395) [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BR: {'credits': 93214, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 670, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0], ['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0], [4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 5440, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[94, 940], [30, 4500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520236181, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4277330864L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3997108539290553L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'credits': 237697, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2042, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520235449, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1106353, 2042), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2042, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/16_OC_bees_to_honey.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4277330864L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 10, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2042, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1108395, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/16_OC_BEES_TO_HONEY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': ((4277330864L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 14:37', 'dt': 1520236181, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1106353, 2042), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3997108539290553L, 'credits': 237697, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520235449, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:44] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 0}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4282561456L: {(0, 4277330864L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:46] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520236181, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 5440, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:46] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 5440, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520236181, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 101440, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:46] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520236181, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:46] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520236181, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:47] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520236181, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:47] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520236181, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:52] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:52] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:57] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 14:49:58] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:01] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:01] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:01] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:04] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:04] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:04] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:04] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:04] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:04] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:10] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:10] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:10] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 42, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 4}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:10] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 42, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:10] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:10] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:10] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 2000, 'type': 4}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:10] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 2000, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 4, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:11] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1520236211, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:11] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1520236211, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:14] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:14] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:15] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:15] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyXP': 750, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 42, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 42, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 4 [('Add', {'count': 750, 'total': False, 'type': 16})] [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:4556 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'freeXP': 750}}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 104] [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:19] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:22] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:23] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:23] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowConvertExp, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:24] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'freeXP': 750}}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:29] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:38] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:38] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:45] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:45] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:45] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:49] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:49] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:50:56] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 30 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:03] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:03] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:04] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 47_Sleeping_Giant [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 953863 Name: Andrey_Malinov TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 944442 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537777545 Name: VoDoLei_d TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 944444 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537820177 Name: sirius1234 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 944446 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537798296 Name: sany_82 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC708_ARP_Takao avatarId: 944448 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537765316 Name: gurmixail TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 944470 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268084144L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537744674 Name: dieselspb TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 944452 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 854565 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 944454 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 805930 Name: sensimon76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA015_Taiho_1944 avatarId: 944456 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537751086 Name: sergei09091978 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 944458 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537875762 Name: Blood_Dog_666 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 944460 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 901513 Name: sudovod1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 944462 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537659579 Name: AvtovazXXL TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 944464 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 772796 Name: kovner TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB110_France avatarId: 944466 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537727682 Name: _Deluxis_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 944468 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537837892 Name: RenamedUser_11340800 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA013_Essex_1945 avatarId: 944450 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 865229 Name: yok123 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC508_Kutuzov_1952 avatarId: 944472 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 892883 Name: Ura220 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 944474 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537895892 Name: BRIJANIN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 944476 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284861360L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537780952 Name: G_A_N_S_1984 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC708_ARP_Takao avatarId: 944478 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 537837027 Name: TORNADO__7 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 944480 isBot: False dogeTage: [4259695536L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 953445 Name: avensi TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 944482 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 937832 Name: BARDEN405 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 944484 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 874742 Name: Kotoffsky TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 944486 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] player: Id: 849660 Name: dimitriyha87 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 944488 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] (, 40957038887736, 48): 944440; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] (, 40957038887736, 48): 944440; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-280.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-9.918212890625e-05, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [280.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 944441, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:05] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:07] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] id 944465 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] name AvtovazXXL [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] @ launchpadAppeared 944465 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] [Weather][3020] onEnterWorld (map spaces/47_Sleeping_Giant/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] id 944455 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] id 944477 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] name BRIJANIN [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:34] id 944479 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:34] name G_A_N_S_1984 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:34] @ launchpadAppeared 944479 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:35] id 944469 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:35] name _Deluxis_ [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:35] @ launchpadAppeared 944469 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:36] id 944471 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:36] name gurmixail [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:36] @ launchpadAppeared 944471 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] id 944461 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] name Blood_Dog_666 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] @ launchpadAppeared 944461 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] id 944485 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] name BARDEN405 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:39] @ launchpadAppeared 944485 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] id 944449 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] name sany_82 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] @ launchpadAppeared 944449 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] id 944457 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] name sensimon76 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] @ launchpadAppeared 944457 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] id 944459 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] name sergei09091978 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:41] @ launchpadAppeared 944459 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:43] id 944473 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:43] name yok123 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 14:51:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [A] [2018_03_05 14:51:56] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/LVA177.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_05 14:51:56] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod1.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_05 14:51:56] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod2.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_05 14:51:56] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod3.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [S] [2018_03_05 14:52:09] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:29] id 944489 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:29] name dimitriyha87 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:38] id 944471 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:39] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:39] name sirius1234 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:39] id 944481 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:39] name TORNADO__7 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:39] @ launchpadAppeared 944481 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:43] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:43] name RenamedUser_11340800 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:43] @ launchpadAppeared 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:52] id 944481 [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:53:58] id 944473 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:01] id 944481 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:01] name TORNADO__7 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:01] @ launchpadAppeared 944481 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] id 944465 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] name sirius1234 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:16] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:16] id 944459 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:23] id 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:23] name sudovod1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:23] @ launchpadAppeared 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:32] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:32] name sirius1234 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:34] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:34] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:34] name RenamedUser_11340800 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:34] @ launchpadAppeared 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:36] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:36] name Kotoffsky [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:36] @ launchpadAppeared 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:51] id 944489 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:57] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:58] id 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:54:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:02] id 944481 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:02] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:17] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:36] id 944481 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:36] name TORNADO__7 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:36] @ launchpadAppeared 944481 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] name sirius1234 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] name Kotoffsky [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] @ launchpadAppeared 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:46] id 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:46] name sudovod1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:46] @ launchpadAppeared 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:47] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:51] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:58] id 944483 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:58] name avensi [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:59] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:59] name RenamedUser_11340800 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:55:59] @ launchpadAppeared 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:03] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:03] name sirius1234 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:04] id 944489 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:04] name dimitriyha87 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:07] id 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:12] id 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:12] name sudovod1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:12] @ launchpadAppeared 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:19] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:19] name Andrey_Malinov [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:19] @ launchpadAppeared 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:26] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:26] name Kotoffsky [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:26] @ launchpadAppeared 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:36] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:40] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:43] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:43] name Andrey_Malinov [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:43] @ launchpadAppeared 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:44] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:44] name Kotoffsky [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:44] @ launchpadAppeared 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:51] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:56] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:56] name Kotoffsky [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:56] @ launchpadAppeared 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:56:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:03] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:06] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:06] id 944453 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:06] name dieselspb [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:18] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:18] name Kotoffsky [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:18] @ launchpadAppeared 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:28] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:28] name Andrey_Malinov [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:28] @ launchpadAppeared 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:36] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:38] id 944465 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:38] name AvtovazXXL [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:38] @ launchpadAppeared 944465 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:39] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:39] name Andrey_Malinov [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:39] @ launchpadAppeared 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:54] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:57:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:19] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:45] id 944453 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:47] id 944453 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:47] name dieselspb [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:48] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:48] name RenamedUser_11340800 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:48] @ launchpadAppeared 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:50] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:50] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:50] name RenamedUser_11340800 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:50] @ launchpadAppeared 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:58:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:08] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:08] name Andrey_Malinov [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:08] @ launchpadAppeared 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 14:59:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:22] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:27] id 944467 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:27] name kovner [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:33] id 944453 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:38] id 944471 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:38] name gurmixail [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:38] @ launchpadAppeared 944471 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:40] id 944489 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:42] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:42] name Andrey_Malinov [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:42] @ launchpadAppeared 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:43] id 944453 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:43] name dieselspb [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:44] id 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:46] id 944489 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:46] name dimitriyha87 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:50] id 944473 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:50] name yok123 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] id 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] name sudovod1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] @ launchpadAppeared 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] id 944475 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] name Ura220 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] @ launchpadAppeared 944475 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] id 944459 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] name sergei09091978 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] @ launchpadAppeared 944459 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] id 944445 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] name VoDoLei_d [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:52] id 944489 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:53] id 944489 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:53] name dimitriyha87 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:00:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:07] id 944443 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:11] id 944489 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:14] id 944475 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:14] id 944445 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:18] id 944467 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:30] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] id 944453 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] (, 40957038887736, 48): 944440; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] [Weather][3020] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] id 944447 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] id 944449 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] id 944451 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944455 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944457 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944459 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944461 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944463 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944465 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944469 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944471 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944473 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944477 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944479 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944481 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944483 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944485 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:35] id 944487 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:36] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:37] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:40] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:40] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:45] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:46] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:46] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:01:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:02:53] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:02:53] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_05 15:02:53] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:02:59] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:02:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:02:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:02:59] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 4 [S] [2018_03_05 15:02:59] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4284463088 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 15:02:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:09] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:09] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:17] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 29 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:24] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:24] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:25] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 46_Estuary [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 943489 Name: Baal115 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC717_Yellow_Dragon avatarId: 947967 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4257172400L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 807170 Name: TANGO62 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD106_Fubuki avatarId: 947969 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537824518 Name: Lancer_Batrix TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 947971 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537760002 Name: Hovik90 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 947973 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537741585 Name: sigareta TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 947975 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537725081 Name: Cocos78 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945 avatarId: 947977 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 932890 Name: React1V_2018 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC105_Konigsberg avatarId: 947979 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537707291 Name: olegsshef TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC107_Fiji avatarId: 947981 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 939674 Name: frandish TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 947983 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293249968L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537765791 Name: Torpeda_fugas TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 947985 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 854561 Name: pasechnic81 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 947987 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 854565 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 947989 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537795238 Name: Deutschlandlied TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 947991 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 828840 Name: Garddfild TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 947993 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537764012 Name: vasilich_70 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 947995 isBot: False dogeTage: [4281322416L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537862579 Name: 1_Dubrovsky_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 947997 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 934454 Name: AABB747 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 947999 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 925905 Name: sailor90419 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD001_Gremyashchy_1942 avatarId: 966401 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537763166 Name: snafu6711_2018 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 966403 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 902309 Name: MAIMAX TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 966405 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 978786 Name: Voin_Inok TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC106_Leander avatarId: 966407 isBot: False dogeTage: [4273982384L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 842472 Name: 740620 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 966409 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 537906412 Name: dias_9192 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 966411 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] player: Id: 804595 Name: Serega_1_VDV TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945 avatarId: 966413 isBot: False dogeTage: [4279225264L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] (, 40957038887736, 48): 947965; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] (, 40957038887736, 48): 947965; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-382.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 174.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, -174.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [381.99981689453125, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 947966, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 4, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2, 3], period: 9}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:03:26] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 15:04:27] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 15:04:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:04:30] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 15:04:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:04:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:05:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:38] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:38] name Garddfild [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:38] @ launchpadAppeared 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:40] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:40] name sailor90419 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:43] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:43] name Voin_Inok [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:43] @ launchpadAppeared 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:47] id 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:47] name Lancer_Batrix [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:47] @ launchpadAppeared 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:48] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:54] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:54] name dias_9192 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:56] id 947968 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:56] name Baal115 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:06:56] @ launchpadAppeared 947968 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:04] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:04] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:04] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:09] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:09] name frandish [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:09] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:16] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:21] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:29] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:36] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:36] name Garddfild [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:36] @ launchpadAppeared 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:41] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:41] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:41] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:42] id 966414 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:42] name Serega_1_VDV [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:42] @ launchpadAppeared 966414 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:45] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:50] id 947996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:50] name vasilich_70 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:57] id 966414 [S] [2018_03_05 15:07:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:05] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:07] id 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:29] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:30] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:30] name dias_9192 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:33] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:33] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:33] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:36] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:36] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:36] name Garddfild [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:36] @ launchpadAppeared 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:37] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:37] name Voin_Inok [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:37] @ launchpadAppeared 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:38] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:39] id 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:39] name Lancer_Batrix [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:39] @ launchpadAppeared 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:40] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:40] name sailor90419 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:42] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:42] name Garddfild [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:42] @ launchpadAppeared 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:45] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:46] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:47] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:47] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:47] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:08:47] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:05] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:07] id 947996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:10] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:10] id 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:14] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:14] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:14] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:14] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:14] name frandish [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:16] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:17] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:17] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:17] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:22] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:22] name Garddfild [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:22] @ launchpadAppeared 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:24] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:24] name dias_9192 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:25] id 947996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:25] name vasilich_70 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:27] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:27] name Voin_Inok [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:27] @ launchpadAppeared 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:29] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:29] id 947968 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:30] id 947968 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:30] name Baal115 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:30] @ launchpadAppeared 947968 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:32] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:33] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:33] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:33] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:35] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:35] name Garddfild [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:35] @ launchpadAppeared 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:36] id 947974 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:36] name Hovik90 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:36] @ launchpadAppeared 947974 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:36] [Weather][3132] onEnterWorld (map spaces/46_Estuary/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:37] id 947988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:37] name pasechnic81 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:37] @ launchpadAppeared 947988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:43] id 947970 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:43] name TANGO62 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:44] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:45] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:09:47] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:05] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:05] name sailor90419 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:05] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:05] name dias_9192 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:07] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:07] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:07] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:11] id 947980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:11] name React1V_2018 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:11] @ launchpadAppeared 947980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:12] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:13] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:17] id 947988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:17] id 947996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:18] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:20] id 947978 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:20] name Cocos78 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:20] @ launchpadAppeared 947978 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:20] id 947998 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:20] name 1_Dubrovsky_1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:21] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:21] name Voin_Inok [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:21] @ launchpadAppeared 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:22] id 947982 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:22] name olegsshef [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:22] @ launchpadAppeared 947982 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:22] id 947992 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:22] name Deutschlandlied [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:23] id 948000 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:23] name AABB747 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:23] id 947986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:23] name Torpeda_fugas [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:23] @ launchpadAppeared 947986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:24] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:24] name dias_9192 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:25] id 966404 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:25] name snafu6711_2018 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] id 947990 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] @ launchpadAppeared 947990 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] id 966410 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] name 740620 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] @ launchpadAppeared 966410 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] @ launchpadAppeared 947990 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] AirplanesCommander.init [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] setMode Airplanes [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] name sailor90419 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:35] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:37] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:40] id 947996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:40] name vasilich_70 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:44] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:10:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:10] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:10] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:10] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:14] id 947988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:14] name pasechnic81 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:14] @ launchpadAppeared 947988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:17] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:27] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:36] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:36] name sailor90419 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:36] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:36] name dias_9192 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:38] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:38] name Voin_Inok [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:38] @ launchpadAppeared 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:43] id 947988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:45] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:11:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:20] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:20] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:20] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:31] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:33] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:33] name frandish [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:44] id 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:44] name Lancer_Batrix [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:44] @ launchpadAppeared 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:46] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:52] id 947988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:52] name pasechnic81 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:52] @ launchpadAppeared 947988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:56] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:57] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:57] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:57] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:12:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:16] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:26] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:34] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:34] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:34] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:49] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:51] id 947996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:56] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:13:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:04] id 966406 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:04] name MAIMAX [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:04] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:04] @ launchpadAppeared 966406 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:14] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:15] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:15] name sailor90419 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:15] id 966406 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:18] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:18] name dias_9192 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:21] id 947996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:21] name vasilich_70 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:22] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:22] name frandish [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:32] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:33] id 966406 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:33] name MAIMAX [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:33] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:33] @ launchpadAppeared 966406 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:51] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:51] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:51] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:14:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:02] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:12] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:12] id 966406 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:14] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:25] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:25] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:25] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:27] id 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:29] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:36] id 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:36] name Lancer_Batrix [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:36] @ launchpadAppeared 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:48] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:48] name frandish [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:15:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:01] id 966406 [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:01] name MAIMAX [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:01] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:01] @ launchpadAppeared 966406 [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:04] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:04] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:04] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:12] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:13] id 947984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:13] id 966406 [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:16:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:41] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:41] name sailor90419 [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:17:58] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:08] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:23] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:24] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:24] name sigareta [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:24] @ launchpadAppeared 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:29] id 966402 [S] [2018_03_05 15:18:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:03] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:03] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:03] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] (, 40957038887736, 48): 947965; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] [Weather][3132] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947968 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947970 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947974 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947978 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947982 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:06] id 947990 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] id 947992 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] id 947994 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] id 947996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] id 947998 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] id 948000 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] id 966404 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] id 966408 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] id 966410 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] id 966412 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 32526}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 74099}}, 'moneyXP': 115, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 2337, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 2337, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 341986, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -100190, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:07] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4293750704L), ((), 4276973488L))}}}}, 'storage': {4276973488L: 0, 4284313520L: 15, 4283264944L: 16, 4278022064L: 19, 4293750704L: 3, 4278120368L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'exp': 61348}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 1503, 'level': 12}}, 'moneyXP': 98, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 4292, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 4292, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 263298, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -40950, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 3, 'autobuy': 15}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 51, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 18, 4278120368L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 3.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 25496, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 3.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 25496, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:08] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1108395) (15, 1112645) [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BR: {'credits': 134112, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1000, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0], [4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 4190, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[194, 1940], [15, 2250], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520237254, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4056336138303200L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'credits': 341986, 'result': 2, 'exp': 2295, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520236256, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1108395, 2295), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2295, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/47_Sleeping_Giant.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2295, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1110690, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/47_SLEEPING_GIANT', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 14:50', 'dt': 1520237254, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1108395, 2295), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4056336138303200L, 'credits': 341986, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520236256, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:10] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q5': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24926_q01': {}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:10] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 0}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:10] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:10] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:10] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:10] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:10] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BR: {'credits': 117021, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 851, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 3150, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 37800, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [9, 3150]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520237254, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 4190, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:12] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 4190, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520237254, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 100190, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520237254, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520237254, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520237254, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520237254, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520237945, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4071475898022341L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 29, 'credits': 263298, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1955, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520236997, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1110690, 1955), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1955, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/46_Estuary.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 29, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1955, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1112645, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/46_ESTUARY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 15:03', 'dt': 1520237945, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1110690, 1955), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4071475898022341L, 'credits': 263298, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520236997, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520237945, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3150, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 37800}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3150, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520237945, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 40950, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 37800, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:14] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520237945, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:14] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1520237945, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:20] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2018_03_05 15:19:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:21:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:21] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:21] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:24] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:25] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:25] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:25] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:25] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:27] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:27] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:27] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:32] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:32] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:34] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowResearchModule, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:40] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 0}}, 'moneyXP': -3474, 'storage': {3432787952L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:40] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 7, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': 36000, 'ucId': 3432787952L}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:40] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 7, 'typeIDS': 'IDS_HULL', 'sourceId': 0, 'type': '_Hull', 'idInGroup': 6, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_USER_COMPONENT_EXPLORE', 'cost': 36000, 'nameIDS': 'IDS_PAUH822_FLETCHER_1944', 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': 36000, 'ucId': 3432787952L}, 'groupId': 5} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:48] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: ModalWindow [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowSellShip, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:53] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 2070000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'storage': {4274876336L: 1, 4293750704L: 4, 4278120368L: 1, 4279070640L: 1, 3554422480L: 0, 3761647312L: 0}, 'crewsAssignments': ({17: 0}, {}), 'changedShips': {4183701200L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 4, 'autobuy': 15}}, 'own': False}}, 'changedShipDockStats': {4183701200L: (1517514391, 1517514398, 1520238173)}, 'freeShipSlots': 1} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:53] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 28, 'data': {'crewId': 17}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:53] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 28, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 5, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CREW_DISEMBARK', 'crewId': 7017, 'shipId': 0, 'data': {'crewId': 7017}, 'groupId': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4183701200L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4278120368L}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD106', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4183701200L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4278120368L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4183701200L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4293750704L}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD106', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4183701200L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4293750704L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4183701200L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD106', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4183701200L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4183701200L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4279070640L}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD106', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4183701200L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4279070640L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 1, 'data': {'modsCost': (42, 66), 'modMask': 0, 'cost': (2070000, 0), 'modsCount': 0, 'shipId': 4183701200L, 'sellMask': 0, 'result': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:22:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'modsCost': (42, 66), 'typeId': 1, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PJSD106', 'idInGroup': 1, 'modMask': 0, 'costShipCR': 2070000, 'costShipGL': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SELL_0', 'cost': (2070000, 0), 'result': 0, 'isElite': False, 'uiSpecial': False, 'costModCR': 42, 'groupId': 5, 'shipId': 4183701200L, 'sourceId': 0, 'modFlag': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'modsCount': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'sellMask': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowPurchaseAndInstallModule, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:08] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -3250000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'storage': {3433836528L: 1}, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': (((), None), ((), None), ((), None), ((), None))}}, 'ucs': '\xf0\xafO\xcd\xf0\xafM\xcd\xf0\xafF\xcd\xf0/\xe6\xcd\xf0/\x9c\xcc'}}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:09] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 2, 'data': {'cost': 3250000, 'numItems': 1, 'ucId': 3432787952L}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:09] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'typeIDS': 'IDS_HULL', 'sourceId': 0, 'type': '_Hull', 'idInGroup': 2, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_USER_COMPONENT_BUY', 'cost': 3250000, 'nameIDS': 'IDS_PAUH822_FLETCHER_1944', 'data': {'cost': 3250000, 'numItems': 1, 'ucId': 3432787952L}, 'groupId': 5} [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:09] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:33] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:33] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:38] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:38] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:38] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:40] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:40] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:40] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 23 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:48] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 38_Canada [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537711490 Name: Masik_007 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 967990 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537681045 Name: Begemot_36 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 967992 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 850838 Name: Messi201 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB010_Nagato_1944 avatarId: 967994 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537853726 Name: UkrainezNSK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 967996 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537822244 Name: Gen4ik_Peksus1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 967998 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 854565 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 968000 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537837094 Name: begemot1404 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 985602 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537801255 Name: Paul84 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 985604 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 901419 Name: MikeNHK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 985606 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 918449 Name: volgarussian TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 985608 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537640906 Name: Val12349 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 985614 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4265561008L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537857731 Name: Kharrasov TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 985612 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 875082 Name: gazolin30 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 985610 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 900939 Name: lagun_natali TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 985616 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537801680 Name: S_T_A_S_D_E_D TeamId: 0 ShipName: PZSD107_Gadjah_Mada avatarId: 985618 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 1001425 Name: WarriorValorous TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 985620 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537801173 Name: FREE_52 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 985622 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537824600 Name: Rifle_15 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 985624 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537822304 Name: XOKKENST TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 985626 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537884523 Name: T0DaY_Y0U_DiE TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 985628 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537767665 Name: Dead_mans_ship TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 985630 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537854068 Name: romanvitkovskiy TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC737_Nachi avatarId: 985632 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 537707257 Name: mrTOS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 985634 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] player: Id: 916477 Name: Boec_lom TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 985636 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] (, 40957038887736, 48): 967988; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] (, 40957038887736, 48): 967988; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-399.9996032714844, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-59.99980163574219, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [279.99951171875, 9.999999747378752e-05], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 967989, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537891154, 0, 0, 985606, 1520238220839L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537891154: PreBattleInfo: id: 537891154, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 985606, creationTime 1520238220839, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537891154, 0, 0, 985606, 1520238220839L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537891154: PreBattleInfo: id: 537891154, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 985606, creationTime 1520238220839, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537891154, 0, 0, 985606, 1520238220839L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537891154: PreBattleInfo: id: 537891154, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 985606, creationTime 1520238220839, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537891154, 0, 0, 985610, 1520238220839L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537891154: PreBattleInfo: id: 537891154, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 985610, creationTime 1520238220839, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537891154, 0, 0, 985610, 1520238220839L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537891154: PreBattleInfo: id: 537891154, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 985610, creationTime 1520238220839, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537891154, 0, 0, 985610, 1520238220839L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537891154: PreBattleInfo: id: 537891154, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 985610, creationTime 1520238220839, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:51] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:23:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:14] id 967993 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:14] name Begemot_36 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:14] @ launchpadAppeared 967993 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:14] [Weather][2681] onEnterWorld (map spaces/38_Canada/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:15] id 985615 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:15] name Val12349 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:15] @ launchpadAppeared 985615 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] id 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] name FREE_52 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] @ launchpadAppeared 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] id 985613 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] name Kharrasov [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_05 15:24:16] content/gameplay/france/ship/battleship/FSB007_Lyon_1944/FSB007_Lyon_1944_Bow_ports_Hull_B.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:17] id 985629 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:17] name T0DaY_Y0U_DiE [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:17] @ launchpadAppeared 985629 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] id 985601 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] id 985633 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] name romanvitkovskiy [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] @ launchpadAppeared 985633 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] id 985621 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] name WarriorValorous [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] id 967999 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] name Gen4ik_Peksus1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] @ launchpadAppeared 967999 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] id 985609 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] name volgarussian [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:19] id 985631 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:19] name Dead_mans_ship [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:19] id 985627 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:19] name XOKKENST [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:24:53] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 15:25:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:25:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:25:46] id 985633 [S] [2018_03_05 15:25:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:17] id 967993 [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:25] id 985627 [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:26] id 985613 [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:30] id 985633 [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:30] name romanvitkovskiy [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:30] @ launchpadAppeared 985633 [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:52] id 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:26:52] id 985621 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:06] id 985621 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:06] name WarriorValorous [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:19] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:19] name mrTOS [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:19] @ launchpadAppeared 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:20] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:20] name gazolin30 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:21] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:21] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:21] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:31] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:31] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:31] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:43] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] name MikeNHK [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] @ launchpadAppeared 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] name mrTOS [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:49] @ launchpadAppeared 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:56] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:58] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:27:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:00] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:00] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:00] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:03] id 985613 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:03] name Kharrasov [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:03] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:03] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:03] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:16] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:24] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:24] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:27] id 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:27] name Masik_007 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:27] @ launchpadAppeared 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:31] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:31] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:31] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:33] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:33] name gazolin30 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:36] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:36] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:37] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:37] name mrTOS [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:37] @ launchpadAppeared 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:39] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:39] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:39] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:39] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:39] name gazolin30 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:40] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:47] id 967993 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:47] name Begemot_36 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:47] @ launchpadAppeared 967993 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:54] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:55] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:59] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:28:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:01] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:01] name Boec_lom [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:01] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:01] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:01] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] name gazolin30 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] name mrTOS [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:03] @ launchpadAppeared 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:04] id 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:04] name FREE_52 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:04] @ launchpadAppeared 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:07] id 985627 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:07] name XOKKENST [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:11] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:11] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:11] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:11] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:12] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:12] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:12] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:17] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:23] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:23] name Boec_lom [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:24] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:27] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:27] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:27] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:28] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:28] name mrTOS [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:28] @ launchpadAppeared 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:29] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:29] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:34] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:37] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:37] name gazolin30 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:43] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:43] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:43] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:46] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:48] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:49] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:51] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:51] name MikeNHK [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:51] @ launchpadAppeared 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:51] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:51] name gazolin30 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:56] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:56] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:56] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:57] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:57] name mrTOS [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:29:57] @ launchpadAppeared 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:06] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:09] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:09] name mrTOS [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:09] @ launchpadAppeared 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:11] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:12] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:12] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:12] name MikeNHK [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:12] @ launchpadAppeared 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:21] id 985631 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:24] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:24] name mrTOS [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:24] @ launchpadAppeared 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:30] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:33] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:33] name mrTOS [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:33] @ launchpadAppeared 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:39] id 985631 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:39] name Dead_mans_ship [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:45] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:55] id 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:59] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:59] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:30:59] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:04] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:04] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:04] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:15] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:17] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:17] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:17] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:20] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:25] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:25] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:25] name MikeNHK [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:25] @ launchpadAppeared 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:27] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:32] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:32] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:32] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:32] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:35] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:35] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:35] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:40] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:43] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:43] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:43] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:48] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:48] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:48] name MikeNHK [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:48] @ launchpadAppeared 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:49] id 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:49] name FREE_52 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:49] @ launchpadAppeared 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:31:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:02] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:06] id 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:07] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:07] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:07] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:08] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:08] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:08] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:08] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:10] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:12] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:15] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:15] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:15] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:16] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:21] id 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:21] name Masik_007 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:21] @ launchpadAppeared 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:23] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:23] name MikeNHK [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:23] @ launchpadAppeared 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:31] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:35] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:35] name MikeNHK [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:35] @ launchpadAppeared 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:38] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:40] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:40] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:40] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:43] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:43] name Boec_lom [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:48] id 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:32:51] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537891154, 0, 0, 985610, 1520238220839L, True, False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537891154: PreBattleInfo: id: 537891154, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 985610, creationTime 1520238220839, hidden True, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:17] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:33] id 985619 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:33] name S_T_A_S_D_E_D [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:35] id 985629 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:49] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:49] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:33:49] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:02] id 985619 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:12] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:12] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:12] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:24] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:26] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:27] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:35] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:35] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:35] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:40] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:40] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:40] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:45] id 985619 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:45] name S_T_A_S_D_E_D [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:45] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:45] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:45] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:47] id 985609 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:52] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:56] id 985609 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:56] name volgarussian [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:34:59] id 985619 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:00] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:00] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:00] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:05] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:05] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:05] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:06] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:11] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:11] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:11] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:17] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:18] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:23] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:23] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:23] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:27] id 985619 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:27] name S_T_A_S_D_E_D [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:29] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:29] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:29] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:31] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:38] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:40] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:47] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:47] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:47] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:48] id 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:52] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:52] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:35:52] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:07] id 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:07] name Masik_007 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:07] @ launchpadAppeared 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:07] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:07] name Boec_lom [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:13] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:13] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:26] id 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:49] id 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:49] name FREE_52 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:49] @ launchpadAppeared 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:53] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:56] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:58] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:59] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:59] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:36:59] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:03] id 985603 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:03] name begemot1404 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:04] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:05] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:05] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:05] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:07] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:07] name Boec_lom [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:17] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:20] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:20] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:20] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:27] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:33] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:35] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:35] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:35] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:36] id 985629 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:36] name T0DaY_Y0U_DiE [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:36] @ launchpadAppeared 985629 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:37] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:39] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:39] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:39] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:45] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:45] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:45] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:45] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:46] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:57] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:57] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:37:57] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:04] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:06] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:07] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:07] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:07] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:07] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:09] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:09] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:09] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:11] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:11] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:11] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:12] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:31] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:31] name Boec_lom [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:45] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:45] name Rifle_15 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:45] @ launchpadAppeared 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:55] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:57] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:57] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:38:57] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:08] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:08] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:08] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:11] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:11] name Boec_lom [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:15] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:16] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:34] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:43] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:43] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:43] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:51] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:54] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:39:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:27] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:27] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:27] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:44] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:44] name Boec_lom [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:44] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:44] name Paul84 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:44] @ launchpadAppeared 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:54] id 985631 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:59] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:40:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:03] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:03] name UkrainezNSK [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:03] @ launchpadAppeared 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] id 985631 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] name Dead_mans_ship [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] id 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] name Masik_007 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:24] @ launchpadAppeared 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:25] id 985605 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:25] id 985637 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:28] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:30] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:36] id 967991 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:41] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:42] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:42] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:55] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:55] name Messi201 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:55] @ launchpadAppeared 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:41:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:00] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] (, 40957038887736, 48): 967988; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] [Weather][2681] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 967993 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 967995 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 967997 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 967999 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985601 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985603 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985607 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985609 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985611 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985613 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985615 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985619 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985621 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985623 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985625 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985627 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985629 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985631 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985633 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:01] id 985635 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:02] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:03] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:10] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:11] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:11] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:11] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:11] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:11] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:20] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:20] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:20] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:55] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:57] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:57] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:42:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:10] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:10] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 4 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:10] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4259264496 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:18] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:18] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:19] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 25 battleType = 80 gameMode = StandDom duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:26] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:26] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 41_Conquest [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 980612 Name: fogr TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1002058 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 824857 Name: 088888 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC044_Marblehead_1924 avatarId: 1002060 isBot: False dogeTage: [4279618480L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 969632 Name: duh861 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB006_New_York_1934 avatarId: 1002062 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 969122 Name: RaseONE1996 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1002064 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 854565 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1002066 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 903846 Name: kahalot1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1002068 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 863146 Name: Vinchenso40rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB705_Texas_1944 avatarId: 1002070 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282370992L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 913977 Name: Rice41 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD005_Farragut_1944 avatarId: 1002072 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 537756346 Name: ___KArG___ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1002074 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 537627590 Name: Ne4ycTb TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD107_Gadjah_Mada avatarId: 1002076 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 807367 Name: GNA21 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSA009_Ryujo_1933 avatarId: 1002078 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 537765452 Name: us6ig TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 1002080 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 895186 Name: 9155_2017 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1002082 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286958512L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 537837910 Name: vol20 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 1002084 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 537731928 Name: nerocanat TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 1002086 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 537667932 Name: cucc TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1002088 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4288629680L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 537713250 Name: sibirspirit TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 1002090 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 537761896 Name: Flibuster74 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 1002092 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4257172400L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 807890 Name: wolf911wolf TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA006_Independence_1945 avatarId: 1002094 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 886129 Name: deminutio TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC709_Haguro avatarId: 1002096 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 828914 Name: sergionery TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 1002098 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 849655 Name: artyus1 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB105_Koenig avatarId: 1002100 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4284435376L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 537691515 Name: danilaviking TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 1002102 isBot: False dogeTage: [4273982384L, 4284435376L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] player: Id: 889852 Name: Kammyna TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 1002104 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1002056; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1002056; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-9.918212890625e-05, 350.9999084472656], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-9.918212890625e-05, -350.99969482421875], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 5, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 180.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1002057, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 2, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1], period: 6}], capture: [{reward: 1000, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1]}], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:27] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:28] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] id 1002065 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] name RaseONE1996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1002065 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] [Weather][3055] onEnterWorld (map spaces/41_Conquest/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] id 1002081 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] name us6ig [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1002081 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] id 1002093 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] name Flibuster74 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1002093 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:52] id 1002079 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:52] name GNA21 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1002079 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:52] id 1002069 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:52] name kahalot1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:53] id 1002071 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:53] name Vinchenso40rus [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:53] id 1002073 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:53] name Rice41 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] id 1002077 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] name Ne4ycTb [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] team id 1 [A] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] content/gameplay/panasia/ship/destroyer/ZSD007_Gadjah_Mada_1951/ZSD007_Gadjah_Mada_1951_Bow_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] content/gameplay/panasia/ship/destroyer/ZSD007_Gadjah_Mada_1951/ZSD007_Gadjah_Mada_1951_Stern_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] content/gameplay/panasia/ship/destroyer/ZSD007_Gadjah_Mada_1951/ZSD007_Gadjah_Mada_1951_MidBack_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] id 1002089 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] name cucc [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] id 1002101 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] name artyus1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] id 1002085 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] name vol20 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1002085 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] id 1002067 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1002067 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1002067 [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 15:43:55] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 15:44:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:44:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:44:32] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:09] id 1002075 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:09] name ___KArG___ [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1002075 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:25] id 1002061 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:25] name 088888 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1002061 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:29] id 1002087 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:29] name nerocanat [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:33] id 1002085 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:38] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:38] name sibirspirit [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:39] id 1002097 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:39] name deminutio [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:45:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1002097 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:00] id 1002071 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:00] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:17] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:17] name sibirspirit [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:28] id 1002065 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:30] id 1002061 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] id 1002061 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] name 088888 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1002061 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] name danilaviking [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:39] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:40] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:46] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:46] name Kammyna [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:57] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:57] name sibirspirit [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:46:59] id 1002089 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:03] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:04] id 1002097 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:06] id 1002097 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:06] name deminutio [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1002097 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:08] id 1002065 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:08] name RaseONE1996 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1002065 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:12] id 1002097 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:15] id 1002083 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:15] name 9155_2017 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1002083 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:20] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:20] name danilaviking [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:22] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:23] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:27] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:27] name sibirspirit [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:38] id 1002087 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:41] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:42] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:44] id 1002081 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:45] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:45] name Kammyna [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:48] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:49] id 1002083 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:50] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:50] name Kammyna [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:52] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:52] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:52] name Kammyna [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:54] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:54] name danilaviking [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:54] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:47:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:00] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:04] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:04] name danilaviking [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:16] id 1002083 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:16] name 9155_2017 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1002083 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:22] id 1002087 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:22] name nerocanat [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:23] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:23] name sibirspirit [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:24] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:24] name Kammyna [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:29] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:31] id 1002095 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:31] name wolf911wolf [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1002095 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:38] id 1002097 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:38] name deminutio [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1002097 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:42] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:51] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:51] id 1002075 [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:48:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:12] id 1002075 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:12] name ___KArG___ [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1002075 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:24] id 1002079 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:24] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:24] name Kammyna [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:26] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:33] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:43] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:43] name Kammyna [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] id 1002063 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] name duh861 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] id 1002099 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] name sergionery [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] id 1002089 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] name cucc [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] name sibirspirit [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] id 1002081 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] name us6ig [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1002081 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:45] id 1002079 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:45] name GNA21 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1002079 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:45] id 1002071 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:45] name Vinchenso40rus [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:47] id 1002085 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:47] name vol20 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1002085 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:50] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:50] name danilaviking [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:50] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1002056; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] [Weather][3055] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002061 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002063 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002065 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002067 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002069 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002071 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002073 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002075 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002077 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002079 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002081 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002083 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002085 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002087 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002089 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002091 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002093 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002095 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002097 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002099 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002101 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002103 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:51] id 1002105 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 4337}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 78436}}, 'moneyXP': 217, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 8629, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 8629, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 506247, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -104250, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4293750704L))}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 14, 4278022064L: 17, 4283264944L: 15, 4293750704L: 3, 4278120368L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4272830448L, 2)]} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 3.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 25496, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:52] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:53] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:53] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:53] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:53] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:53] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:55] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:55] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1112645) (15, 1116982) [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BR: {'credits': 198528, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1889, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0], [4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 8250, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[300, 3000], [35, 5250], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520239495, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3866919490616972L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 23, 'credits': 506247, 'result': 1, 'exp': 4337, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520238220, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1112645, 4337), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 4337, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/38_Canada.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 23, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 4337, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1116982, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/38_CANADA', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 2.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 15:23', 'dt': 1520239495, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1112645, 4337), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3866919490616972L, 'credits': 506247, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520238220, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 0}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:49:59] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520239495, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 8250, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 8250, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520239495, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 104250, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520239495, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:00] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520239495, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520239495, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520239495, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:07] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:07] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ExtendedSystemLogWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:28] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:28] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:33] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:33] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:33] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:37] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: QuestWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:46] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:46] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 4 [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:46] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4284463088 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:50:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:34] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:34] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:35] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 30 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:42] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:42] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 47_Sleeping_Giant [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 807297 Name: Sarzhant_fluffy_pants TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 616939 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537763857 Name: suliman53 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 616941 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 854565 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA010_Ranger_1944 avatarId: 616943 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 888102 Name: werty1988 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB108_Monarch avatarId: 616945 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537832359 Name: kowad_11 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 616947 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 850993 Name: wer_505 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 616949 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537725362 Name: extream777 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD107_Pr_35_Udaloy avatarId: 616951 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4261366704L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 934857 Name: ViS260819 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 616965 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537653561 Name: zver_735 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 616955 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 751162 Name: fas_building TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 616957 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537627456 Name: WARFOLOMEO TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 616959 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537765441 Name: Vlatok_63 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB107_Lyon avatarId: 616961 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537646407 Name: baxxboy TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 616963 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 920009 Name: steelGUN_2016 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 616953 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537798350 Name: sparda99 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 616967 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537732434 Name: walte_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 616969 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537744733 Name: Dr_Andrey777 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 616971 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 902309 Name: MAIMAX TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 616973 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537895907 Name: GHOST_13_1_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 616975 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 918509 Name: Yarochenko TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 616977 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276079536L, 4260318128L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537822330 Name: jagtiger2013 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD107_Leberecht_Maass avatarId: 616979 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 874748 Name: SteelKazakh TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 616981 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 953469 Name: TOR541 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA507_Saipan_1946 avatarId: 616983 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] player: Id: 537764095 Name: Dimonwar1992 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 616985 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282370992L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] (, 40957038887736, 48): 616937; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] (, 40957038887736, 48): 616937; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-280.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-9.918212890625e-05, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [280.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 616938, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:43] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:45] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:51:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:08] id 616948 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:08] name kowad_11 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:08] @ launchpadAppeared 616948 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:08] [Weather][1698] onEnterWorld (map spaces/47_Sleeping_Giant/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:09] id 616968 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:09] name sparda99 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:09] @ launchpadAppeared 616968 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:10] id 616942 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:10] name suliman53 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:10] @ launchpadAppeared 616942 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:10] id 616954 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:10] name steelGUN_2016 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] id 616944 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] @ launchpadAppeared 616944 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] id 616950 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] name wer_505 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] @ launchpadAppeared 616950 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] @ launchpadAppeared 616944 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] AirplanesCommander.init [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:11] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] id 616972 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] name Dr_Andrey777 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] id 616952 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] name extream777 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] id 616966 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] name ViS260819 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:12] @ launchpadAppeared 616966 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:14] id 616974 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:14] name MAIMAX [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:14] @ launchpadAppeared 616974 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] id 616960 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] name WARFOLOMEO [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] @ launchpadAppeared 616960 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] id 616978 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] name Yarochenko [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:15] @ launchpadAppeared 616978 [A] [2018_03_05 15:52:27] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/LVA177.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_05 15:52:27] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod1.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_05 15:52:27] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod2.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [A] [2018_03_05 15:52:27] Model::readDyes: In model "content/location/vechicle/automobile/LVA177/lods/LVA177_lod3.model", for dye matter "PBS_Misc_cl1", the material id "PBS_Misc_cl1" isn't in the visual [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:32] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:48] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:48] setMode Airplanes [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:52:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:53:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:02] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:41] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:41] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:46] id 616980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:46] name jagtiger2013 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:49] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:50] id 616970 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:50] name walte_1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:50] @ launchpadAppeared 616970 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:58] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:58] name Vlatok_63 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:54:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:02] id 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:02] name zver_735 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:02] @ launchpadAppeared 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:03] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:03] name werty1988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:03] team id 0 [A] [2018_03_05 15:55:03] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Bow_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_05 15:55:03] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_Stern_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [A] [2018_03_05 15:55:03] content/gameplay/uk/ship/battleship/BSB017_Monarch_1945/BSB017_Monarch_1945_MidBack_ports_Hull_A.model: can't load model prototype: file not found [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:03] @ launchpadAppeared 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:07] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:07] name Dimonwar1992 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:07] @ launchpadAppeared 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:11] id 616980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:14] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:18] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:26] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:28] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:29] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:29] name GHOST_13_1_1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:29] @ launchpadAppeared 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:46] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:52] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:52] name Dimonwar1992 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:52] @ launchpadAppeared 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:52] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:53] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:58] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:55:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:03] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:03] name werty1988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:03] @ launchpadAppeared 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:05] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:05] name GHOST_13_1_1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:05] @ launchpadAppeared 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] name Dimonwar1992 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:09] @ launchpadAppeared 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:10] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:15] id 616980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:15] name jagtiger2013 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:16] id 616980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:25] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:29] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:30] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:34] id 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:39] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:39] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:46] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:46] name baxxboy [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:57] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:58] id 616980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:58] name jagtiger2013 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:56:59] id 616980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:03] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:03] name Dimonwar1992 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:03] @ launchpadAppeared 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:03] id 616970 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:06] id 616970 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:06] name walte_1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:06] @ launchpadAppeared 616970 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:08] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:17] id 616980 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:17] name jagtiger2013 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:20] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:23] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:28] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:28] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:28] name Sarzhant_fluffy_pants [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:32] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:32] name baxxboy [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:39] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:41] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:41] name SteelKazakh [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:41] @ launchpadAppeared 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:45] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:45] name Dimonwar1992 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:45] @ launchpadAppeared 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:47] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:47] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:48] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:48] name GHOST_13_1_1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:48] @ launchpadAppeared 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:59] id 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:59] name TOR541 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:57:59] @ launchpadAppeared 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:01] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:01] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:08] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:08] name Vlatok_63 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:10] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:10] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:11] id 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:11] name zver_735 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:11] @ launchpadAppeared 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:13] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:16] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:21] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:21] name Dimonwar1992 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:21] @ launchpadAppeared 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:24] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:25] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:25] name Vlatok_63 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:28] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:38] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] name werty1988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] @ launchpadAppeared 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:42] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:42] name GHOST_13_1_1 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:42] @ launchpadAppeared 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:45] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:45] name Vlatok_63 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:49] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:50] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:50] name Sarzhant_fluffy_pants [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:50] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:51] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:51] name SteelKazakh [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:51] @ launchpadAppeared 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:58:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:04] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:05] id 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:06] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:07] id 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:07] name zver_735 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:07] @ launchpadAppeared 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:10] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:12] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:13] id 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:15] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:15] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:22] id 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:22] name TOR541 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:22] @ launchpadAppeared 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:22] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:24] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:28] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:28] name Sarzhant_fluffy_pants [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:28] id 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:29] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:29] name werty1988 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:29] @ launchpadAppeared 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:29] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:38] id 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:38] name zver_735 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:38] @ launchpadAppeared 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:38] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:39] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:39] name Vlatok_63 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:44] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:45] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:47] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:49] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:52] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:52] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:53] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 15:59:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:04] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:04] name SteelKazakh [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:04] @ launchpadAppeared 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:05] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:05] name Sarzhant_fluffy_pants [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:12] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:12] name baxxboy [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:14] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:22] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:25] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:25] name baxxboy [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:26] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:27] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:35] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:38] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:38] name Sarzhant_fluffy_pants [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:44] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:51] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:53] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:53] name werty1988 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:53] @ launchpadAppeared 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:00:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:01] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:04] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:04] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:04] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:07] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] id 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:14] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:18] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:18] name GHOST_13_1_1 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:18] @ launchpadAppeared 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:18] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:23] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:30] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:33] id 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:33] name TOR541 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:33] @ launchpadAppeared 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:38] id 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] id 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] name TOR541 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] @ launchpadAppeared 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] name werty1988 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] @ launchpadAppeared 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] name baxxboy [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:01:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:01] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:03] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:03] name werty1988 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:03] @ launchpadAppeared 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:03] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:05] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:19] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:20] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:20] name werty1988 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:20] @ launchpadAppeared 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:21] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:26] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:29] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:29] name SteelKazakh [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:29] @ launchpadAppeared 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:32] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:45] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:45] name Vlatok_63 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:48] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:50] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:57] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:57] name SteelKazakh [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:57] @ launchpadAppeared 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:02:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:05] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:06] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:13] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:16] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:17] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:17] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:18] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:18] name GHOST_13_1_1 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:18] @ launchpadAppeared 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:30] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:36] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:37] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:37] name SteelKazakh [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:37] @ launchpadAppeared 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:42] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:43] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:54] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:54] name Vlatok_63 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:03:58] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:38] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:04:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:06] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:14] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:33] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:34] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:39] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:41] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:45] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:05:55] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:10] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:11] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:12] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:12] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:13] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:19] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:29] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:30] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:31] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:32] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:32] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:48] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 16:06:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:00] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:08] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:12] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:12] name werty1988 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:12] @ launchpadAppeared 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:12] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:20] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:31] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:31] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:31] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:50] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:54] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:57] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:57] name fas_building [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:07:59] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:15] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:16] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:22] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_inactive [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:37] [Scaleform] Error: Sprite::AddDisplayObject(): unknown cid = 0 pos.ClassName = avia_scout_normal [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:42] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:42] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:42] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:44] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] (, 40957038887736, 48): 616937; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] [Weather][1698] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616940 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616942 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616944 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616946 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616948 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616950 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616952 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616954 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616956 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616958 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616960 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616962 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616964 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616966 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616968 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616970 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616972 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616974 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616976 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616978 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616980 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616982 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616984 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:45] id 616986 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'exp': 51142}}, 'changedCrews': {16: {'exp': 1615}}, 'moneyXP': 80, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 10217, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 10217, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 232497, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -24120, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 7, 'autobuy': 13}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4291993520L), (None, 4288847792L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 385, 'add_slots': (((), 4287459248L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4282216368L), ((), 4288507824L), ((), 4284313520L))}}}}, 'storage': {4284313520L: 13, 4278022064L: 16, 4282216368L: 6, 4288507824L: 7, 4287459248L: 24}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4280459184L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4280459184L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -45000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4283604912L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4274974640L: 5}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'storage': {4275924912L: 10}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:46] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'exp': 66139}}, 'changedCrews': {20: {'exp': 6294}}, 'moneyXP': 240, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 15008, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 15008, 'boughtToday': 1, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 336747, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -57750, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4284463088 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 2, 'autobuy': 15}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4284463088L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 27, 'add_slots': (((), 4278022064L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 15}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 3.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 25496, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 3.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 25496, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 2 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 2. Boxes contents: [{4242715568L: {(0, 4281525168L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:47] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1116982) (15, 1123361) [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] BR: {'credits': 103332, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 691, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 3420, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4283604912L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 20700, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[57, 3420], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 45000, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 4063465784017703L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 4063465784017703L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q5': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 14}}, '24926_q01': {}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 14}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4284463088L, 1)]} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] updateActionsProgress: {'24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] __updateTaskProgress start: {'24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 2 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 2. Boxes contents: [{4242715568L: {(0, 4281525168L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 25013670 6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BR: {'credits': 149665, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1573, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['FIRST_WIN', 0.5, True, 0], ['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.9, 'auto_load_credits': 19950, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 37800, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [57, 19950]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 0, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520240408, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4063465784017703L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 25, 'credits': 232497, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1588, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520239399, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1116982, 1588), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1588, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/41_Conquest.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4282573744L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 25, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1588, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1118570, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/41_CONQUEST', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': ((4282573744L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 15:43', 'dt': 1520240408, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1116982, 1588), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4063465784017703L, 'credits': 232497, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520239399, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520240408, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3420, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 20700}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:50] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3420, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520240408, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 24120, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 20700, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520240408, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1520240408, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:51] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520240408, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:51] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'cost': (45000, 0), 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1520240408, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520240923, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': ((4281525168L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {'24938_q01': {0: {'count': (15, 1)}, 'progress': (0.8333333333333334, 0.05555555555555555), 'name': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0424\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'count': (0, 0)}, '24926_q01': {'count': (1, 1), 'progress': (1, 1), 'name': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 15'}}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2471192558372119L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'credits': 336747, 'result': 1, 'exp': 4791, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520239895, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1118570, 4791), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 4791, 'tasks': {'24938_q01': {0: {'count': (15, 1)}}, '24926_q01': {}}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/47_Sleeping_Giant.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4281525168L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 30, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 4791, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1123361, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/47_SLEEPING_GIANT', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'achievements': ((4281525168L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 15:51', 'dt': 1520240923, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1118570, 4791), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 2471192558372119L, 'credits': 336747, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'quests': [{'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 5, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 5.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '24938_q01', 'titleText': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0424\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b', 'currentProgress': 83.0}, {'maxProgress': 100, 'day': 5, 'monthIDS': 'IDS_MONTH_3', 'battleProgress': 100.0, 'type': 'task', 'id': '24926_q01', 'titleText': u'\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0444\u043e\u043d Aigle. \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c 15', 'currentProgress': 100.0}], 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520239895, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_main_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520240923, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 19950, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 37800}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 19950, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520240923, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 57750, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 37800, 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520240923, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:52] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASA010', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_AIRCARRIER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VII', 'shipType': 'AirCarrier', 'stypeIdent': 'AirCarrier', 'dt': 1520240923, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4284463088L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 16:08:58] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:02] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:02] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:09] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:10] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:10] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:10] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:10] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:14] node HP_Deck_24 not found [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:14] availableShipParts 57 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:14] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:24] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35959136', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520240964L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:25] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:25] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:25] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:25] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:25] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:25] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 4508, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 4}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 4508, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 10500, 'type': 4}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 10500, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 4, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1520240972, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:31] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1520240972, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:35] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:35] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:36] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:36] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 4508, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4274876336L: 5}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 4508, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 4 [('Item', {'count': 4, 'total': False, 'idx': 4274876336L})] [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:5721 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4274876336L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 105] [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:40] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:45] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4274876336L: 4}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:46] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:46] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:46] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:50] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:50] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:50] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:53] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:53] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:56] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:56] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 16:09:56] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'slots': ((None, 4278022064L), (None, 4284313520L), (None, 4283264944L), (None, 4293750704L), (None, 4274974640L))}}}}, 'storage': {4274974640L: 4, 4278120368L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:03] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4278120368L}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4278120368L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:03] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4274974640L}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:03] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4274974640L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:05] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:13] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4274876336L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4274876336L: 4}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4274876336L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:16] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1539, 'add_slots': (((), 4275924912L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4275924912L: 9}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:17] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4275924912L}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:17] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4275924912L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:22] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 3075, 'add_slots': (((), 4279070640L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4279070640L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:22] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4279070640L}} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:22] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4279070640L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:24] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:24] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:24] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:41] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:41] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:43] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:44] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:44] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:44] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:44] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_05 16:10:44] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:16] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:16] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:20] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:25] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:25] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:25] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:30] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:30] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:32] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:32] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:32] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:32] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:34] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_05 19:52:35] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_05 19:52:35] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:37] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:37] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:37] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:37] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:37] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:37] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:37] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:38] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:39] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:39] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:39] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:42] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:43] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:43] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 310.0, 'prebattle': 340.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'spectatorHotkeysHidden': True, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'prebattle': 600.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 220.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 426.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:43] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:43] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:43] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:43] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:43] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:43] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:44] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:57] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:57] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_05 19:52:59] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:00] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:02] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:03] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:213112026848332905401454380815646424558","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:03] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:213112026848332905401454380815646424558', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:03] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:213112026848332905401454380815646424558', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:03] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:03] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x45CA5DE0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] [WWSD-XXX] issue init [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] [WWSD-XXX] issue in progress [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] (, 85216719876408, 20): onStreamComplete, ('no such requestId', (172, 172)) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] setServerTime: serverTime=1520254385 time.time()=1520254384.64 gInitialClientTime=20.1870002747 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:04] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:06] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:06] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:06] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:06] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:06] _onChangeTimeOut 700 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:08] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:08] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:08] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1123361) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:08] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:08] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:09] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:09] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:09] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 29, 40, None))) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:09] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 29, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:09] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 29, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:09] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4287545264L: [1, 0], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 2, 1], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5]}, {4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (1, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 3.0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (2, False, 25496), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:09] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 4508, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 4508, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'}) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:11] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520433000.0, 1520436580.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 178607 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520436600.0, 1520436600.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 178607 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520451000.0, 1520451000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 178607 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:12] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:16] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 178603 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] (, 85216719876408, 20): XmppChatHandler.onConnect, ('connection error', -1) [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:18] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:20] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:20] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:26] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:26] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 16443875@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Well_11 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:44] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28276812 {'jid': '28276812@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'vovan74vovan', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 6199582 {'jid': '6199582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Jedas', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ModalWindowPremiumAccount, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:46] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35959136', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520240964L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:47] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NEO__17', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/77621238', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520241243L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 19:53:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:13] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:16] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:16] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:22] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:22] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:22] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:26] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:27] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:27] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:27] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:28] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:32] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:32] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:37] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 13 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:45] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:45] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:45] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:45] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 19_OC_prey [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537773056 Name: moroz29021980 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 1310064 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293249968L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537714699 Name: Kobzonchik_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1310066 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 985356 Name: Rolex_84 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1310068 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537917329 Name: ProxorPetrovi4 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1310070 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 931347 Name: Andrey_731 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC017_Baltimore_1944 avatarId: 1310072 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 741918 Name: Vitalii3072 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1310074 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537675299 Name: Shopengauer1976 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 1310076 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 1030053 Name: moroz911 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 1310078 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4257172400L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 996392 Name: Samael80 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1310080 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 953012 Name: ol2202 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC708_ARP_Takao avatarId: 1310082 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537841978 Name: LimitStella TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD108_Akizuki avatarId: 1310084 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537899275 Name: Drusha TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1310086 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283812784L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537812171 Name: Vitalll34 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1310088 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 939599 Name: 4aika_41 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 1310090 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268084144L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537933904 Name: GadkyPapa TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 1310092 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 911827 Name: POMAH_AHgpeeBu4 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB110_France avatarId: 1310094 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537835995 Name: 4CUS TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1310096 isBot: False dogeTage: [4253404080L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537909728 Name: Van0_08 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC017_Baltimore_1944 avatarId: 1310098 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276079536L, 4280241072L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537813092 Name: Konstantin88888882 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1310100 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537818858 Name: DFS333 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB110_Grossdeutschland avatarId: 1310102 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537806443 Name: andr192_2015 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1310104 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 924780 Name: Down_Gamer TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1310106 isBot: False dogeTage: [4279225264L, 4258220976L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 537832429 Name: porthole_on TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1310108 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] player: Id: 853373 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1310110 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1310062; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1310062; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-494.9997863769531, -494.9999084472656], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-102.9999008178711, -102.9999008178711], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [254.99990844726562, 254.99990844726562], radius: 180.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1310063, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310108, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310108, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310108, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310108, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310108, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310108, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310108, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310108, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310094, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310094, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310094, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310094, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310094, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310094, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:49] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 19:54:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:00] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:19] id 1310095 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:19] name POMAH_AHgpeeBu4 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:19] [Weather][5888] onEnterWorld (map spaces/19_OC_prey/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] id 1310105 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] name andr192_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] id 1310111 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:23] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:24] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:24] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:24] id 1310097 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:24] name 4CUS [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:33] id 1310109 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:33] name porthole_on [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:47] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 19:55:51] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] id 1310099 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] name Van0_08 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1310099 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] id 1310089 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] name Vitalll34 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1310089 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] id 1310087 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] name Drusha [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1310087 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] id 1310091 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] name 4aika_41 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1310091 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:34] id 1310067 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:34] name Kobzonchik_ [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:34] id 1310065 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:34] name moroz29021980 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310094, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310094, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310094, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310094, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:39] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310094, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:39] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310094, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310094, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310094, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310094, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310094, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:40] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537909462, 0, 0, 1310094, 1520254473391L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:40] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537909462: PreBattleInfo: id: 537909462, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1310094, creationTime 1520254473391, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:52] id 1310075 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:52] name Vitalii3072 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 19:56:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1310075 [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:19] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:19] name DFS333 [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:59] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:59] name Samael80 [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:57:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:08] id 1310101 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:08] name Konstantin88888882 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:19] id 1310077 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:19] name Shopengauer1976 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1310077 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:21] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:25] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:25] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:32] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:32] name ol2202 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:35] id 1310071 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:35] name ProxorPetrovi4 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:40] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:43] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:43] name Samael80 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:47] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:48] id 1310077 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:48] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:48] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:50] id 1310071 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:50] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:52] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:52] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:52] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:58:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:04] id 1310101 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:16] id 1310101 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:16] name Konstantin88888882 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:16] id 1310077 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:16] name Shopengauer1976 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1310077 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:19] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:19] name Samael80 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:21] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:23] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:23] name Down_Gamer [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:23] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:23] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:25] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:33] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:33] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:35] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:42] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:42] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:43] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:53] id 1310089 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:54] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:54] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 19:59:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:03] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:03] name Samael80 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:05] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:11] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:13] id 1310069 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:13] name Rolex_84 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:14] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:23] id 1310097 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:25] id 1310095 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 6199582 {'jid': '6199582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Jedas', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:37] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:37] name moroz911 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:41] id 1310075 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:48] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:48] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:50] id 1310093 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:50] name GadkyPapa [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1310093 [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:00:52] id 1310065 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:00] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:02] id 1310099 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:02] id 1310077 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:03] id 1310089 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:03] name Vitalll34 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1310089 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:05] id 1310093 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:06] id 1310091 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:09] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:12] id 1310109 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:19] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:19] name ol2202 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] name moroz911 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:38] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:38] name DFS333 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:47] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:47] name Samael80 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:52] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:01:53] id 1310101 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:04] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:04] name LimitStella [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:11] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:11] name Down_Gamer [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:14] id 1310101 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:14] name Konstantin88888882 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:20] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:20] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:22] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:23] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:30] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:30] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:32] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:32] name ol2202 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:36] id 1310093 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:36] name GadkyPapa [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1310093 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:39] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:39] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:42] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:44] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:44] name LimitStella [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:45] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:46] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:47] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:47] name LimitStella [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:48] id 1310095 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:48] name POMAH_AHgpeeBu4 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:48] id 1310093 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:49] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:50] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:50] name LimitStella [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:52] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:54] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:54] name LimitStella [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:54] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:54] name DFS333 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:55] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:57] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:59] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:59] name LimitStella [S] [2018_03_05 20:02:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:00] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:04] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:04] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] name Down_Gamer [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] name Samael80 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] name moroz911 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] id 1310077 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] name Shopengauer1976 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1310077 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] id 1310091 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] name 4aika_41 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1310091 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] name LimitStella [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] id 1310097 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] name 4CUS [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] id 1310075 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] name Vitalii3072 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1310075 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] id 1310099 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] name Van0_08 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1310099 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] id 1310065 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] name moroz29021980 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:17] id 1310109 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:17] name porthole_on [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:17] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:22] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:22] name Down_Gamer [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:22] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:22] name Andrey_731 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:27] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:40] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:40] name Down_Gamer [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:46] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:46] name moroz911 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:47] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:51] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:51] name DFS333 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:52] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:52] name Samael80 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:52] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:52] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:03:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:15] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:31] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:39] id 1310071 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:39] name ProxorPetrovi4 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:55] id 1310071 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:56] id 1310071 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:56] name ProxorPetrovi4 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:58] id 1310071 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:59] id 1310071 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:59] name ProxorPetrovi4 [S] [2018_03_05 20:04:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:03] id 1310071 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:10] id 1310093 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:10] name GadkyPapa [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1310093 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:11] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:11] name DFS333 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:16] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:17] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:30] id 1310093 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:34] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:35] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:53] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:53] name ol2202 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:05:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:08] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:08] name moroz911 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:12] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:12] name DFS333 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:19] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:27] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:28] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:28] name DFS333 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:31] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:35] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:35] name ol2202 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:43] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:45] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:45] name Down_Gamer [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:45] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:45] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:46] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:46] name moroz911 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1310062; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] [Weather][5888] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310065 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310067 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310069 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310073 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310075 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310077 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310079 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310081 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310083 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310085 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310087 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310089 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310091 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310095 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310097 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310099 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310101 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310103 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:49] id 1310105 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] id 1310107 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] id 1310109 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] id 1310111 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:50] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:51] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:51] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:52] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:52] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:52] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:52] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:52] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:52] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:52] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:52] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:54] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:54] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28276812 vovan74vovan 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3926182 XOZQIN 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 6199582 Jedas 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:06:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:00] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:01] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:01] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:08] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:08] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:11] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:11] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:14] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:14] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:14] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:21] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 769, 'add_slots': (((), 4260294576L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4260294576L: 4}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:21] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4260294576L}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:21] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4260294576L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:23] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3926182 {'jid': '3926182@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'XOZQIN', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:31] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1537, 'add_slots': (((), 4283264944L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4283264944L: 14}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:31] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:31] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Flags', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_FLAGS_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4283264944L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:35] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:35] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:35] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:39] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:40] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 4 [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:40] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4259264496 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:40] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 20:07:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:06] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:06] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:06] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 11 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:14] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:14] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:15] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 17_NA_fault_line [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537848323 Name: BELOGLAZOVSEREGA TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 804484 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283812784L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537852934 Name: razboinik1979 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC007_Aoba_1943 avatarId: 804486 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537640493 Name: zoon011287 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 804504 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 942865 Name: Death_Ma3au TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSD106_Ernst_Gaede avatarId: 804490 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 864402 Name: Overthrone TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 804492 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 954518 Name: osetrov_sergey_65 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD206_Hatsuharu avatarId: 804494 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537892897 Name: Zloy_Tapo4ek TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 804496 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 1012006 Name: GBarca TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 804498 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 987691 Name: gold_fisher_15 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC106_Nurnberg avatarId: 804500 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 914732 Name: Baloto TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 804502 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 967469 Name: Volkodavv TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 804488 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537720755 Name: Letchik_groznyj TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 804506 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537730364 Name: Armstrong621 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 804508 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 1042113 Name: nick5asd TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC505_KrasniKrym avatarId: 804510 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 1009604 Name: tigr2809 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB106_Normandie avatarId: 804512 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537874373 Name: Masta123 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB006_Fuso_1943 avatarId: 804514 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 969935 Name: IgorND TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB105_Bretagne avatarId: 804516 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4291775408L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537892688 Name: 77_V_O_R_O_N_77 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD105_Mutsuki avatarId: 804518 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 962278 Name: GranombeR TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD206_Pr_7 avatarId: 804520 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 892007 Name: KrAkEr2016 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC506_Admiral_Graf_Spee avatarId: 804522 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537824620 Name: partizan_lesnoi TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC106_La_Galissonniere avatarId: 804524 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 853373 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB034_New_Mexico_1941 avatarId: 804528 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537801981 Name: Byldozerochek TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD206_Pr_7 avatarId: 804526 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] player: Id: 537774462 Name: kot441 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC106_Pr_94_Budeny avatarId: 804530 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] (, 40957038887736, 48): 804482; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] (, 40957038887736, 48): 804482; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-476.9999084472656, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [500.0, 0.0], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 804483, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537919900, 0, 0, 804526, 1520255287832L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537919900: PreBattleInfo: id: 537919900, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 804526, creationTime 1520255287832, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537919900, 0, 0, 804526, 1520255287832L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537919900: PreBattleInfo: id: 537919900, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 804526, creationTime 1520255287832, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537919900, 0, 0, 804526, 1520255287832L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537919900: PreBattleInfo: id: 537919900, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 804526, creationTime 1520255287832, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537919900, 0, 0, 804526, 1520255287832L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537919900: PreBattleInfo: id: 537919900, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 804526, creationTime 1520255287832, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537919900, 0, 0, 804526, 1520255287832L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537919900: PreBattleInfo: id: 537919900, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 804526, creationTime 1520255287832, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537919900, 0, 0, 804526, 1520255287832L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 20:08:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537919900: PreBattleInfo: id: 537919900, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 804526, creationTime 1520255287832, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 20:09:17] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 20:09:24] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 20:09:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:09:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:12] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:12] name Death_Ma3au [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:33] id 804497 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:33] name Zloy_Tapo4ek [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 3101923 {'jid': '3101923@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] id 804531 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] name kot441 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] @ launchpadAppeared 804531 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] [Weather][3017] onEnterWorld (map spaces/17_NA_fault_line/weathers.xml, scheme 1, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] id 804505 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] name zoon011287 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] id 804527 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] name Byldozerochek [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] id 804517 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] name IgorND [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:36] id 804509 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:36] name Armstrong621 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] id 804501 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] name gold_fisher_15 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] @ launchpadAppeared 804501 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] id 804503 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] name Baloto [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] @ launchpadAppeared 804503 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] id 804529 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] @ launchpadAppeared 804529 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] id 804489 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] name Volkodavv [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] BoardService.init [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] @ launchpadAppeared 804529 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:37] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] BoardService.restore [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] id 804485 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] name BELOGLAZOVSEREGA [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] id 804495 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] name osetrov_sergey_65 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:48] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:50] id 804485 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:51] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:51] name Overthrone [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:56] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:57] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:57] name Overthrone [S] [2018_03_05 20:11:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:01] id 804523 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:01] name KrAkEr2016 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:01] @ launchpadAppeared 804523 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:11] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:16] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:16] name Death_Ma3au [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:19] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:19] name Overthrone [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:20] id 804521 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:20] name GranombeR [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:23] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:23] name Masta123 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:23] @ launchpadAppeared 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:30] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:38] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:38] name partizan_lesnoi [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:40] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:43] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:43] id 804513 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:43] name tigr2809 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:46] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:50] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:50] name Overthrone [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:51] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:51] name partizan_lesnoi [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:58] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:59] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:59] name Masta123 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:59] @ launchpadAppeared 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:12:59] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:00] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:00] name Overthrone [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:06] id 804519 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:06] name 77_V_O_R_O_N_77 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:06] id 804513 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:14] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:16] id 804519 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:19] id 804507 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:19] name Letchik_groznyj [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:20] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3101923', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520255600L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:23] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:23] name Overthrone [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:26] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:26] name partizan_lesnoi [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:34] id 804519 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:34] name 77_V_O_R_O_N_77 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:36] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:36] name Death_Ma3au [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:40] id 804507 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:43] id 804513 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:43] name tigr2809 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:45] id 804499 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:45] name GBarca [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:13:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:02] id 804507 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:02] name Letchik_groznyj [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:06] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:06] id 804511 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:06] name nick5asd [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:09] id 804485 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:09] name BELOGLAZOVSEREGA [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:09] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:09] name partizan_lesnoi [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:20] id 804511 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:20] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:21] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:21] name Death_Ma3au [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:31] id 804511 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:31] name nick5asd [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:40] id 804487 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:40] name razboinik1979 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:40] @ launchpadAppeared 804487 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:47] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:47] id 804499 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:51] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:54] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:54] name Death_Ma3au [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:14:58] id 804507 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:01] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:02] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:02] name Masta123 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:02] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:02] @ launchpadAppeared 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:03] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:13] id 804499 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:13] name GBarca [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:23] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:26] id 804513 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:31] id 804487 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:35] id 804499 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:37] id 804513 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:37] name tigr2809 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:51] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:52] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:15:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:00] id 804487 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:00] name razboinik1979 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:00] @ launchpadAppeared 804487 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:13] id 804487 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:16] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:16] name Masta123 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:16] @ launchpadAppeared 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:18] id 804487 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:18] name razboinik1979 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:18] @ launchpadAppeared 804487 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:22] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:38] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:40] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:40] name Masta123 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:40] @ launchpadAppeared 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:52] id 804499 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:52] name GBarca [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:53] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:53] name partizan_lesnoi [S] [2018_03_05 20:16:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:00] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:00] name Death_Ma3au [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:06] id 804515 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:17] id 804523 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:17] id 804487 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:19] id 804523 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:19] name KrAkEr2016 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:19] @ launchpadAppeared 804523 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:26] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:26] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:26] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:26] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] (, 40957038887736, 48): 804482; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] [Weather][3017] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804485 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804489 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804491 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804493 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804495 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804497 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804499 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804501 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804503 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804505 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:28] id 804509 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804511 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804513 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804517 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804519 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804521 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804523 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804525 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804527 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804529 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] id 804531 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:29] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 7401}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 82255}}, 'moneyXP': 154, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 7572, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 7572, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 288627, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -99660, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 8, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1539, 'add_slots': (((), 4274974640L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4293750704L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4275924912L))}}}}, 'storage': {4293750704L: 2, 4275924912L: 8, 4278022064L: 14, 4274876336L: 3, 4284313520L: 12, 4283264944L: 13, 4274974640L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'exp': 52011}}, 'changedCrews': {16: {'exp': 4592}}, 'moneyXP': 154, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 8441, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 8441, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 148010, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -22180, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4259264496 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 7, 'autobuy': 13}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4291993520L), (None, 4288847792L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1537, 'add_slots': (((), 4260294576L), ((), 4287459248L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4282216368L), ((), 4288507824L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L))}}}}, 'storage': {4283264944L: 12, 4284313520L: 11, 4282216368L: 5, 4288507824L: 6, 4278022064L: 13, 4287459248L: 23, 4260294576L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, None), (None, None), (None, 4280459184L), (None, None))}}}}, 'storage': {4280459184L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -45000, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4259264496L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4283604912L), (None, None), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 4.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 50411, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:30] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 4.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 50411, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1123361) (15, 1127294) [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BR: {'credits': 160348, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1006, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274974640L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4279070640L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 3660, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[66, 660], [20, 3000], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520255534, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5626670671019534L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 13, 'credits': 288627, 'result': 2, 'exp': 3064, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520254478, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1123361, 3064), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 3064, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/19_OC_prey.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 13, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3064, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1126425, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/19_OC_PREY', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 19:54', 'dt': 1520255534, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1123361, 3064), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 5626670671019534L, 'credits': 288627, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520254478, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28276812 vovan74vovan 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 2828208 _Saint_Emir_ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3101923 He_Hago_neceH_0 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 3926182 XOZQIN 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:31] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:32] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q5': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:32] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:32] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:32] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:32] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:32] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:32] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BR: {'credits': 98673, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 562, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4260294576L, 2.5, True, 0]]}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4260294576L, 2.5, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 3780, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4283604912L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 18400, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[63, 3780], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 45000, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520255534, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3660, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3660, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520255534, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 99660, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520255534, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520255534, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520255534, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520255534, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3147606957834551L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 52, 'data': {'slot': 3147606957834551L, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'abilId': 4280459184L}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520255848, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3147606957834551L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 11, 'credits': 148010, 'result': 2, 'exp': 869, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520255287, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1126425, 869), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 869, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/17_NA_fault_line.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 11, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 869, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1127294, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/17_NA_FAULT_LINE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 20:08', 'dt': 1520255848, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1126425, 869), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 3147606957834551L, 'credits': 148010, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520255287, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_tpd default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520255848, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 3780, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 18400}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 3780, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520255848, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 22180, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 18400, 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:36] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520255848, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:36] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1520255848, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:36] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520255848, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:36] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASB034', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_BATTLESHIP', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'VI', 'cost': (45000, 0), 'shipType': 'Battleship', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Battleship', 'dt': 1520255848, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4259264496L, 'cost': (45000, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 20:17:42] !!! PostBattleWindow: Results Receive Timeout, going to Dock! [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:02] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:02] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_05 20:18:04] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_05 22:01:44] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_05 22:01:45] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:01:50] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((1,),) [S] [2018_03_05 22:01:54] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_05 22:01:54] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:01:54] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:00] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:00] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:01] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:01] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:01] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:01] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:03] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_05 22:02:05] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_05 22:02:05] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:06] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:06] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:06] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:06] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:06] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:06] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:07] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:07] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:08] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:08] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:08] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:11] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 310.0, 'prebattle': 340.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'spectatorHotkeysHidden': True, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'prebattle': 600.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 220.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 426.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:12] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:13] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:26] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:26] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:26] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:49] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:49] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:52] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:52] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:53] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:254372164963914101783136579304241102215","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:53] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:254372164963914101783136579304241102215', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:53] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:254372164963914101783136579304241102215', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:53] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:53] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x45D50470 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] [WWSD-XXX] issue init [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] [WWSD-XXX] issue in progress [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] (, 85216719876408, 20): onStreamComplete, ('no such requestId', (172, 172)) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] setServerTime: serverTime=1520262175 time.time()=1520262174.21 gInitialClientTime=40.9060020447 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:54] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:56] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:56] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:56] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:56] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:56] _onChangeTimeOut 700 [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:57] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:58] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:58] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1127294) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:58] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:58] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:58] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:58] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:58] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None))) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:58] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:58] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:59] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0]}, {4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4283023280L: [2, 2, 1], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 4.0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (2, False, 50411), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:02:59] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 8441, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 8441, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520433000.0, 1520436580.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 170817 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520436600.0, 1520436600.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 170817 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520451000.0, 1520451000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 170817 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:02] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:02] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:05] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 170813 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:07] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:09] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:09] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 16443875@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Well_11 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:10] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35959136', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520240964L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NEO__17', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/77621238', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520241243L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3101923', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520255601L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520256044L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x97\xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb2\xd1\x83\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5, \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520258038L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9c\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8, \xd1\x82\xd1\x8b \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xba\xd0\xb5 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/65106205', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520259363L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbe\xd1\x82 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0!!!!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:12] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520259376L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '))', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:16] availableShipParts 63 [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:16] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:03:31] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_05 22:05:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 65106205 {'jid': '65106205@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:06:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:06:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:06:57] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:06:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:08:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:08:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:08:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:08:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:08:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:08:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:08:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:09:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:11] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/18857956', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520262611L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:16] inviteToPreBattle() {preBattleId: 537989125, preBattleType: 1, inviteType: 1, expirationTime: 1520262917, creatorInfo: None, senderInfo: {senderName: 'Rize_Kamishiro', senderId: 810588, senderDBID: 40746582L, senderLevel: 15, senderRankInfo: 134234272, isAbuser: 0, clanID: 415279L, clanTag: u'ZAVOD', clanColor: 13477119}, state: '', regionID: 'RU'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:16] [DivisionEntranceContext] onInvitationReceived: {'isAbuser': 0, 'senderName': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'league': 0, 'inviteType': 1, 'senderDBID': 40746582L, 'preBattleId': 537989125, 'regionID': 'RU', 'senderId': 810588, 'clanID': 415279L, 'rankSeasonId': 8, 'creatorInfo': None, 'senderLevel': 15, 'clanColor': 13477119, 'state': '', 'senderRankInfo': 134234272, 'rank': 10, 'creationTime': 1520262617.298008, 'expirationTime': 1520262917, 'clanTag': u'ZAVOD', 'preBattleType': 1} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:16] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 8, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_INVITATION_RECEIVED_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'idInGroup': 8, 'divisionType': 'division', 'groupId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'id': 537989125} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:16] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0.0, 'selectedEntityId': 4323, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:16] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:16] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:16] onActionFailed(): errorId: RES_WRONG_ARGS: ERROR_INGAMENEWS_GET [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:16] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] joinToPreBattle() PrebattleId: 537989125 ShipId: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] onInviteAccepted() PreBattleId: 537989125 InviteResultId: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] Account.enterPreBattle: (295) (1, 537989125, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 810588, 40746582, u'', 1, None, 3, [(913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520261017272L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 40746582 Rize_Kamishiro 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 2, 'sourceId': 1, 'idInGroup': 2, 'divisionType': 'division', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_YOUR_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:20] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:21] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:23] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, -1, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 1520262924, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:23] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=None, teamId=-1, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=1520262924, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (1,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:23] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_ENTERED_PREBATTLE', 'typeId': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_PLAYER_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'playerName': '__ReRuRk__', 'idInGroup': 3, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] [DivisionConxtext] __onInvitedPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:29] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:29] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:29] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:29] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:29] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:29] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [59] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:32] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:32] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:32] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:32] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:32] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:33] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:33] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:35] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:41] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:41] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:41] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:41] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:41] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:43] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:45] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:46] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:46] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:46] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:10:52] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 27 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:00] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:00] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:00] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:00] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 44_Path_warrior [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 1018247 Name: BUR0 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 1500783 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537927186 Name: vlad1971 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC038_Atago_1944 avatarId: 1500785 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 1065236 Name: SidUPCG TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1500787 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 1049110 Name: Iseey0u TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 1500789 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537930052 Name: Fimoza TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1522405 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283812784L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 917415 Name: TropaVoin TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1500793 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537790126 Name: Uaz42rus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD107_Akatsuki avatarId: 1500795 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537772082 Name: GUNTER_BORG TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1500797 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 947254 Name: Azovskij_volk TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC107_Algerie avatarId: 1500799 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537674936 Name: _GromoBiY_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC708_ARP_Takao avatarId: 1522401 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537930940 Name: trus_v_kustax TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1522403 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 538000580 Name: ita125 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD208_Pr_30 avatarId: 1500791 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537827382 Name: GalimUmirov1957 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC107_Schors avatarId: 1522407 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 913528 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1522427 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 907093 Name: larinserg TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 1522411 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 810588 Name: Rize_Kamishiro TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1522413 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 979805 Name: BERKUT_410 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1522415 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 1083747 Name: __ReRuRk__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1522417 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 1005158 Name: Altair23rus TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 1522419 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4287581104L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537921513 Name: asddsasa TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1522421 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 953067 Name: koctjan70 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD107_Gadjah_Mada avatarId: 1522423 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 970864 Name: Durolog TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB109_Lion avatarId: 1522425 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537913720 Name: Lukich_69 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB508_Gascogne avatarId: 1522409 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:01] player: Id: 537960917 Name: 007dva TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB107_King_George_V avatarId: 1522429 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1500781; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1500781; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-375.9999084472656, -0.00029754638671875], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [100.21749877929688, -0.00029754638671875], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [502.7755126953125, 9.999999747378752e-05], radius: 120.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1500782, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1522427, 1520262647669L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1522427, creationTime 1520262647669, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1522427, 1520262647669L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1522427, creationTime 1520262647669, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1522427, 1520262647669L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1522427, creationTime 1520262647669, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:02] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1522413, 1520262647669L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1522413, creationTime 1520262647669, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1522413, 1520262647669L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1522413, creationTime 1520262647669, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1522413, 1520262647669L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1522413, creationTime 1520262647669, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1522413, 1520262647669L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1522413, creationTime 1520262647669, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1522413, 1520262647669L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1522413, creationTime 1520262647669, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1522413, 1520262647669L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:03] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1522413, creationTime 1520262647669, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:05] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:22] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:39] id 1522410 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:39] name Lukich_69 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1522410 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] [Weather][7279] onEnterWorld (map spaces/44_Path_warrior/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] id 1522422 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] name asddsasa [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] @ launchpadAppeared 1522422 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] id 1522428 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:40] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:41] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:42] id 1522404 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:42] name trus_v_kustax [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:42] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] id 1522416 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] name BERKUT_410 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1522416 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] id 1500786 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] name vlad1971 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1500786 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] id 1522412 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] name larinserg [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1522412 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:47] id 1500792 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:47] name ita125 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] id 1522414 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] name Rize_Kamishiro [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] id 1522418 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1522418 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] id 1500796 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] name Uaz42rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:51] id 1500800 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:51] name Azovskij_volk [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:11:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1500800 [S] [2018_03_05 22:12:06] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 22:13:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:13:27] id 1522422 [S] [2018_03_05 22:13:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:13:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:13:52] id 1522410 [S] [2018_03_05 22:13:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:23] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:23] name Iseey0u [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:26] id 1522404 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:29] id 1500786 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:35] id 1522406 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:35] name Fimoza [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:40] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:47] id 1522430 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:47] name 007dva [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:14:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1522430 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:11] id 1500792 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:16] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:16] name GUNTER_BORG [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:20] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:22] id 1522430 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:23] id 1522430 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:23] name 007dva [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1522430 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:35] id 1522408 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:35] name GalimUmirov1957 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1522408 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:48] id 1500792 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:48] name ita125 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:48] id 1522408 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:50] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:50] name Iseey0u [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:51] id 1500800 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:51] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:55] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:55] name Iseey0u [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:15:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:05] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:22] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:22] name Iseey0u [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:23] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:23] name TropaVoin [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 2828208 {'jid': '2828208@wowsru.loc', 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:46] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:46] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:53] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:54] id 1500784 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:54] name BUR0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:55] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:55] name TropaVoin [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:57] id 1522412 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:58] id 1522424 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:58] name koctjan70 [S] [2018_03_05 22:16:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:02] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:04] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:13] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:13] name TropaVoin [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:40] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:40] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:17:56] id 1522424 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:13] id 1522408 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:13] name GalimUmirov1957 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1522408 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:19] id 1522426 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:19] name Durolog [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1522426 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:27] id 1522408 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:27] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:27] name Iseey0u [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:38] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:42] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:42] name Iseey0u [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:46] id 1522408 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:46] name GalimUmirov1957 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1522408 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:51] id 1522424 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:51] name koctjan70 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:18:59] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:15] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:15] name TropaVoin [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:22] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:22] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:24] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:26] id 1522410 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:26] name Lukich_69 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1522410 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:38] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:19:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:03] id 1522404 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:03] name trus_v_kustax [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:07] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:07] name TropaVoin [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:16] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:17] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:17] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:23] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] name TropaVoin [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] name Iseey0u [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:37] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:38] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:38] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:58] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:20:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:12] id 1500788 [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:12] name SidUPCG [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:15] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:15] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:23] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:25] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:51] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:51] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:21:51] id 1500788 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:14] id 1522412 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:14] name larinserg [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1522412 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:15] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:15] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:18] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:18] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:18] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:19] id 1500788 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:19] name SidUPCG [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:22] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:27] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:27] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:36] id 1500800 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:36] name Azovskij_volk [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1500800 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:37] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:37] name GUNTER_BORG [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:44] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:53] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:53] name Iseey0u [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:53] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:55] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:57] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:57] name GUNTER_BORG [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:22:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:04] id 1522416 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:21] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:26] id 1522416 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:26] name BERKUT_410 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1522416 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:27] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:27] name GUNTER_BORG [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:38] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:38] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:48] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:48] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:23:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:13] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:13] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:15] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:15] name GUNTER_BORG [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] id 1522422 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] name asddsasa [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1522422 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] id 1500786 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] name vlad1971 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1500786 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] id 1522402 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] name _GromoBiY_ [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1522402 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:29] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:31] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:31] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:35] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:35] name GUNTER_BORG [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:40] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:41] Avatar.makeEvaluation 0 1522415 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:41] Avatar.onEvaluationAccepted 0 6 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:43] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:46] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:46] name GUNTER_BORG [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:24:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:06] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:11] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:11] name TropaVoin [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:13] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:13] name GUNTER_BORG [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:32] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:35] id 1522402 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:47] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:25:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:14] id 1522402 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:14] name _GromoBiY_ [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1522402 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:30] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:30] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:33] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:33] name TropaVoin [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:47] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:26:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:17] id 1522402 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:35] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:35] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:40] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:40] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:46] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:47] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:47] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:27:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:08] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:12] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:14] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: OptionsWindow [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:19] __onFoghornHearChanged hearFoghorn True [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:41] id 1522402 [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:41] name _GromoBiY_ [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1522402 [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:57] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:57] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:28:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:00] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:15] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:15] name GUNTER_BORG [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:19] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:19] name Altair23rus [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:22] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:22] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:22] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:25] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:25] setFpsGathererActive(False) [E] [2018_03_05 22:29:25] Entity.base is only available on the connected entity[E] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Can only call base methods on the connected entity [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1500781; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] [Weather][7279] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1500784 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1500786 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1500788 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1500790 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1500792 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1500794 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1500796 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1500798 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1500800 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1522402 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1522404 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1522406 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1522408 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1522410 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1522412 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1522414 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] id 1522416 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] id 1522418 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] id 1522420 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] id 1522422 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] id 1522424 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] id 1522426 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] id 1522428 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:27] id 1522430 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 10556}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 85410}}, 'moneyXP': 158, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 11596, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 11596, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 282038, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -102690, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 7, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1539, 'add_slots': (((), 4274974640L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4293750704L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4275924912L))}}}}, 'storage': {4283264944L: 11, 4275924912L: 7, 4278022064L: 12, 4274876336L: 2, 4274974640L: 2, 4284313520L: 10, 4293750704L: 1}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:28] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 4.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 61597, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BR: {'credits': 156687, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1036, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274974640L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 6690, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[219, 2190], [30, 4500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520263764, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6445802538753533L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 27, 'credits': 282038, 'result': 2, 'exp': 3155, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520262653, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1127294, 3155), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 3155, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/44_Path_warrior.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 27, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3155, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1130449, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/44_PATH_WARRIOR', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 22:10', 'dt': 1520263764, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1127294, 3155), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6445802538753533L, 'credits': 282038, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520262653, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:29] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'praisesLeft', 'denunciationsLeft', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1127294) (15, 1130449) [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] Account.enterPreBattle: (354) (1, 537989125, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 810588, 40746582, u'', 1, None, 3, [(913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520262647669L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 2}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 40746582 Rize_Kamishiro 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q5': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520263764, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 6690, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 6690, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520263764, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 102690, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520263764, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520263764, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 18857956 aleksandr0879 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 23371028 ctark69 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58507520 Lunatic_heaven 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:30] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:31] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520263764, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:31] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520263764, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:35] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:35] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:40] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:41] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:41] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:41] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:41] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:41] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:43] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:43] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:48] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:48] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:48] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:48] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:48] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:48] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:48] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:48] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:53] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:53] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:53] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:53] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:53] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:54] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:54] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:54] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:54] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:29:54] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:00] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:01] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:01] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:04] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:04] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:10] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 23 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:18] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:18] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:18] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:18] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:18] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:18] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:18] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:18] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:19] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:19] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:19] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:19] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:19] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:19] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:19] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 38_Canada [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537819072 Name: chipit TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 1544298 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 978308 Name: kelt18 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD508_LoYang avatarId: 1544278 isBot: False dogeTage: [4281322416L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 951439 Name: BuTaJluK__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 1544280 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 917268 Name: rastofara TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1544282 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286958512L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 1046423 Name: krokodil057 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 1544284 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537958816 Name: Kapilla TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 1544286 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 972717 Name: Sergey112 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC017_Baltimore_1944 avatarId: 1544288 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 997294 Name: zeno0 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1544290 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 917424 Name: vase4kinrus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1544292 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4271852464L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537813170 Name: atya11 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1544294 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 1062459 Name: mazda57 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1544296 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 933696 Name: Aredhel TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 1544276 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537815840 Name: flyer49 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1544300 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537720907 Name: GALAX59 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 1544302 isBot: False dogeTage: [4287613872L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537937107 Name: Valodia_1970 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 1544304 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537812440 Name: CaTaFrAcT TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 1544306 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 810588 Name: Rize_Kamishiro TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1544308 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 904798 Name: NemoJr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 1544310 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537826530 Name: 200011_ruslan TeamId: 0 ShipName: PZSD110_Hsiang_Yang avatarId: 1544312 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282764208L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 1083747 Name: __ReRuRk__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1544314 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537685101 Name: stroitel2 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1544316 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 537921534 Name: uron53 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB110_Grossdeutschland avatarId: 1544322 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4261366704L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 913528 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1544320 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] player: Id: 976254 Name: Artem_Phow TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 1544318 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1544274; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1544274; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-399.9996032714844, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-59.99980163574219, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [279.99951171875, 9.999999747378752e-05], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1544275, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1102957, 0, 0, 1544300, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1544320, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544320, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1544320, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544320, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1544320, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544320, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1544320, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544320, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1544320, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544320, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1544320, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544320, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1544308, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544308, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1544308, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544308, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1544308, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544308, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1102957, 0, 0, 1544300, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544308, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1102957, 0, 0, 1544300, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544308, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1102957, 0, 0, 1544300, 1520263805393L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544308, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:48] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 22:30:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:31:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:31:23] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 22:32:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:32:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:33:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:33:42] id 1544283 [S] [2018_03_05 22:33:42] name rastofara [S] [2018_03_05 22:33:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:34:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:34:45] id 1544297 [S] [2018_03_05 22:34:45] name mazda57 [S] [2018_03_05 22:34:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:34:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:34:57] id 1544297 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] id 1544303 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] name GALAX59 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1544303 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] [Weather][7517] onEnterWorld (map spaces/38_Canada/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] id 1544291 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] name zeno0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] id 1544309 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] name Rize_Kamishiro [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] id 1544305 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] name Valodia_1970 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1544305 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] id 1544315 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1544315 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] id 1544277 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] name Aredhel [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1544277 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] id 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] name chipit [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:40] id 1544291 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:46] id 1544301 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:46] name flyer49 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1544301 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:51] id 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:57] id 1544303 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:57] id 1544293 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:57] name vase4kinrus [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] id 1544321 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:35:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:12] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:12] name kelt18 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:13] id 1544291 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:13] name zeno0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:13] id 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:13] name chipit [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:15] id 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:22] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:24] id 1544285 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:24] name krokodil057 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1544285 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:35] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:35] name atya11 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:37] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:37] name kelt18 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:36:40] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:01] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:01] name kelt18 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:06] id 1544291 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:07] id 1544317 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:07] name stroitel2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1544317 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:09] id 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:09] name chipit [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:15] id 1544317 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:15] id 1544311 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:15] name NemoJr [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1544311 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:23] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:23] name CaTaFrAcT [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1102957, 0, 0, 1544300, 1520263805393L, True, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {1102957: PreBattleInfo: id: 1102957, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544300, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden True, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1544308, creationTime 1520263805393, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:34] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:43] id 1544317 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:43] name stroitel2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1544317 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:43] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:48] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:48] name atya11 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:49] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:49] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:49] name CaTaFrAcT [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:52] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:55] id 1544289 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:55] name Sergey112 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:37:55] @ launchpadAppeared 1544289 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:00] id 1544297 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:00] name mazda57 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:02] id 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:10] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:12] id 1544297 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:40] id 1544297 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:40] name mazda57 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] name CaTaFrAcT [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] id 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] name chipit [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:45] @ launchpadAppeared 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:50] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:51] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:51] name CaTaFrAcT [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:51] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:52] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:57] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:57] name kelt18 [S] [2018_03_05 22:38:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:05] id 1544323 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:05] name uron53 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1544323 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:19] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:19] name atya11 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:24] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:24] name CaTaFrAcT [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:48] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:53] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:53] name kelt18 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:58] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:39:59] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:09] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:09] name atya11 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:19] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:20] id 1544319 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:20] name Artem_Phow [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1544319 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:21] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:21] name atya11 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:35] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:35] name kelt18 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:48] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:48] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:49] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:49] name kelt18 [S] [2018_03_05 22:40:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:03] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:09] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:09] name CaTaFrAcT [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:15] id 1544299 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:17] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:18] id 1544319 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:21] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:21] name kelt18 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:21] id 1544319 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:21] name Artem_Phow [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1544319 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:28] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:28] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:28] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:28] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1544274; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] [Weather][7517] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544277 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544279 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544283 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544285 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544289 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544293 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544295 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544297 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544301 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544305 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544307 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544309 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544311 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544315 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544317 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] id 1544319 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:30] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] id 1544321 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] id 1544323 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:31] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 13516}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 88370}}, 'moneyXP': 148, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 14556, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 14556, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 161705, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -98420, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 7, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 1539, 'add_slots': (((), 4274974640L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4293750704L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4275924912L))}}}}, 'storage': {4283264944L: 10, 4275924912L: 6, 4278022064L: 11, 4274876336L: 1, 4274974640L: 1, 4284313520L: 9, 4293750704L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4272830448L, 3)]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 5.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 61597, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:32] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1130449) (15, 1133409) [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] Account.enterPreBattle: (353) (1, 537989125, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 810588, 40746582, u'', 1, None, 3, [(913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520263805393L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 2}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 40746582 Rize_Kamishiro 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 18857956 aleksandr0879 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58507520 Lunatic_heaven 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BR: {'credits': 89836, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 972, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274974640L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 2420, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[92, 920], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520264490, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6632603551359619L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 23, 'credits': 161705, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2960, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520263811, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1130449, 2960), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2960, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/38_Canada.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 23, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2960, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1133409, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/38_CANADA', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 22:30', 'dt': 1520264490, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1130449, 2960), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6632603551359619L, 'credits': 161705, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520263811, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:33] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520264490, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 2420, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2420, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520264490, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 98420, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520264490, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520264490, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520264490, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520264490, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:37] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:37] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:38] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:44] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:45] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:45] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:45] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:45] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:48] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:48] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:54] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LobbyMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:55] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:41:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:05] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:05] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:05] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:05] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:05] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:05] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Options, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:11] newValue 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:11] (, 93931274603612, 44): Misc Setting option %d selected, ((0,),) [A] [2018_03_05 22:42:14] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:16] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:16] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:16] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:16] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:16] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:17] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:18] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:35] 102010221357176: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:35] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:38] newValue 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:40] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:41] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:41] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:46] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:46] (, 41417321023570, 39): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:47] (, 41417321023570, 84): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:47] (, 74216511361, 117): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:47] (, 74216511361, 41): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:47] (, 74216511361, 63): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:49] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_05 22:42:50] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_05 22:42:50] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:51] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:51] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:51] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:51] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:51] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:51] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:51] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:52] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:52] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:52] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:52] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:56] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:56] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:56] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 310.0, 'prebattle': 340.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'notificationsInboxHeight': 350.0, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'spectatorHotkeysHidden': True, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'prebattle': 600.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 354.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 220.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 805.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 190.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 426.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 399.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_05 22:42:57] Checking ./res_mods/: something was found [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:06] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:06] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:06] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:08] (, 68655752983053, 115): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:08] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:283242097472096627467477955137907999062","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:283242097472096627467477955137907999062', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:283242097472096627467477955137907999062', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] (, 644739172021, 29): init [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:11] (, 646899020218, 283): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x3D455BE0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] (, 52072768823501, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] [WWSD-XXX] issue init [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] [WWSD-XXX] issue in progress [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] (, 85216719876408, 20): onStreamComplete, ('no such requestId', (172, 172)) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] setServerTime: serverTime=1520264593 time.time()=1520264592.24 gInitialClientTime=14.5340003967 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] (, 90637015802688, 38): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:12] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:13] _onChangeTimeOut 700 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:15] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:16] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:16] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1133409) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:16] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:16] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:16] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:16] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:16] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None))) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:16] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:16] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:17] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4293836720L: [1, 1], 4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0]}, {4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4283023280L: [2, 2, 1], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10]}, {4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 5.0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4130750384L: (1, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (2, False, 61597), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:17] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 14556, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 14556, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'stage': 'league', 'division_rating': 70, 'battle_result': 'defeat'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] (, 52072616783546, 95): is in context [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520433000.0, 1520436580.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 168399 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520436600.0, 1520436600.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 168399 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] (, 68754671452218, 98): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520451000.0, 1520451000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 168399 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] Account.enterPreBattle: (369) (1, 537989125, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 810588, 40746582, u'', 1, None, 3, [(913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520263805393L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 2}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:20] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] (, 68780175847627, 28): next message in: 168396 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:23] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:25] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:25] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:25] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../nation_flags/big/flag_undefined.png" [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 40746582 Rize_Kamishiro 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 16443875@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Well_11 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:27] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/35959136', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520240964L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'NEO__17', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/77621238', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520241243L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd0\xbf\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'He_Hago_neceH_0', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/3101923', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520255601L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb1\xd1\x8f\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520256044L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x97\xd0\xb4\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xb2\xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb2\xd1\x83\xd0\xb9\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5, \xd0\xb2\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b !', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520258038L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9c\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8, \xd1\x82\xd1\x8b \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb5 \xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb4\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xba\xd0\xb5 ?', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Behruzbek1987', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/65106205', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520259363L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82 \xd1\x81\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd1\x81\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbe\xd1\x82 \xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0!!!!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Well_11', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/16443875', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520259376L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '))', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/18857956', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520262612L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:29] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:34] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:35] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:36] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:36] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:45] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 17 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:53] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 25_sea_hope [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537826322 Name: garik042 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 966483 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 896121 Name: pilote2222 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 966529 isBot: False dogeTage: [4273982384L, 4260318128L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537762714 Name: KOT_OXOTHIJK TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 966485 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286565296L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 1068444 Name: rvachev_sergey_2015 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD107_Pr_35_Udaloy avatarId: 966487 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 1027233 Name: t_mikhail TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 966489 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4256123824L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 952902 Name: Crazi_Maks TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 966505 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537973288 Name: don78_2017 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 966495 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4268706736L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537813298 Name: Iscander79 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 966497 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272278448L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537873209 Name: sergei35900953 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 966499 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 1080641 Name: MityaKiev TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 966501 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 955461 Name: 210985denis TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA012_Lexington_1944 avatarId: 966503 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4267658160L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537817926 Name: Mack888Dack TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 966491 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537757257 Name: _CRAZY_73RUS TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 966507 isBot: False dogeTage: [4286958512L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 766666 Name: SAMMM2 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 966509 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537842259 Name: XENON797 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 966511 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 1035863 Name: gricov0 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 966513 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 810588 Name: Rize_Kamishiro TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 966515 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537834405 Name: al01042015 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 966517 isBot: False dogeTage: [4268739504L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537775712 Name: Tiraell TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 966519 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 1083747 Name: __ReRuRk__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 966521 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 537758453 Name: Did_u_kedah TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC108_Charles_Martel avatarId: 966523 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 1034743 Name: krot262 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 966525 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 913528 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 966527 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] player: Id: 925305 Name: MotAA TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 966493 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] (, 40957038887736, 48): 966481; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] (, 40957038887736, 48): 966481; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-277.0, -0.00029754638671875], radius: 100.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [9.999999747378752e-05, -0.00029754638671875], radius: 100.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [276.99969482421875, -0.00029754638671875], radius: 100.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 966482, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966527, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966527, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966527, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966527, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966527, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966527, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:54] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_05 22:43:55] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966527, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966527, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966527, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966527, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966527, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966527, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:07] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:12] id 966516 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:12] name Rize_Kamishiro [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:12] [Weather][4665] onEnterWorld (map spaces/25_sea_hope/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] id 966492 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] name Mack888Dack [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] @ launchpadAppeared 966492 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] id 966504 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] name 210985denis [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:13] @ launchpadAppeared 966504 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] id 966528 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] id 966496 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] name don78_2017 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] @ launchpadAppeared 966496 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:14] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:15] id 966500 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:15] name sergei35900953 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:15] @ launchpadAppeared 966500 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] id 966508 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] name _CRAZY_73RUS [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, False, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=False, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] id 966510 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] name SAMMM2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] id 966520 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] name Tiraell [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:17] id 966484 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:17] name garik042 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:17] @ launchpadAppeared 966484 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:18] id 966502 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:18] name MityaKiev [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:18] @ launchpadAppeared 966502 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:19] id 966522 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:19] name __ReRuRk__ [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:19] @ launchpadAppeared 966522 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:23] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:23] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, False, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:23] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=False, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:31] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:44:58] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:12] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, False, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:12] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=False, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:17] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, False, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:17] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=False, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:25] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:25] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:26] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:45:26] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:07] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:19] id 966510 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:33] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:33] name rvachev_sergey_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:38] id 966512 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:38] name XENON797 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:38] @ launchpadAppeared 966512 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:40] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:49] id 966526 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:49] name krot262 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:50] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:50] name Crazi_Maks [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:50] @ launchpadAppeared 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:55] id 966526 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:57] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:57] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:46:57] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:11] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:11] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:11] name Did_u_kedah [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:11] @ launchpadAppeared 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:12] id 966498 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:12] name Iscander79 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:12] @ launchpadAppeared 966498 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:17] id 966498 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:25] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:25] name t_mikhail [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:25] @ launchpadAppeared 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:39] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] id 966498 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] name Iscander79 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] @ launchpadAppeared 966498 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:52] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:54] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:54] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:55] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:55] name rvachev_sergey_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:55] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:47:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:02] id 966504 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:03] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:03] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:03] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:04] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:15] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:18] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:19] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:19] name rvachev_sergey_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:19] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:30] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:33] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:33] name Crazi_Maks [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:33] @ launchpadAppeared 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:34] id 966526 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:34] name krot262 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:38] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:42] id 966510 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:42] name SAMMM2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:44] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:44] id 966512 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:48] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:48] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:48] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:48:48] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:05] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:05] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:05] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:07] setMode ShellTracker [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:07] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:08] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:08] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:08] name rvachev_sergey_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:10] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:13] id 966498 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:14] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:26] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:26] name t_mikhail [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:26] @ launchpadAppeared 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:29] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:30] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:30] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:30] name Crazi_Maks [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:30] @ launchpadAppeared 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:31] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:31] name Did_u_kedah [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:31] @ launchpadAppeared 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:32] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:34] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:42] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:42] name rvachev_sergey_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:43] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:44] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:44] name Crazi_Maks [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:44] @ launchpadAppeared 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:50] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:52] id 966498 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:52] name Iscander79 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:49:52] @ launchpadAppeared 966498 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:05] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:05] name Crazi_Maks [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:05] @ launchpadAppeared 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:11] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:11] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:11] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:19] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:24] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:25] id 966504 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:25] name 210985denis [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:25] @ launchpadAppeared 966504 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:29] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:36] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:36] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:37] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:37] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:38] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:39] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:41] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:42] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:43] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:45] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:47] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:51] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:57] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:59] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:59] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:59] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:50:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:02] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:14] id 966530 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:14] name pilote2222 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:14] @ launchpadAppeared 966530 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:17] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:17] name al01042015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:17] @ launchpadAppeared 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:17] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:17] name rvachev_sergey_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] name al01042015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] @ launchpadAppeared 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:22] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:26] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:30] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:30] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:30] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:34] id 966530 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:40] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:48] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:48] name rvachev_sergey_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:48] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:52] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:52] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:51:53] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:05] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:15] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:17] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:17] name Crazi_Maks [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:17] @ launchpadAppeared 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:27] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:27] name al01042015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:27] @ launchpadAppeared 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:28] id 966512 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:28] name XENON797 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:28] @ launchpadAppeared 966512 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:32] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:32] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:32] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:35] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:35] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:35] name t_mikhail [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:35] @ launchpadAppeared 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:43] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:45] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:45] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:53] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:53] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:53] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:53] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:58] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:52:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:01] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:07] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:07] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:07] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:07] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:08] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:08] name t_mikhail [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:08] @ launchpadAppeared 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:09] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, False, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:09] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=False, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:16] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, False, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:16] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=False, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:32] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:44] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:56] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:59] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:53:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:03] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:09] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:09] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:09] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:09] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:11] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:18] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:18] name al01042015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:18] @ launchpadAppeared 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:24] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:24] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:24] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:24] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:25] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:25] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:26] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:26] name t_mikhail [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:26] @ launchpadAppeared 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:28] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:31] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:35] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:37] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:37] name t_mikhail [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:37] @ launchpadAppeared 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:41] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:41] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:41] name al01042015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:41] @ launchpadAppeared 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:43] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:46] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] name t_mikhail [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:47] @ launchpadAppeared 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:58] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:58] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:54:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:05] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:05] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:05] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:06] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:06] name al01042015 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:06] @ launchpadAppeared 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:17] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:17] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:17] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:17] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:24] id 966530 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:24] name pilote2222 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:24] @ launchpadAppeared 966530 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:24] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:29] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:32] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:34] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:34] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:34] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:39] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:39] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:43] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:43] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:43] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:59] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:55:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:00] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:01] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:10] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:11] id 966530 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:12] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:14] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:14] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:18] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:18] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:18] name KOT_OXOTHIJK [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:18] @ launchpadAppeared 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:22] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:22] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:23] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:25] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:37] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:37] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:37] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:40] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:40] name Did_u_kedah [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:40] @ launchpadAppeared 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:48] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:49] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:49] name Did_u_kedah [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:49] @ launchpadAppeared 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:56:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:00] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:11] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:11] name Did_u_kedah [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:11] @ launchpadAppeared 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:11] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:14] id 966524 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:23] id 966512 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:24] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:24] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:42] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:42] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:57:56] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:58:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:58:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:58:56] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 22:58:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:00] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:00] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:00] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:00] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:27] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, False, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:27] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=False, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:29] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:29] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:33] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, False, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:33] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=False, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:37] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:39] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:39] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:39] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:41] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] Avatar.receivePlayerData: (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', 4272895696L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=4272895696L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 966515, 1520264617540L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 966515, creationTime 1520264617540, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:54] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 22:59:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:01] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:06] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:19] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:19] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:20] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:21] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:22] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:22] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:23] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:31] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:31] name gricov0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:31] @ launchpadAppeared 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:38] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:39] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:41] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:47] id 966514 [S] [2018_03_05 23:00:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:01] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:01] name MotAA [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:08] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:08] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:08] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:08] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:10] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: PostBattleWindow [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:10] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] (, 40957038887736, 48): 966481; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] [Weather][4665] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966484 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966486 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966488 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966490 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966492 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966494 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966496 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966498 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966500 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966502 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966504 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966506 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966510 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966516 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966518 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966520 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966522 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966526 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:11] id 966528 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 17037}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 91891}}, 'moneyXP': 177, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 18077, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 18077, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 171672, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -97940, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 7, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 771, 'add_slots': (((), 4274974640L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4274876336L), ((), 4275924912L))}}}}, 'storage': {4283264944L: 9, 4284313520L: 8, 4278022064L: 10, 4274876336L: 0, 4274974640L: 0, 4275924912L: 5}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4272830448L, 4)]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 5.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 61597, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:12] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1133409) (15, 1136930) [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] Account.enterPreBattle: (353) (1, 537989125, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 810588, 40746582, u'', 1, None, 3, [(913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520264617540L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 2}) [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 40746582 Rize_Kamishiro 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BR: {'credits': 95373, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1156, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274974640L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4293750704L, 0.2, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 1940, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[44, 440], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520265669, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4151001512502706L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 17, 'credits': 171672, 'result': 1, 'exp': 3521, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520264626, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1133409, 3521), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 3521, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/25_sea_hope.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 17, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 3521, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1136930, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/25_SEA_HOPE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 22:43', 'dt': 1520265669, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1133409, 3521), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4151001512502706L, 'credits': 171672, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520264626, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 18857956 aleksandr0879 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58507520 Lunatic_heaven 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:14] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:14] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:14] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:14] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:14] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:14] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:14] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520265669, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1940, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:14] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1940, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520265669, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 97940, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:15] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520265669, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:15] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520265669, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:15] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520265669, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:15] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520265669, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:17] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:17] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:21] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:23] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:23] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:23] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:23] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:24] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:25] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (1083747, 42068440, '__ReRuRk__', None, -2, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4285516720L, 4277095344L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:25] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=1083747, dbid=42068440, name='__ReRuRk__', shipId=None, teamId=-2, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4285516720L, 4277095344L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:25] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_LEFT_DIVISION', 'typeId': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_PLAYER_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_1_DIVISION', 'playerName': '__ReRuRk__', 'idInGroup': 3, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 1, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:25] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:25] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:25] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:25] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:39] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:44] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:44] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:44] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:48] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:51] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:01:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:03:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:03:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:03:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'eventId': 'PLAYER_ENTERED_PREBATTLE', 'typeId': 3, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_UI_PLAYER_ACTION_IN_DIVISION_0_DIVISION', 'playerName': 'Warcry_', 'idInGroup': 3, 'divisionType': 'division', 'sourceId': 1, 'actionId': 0, 'groupId': 2} [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:47] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:54] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 4279220208L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:54] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=4279220208L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:54] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:54] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:54] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:54] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [9, 11], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 1], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:54] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:54] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [9, 11], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 1], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:55] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:56] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:56] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:56] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:56] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:56] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:56] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [9, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 1], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:56] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 23:04:56] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:04] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:04] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:04] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:04] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:04] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:05] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:05] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:05] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:05] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:05] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:05] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:09] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:09] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:09] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:09] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:09] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:09] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:20] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:20] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:20] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:20] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:05:20] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:15] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:15] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:15] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:15] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:15] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:17] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:20] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:29] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:29] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:40] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 22 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:48] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:48] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:48] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:48] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:48] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:48] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:48] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:48] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 37_Ridge [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 537947905 Name: Barr TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASC014_New_Orlean_1944 avatarId: 1621972 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 918787 Name: TolRHbI4 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 1621974 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 960516 Name: Kostore3 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB110_Conqueror avatarId: 1621976 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 846471 Name: mangyst_1707 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1621978 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 537863048 Name: albarf TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 1621980 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 537942154 Name: mishanja158 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1621982 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 537873420 Name: ALEXPRED TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1621984 isBot: False dogeTage: [4261792688L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 1081757 Name: Denis1508 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC110_Pr_66_Moskva avatarId: 1621986 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 538000798 Name: muslayus TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1621988 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 1036331 Name: Silver_AZ66 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC108_Pr_68_Chapaev avatarId: 1621990 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 537883763 Name: Dunduzel TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1649616 isBot: False dogeTage: [4279225264L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 537865663 Name: serg1978asv TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1621994 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 947782 Name: Lumumzer TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 1621996 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 1054279 Name: messioner2013 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB018_Iowa_1944 avatarId: 1621998 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 538000718 Name: LLITo_c_JIuLjoM TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB110_Conqueror avatarId: 1622000 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 537864275 Name: Rebbe_KhUA TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1649602 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 537762519 Name: celticsss TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1649604 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 810588 Name: Rize_Kamishiro TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1649606 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 930784 Name: Warcry_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1649608 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 537876966 Name: MadMix TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC020_Des_Moines_1948 avatarId: 1649610 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 979693 Name: Ihtiandr2508 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1649612 isBot: False dogeTage: [4279618480L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 1000050 Name: Warfoloney TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1649614 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 1027315 Name: gosh2016_iwanow TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1621992 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] player: Id: 913528 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1649618 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1621970; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1621970; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-279.99969482421875, 0.0], radius: 135.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [150.0, -0.000396728515625], radius: 135.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [536.9974975585938, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 135.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1621971, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021532, 0, 0, 1621984, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1621984, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021532, 0, 0, 1649602, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021532, 0, 0, 1649602, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021532, 0, 0, 1649602, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1649618, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649618, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1649618, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649618, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1649618, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649618, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:49] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021347, 0, 0, 1621976, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1621976, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649618, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021347, 0, 0, 1621976, 1520265990689L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1621976, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649618, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021347, 0, 0, 1621976, 1520265990689L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1621976, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649618, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:50] [Scaleform] Warning: An image with resource id 13 is not found in resource table. [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021347, 0, 0, 1649610, 1520265990689L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649610, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649618, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021347, 0, 0, 1649610, 1520265990689L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649610, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649618, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:51] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021347, 0, 0, 1649610, 1520265990689L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:51] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649610, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649618, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1649606, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649610, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649606, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1649606, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649610, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649606, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1649606, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649610, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649606, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1649606, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649610, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649606, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1649606, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649610, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649606, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1649606, 1520265990689L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:06:53] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021347: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021347, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649610, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked 1 , 538021532: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021532, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1649602, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1649606, creationTime 1520265990689, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] id 1649615 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] name Warfoloney [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] [Weather][7963] onEnterWorld (map spaces/37_Ridge/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] id 1649609 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] name Warcry_ [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] id 1621975 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] name TolRHbI4 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] id 1649619 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] id 1621977 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] name Kostore3 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] id 1621979 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] name mangyst_1707 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] id 1649617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] name Dunduzel [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] id 1621991 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] name Silver_AZ66 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1621991 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] id 1649607 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] name Rize_Kamishiro [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] id 1621995 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] name serg1978asv [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:12] id 1621983 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:12] name mishanja158 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1621983 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:14] id 1649611 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:14] name MadMix [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1649611 [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:15] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:07:53] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 23:08:22] Avatar.makeEvaluation 1 1622000 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:08:22] Avatar.onEvaluationAccepted 1 6 [S] [2018_03_05 23:08:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:08:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:08:39] id 1649617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:08:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:08:52] id 1649615 [S] [2018_03_05 23:08:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:10] id 1649617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:10] name Dunduzel [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:13] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:13] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:22] id 1649613 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:22] name Ihtiandr2508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:34] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:42] id 1649613 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:54] id 1621981 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:54] name albarf [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1621981 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:55] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:55] name LLITo_c_JIuLjoM [S] [2018_03_05 23:09:55] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:11] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:11] name Denis1508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:12] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:12] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:14] id 1621981 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:16] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:18] id 1649611 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:18] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:18] id 1649605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:18] name celticsss [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:19] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:19] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:27] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:27] name gosh2016_iwanow [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:10:57] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:06] id 1621981 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:06] name albarf [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1621981 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:10] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:10] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:15] id 1621979 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:17] id 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:17] name messioner2013 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:18] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:18] name LLITo_c_JIuLjoM [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:19] id 1649613 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:19] name Ihtiandr2508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:19] id 1621989 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:19] name muslayus [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:20] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:23] id 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:23] name Barr [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:23] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:23] name Denis1508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:25] id 1649605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:25] id 1621981 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:27] id 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:29] id 1649611 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:29] name MadMix [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:29] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1649611 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:30] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:30] id 1621981 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:30] name albarf [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1621981 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:31] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:32] id 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:34] id 1649615 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:34] name Warfoloney [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:34] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] name gosh2016_iwanow [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] id 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] name Barr [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] id 1649605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] name celticsss [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:41] id 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:41] name messioner2013 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:41] @ launchpadAppeared 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:43] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:43] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:50] id 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:55] id 1621989 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:55] id 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:11:56] id 1649605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:04] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:06] id 1649605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:06] name celticsss [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:06] id 1621989 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:06] name muslayus [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:07] id 1621979 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:07] name mangyst_1707 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:07] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:07] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:13] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:13] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:15] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:16] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:21] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:22] id 1621989 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:23] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:23] name gosh2016_iwanow [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:26] id 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:26] name messioner2013 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:26] id 1649605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:27] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:27] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:31] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:31] name Denis1508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:33] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:33] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:35] id 1649605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:35] name celticsss [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:36] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:39] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:43] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:43] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:44] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:47] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:49] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:49] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:53] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:53] name gosh2016_iwanow [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:57] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:57] name Denis1508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:59] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:59] name LLITo_c_JIuLjoM [S] [2018_03_05 23:12:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:02] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:02] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:04] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:06] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:06] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:07] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:10] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:13] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:14] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:17] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:25] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:26] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:28] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:29] id 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:29] name Barr [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:31] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:31] name gosh2016_iwanow [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:34] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:34] name LLITo_c_JIuLjoM [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:34] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:38] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:38] name Rebbe_KhUA [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:40] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:41] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:45] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:45] name Denis1508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:52] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:13:54] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:01] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:01] name LLITo_c_JIuLjoM [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:03] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:03] name gosh2016_iwanow [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:04] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:05] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:06] id 1621989 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:06] name muslayus [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:06] id 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:07] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:07] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:22] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:23] id 1621989 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:29] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:33] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:33] name Denis1508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:33] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:33] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:39] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:39] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:14:40] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:01] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:01] name LLITo_c_JIuLjoM [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:01] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:05] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:05] name Denis1508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:23] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:31] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:31] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:45] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:49] id 1621989 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:49] name muslayus [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:50] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:51] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:51] name LLITo_c_JIuLjoM [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:51] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:51] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:53] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:53] name Denis1508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:54] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:15:56] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:02] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:02] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:11] id 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:13] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:13] name Rebbe_KhUA [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:15] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:20] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:36] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:36] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:39] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:39] name LLITo_c_JIuLjoM [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:40] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:42] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:42] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:43] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:43] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:51] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:51] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:53] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:53] name Rebbe_KhUA [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:54] id 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:54] name messioner2013 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:16:59] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:00] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:00] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:11] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:11] name LLITo_c_JIuLjoM [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:11] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:15] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:15] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:19] id 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:19] name Barr [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:39] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:58] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:58] name Denis1508 [S] [2018_03_05 23:17:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:02] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:09] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:09] name Rebbe_KhUA [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:15] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:17] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:17] name Rebbe_KhUA [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:25] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:26] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:18:59] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:00] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:04] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:04] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:17] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:28] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:36] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:37] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:37] name ALEXPRED [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:46] id 1621985 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:48] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:48] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:48] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1621970; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] [Weather][7963] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621973 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621975 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621977 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621979 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621981 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621983 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621987 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621989 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621991 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621993 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:50] id 1621995 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1621997 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1621999 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649607 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649609 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649611 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649613 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649615 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] id 1649619 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 21629}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 96483}}, 'moneyXP': 230, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 22669, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 22669, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:51] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 251454, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -98250, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 6, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4275924912L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 9, 4284313520L: 7, 4283264944L: 8, 4275924912L: 4}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4272830448L, 5)]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 5.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 76959, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'praisesLeft', 'denunciationsLeft', 'karma', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1136930) (15, 1141522) [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] Account.enterPreBattle: (345) (1, 537989125, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 810588, 40746582, u'', 1, None, 3, [(913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]), (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520265990689L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 82596019 Warcry_ 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 40746582 Rize_Kamishiro 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BR: {'credits': 167636, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1508, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4274974640L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 2250, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[75, 750], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 57, 'dt': 1520266789, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 1}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 57, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_PRAISES_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 18, 'groupId': 3, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1520266789, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 1}, 'message': '\xd0\x92\xd0\xb0\xd1\x88\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0 \xd1\x83\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd1\x87\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 \xd0\xbd\xd0\xb0 1.'} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 18857956 aleksandr0879 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58507520 Lunatic_heaven 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520266790, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6966305330391825L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 22, 'credits': 251454, 'result': 1, 'exp': 4592, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520266001, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1136930, 4592), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 4592, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/37_Ridge.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 22, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 4592, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1141522, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/37_RIDGE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 23:06', 'dt': 1520266790, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1136930, 4592), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6966305330391825L, 'credits': 251454, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520266001, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520266790, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 2250, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:54] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2250, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520266790, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 98250, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:55] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520266790, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520266790, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:55] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520266790, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:55] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520266790, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:58] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:58] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 23:19:58] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:02] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:03] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:03] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:04] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:04] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:05] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:08] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:09] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:11] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:11] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:11] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:12] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:12] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:12] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:12] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:12] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:12] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:12] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:20] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4278120368L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4278120368L: 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:20] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4278120368L}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:20] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4278120368L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:22] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:25] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:37] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:37] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:37] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:37] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:37] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:38] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:40] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:40] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:40] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 24 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:40] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:47] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:47] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:47] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:47] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:47] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:47] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:47] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 6, 1: 6}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 40_Okinawa [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537801921 Name: Bull40 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSC110_Minotaur avatarId: 1661946 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537859344 Name: Tank_234_1 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB109_Alsace avatarId: 1661924 isBot: False dogeTage: [4248161200L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537942160 Name: STRYI70 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1661926 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537907417 Name: Pro100_ZOHAN TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1661928 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537795484 Name: Fofan72 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD013_Gearing_1945 avatarId: 1661930 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4283386800L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537986590 Name: lobanov_041 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSB109_Lion avatarId: 1661932 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537653663 Name: mysticalddd TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1661934 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537663012 Name: KozakStar01 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1661936 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537896486 Name: vla5018 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD013_Gearing_1945 avatarId: 1661938 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 925364 Name: romzes902 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 1661940 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4270803888L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 1068469 Name: Krissoffer TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB017_Montana_1945 avatarId: 1661942 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 1018297 Name: ARFVE TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 1661944 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4273949616L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 1061185 Name: 12_boi12 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1661922 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 1009990 Name: jonik8 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1661948 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4281289648L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537774667 Name: BAD_SANTA_51_RUS TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1661950 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537814352 Name: ADMiRAL2687 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC110_Henri_IV avatarId: 1661952 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4223617968L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 1030737 Name: TVOEGORE TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1661954 isBot: False dogeTage: [4261792688L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537883353 Name: skylator TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1661956 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 810588 Name: Rize_Kamishiro TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1661958 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 930784 Name: Warcry_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1661960 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537890273 Name: makskiller888 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB110_Grossdeutschland avatarId: 1661962 isBot: False dogeTage: [4258646960L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 1002978 Name: KRIVBASS1002 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 1661964 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 537821862 Name: Rusichi121 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC034_Zao_1944 avatarId: 1661966 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] player: Id: 913528 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1661968 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1661920; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1661920; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-250.00009155273438, 249.99990844726562], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [0.0, 0.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [249.99990844726562, -250.0], radius: 140.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1661921, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661954, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1661968, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1661968, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1661968, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1118489, 1, 0, 1661956, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661956, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1118489, 1, 0, 1661956, 1520266840549L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661956, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1118489, 1, 0, 1661956, 1520266840549L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661956, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1118489, 1, 0, 1661924, 1520266840549L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1118489, 1, 0, 1661924, 1520266840549L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1118489, 1, 0, 1661924, 1520266840549L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:48] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1118489, 1, 0, 1661924, 1520266840549L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1118489, 1, 0, 1661924, 1520266840549L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:49] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1118489, 1, 0, 1661924, 1520266840549L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:49] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661968, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1661958, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1661958, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1661958, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1661958, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1661958, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 0, 0, 1661958, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661954, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:20:52] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:14] id 1661937 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:14] name KozakStar01 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:14] [Weather][7368] onEnterWorld (map spaces/40_Okinawa/weathers.xml, scheme 2, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:15] id 1661951 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:15] name BAD_SANTA_51_RUS [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:16] id 1661959 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:16] name Rize_Kamishiro [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:18] id 1661927 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:18] name STRYI70 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1661927 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] id 1661963 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] name makskiller888 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1661963 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] id 1661931 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] name Fofan72 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] id 1661961 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] name Warcry_ [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:21] id 1661929 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:21] name Pro100_ZOHAN [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1661929 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] id 1661941 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] name romzes902 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] id 1661947 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] name Bull40 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] id 1661969 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:22] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:23] id 1661967 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:23] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1661967 [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:21:53] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 23:22:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:22:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] name jonik8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:19] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:34] id 1661937 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:36] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:36] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:36] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:36] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:54] id 1661929 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:55] id 1661941 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:56] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:23:56] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:07] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:07] name Tank_234_1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:07] @ launchpadAppeared 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:08] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:10] id 1661937 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:10] name KozakStar01 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:14] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:14] name Tank_234_1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:17] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:30] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:30] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:36] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:38] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:38] name KRIVBASS1002 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:47] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:52] id 1661941 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:52] name romzes902 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:58] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:24:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:01] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:01] name jonik8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:05] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:05] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:05] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] id 1661933 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] name lobanov_041 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1661933 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:10] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:11] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:11] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:11] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:11] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:11] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:11] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:21] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:25] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:37] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:37] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:41] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:41] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:47] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:47] name Tank_234_1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:49] id 1661935 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:49] name mysticalddd [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:51] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:51] name 12_boi12 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:55] id 1661935 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:56] id 1661935 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:56] name mysticalddd [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:58] id 1661929 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:58] name Pro100_ZOHAN [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:58] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1661929 [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:25:58] id 1661935 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:00] id 1661957 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:00] name skylator [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:01] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:01] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:02] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:02] name Tank_234_1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:06] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:10] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:10] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:12] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:14] id 1661953 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:14] name ADMiRAL2687 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:14] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:14] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:22] id 1661955 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:22] name TVOEGORE [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:22] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:25] id 1661935 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:25] name mysticalddd [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:35] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:38] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:38] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:38] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:38] name jonik8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:26:43] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:00] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:00] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:04] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:04] name jonik8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:06] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:14] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:14] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:14] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:14] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:14] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:14] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:15] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:15] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:15] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:15] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:15] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:15] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:16] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:16] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:21] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:37] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:38] id 1661951 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:46] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:46] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:52] id 1661957 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:54] id 1661957 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:54] name skylator [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:56] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:27:58] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:07] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:07] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:12] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:14] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:15] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:18] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:20] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:20] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:21] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:24] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:24] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:25] id 1661967 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:25] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:25] name 12_boi12 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:27] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:33] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:33] name jonik8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:33] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:37] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:42] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:42] name 12_boi12 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:44] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:47] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:49] id 1661967 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:49] name Rusichi121 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:49] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1661967 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:52] id 1661951 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:52] name BAD_SANTA_51_RUS [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:53] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:58] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:58] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:58] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:28:58] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:00] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:00] name 12_boi12 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:02] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:02] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:03] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:04] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:04] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:12] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:13] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:20] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:20] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:22] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:24] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:39] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:57] id 1661945 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:57] name ARFVE [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:29:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:02] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:02] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:06] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:06] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:12] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:12] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:12] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:15] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:30] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:43] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:44] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:44] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:45] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:46] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:46] name KRIVBASS1002 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:48] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:50] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:59] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021472, 0, 0, 1661942, 1520266840549L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:30:59] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021472: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021472, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661942, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False , 1118489: PreBattleInfo: id: 1118489, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1661924, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked 1 , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1661958, creationTime 1520266840549, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:03] id 1661957 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:13] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:13] name KRIVBASS1002 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:13] @ launchpadAppeared 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:14] id 1661957 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:14] name skylator [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:20] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:20] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:30] Avatar.makeEvaluation 0 1661964 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:30] Avatar.onEvaluationAccepted 0 5 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:30] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:33] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:33] name 12_boi12 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:44] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:44] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:46] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:49] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:49] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:31:55] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:05] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:05] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:05] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:06] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:06] id 1661957 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:10] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:12] id 1661957 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:12] name skylator [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:21] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:21] name KRIVBASS1002 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:34] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:38] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:40] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:32:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:07] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:22] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:23] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:46] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:46] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:49] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:49] name Tank_234_1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:49] @ launchpadAppeared 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:57] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:58] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:58] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:33:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:08] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:08] name Tank_234_1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:08] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] name vla5018 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] name KRIVBASS1002 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] @ launchpadAppeared 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] name 12_boi12 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:21] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:26] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:26] name Krissoffer [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:26] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:26] @ launchpadAppeared 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:27] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:36] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:42] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:42] name KRIVBASS1002 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:44] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:50] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:34:50] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:02] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:02] name KRIVBASS1002 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:02] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:02] name 12_boi12 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:05] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:11] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:16] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:30] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:30] name Tank_234_1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:37] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:39] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:48] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:48] name KRIVBASS1002 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:35:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:05] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:05] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:05] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:06] id 1661943 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:06] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:24] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:24] name Tank_234_1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:24] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:24] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:47] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:57] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:57] name KRIVBASS1002 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:57] @ launchpadAppeared 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:58] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:59] battle finish - Defeat [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:59] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:59] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 23:36:59] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:01] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:01] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1661920; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] [Weather][7368] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661923 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661925 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661927 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661929 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661931 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661933 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661935 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661937 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661939 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661941 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661945 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661947 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661949 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661951 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661953 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661955 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661957 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661959 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661961 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661963 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661965 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661967 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] id 1661969 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:02] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 23097}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 97951}}, 'moneyXP': 74, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 24137, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 24137, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 147744, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -97950, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 195, 'add_slots': (((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4275924912L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 8, 4284313520L: 6, 4283264944L: 7, 4275924912L: 3}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 5.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 76959, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'praisesLeft', 'denunciationsLeft', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1141522) (15, 1142990) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] Account.enterPreBattle: (344) (1, 537989125, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 810588, 40746582, u'', 1, None, 3, [(913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]), (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520266840549L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 82596019 Warcry_ 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 40746582 Rize_Kamishiro 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BR: {'credits': 65664, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 639, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4278120368L, 0.5, True, 0]]}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 1950, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[45, 450], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520267821, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6532569468071512L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 24, 'credits': 147744, 'result': 2, 'exp': 1468, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520266840, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1141522, 1468), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 1468, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/40_Okinawa.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_2', 'result': 2, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 24, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 1468, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1142990, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/40_OKINAWA', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 23:20', 'dt': 1520267821, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1141522, 1468), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 6532569468071512L, 'credits': 147744, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520266840, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 18857956 aleksandr0879 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58507520 Lunatic_heaven 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:05] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {}, '25818_q5': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {}, '24943_q00': {2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {}, '24900_q01': {2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:05] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:05] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:05] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:05] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:05] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:05] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:06] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520267821, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 1950, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:06] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 1950, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520267821, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 97950, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:06] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520267821, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:06] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 0, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520267821, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': False, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:07] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520267821, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:07] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520267821, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:10] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:10] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:10] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:14] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:15] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:15] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:15] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:15] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:20] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:21] setMode DockFlags [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:22] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:22] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:22] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:24] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:24] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:24] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:24] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:24] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:24] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:24] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:29] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:29] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:29] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:29] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:29] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:29] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:29] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:35] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4258197424L),)}}}}, 'storage': {4258197424L: 8}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:35] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4258197424L}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:35] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4258197424L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:36] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:41] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:43] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:45] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:45] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:48] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:37:57] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 22 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 6}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 37_Ridge [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 917377 Name: zhs707 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1035586 isBot: False dogeTage: [4267035568L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537995778 Name: chistopolec TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1035588 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 1052035 Name: dmitri_arendatelev TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSC110_Henri_IV avatarId: 1035590 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276472752L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 1180804 Name: Kubanb TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1035592 isBot: False dogeTage: [4262841264L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537992330 Name: Novchik80 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASA013_Essex_1945 avatarId: 1035594 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4285483952L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 931634 Name: zaems TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSC109_Saint_Louis avatarId: 1035596 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 947782 Name: Lumumzer TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC108_Edinburgh avatarId: 1035598 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 847405 Name: fobos7816 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 1035600 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 1009970 Name: 095_843 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1051602 isBot: False dogeTage: [4284468144L, 4263463856L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 1043008 Name: Starhound TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB002_Tirpiz_1942 avatarId: 1051604 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276472752L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537992390 Name: alfred_tagil TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1051606 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4290726832L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537882191 Name: Nevrolog_2015 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASA013_Essex_1945 avatarId: 1051608 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537885904 Name: Ratero_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1051610 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537862904 Name: Koss67 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1051632 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537872343 Name: ICy6uk TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC110_Hindenburg avatarId: 1051614 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537939545 Name: HE_CJIOMAJI_TAHK TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD013_Gearing_1945 avatarId: 1051616 isBot: False dogeTage: [4267035568L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 810588 Name: Rize_Kamishiro TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1051618 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537809759 Name: Vlashr TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1051620 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 930784 Name: Warcry_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1051622 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 537930337 Name: sanek888888888888 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD110_Hsiang_Yang avatarId: 1051624 isBot: False dogeTage: [4261792688L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 1057766 Name: Speed_and_Atack TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 1051626 isBot: False dogeTage: [4290759600L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 1025638 Name: erema_62_RUS TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1051628 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4262415280L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 984562 Name: _D_E_N_D_I__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1051630 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292201392L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] player: Id: 913528 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1051612 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1035584; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1035584; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-279.99969482421875, 0.0], radius: 135.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [150.0, -0.000396728515625], radius: 135.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [536.9974975585938, -0.0001983642578125], radius: 135.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1035585, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538034275, 0, 0, 1051630, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021670, 0, 0, 1051620, 1520267866961L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051620, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1051612, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051620, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1051612, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051620, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1051612, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051620, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:05] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021670, 0, 0, 1035596, 1520267866961L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021670, 0, 0, 1035596, 1520267866961L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021670, 0, 0, 1035596, 1520267866961L, False, 1) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021706, 1, 0, 1035598, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021706, 1, 0, 1035598, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021706, 1, 0, 1035598, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:06] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:07] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021706, 1, 0, 1035598, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021706, 1, 0, 1035598, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:07] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538021706, 1, 0, 1035598, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:07] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051612, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1051618, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1051618, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1051618, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1051618, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1051618, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 1, 0, 1051618, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1051630, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538034275, 0, 0, 1035594, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035594, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538034275, 0, 0, 1035594, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035594, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538034275, 0, 0, 1035594, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:09] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035594, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:21] id 1035593 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:21] name Kubanb [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:21] [Weather][5042] onEnterWorld (map spaces/37_Ridge/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:22] id 1035597 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:22] name zaems [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1035597 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:23] id 1051615 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:23] name ICy6uk [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1051615 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:24] id 1051629 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:24] name erema_62_RUS [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1051629 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:25] id 1051605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:25] name Starhound [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1051605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:25] id 1051623 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:25] name Warcry_ [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:26] id 1051619 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:26] name Rize_Kamishiro [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:26] id 1051611 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:26] name Ratero_ [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:27] id 1051621 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:27] name Vlashr [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] id 1051613 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] id 1051609 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] name Nevrolog_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] @ launchpadAppeared 1051609 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] id 1051625 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] name sanek888888888888 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:29] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:30] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:38:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:39:10] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 23:39:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:39:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:13] id 1051609 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:21] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:30] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:30] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:32] id 1051601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:32] name fobos7816 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:32] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] name Koss67 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:33] @ launchpadAppeared 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:38] id 1051631 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:38] name _D_E_N_D_I__ [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:40] id 1051631 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:41] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:43] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:43] name HE_CJIOMAJI_TAHK [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:44] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:44] name Koss67 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:44] @ launchpadAppeared 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:46] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:46] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:47] id 1051601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:47] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:47] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:47] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:48] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:48] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:48] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:53] id 1051601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:53] name fobos7816 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:59] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:59] name Koss67 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:40:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:02] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:03] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:04] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:06] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:08] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:08] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:11] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:11] name Koss67 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:16] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:17] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:17] name zhs707 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:18] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:18] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:18] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:25] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:25] name Koss67 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:25] @ launchpadAppeared 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:34] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:34] id 1051605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:34] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:38] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:39] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:45] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:49] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:49] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:49] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:49] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:51] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:51] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:51] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:51] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:51] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:53] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:53] name zhs707 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:41:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:00] id 1051621 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:01] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:03] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:03] id 1035597 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:03] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:08] id 1035593 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:10] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:14] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:14] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:14] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:14] name zhs707 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:23] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:23] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:37] id 1051631 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:37] name _D_E_N_D_I__ [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:40] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:42] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:47] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:50] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:53] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:53] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:56] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:56] name HE_CJIOMAJI_TAHK [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:42:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:05] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:11] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:15] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:15] name HE_CJIOMAJI_TAHK [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:19] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] name dmitri_arendatelev [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] id 1035593 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] name Kubanb [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] id 1051621 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] name Vlashr [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] name Koss67 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] id 1051605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] name Starhound [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:21] @ launchpadAppeared 1051605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:22] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:22] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:22] id 1035597 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:22] name zaems [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1035597 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:23] id 1051609 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:23] name Nevrolog_2015 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:23] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1051609 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:39] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:39] name chistopolec [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:39] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:39] @ launchpadAppeared 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:42] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:54] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538034275, 0, 0, 1035594, 1520267866962L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:54] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538021706: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021706, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1035598, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538034275: PreBattleInfo: id: 538034275, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035594, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1051618, creationTime 1520267866962, hidden False, locked False , 538021670: PreBattleInfo: id: 538021670, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1035596, creationTime 1520267866961, hidden False, locked 1 } [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:58] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:58] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:58] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:43:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:03] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:03] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:03] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:06] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:06] name zhs707 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:07] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:07] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:07] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:07] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:11] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:12] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:12] name zhs707 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:21] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:25] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:25] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:27] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:27] name dmitri_arendatelev [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:27] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:28] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:28] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:37] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:37] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:38] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:38] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:41] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:41] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:41] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:47] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:47] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:50] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:59] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:59] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:44:59] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:00] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:01] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:02] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:02] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:09] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:09] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:20] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:20] name HE_CJIOMAJI_TAHK [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:20] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:25] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:25] name dmitri_arendatelev [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:25] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:25] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:29] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:29] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:30] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:30] name chistopolec [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:30] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:32] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:40] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:40] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:40] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:47] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:47] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:47] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:51] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:56] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:45:56] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:10] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:10] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:10] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:15] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:22] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:23] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:23] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:25] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:29] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:31] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:31] name chistopolec [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:31] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:32] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:32] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:32] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:34] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:38] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:38] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:42] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:44] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:46] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:47] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:53] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:53] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:53] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:55] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:58] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:46:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:00] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:00] name chistopolec [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:00] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:00] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:00] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:02] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:02] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:02] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:02] name chistopolec [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:02] @ launchpadAppeared 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:03] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:04] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 28174008 {'jid': '28174008@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'leo0415', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:05] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:07] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:07] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:08] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:10] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:10] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:11] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:11] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:15] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:15] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:15] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:20] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:21] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:21] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:23] id 1051607 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:23] name alfred_tagil [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:24] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:25] id 1051607 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:29] id 1051607 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:29] name alfred_tagil [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:35] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:35] name chistopolec [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:35] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:42] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:50] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:50] name dmitri_arendatelev [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:50] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:57] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:47:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:06] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:08] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:08] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:08] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:15] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 11200265 {'jid': '11200265@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dracon4uk', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:19] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:23] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:23] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:23] name chistopolec [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:23] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:23] @ launchpadAppeared 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:24] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:27] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:30] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:30] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:30] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:30] name HE_CJIOMAJI_TAHK [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:31] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:33] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:34] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:36] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:37] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:37] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:37] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:46] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:46] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:54] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:48:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:00] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:08] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:09] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:18] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:18] name 095_843 [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:43] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:43] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:43] name dmitri_arendatelev [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:43] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:44] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:49:50] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dracon4uk', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/11200265', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520268590L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x92\xd1\x81\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbc \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:07] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:13] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:14] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:15] id 1035595 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:15] name Novchik80 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:15] @ launchpadAppeared 1035595 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:20] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:21] id 1035595 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:30] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:30] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:43] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:44] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:44] name HE_CJIOMAJI_TAHK [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:46] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:51] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:51] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:51] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:51] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:52] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:53] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:53] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:53] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:53] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:53] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:53] name HE_CJIOMAJI_TAHK [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:53] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:56] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:59] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:59] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:59] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:50:59] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:04] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:06] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:08] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:09] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:11] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:12] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:17] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:19] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:20] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:29] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:29] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:29] name Speed_and_Atack [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:29] @ launchpadAppeared 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:44] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:48] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:52] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:53] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:51:57] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:04] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:04] name Lumumzer [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:04] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:04] @ launchpadAppeared 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:13] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:13] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:21] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:33] setMode Spectator [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:35] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:39] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:55] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:56] battle finish - Victory [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:56] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:56] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:56] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: PostBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1035584; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] [Weather][5042] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1035587 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1035589 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1035591 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1035593 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1035597 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1035599 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051601 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051603 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051605 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051607 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051609 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051611 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051613 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051615 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051617 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051619 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051621 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051623 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051625 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051627 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051629 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051631 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:57] id 1051633 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'exp': 25151}}, 'changedCrews': {18: {'exp': 101999}}, 'moneyXP': 103, 'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 26191, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 26191, 'boughtToday': 2, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': 198648, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -98260, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'del_slots': 5, 'autobuy': 15}, 2: {'slots': ((None, 4293042096L), (None, 4287799216L), (None, 4286750640L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'autobuy': 387, 'add_slots': (((), 4258197424L), ((), 4278022064L), ((), 4284313520L), ((), 4283264944L), ((), 4275924912L))}}}}, 'storage': {4278022064L: 7, 4284313520L: 5, 4283264944L: 6, 4275924912L: 2, 4258197424L: 7}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] >>> receiveChanges {'moneyCR': -67500, 'isOnlyLocalUpdate': False, 'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {2: {'slots': ((None, 4284653488L), (None, 4279410608L), (None, 4278362032L), (None, None))}}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: None [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:58] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] updateActionsProgress: {0: [(4272830448L, 6)]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] __updateTaskProgress start: {} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: changed tasks [4133896112L, 4134944688L, 4135993264L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4133896112 data (False, 5.0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4134944688 data (False, 0, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [CampaignsCommon] onPostBattleUpdate: taskID 4135993264 data (False, 79335, None, None) [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] (, 20943081805799, 131): keys: ['dossier', 'accPoints'] [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (15, 1142990) (15, 1145044) [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] Account.enterPreBattle: (345) (1, 537989125, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 810588, 40746582, u'', 1, None, 3, [(913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]), (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520267866962L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 82596019 Warcry_ 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 40746582 Rize_Kamishiro 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:52:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BR: {'credits': 132432, 'credits_penalty': 0, 'exp_penalty': 0, 'exp': 1329, 'credits_compensation': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BR: {'elite_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'free_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'ship_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [['CLAN_SUPPLY_BONUS', 0.03, True, 0]], 'mod': []}, 'credits': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}, 'crew_exp': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': [[4258197424L, 1.0, True, 0]]}, 'acc_level': {'sse': [], 'base': [], 'mod': []}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BR: {'auto_repair_list': [[4283264944L, -0.1, True, 0], ['IDS_SSE_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', 0.0, True, 0], ['IDS_CLAN_SUPPLY_REPAIR_DISCOUNT', -0.1, True, 0]], 'auto_exterior_list': [], 'auto_exterior_credits': 0, 'auto_camo_credits': 0, 'exp_enabled': True, 'abilities_applied': True, 'auto_repair_factor': 0.8, 'auto_load_credits': 2260, 'acc_points_enabled': True, 'free_exp_enabled': True, 'free_exp_factor': 0.05, 'ship_service_enabled': True, 'aogas_factor': 1.0, 'auto_exterior_gold': 0, 'premium_credits_factor': 1.5, 'premium_exp_factor': 1.5, 'auto_abilities_list': [(4284653488L, False, 22500), (4279410608L, False, 22500), (4278362032L, False, 22500)], 'auto_camo_list': [], 'clan_supply_bonuses_enabled': True, 'camo_applied': True, 'auto_repair_credits': 96000, 'exterior_applied': True, 'serve_applied': True, 'auto_camo_gold': 0, 'crew_exp_enabled': True, 'auto_abilities_gold': 0, 'auto_load_list': [[76, 760], [10, 1500], [0, 0]], 'auto_abilities_credits': 67500, 'credits_enabled': True, 'aogas_online': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ResultsScreen, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 5, 'dt': 1520268777, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'achievements': (), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4447796637561446L, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 22, 'credits': 198648, 'result': 1, 'exp': 2054, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520267878, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1142990, 2054), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5, 'exp': 2054, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/37_Ridge.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 22, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 2054, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1145044, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/37_RIDGE', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': (), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 23:37', 'dt': 1520268777, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1142990, 2054), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 4447796637561446L, 'credits': 198648, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False, 'battleCreateTime': 1520267878, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_main default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_ap default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_atba_he default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.shots_atba default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_bomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.hits_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.damage_tbomb default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.base_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_credits_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_free_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.sse_free_exp_factor default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_credits default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.ship_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path private.prem_economics.pure_exp default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] BuildData: Invalid path player.planes_lost default - N/A [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 11200265 Dracon4uk 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 18857956 aleksandr0879 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58507520 Lunatic_heaven 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:00] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 4, 'dt': 1520268777, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'costShell': 2260, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2260, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520268777, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 98260, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 42, 'dt': 1520268777, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520268777, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:01] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 55, 'dt': 1520268777, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:01] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520268777, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:04] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:04] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:04] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:10] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:12] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:12] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:12] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:12] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:23] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 11200265 {'jid': '11200265@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Dracon4uk', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:23] [LootboxProxyClient.showBarge] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:23] setMode DockLootbox [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:23] Unable to find camera param -- lootboxNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:32] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', None, 0, 1, False, False, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:32] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=False, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:32] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 5 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:32] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:32] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:32] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:32] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:32] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [0] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:32] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:33] [LootboxProxyClient.buyLootbox] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:33] LootboxProxyCommon.buyLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:34] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 1691, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 4}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:34] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 1691, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 1, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:34] LootboxProxyClient.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:34] LootboxProxyCommon.onChangeLootbox: add 4 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 100, 'data': {'count': 1, 'cost': 24500, 'type': 4}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 1, 'typeId': 100, 'cost': 24500, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BUY_LOOTBOX', 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 22, 'type': 4, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:34] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2, 'typeId': 116, 'dt': 1520268815, 'postponed': False, 'data': {'count': 10}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:34] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'count': 10, 'typeId': 116, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_CLAN_RESOURCE_RECEIVED', 'importance': 2, 'idInGroup': 26, 'sourceId': 0, 'dt': 1520268815, 'postponed': False, 'groupId': 3} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] [LootboxProxyClient.openLootbox] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] LootboxProxyCommon.openLootbox(): 4 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] >>> receiveChanges {'lootboxes': {'lootExp': 1691, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0}, 'storage': {4291751856L: 2}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 1691, 'boughtToday': 3, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520294400.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxRewards: 4 [('Item', {'count': 2, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291751856L})] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] [WWSD-79737] Entity: Adding screen position without world position [Entity: id:5244 ['rewardSource', 'rewardComponent']] [247, 248] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] File "25497069395380445", line 115, in 37796216706700 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] File "25497069395379037", line 124, in 37796345746625 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] File "25497069395380445", line 169, in 37796325847246 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] File "25497069395379037", line 39, in 37787384498780 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] File "25497069395380483", line 15, in 3350950406234 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 9, 'data': {'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4291751856L: 2}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] onUpdateAchievement: 4224902064 [0, 0, 0, 106] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:42] onUpdateAchievement: PCH066 done: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:47] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'sourceId': 0, 'typeId': 9, 'data': {'sourceId': 0, 'assetType': 4, 'isDelayed': True, 'data': {'shipID': None, 'exterior': {4291751856L: 2}}}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:49] [LootboxProxyClient.hideBarge] [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:49] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:49] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:52] Unable to find camera param -- camouNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:56] >>> receiveChanges {'changedShips': {4272830448L: {'slots': {1: {'slots': ((None, 4278022064L), (None, 4284313520L), (None, 4283264944L), (None, 4275924912L), (None, 4291751856L))}}}}, 'storage': {4291751856L: 1, 4258197424L: 8}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4258197424L}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_30', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 30, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 30, 'exteriorId': 4258197424L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:57] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'typeId': 38, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4291751856L}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:57] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 38, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'isElite': False, 'sourceId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'exteriorType': 'Camouflage', 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SET_EXTERIOR_ACTIVITY_CAMOUFLAGE_29', 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'result': 29, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'uiSpecial': False, 'data': {'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': 29, 'exteriorId': 4291751856L}, 'groupId': 4} [S] [2018_03_05 23:53:58] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:02] DivisionProxy.setReady: 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:03] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:03] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:03] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:03] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:03] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:03] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:03] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:15] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:47] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:47] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:49] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 20298264 {'jid': '20298264@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'sardorch', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:50] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:50] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=None, teamId=0, state=1, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:50] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:50] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:54:50] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:03] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:03] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:03] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:03] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:03] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:03] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName1.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName1_over.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName3.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName3_over.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName4.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName4_over.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName2.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName2_over.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName0.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:09] [Scaleform] Error: Unknown file format at URL "gui/flash/../collections/collection_icons/small/albumName0_over.png" [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:13] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:13] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:25] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 2, False, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:25] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=2, isInBattle=False, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:25] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:25] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:25] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:25] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 0, 'numPlayers': 3, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable', 'upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', 4272830448L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=913528, dbid=4604162, name='Electroschokker', shipId=4272830448L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=0, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=431228, clanTag=u'WI-NT', clanColor=13427940, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': (431228, u'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] some players in battle 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 1, 'numPlayers': 2, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 2]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=930784, dbid=82596019, name='Warcry_', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234144, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4252355504L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 82596019 {'jid': '82596019@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Warcry_', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [8, 10], 'enabled': True}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['specialUnsellable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 1]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] Account.receivePreBattlePlayerData() 537989125 (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L]) 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] (, 21487878452497, 85): PreBattlePlayerDump(id=810588, dbid=40746582, name='Rize_Kamishiro', shipId=3761190896L, teamId=0, state=3, isInBattle=True, isConnected=True, isAbuser=False, level=15, rankInfo=134234272, rankDenyReason=0, clanID=415279, clanTag=u'ZAVOD', clanColor=13477119, expirationTime=0, dogTag=[4280667056L]), (0,) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 40746582 {'jid': '40746582@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Rize_Kamishiro', 'clanInfo': (415279, u'ZAVOD'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] [DivisionConxtext] __onPlayersChanged: [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] some players in battle 3 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 3, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:26] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:27] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:29] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:30] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:30] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:37] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 15 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:45] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:45] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:45] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:45] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:45] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:45] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:45] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 6}} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 22_tierra_del_fuego [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537982338 Name: sammyzz TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD110_Pr_24_Khabarovsk avatarId: 1753524 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537908236 Name: CarvedInside TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD108_Akizuki avatarId: 1753526 isBot: False dogeTage: [4283419568L, 4269755312L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537951043 Name: asys01 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB018_Yamato_1944 avatarId: 1753548 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 1069846 Name: EnvoyFromHell TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 1753530 isBot: False dogeTage: [4275030960L, 4288629680L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 1024537 Name: igor8575 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1753532 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537850783 Name: Nestor92 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 1753534 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537915683 Name: FormaZon_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 1753536 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271885232L, 4266609584L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 1050917 Name: DeGolle TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 1753538 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537858476 Name: Honour_Base TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB110_France avatarId: 1753540 isBot: False dogeTage: [4253404080L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 896564 Name: chpoka79 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD109_Chung_Mu avatarId: 1753542 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537749174 Name: Rzhavaja_banka TeamId: 0 ShipName: PRSD308_Pr_48 avatarId: 1753544 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4284435376L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537846461 Name: Russian_MefistofeL TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC108_Hipper avatarId: 1753546 isBot: False dogeTage: [4291808176L, 4286532528L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 1086403 Name: Call_Me_Baby TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 1753528 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4277095344L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 917317 Name: Grave_Digger13 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PZSD109_Chung_Mu avatarId: 1753550 isBot: False dogeTage: [4256549808L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 999624 Name: alex1983_2013 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PRSC109_Dmitry_Donskoy avatarId: 1753552 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537765452 Name: us6ig TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD012_Shimakaze_1943 avatarId: 1753554 isBot: False dogeTage: [4263889840L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537847375 Name: aleksei161salsk TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 1753556 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 810588 Name: Rize_Kamishiro TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1753558 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280667056L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 537863133 Name: Globemaster TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 1753560 isBot: False dogeTage: [4256549808L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 930784 Name: Warcry_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 1753562 isBot: False dogeTage: [4252355504L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 538000866 Name: STRELETS_59 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 1753564 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 864502 Name: TheLucky39 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB013_Amagi_1942 avatarId: 1753566 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 913528 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 1753568 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] player: Id: 1017721 Name: alkzm TeamId: 0 ShipName: PBSC109_Neptune avatarId: 1753570 isBot: False dogeTage: [4259695536L] [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1753522; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1753522; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-528.0919189453125, 7.188799858093262], radius: 150.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-43.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [355.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 1753523, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538045314, 0, 0, 1753550, 1520268931946L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1162383, 0, 0, 1753544, 1520268931946L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 2, 0, 1753568, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 2, 0, 1753568, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 2, 0, 1753568, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.enterPrebattle [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1162386, 1, 0, 1753564, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753564, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1162386, 1, 0, 1753564, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753564, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1162386, 1, 0, 1753564, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753564, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1162386, 1, 0, 1753546, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1162386, 1, 0, 1753546, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1162386, 1, 0, 1753546, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:46] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1135564, 1, 0, 1753566, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753566, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1135564, 1, 0, 1753566, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753566, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1135564, 1, 1, 1753566, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753550, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753566, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538045314, 0, 0, 1753542, 1520268931946L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753566, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538045314, 0, 0, 1753542, 1520268931946L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753566, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (538045314, 0, 0, 1753542, 1520268931946L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753566, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1135564, 1, 1, 1753528, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1135564, 1, 1, 1753528, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1135564, 1, 1, 1753528, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 2, 0, 1753568, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 2, 0, 1753568, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 2, 0, 1753568, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753568, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 2, 0, 1753558, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753558, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 2, 0, 1753558, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753558, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (537989125, 2, 0, 1753558, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_05 23:55:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753558, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] id 1753529 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] name Call_Me_Baby [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] @ launchpadAppeared 1753529 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] [Weather][8570] onEnterWorld (map spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego/weathers.xml, scheme 0, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] id 1753525 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] name sammyzz [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:09] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:11] id 1753539 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:11] name DeGolle [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:11] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:11] @ launchpadAppeared 1753539 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:12] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:12] id 1753563 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:12] name Warcry_ [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:12] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:13] id 1753571 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:13] name alkzm [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:13] id 1753561 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:13] name Globemaster [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:13] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:14] id 1753545 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:14] name Rzhavaja_banka [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:14] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:16] id 1753549 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:16] name asys01 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:16] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1753549 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] id 1753527 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] name CarvedInside [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] id 1753567 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] name TheLucky39 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] @ launchpadAppeared 1753567 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] id 1753569 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] id 1753559 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] name Rize_Kamishiro [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:17] (, 52072766763212, 12): in context [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 12734448 {'jid': '12734448@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'serj2059', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_05 23:56:50] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:03] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:03] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:03] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:03] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:03] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:04] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:04] name alex1983_2013 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] id 1753535 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] name Nestor92 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1753535 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] name STRELETS_59 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] name Honour_Base [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:06] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:11] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:11] name alex1983_2013 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:15] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:16] id 1753531 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:16] name EnvoyFromHell [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:16] @ launchpadAppeared 1753531 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:18] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:19] id 1753531 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:20] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:20] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:23] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:31] id 1753531 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:31] name EnvoyFromHell [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:31] @ launchpadAppeared 1753531 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:34] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:34] name alex1983_2013 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:38] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:38] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:38] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:38] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:38] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:39] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:44] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:44] name STRELETS_59 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:46] id 1753561 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:47] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:47] name alex1983_2013 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:47] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] id 1753547 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] name Russian_MefistofeL [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:50] @ launchpadAppeared 1753547 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:56] id 1753533 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:56] name igor8575 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:58:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1753533 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:01] id 1753537 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:01] name FormaZon_ [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:01] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:01] @ launchpadAppeared 1753537 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:02] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:04] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:04] name STRELETS_59 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:09] id 1753535 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:10] id 1753535 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:10] name Nestor92 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:10] @ launchpadAppeared 1753535 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:13] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:13] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:13] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:13] name Honour_Base [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:13] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:13] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:13] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:18] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:18] name STRELETS_59 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:19] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:20] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:20] name STRELETS_59 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:21] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:22] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:22] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:22] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:22] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:22] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:23] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:26] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:26] name alex1983_2013 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:27] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:27] name STRELETS_59 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:29] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:29] id 1753547 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:32] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:32] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:32] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:32] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:32] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:35] id 1753547 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:35] name Russian_MefistofeL [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:35] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:35] @ launchpadAppeared 1753547 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:36] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:36] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:36] id 1753555 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:36] name us6ig [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:36] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:39] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:43] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:43] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:43] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:45] id 1753533 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:45] id 1753537 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:45] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:46] id 1753555 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:49] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:49] id 1753547 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:49] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:52] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:52] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:52] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:54] id 1753533 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:54] name igor8575 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:54] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:54] @ launchpadAppeared 1753533 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:55] id 1753533 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:56] id 1753547 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:56] name Russian_MefistofeL [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:56] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:56] @ launchpadAppeared 1753547 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:58] id 1753549 [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:58] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:58] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_05 23:59:58] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:00] id 1753533 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:00] name igor8575 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:00] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:00] @ launchpadAppeared 1753533 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:01] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:01] id 1753535 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:01] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:06] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:06] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:06] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:09] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:09] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:11] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:11] name Honour_Base [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:11] id 1753533 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:14] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:24] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:24] id 1753535 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:24] name Nestor92 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:24] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:24] @ launchpadAppeared 1753535 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:28] id 1753551 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:28] name Grave_Digger13 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:28] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:29] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:30] id 1753533 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:30] name igor8575 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:30] @ launchpadAppeared 1753533 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:34] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:34] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:50] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1162386, 1, 0, 1753546, 1520268931947L, True, False) [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:50] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753558, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden True, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:50] id 1753551 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:52] id 1753543 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:52] name chpoka79 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:54] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:54] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:00:58] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:13] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:20] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:20] id 1753543 [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:38] id 1753551 [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:38] name Grave_Digger13 [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:38] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:59] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 58507520 {'jid': '58507520@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Lunatic_heaven', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:01:59] ClientSquadron.outOfFuel [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:18] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:18] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:26] id 1753543 [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:26] name chpoka79 [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:26] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:31] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:31] name Honour_Base [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:40] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:49] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:50] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:50] name Honour_Base [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:50] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:02:50] id 1753543 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:17] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:18] id 1753537 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:18] name FormaZon_ [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:18] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:18] @ launchpadAppeared 1753537 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:18] id 1753561 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:18] name Globemaster [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:19] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:19] id 1753549 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:19] name asys01 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:19] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:19] @ launchpadAppeared 1753549 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:36] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:36] id 1753537 [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:36] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:37] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:41] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:43] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (1135564, 1, 1, 1753528, 1520268931947L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:43] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {538045314: PreBattleInfo: id: 538045314, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753542, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False , 1135564: PreBattleInfo: id: 1135564, occupied: 1, sign: 1, ownerId 1753528, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 537989125: PreBattleInfo: id: 537989125, occupied: 0, sign: 2, ownerId 1753558, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden False, locked False , 1162386: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162386, occupied: 0, sign: 1, ownerId 1753546, creationTime 1520268931947, hidden True, locked False , 1162383: PreBattleInfo: id: 1162383, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 1753544, creationTime 1520268931946, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:43] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:51] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:53] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:55] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:03:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:08] id 1753537 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:08] name FormaZon_ [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:08] @ launchpadAppeared 1753537 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:16] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:16] id 1753535 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:27] id 1753535 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:27] name Nestor92 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:27] @ launchpadAppeared 1753535 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:27] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:29] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:29] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:43] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:43] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:50] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 42068440 {'jid': '42068440@wowsru.loc', 'name': '__ReRuRk__', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] id 1753555 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] name us6ig [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] id 1753543 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] name chpoka79 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:52] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:53] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 76288364 {'jid': '76288364@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Sabre_Ac', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:54] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:04:55] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:08] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:08] id 1753555 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:22] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:23] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:25] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:27] id 1753543 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:34] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:34] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:34] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:37] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:37] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:37] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:42] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:42] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:42] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:05:42] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:06] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:06] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:10] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:11] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:11] id 1753555 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:11] name us6ig [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:11] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:11] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:12] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:12] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:13] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:14] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:15] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:15] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:16] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:17] id 1753537 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:35] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 7081238 {'jid': '7081238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Kamitetus', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:42] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:43] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:43] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:44] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 77621238 {'jid': '77621238@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'NEO__17', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:45] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:45] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:46] id 1753537 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:46] name FormaZon_ [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:46] @ launchpadAppeared 1753537 [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:46] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:46] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:46] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/18857956', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520269606L, 'isDelayed': False, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:46] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:47] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:06:47] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:02] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:04] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:04] id 1753543 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:04] name chpoka79 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:04] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:10] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:11] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:11] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:11] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:11] id 1753543 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:17] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:17] id 1753537 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:17] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:18] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 18857956 {'jid': '18857956@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'aleksandr0879', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:19] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:19] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:20] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:20] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:20] name aleksei161salsk [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:20] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:20] @ launchpadAppeared 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753555 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] setFpsGathererActive(False) [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] (, 40957038887736, 48): 1753522; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] [Weather][8570] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753525 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753527 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753529 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753531 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753533 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753535 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753539 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753541 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753545 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753547 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] id 1753549 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:22] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753551 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753553 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753557 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753559 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753561 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753563 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753565 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753567 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753569 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:23] id 1753571 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] Exception AttributeError: "'Account' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName', 'teamKiller', 'accountLevel', 'clanman', 'dogTagView', 'accountSelf', 'incompleteAccount', 'accountRank', 'channelParticipant', 'accountStatus', 'entityType']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] leaveBattleSession() Reason: 0 Info: {'survey_id': 0} [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] (, 52076954703294, 43): out of context [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:24] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:25] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:25] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:25] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:25] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:25] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:25] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:25] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:25] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:25] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:26] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:26] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] Sent FPS data [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] enterPreBattle() 320 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] Account.enterPreBattle: (360) (1, 537989125, (0, 0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 'RU', '', 0), 810588, 40746582, u'', 1, None, 3, [(913528, 4604162, 'Electroschokker', None, 0, 1, False, True, False, 15, 0, 0, 431228, u'WI-NT', 13427940, 0, [4280273840L, 4272901040L]), (930784, 82596019, 'Warcry_', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234144, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4252355504L]), (810588, 40746582, 'Rize_Kamishiro', 3761190896L, 0, 3, True, True, False, 15, 134234272, 0, 415279, u'ZAVOD', 13477119, 0, [4280667056L])], [], (0, 0), False, 1520268931947L, 2, False, [], {'nonClanMembersCount': 1}) [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived prebattle 3 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: DIVISION channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel True self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 (431228, u'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 82596019 Warcry_ 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 40746582 Rize_Kamishiro 2 2 (415279, u'ZAVOD') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] [DivisionEntranceContext] __onEnterDivision: 1 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] no grants 320 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 1], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 1, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': ['upgradeable'], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] some players in battle 2 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] PreBattleProxy.validateStart result: [53] [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] PreBattleProxy.getRestrictions result: {'Destroyer': [0, 3, 0], 'allowedLevelsInfo': {'list': [], 'range': [11, 0], 'enabled': False}, 'playersInBattle': 2, 'numPlayers': 0, 'maxPlayers': 3, 'result': [], 'Cruiser': [0, 3, 0], 'AirCarrier': [0, 1, 0], 'shipGroups': [], 'onlyShipGroup': '', 'Battleship': [0, 3, 0]} [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onEnterPreBattle: None [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] (, 90637015802688, 38): joinChannel, ('already joined', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 11200265 Dracon4uk 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 12734448 serj2059 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 16443875 Well_11 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 18857956 aleksandr0879 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 20298264 sardorch 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 28174008 leo0415 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 35959136 Georgia_Jin 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 42068440 __ReRuRk__ 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 4604162 Electroschokker 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 58507520 Lunatic_heaven 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 7081238 Kamitetus 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 76288364 Sabre_Ac 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:27] UserDataGate.__onParticipantsChanged 77621238 NEO__17 2 2 ('431228', 'WI-NT') [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:32] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:33] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:33] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:33] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:33] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:33] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:33] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:50] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:51] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:52] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:52] [isChatBoxOpened] __updateChannelInfo channel.isChatBoxOpened False False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:52] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'prebattle', 3) [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:52] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened False [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:52] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] (, 52077120445634, 142): is out of context [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] (, 13310700470475, 151): fini [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] (, 52076996604033, 12): out of context [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] (, 85216719876408, 20): handleChannelError, ('room destroyed', 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 6) [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:53] (, 13310289281874, 50): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_06 00:07:54] PriceListClient.kill ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:24] 102010247602822: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:24] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:27] newValue 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:30] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:30] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:30] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:35] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:35] (, 41417487745640, 60): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:36] (, 41417487745640, 290): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:36] (, 74203954069, 201): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:36] (, 74203954069, 65): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:36] (, 74203954069, 87): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:38] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_06 16:05:39] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_06 16:05:39] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:41] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:41] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:41] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:41] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:41] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:41] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:41] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:42] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:42] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:42] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:42] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:46] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:46] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:46] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 310.0, 'prebattle': 340.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'notificationsInboxHeight': 350.0, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'spectatorHotkeysHidden': True, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'prebattle': 600.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 367.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 220.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 806.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 164.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 426.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 398.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:47] Checking ./res_mods/: nothing was found [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:54] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:54] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:05:54] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:30] (, 68655878829339, 270): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:30] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:33] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:33] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:77270688657555817783678285716395134763","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:77270688657555817783678285716395134763', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:77270688657555817783678285716395134763', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] (, 644665746338, 97): init [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:34] (, 646980817605, 783): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x3D755C00 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] (, 52072929315074, 89): in context [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 1. Boxes contents: [{4241666992L: {(0, 4280476592L): 1}}] [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] setServerTime: serverTime=1520327315 time.time()=1520327315.2 gInitialClientTime=167.353012085 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:35] (, 90636803925274, 12): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:38] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:38] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:38] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:38] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:38] _onChangeTimeOut 700 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:40] _onChangeTimeOut 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:50] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:50] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:50] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1149490) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:51] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:51] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:51] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:51] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:51] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None))) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:51] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:51] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:52] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 2, 1], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5]}, {4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (1, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 5.0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (2, False, 79335), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:52] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520380800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 5L, 'dt': 1520269981.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'achievements': ((4280476592L, 1),), 'expPenalty': 0, 'tasks': {}, 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7531316868118154L, 'credits': 221555, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'mapTypeId': 15, 'battleTypeId': 5, 'result': 1, 'exp': 4446, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'battleCreateTime': 1520268938, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1145044, 4446), 'aogasFactor': 1.0}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 5L, 'exp': 4446, 'tasks': {}, 'aogasFactor': 1.0, 'mapBGPath': '../maps_bg/22_tierra_del_fuego.png', 'operationName': '', 'rankStarsDeltaChange': 0, 'earnedAchievements': [{'amount': 1, 'id': 4280476592L}], 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_BATTLE_RESULTS_1', 'result': 1, 'creditsCompensation': 0, 'uiSpecial': False, 'mapTypeId': 15, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'accountLeveling': {'expGained': 4446, 'currLevel': 15, 'prevLevel': 15, 'currLevelExp': 122000, 'expTotal': 1149490, 'nextLevelExp': 122000}, 'curTasksCompleted': 0, 'mapName': 'IDS_SPACES/22_TIERRA_DEL_FUEGO', 'battleTypeId': 5, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'achievements': ((4280476592L, 1),), 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipsKilled': 1.0, 'importance': 2L, 'teamBuildTypeId': 0, 'idInGroup': 0, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'difficulty': '', 'prevTasksCompleted': 0, 'isElite': False, 'date': '05.03.2018 23:55', 'dt': 1520269981.0, 'groupId': 3, 'accLeveling': (15, 15, 1145044, 4446), 'expPenalty': 0, 'arenaUniqueID': 7531316868118154L, 'credits': 221555, 'sourceId': 0, 'creditsPenalty': 0, 'viaMM': False, 'rankBattlesSeasonId': 0, 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'quests': [], 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True, 'battleCreateTime': 1520268938, 'rankDeltaChange': 0} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 4L, 'dt': 1520269981.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'costShell': 2560, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'result': False, 'costRepair': 96000}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 4L, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_SHIP_SERVE', 'costShell': 2560, 'result': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'uiSpecial': False, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'isElite': False, 'dt': 1520269981.0, 'groupId': 5, 'costTotal': 98560, 'sourceId': 0, 'costRepair': 96000, 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'postponed': True} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 42L, 'dt': 1520269981.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 42L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'flagsAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_EXTERIOR_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'camouflageAutorechargeCompleted': 1, 'idInGroup': 1, 'groupId': 4, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520269981.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'flagsStor': True, 'camoBuyFail': False, 'camoCost': (0, 0), 'flagsCost': (0, 0), 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'camoRecharged': True, 'flagsBuyFail': False}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [MES],__onGetSystemMessageFromAccount {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 55L, 'dt': 1520269981.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [MES] __addInfoToMessage {'typeId': 55L, 'isPremium': False, 'shipName': 'IDS_PASD021', 'groupId': 1, 'isElite': False, 'header': 'IDS_SYS_MESSAGE_HEADER_MS_ACC_ABILITY_AUTORECHARGE_RESULT', 'importance': 2L, 'idInGroup': 9, 'shipTypeIDS': 'IDS_DESTROYER', 'sourceId': 0, 'shipLevelRome': 'IX', 'cost': (67500, 0), 'shipType': 'Destroyer', 'costNeed': (0, 0), 'stypeIdent': 'Destroyer', 'dt': 1520269981.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'fail': False, 'shipId': 4272830448L, 'cost': (67500, 0)}, 'uiSpecial': False} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520380800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 70, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 70, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:56] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 70, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] onAccountReallyCreated() [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 4284001200 normal True [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] chooseOperation: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onOperationChosen: 0 normal False [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] (, 52072777264101, 156): is in context [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] (, 68754700830519, 4): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}, interval: (1520433000.0, 1520436580.0)",) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] (, 68780121314752, 136): next message in: 105663 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] (, 68754700830519, 4): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'start'}, interval: (1520436600.0, 1520436600.0)",) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] (, 68780121314752, 136): next message in: 105663 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] (, 68754700830519, 4): add message:, ("type: 118, data: {'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'end'}, interval: (1520451000.0, 1520451000.0)",) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] (, 68780121314752, 136): next message in: 105663 sec message: IntervalMessage(type:118, shown:False interval:(1520433000.0, 1520436580.0), data:{'typeId': 118, 'messageType': 'soon_start'}) [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:57] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:58] Can't send FPS data: it's empty [S] [2018_03_06 16:08:58] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Dock [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] setMode Dock [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:05] getIngameNews: request news [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:06] receiveIngameNews: countUnreadNews 8 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:06] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': 0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:06] action.selectedMessageChanged action.selectedMessageChanged {'selectedIndex': -1.0, 'selectedEntityId': None, 'eventName': 'action.selectedMessageChanged'} [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] ClanProxy.onChatInitialized [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] XmppChatHandler.joinClanChannel() 431228 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] UserDataGate.__onRosterUpdated [('13847919@wowsru.loc', 'DARTH1939VADER', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('19488226@wowsru.loc', 'war198283', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('23406821@wowsru.loc', 'RenamedUser_23406821', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('3726420@wowsru.loc', 'TitusVoltumius', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('7404308@wowsru.loc', 'MAKSON_32_RUS', False, 0, ('Ignore List',)), ('82596019@wowsru.loc', 'Warcry_', False, 8, ())] [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 82596019@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 2023228@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived 16443875@wowsru.loc 5 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Electroschokker channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: dr75 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: Well_11 channelsGroupsIds: [3] [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clansearch@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_offtop@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived ids_chat_channel_questions@standard.wows.wowsru.loc 4 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_SEARCH_CLAN_DIV channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFTOP channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: IDS_CHAT_CHANNEL_QUESTIONS channelsGroupsIds: [1] [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:08] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:09] [GiftBox] onAnimationDone [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:09] getModelPaths [] [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] UserDataGate.__onChannelListReceived clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc 6 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] [ChannelSystem] add channelInfo.name: channelsGroupsIds: [] [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened and not channelInfo.isRestored True [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] [isChatBoxOpened] entity.channel.isInvitation False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] [isChatBoxOpened] isDivisionChannel False self.__cachedDivisionChatBoxOpenStatus True [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] [isChatBoxOpened] channelInfo.opened True [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 23371028 {'jid': '23371028@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'ctark69', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 25013670 {'jid': '25013670@wowsru.loc', 'name': '6OPIJC_TbI_HE_IIPAB', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 16443875 {'jid': '16443875@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Well_11', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': 'Dubinapravocudia', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/1120986', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520310567L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xa1\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc, \xd0\x9c\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8!', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:10] [ChannelSystem] __getMessageHtmlText message: {'overAffiliation': 0, 'name': '_Saint_Emir_', 'fromJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc/2828208', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'timeStamp': 1520321211L, 'isDelayed': True, 'toJid': 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc', 'text': '\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82', 'isPrivate': False, 'type': 0} [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:22] availableShipParts 51 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:22] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:28] [GiftBox] onRewardShown {'behaviour': 3, 'eventName': 'action.giftboxRewardShown', 'nameState': None, 'nameVisible': 'rewardsInfotip'} [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:28] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 2 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:28] [GiftBox] __startHideTimer [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:31] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'ship.nation': ['IDS_FRANCE_NATION'], '__post': {'levelmax': 'VIII', 'levelmin': 'VII'}, 'ship.class': ['IDS_BATTLESHIP_CLASS', 'IDS_CRUISER_CLASS'], 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_RANGE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'VIII'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'X'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_EXACT'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:37] IsShip getTemplateParamsEx {'__post': {'level': 'V'}, 'ship.class': 'IDS_SHIP', 'level': 'IDS_LEVEL_MORE'} False [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:37] Unable to find camera param -- dockNode [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:38] [GiftBox] __stopHideTimer [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:38] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:38] [GiftBox] onAnimationHide [S] [2018_03_06 16:09:39] Account.onBoxesOpened(), len = 0 bytes [S] [2018_03_06 16:10:45] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:10:52] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 35959136 {'jid': '35959136@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Georgia_Jin', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:24] Account.enqueue(): 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:24] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 4 [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:24] onEnqueued() QueueType: 1 ShipId: 4272830448 mmDescription: {'useBots': False, 'onlyFullBattles': False, 'maxWait': 300} [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:24] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: ChatNotificationsPanel, final: True [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:26] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: RandomBattle [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:26] UserDataGate.__onParticipantInfoUpdated 4604162 {'jid': '4604162@wowsru.loc', 'name': 'Electroschokker', 'clanInfo': ('431228', 'WI-NT'), 'overAffiliation': 0, 'affiliation': 2, 'role': 2} 2 [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:31] onPrepareingForBattle() [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:31] >>> DockProxy.receiveShipLock 4272830448 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:31] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 15 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:39] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:39] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] [LootboxProxyClient.destroy] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:40] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 22_tierra_del_fuego [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 112896 Name: metal2009 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 587392 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 187925 Name: lyoha407 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 587394 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 537022231 Name: fill13_zahvatchik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 587396 isBot: False dogeTage: [4263889840L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 46107 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 587398 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 536967198 Name: A_S_T_A_R_T_A_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD107_Leberecht_Maass avatarId: 587400 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 171297 Name: romanov1968 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 587402 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 89253 Name: deepdishhh TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 587404 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269132720L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 536886185 Name: 506SERGEI506 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB109_Lion avatarId: 587406 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 129967 Name: Sergo171270 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 587408 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 50738 Name: uka0211 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 587410 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 187700 Name: Blac_Attak TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 587412 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 536955191 Name: Edj90 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 587414 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 182715 Name: BATYR_GEROI1985 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 587416 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 72257 Name: Hell_March TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB509_Musashi avatarId: 587418 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 536892617 Name: __romss__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 587420 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282764208L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 36301 Name: sasha_boec_76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 587422 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 536971985 Name: ValHD TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 587424 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 110674 Name: zveroboy121 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 587426 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 173274 Name: U_S_S_S_R TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 587428 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 103717 Name: Sergio2517 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 587430 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 537017574 Name: _zsharkz_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 587432 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276079536L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 87152 Name: Tlen666 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 587434 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 84338 Name: Tonic5 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 587436 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] player: Id: 110583 Name: blblv1902 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 587438 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] (, 40957080870984, 46): 587390; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] (, 40957080870984, 46): 587390; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-528.0919189453125, 7.188799858093262], radius: 150.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-43.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [355.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 0, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 587391, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [300, 300], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (190139, 0, 0, 587414, 1520327492420L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {190139: PreBattleInfo: id: 190139, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587414, creationTime 1520327492420, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (190139, 0, 0, 587414, 1520327492420L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {190139: PreBattleInfo: id: 190139, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587414, creationTime 1520327492420, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (190139, 0, 0, 587414, 1520327492420L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {190139: PreBattleInfo: id: 190139, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587414, creationTime 1520327492420, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (190440, 0, 0, 587404, 1520327492420L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_06 16:11:42] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {190440: PreBattleInfo: id: 190440, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587404, creationTime 1520327492420, hidden False, locked False , 190139: PreBattleInfo: id: 190139, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587414, creationTime 1520327492420, hidde ======================================================================== [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:19] 102010247602822: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:19] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:22] newValue 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:23] ClanProxy.__init__ None [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:23] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:23] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:28] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM RU [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:28] (, 41417487745640, 60): GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:29] (, 41417487745640, 290): GameParams: numof entries =, (6740,) [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:29] (, 74203954069, 201): Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:29] (, 74203954069, 65): Ships list: numof ships = , (344,) [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:29] (, 74203954069, 87): Ships list: numof buildings = , (46,) [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:31] ERROR: "PBPM001_SeaMine" has no "ground" parameter [A] [2018_03_06 16:15:32] Can't open file particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds [A] [2018_03_06 16:15:32] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/animated/30_BOOM_6x6_mv4.dds'. [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:33] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: ['2cae4f54a6b83cfc8a69da9fb6d8e385', '85e56e9a11106aca410846dc7f704b32', '16035aa892ec1fc3cab22a1063c346cc', '90574451b47b4f68c0505838ee118647', '2c8badd253406532c75681d85abee851', '778ac799de45ab6f3451309ec35d7ca1'] [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:33] PriceListClient.init [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:33] CommonClientPersonalPriceList.__init__: [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:33] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:33] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:33] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:33] Camera.init [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:33] [DataHub] synchronize [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:34] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected', 'inputHandler'] [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:34] [---] loadPreset 2 preset_gamepad_1.xml [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:34] [---] loadPreset 0 preset_keyboard_1.xml [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:38] INIT RLD [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] allPrefs {'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'chatBoxHeight': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 310.0, 'prebattle': 340.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 310.0}, 'allowSpecialTypeScenarios': False, 'damageWidget': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseExterior': True, 'operationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'extendedRibbons': False, 'notificationsInboxHeight': 350.0, 'uiPVEOperationsDifficulty': 'normal', 'spectatorHotkeysHidden': True, 'operationsEnterMM': False, 'crosshairIndexStatic': 1, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 0, 'playerProfileSummaryInset': 0, 'chatBoxWidth': {'16443875@wowsru.loc': 462.0, 'prebattle': 600.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 462.0}, 'battleLoadingTabIndex': 1, 'crosshairIndexDynamic': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'chatBoxPositionX': {'prebattle': 367.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 220.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 806.0}, 'chatBoxPositionY': {'prebattle': 164.0, '16443875@wowsru.loc': 426.0, 'clan-431228@clans.wows.wowsru.loc': 398.0}, 'loginVideoPaused': False, 'crosshairIsDynamic': True, 'shownHintAutoPurchaseConsumables': True, 'showPortClock': True, 'elementsGroupExpand': {'contacts4944535f47524f55505f5449544c455f49474e4f525f4c495354': False}, 'commentWantTo_division': '', 'operationsSelectedId': '0', 'showOwnShipInCompare': False, 'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'curRowCountIndex': 0, 'ssePrivateTasksAndChallengesLayout': 0, 'enableLanguageBar': False, 'IMPositionX': {'IM': 819.5999755859375}, 'contactsInset': 0, 'commentWantTo_party': '', 'shipStatsSortIndex': 0, 'contactsAndChannelsHeight': 350.0, 'IMPositionY': {'IM': 115.19999694824219}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB003 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSB002 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC804 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC802 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX702 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PASD801 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PASX904 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX044 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA002 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSB802 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX045 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX043 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC805 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PASB802 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PASC803 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PJSX701 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSA001 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [---] no ship bar config for: PXSX033 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:39] Checking ./res_mods/: nothing was found [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:44] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:44] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:44] __realRemoveExternalCallback: mainScene.progressOfInit [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:47] (, 68655878829339, 270): H:; A:; C:http://csis.worldoftanks.ru/csis/wowsru/?periphery=login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020&periphery=login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020; M:['login2.worldofwarships.ru:20020', 'login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020'] [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:48] BaseLoginRequest.doLogin(): login1.worldofwarships.ru:20020 token2 ([BaseLoginCredentials] Electroschokker) [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:49] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:49] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 1 LOGGED_ON {"security_msg":"old_pass","token2":"4604162:6039751832954359693:23311004758880489236698789866826885713","wgnr":"ru.wargaming.net"} [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] LOGGED_ON {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:23311004758880489236698789866826885713', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'} [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] [LOGIN] Positive, serverMsg: {u'security_msg': u'old_pass', u'token2': u'4604162:6039751832954359693:23311004758880489236698789866826885713', u'wgnr': u'ru.wargaming.net'}, status: LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] [LOGIN] Setting wgnr url to "https://ru.wargaming.net" [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] BaseLoginRequest.call(): 2 LOGGED_ON [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] Account.__init__() [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] [Account debuG]: __init__() Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] ClanProxy.setChatHandler [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] ClanProxy.setInteractiveMessageData [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] (, 644665746338, 97): init [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] (, 646980817605, 783): Url config for realm ru as string is ResMgr.DataSection at 0x3D0CFCC0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] (, 52072929315074, 89): in context [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] onBecomePlayer() [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] UserDataGate.onGetConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] UserDataGate.onGetConnection(): 4604162 [Entity: id:3229 ['accountSimple', 'accountName']] Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAccount [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() True 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] [GiftBox] __onRewardsRestored 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] [GiftBox] __updateVisibilityState 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] setServerTime: serverTime=1520327751 time.time()=1520327750.93 gInitialClientTime=11.1080007553 [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] initBattleTypes called [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:50] (, 90636803925274, 12): unable to read weather config spaces/05_Ring/weathers.xml [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:51] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:51] getNationForTutorial() CanBeStarted: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:51] StatsProxy.receiveAbuseStatus(): {'battlesToClean': 0, 'statuses': {'tkill': 0}, 'warnings': ()} [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:51] receiveWebEvents: [{'startTS': 1513665261, 'name': u'mock_event', 'endTS': 0}, {'startTS': 1513771303, 'name': u'SantaEvent', 'endTS': 1516168800}] [S] [2018_03_06 16:15:55] _onChangeTimeOut 700 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:05] __updateTaskProgress start: {'25818_q2': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '25818_q1': {'count': 0}, '25818_q5': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24941_q01': {'count': 1}, '24943_q00': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '24938_q01': {'count': 0, 0: {'count': 15}}, '24926_q01': {'count': 1}, '24900_q01': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 10321}}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:05] __processDossierStats() client dossier: ['oper', 'pvp', 'oper_mm_tasks_diag', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'oper_normal', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'pve', 'oper_mm', 'total', 'oper_normal_tasks_diag', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'max_pvp', 'oper_diag', 'club_diag', 'club', 'max_club', 'clan', 'oper_hard', 'oper_hard_tasks_diag', 'max_clan'] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:05] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (15, 1149490) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:06] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 8, PlayerInfo: None [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:06] onGetRankDossier() seasonId = 8 Empty [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:06] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config False, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:06] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config False, season False, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:07] onClanResponse: response=(1, 0, (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None))) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:07] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 1 (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:07] ClanProxy.__onGetMyClan: False (431228, (431228, u'_WINTER_ACADEMY_', u'WI-NT', 13427940, u'private', u'\u0414\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f, \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0443, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0412\u044b \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443, \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 TS3.', {58507520: {'role': u'private'}, 4604162: {'role': u'private'}, 11200265: {'role': u'private'}, 23371028: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 7081238: {'role': u'private'}, 3042711: {'role': u'private'}, 20298264: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 20213360: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 65106205: {'role': u'private'}, 6199582: {'role': u'private'}, 40834864: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3926182: {'role': u'private'}, 2828208: {'role': u'private'}, 28174008: {'role': u'private'}, 76288364: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 25713345: {'role': u'private'}, 28276812: {'role': u'private'}, 7093712: {'role': u'private'}, 16443875: {'role': u'commander'}, 42068440: {'role': u'private'}, 1120986: {'role': u'private'}, 35959136: {'role': u'recruitment_officer'}, 3101923: {'role': u'private'}, 18857956: {'role': u'private'}, 22021030: {'role': u'private'}, 25013670: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 17446636: {'role': u'executive_officer'}, 16822127: {'role': u'private'}, 12734448: {'role': u'private'}, 77621238: {'role': u'private'}}, {75409453: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 20298264}, 75437426: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 22476064}, 75442964: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 22351703}, 75442965: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 26903012}, 75409562: {'sender_id': 16443875, 'invitee_id': 65106205}, 75442075: {'sender_id': 25013670, 'invitee_id': 432328}}, 30, 40, None)) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:08] [CampaignsCommon] onLoadedDump: loaded campaign params and player; countActiveTasks 3; data ({4290690992L: (False, True, True), 4291739568L: (False, True, True), 4292788144L: (True, 0, True), 4285448112L: (True, False, False), 4288593840L: (True, 0, True), 4289642416L: (False, True, False), 4287545264L: (False, True, False), 4293836720L: (True, 0, True), 4286496688L: (False, True, False)}, {4287545264L: [1, 0], 4291739568L: [1, 0], 4293836720L: [1, 1], 4285448112L: [1, 0], 4286496688L: [1, 0], 4288593840L: [1, 0], 4292788144L: [1, 0], 4290690992L: [1, 0], 4289642416L: [1, 0]}, {4283023280L: [2, 2, 1], 4251566000L: [2, 0, 0], 4293509040L: [5, 5, 9], 4287217584L: [4, 12, 9], 4284071856L: [4, 15, 10], 4224303024L: [2, 0, 0], 4290363312L: [4, 10, 7], 4291411888L: [4, 7, 10], 4292460464L: [4, 6, 9], 4286169008L: [4, 15, 7], 4263100336L: [2, 0, 0], 4230594480L: [2, 0, 0], 4289314736L: [4, 10, 8], 4285120432L: [4, 15, 8], 4235837360L: [2, 0, 0], 4272537520L: [2, 0, 0], 4241080240L: [2, 0, 0], 4288266160L: [4, 10, 5]}, {4280696752L: (5, True, 0), 4207296432L: (1, False, 0), 4150673328L: (5, True, 0), 4193664944L: (5, True, 0), 4187373488L: (1, False, 0), 4224073648L: (5, True, 0), 4130750384L: (1, True, 0), 4167450544L: (5, True, 0), 4204150704L: (5, True, 0), 4240850864L: (5, True, 0), 4277551024L: (5, True, 0), 4147527600L: (5, True, 0), 4184227760L: (1, False, 0), 4220927920L: (5, True, 0), 4257628080L: (5, True, 0), 4081467312L: (0, False, 0), 4164304816L: (5, True, 0), 4237705136L: (5, True, 0), 3904257968L: (1, False, 0), 4274405296L: (5, True, 0), 4144381872L: (5, True, 0), 3977658288L: (1, False, 0), 4181082032L: (1, False, 0), 3791011760L: (1, False, 0), 4254482352L: (1, False, 0), 4291182512L: (5, True, 0), 4260773808L: (5, True, 0), 3897966512L: (1, False, 0), 4161159088L: (1, False, 0), 4197859248L: (5, True, 0), 3901112240L: (1, False, 0), 4141236144L: (5, True, 0), 3974512560L: (1, False, 0), 4177936304L: (5, True, 0), 3844489136L: (1, False, 0), 4214636464L: (1, False, 0), 4251336624L: (5, True, 0), 4288036784L: (5, True, 0), 3787866032L: (0, False, 0), 4133896112L: (2, False, 5.0), 4194713520L: (5, True, 0), 3841343408L: (1, False, 0), 4211490736L: (1, False, 0), 4284891056L: (5, True, 0), 4158013360L: (1, False, 0), 4191567792L: (5, True, 0), 4252385200L: (5, True, 0), 4228267952L: (5, True, 0), 4134944688L: (2, False, 0), 4171644848L: (5, True, 0), 4208345008L: (1, False, 0), 4245045168L: (1, False, 0), 4281745328L: (5, True, 0), 4255530928L: (5, True, 0), 4151721904L: (1, False, 0), 4188422064L: (1, False, 0), 4225122224L: (1, False, 0), 4203102128L: (5, True, 0), 4261822384L: (5, True, 0), 4131798960L: (1, False, 0), 4205199280L: (5, True, 0), 4241899440L: (1, False, 0), 4278599600L: (5, True, 0), 4148576176L: (1, False, 0), 4221976496L: (5, True, 0), 4258676656L: (5, True, 0), 3902160816L: (1, False, 0), 4128653232L: (0, False, 0), 4165353392L: (1, False, 0), 4238753712L: (5, True, 0), 3905306544L: (1, False, 0), 4275453872L: (1, False, 0), 4145430448L: (5, True, 0), 3978706864L: (1, False, 0), 3811983280L: (0, False, 0), 4182130608L: (5, True, 0), 4292231088L: (5, True, 0), 4154867632L: (1, False, 0), 4162207664L: (5, True, 0), 4198907824L: (5, True, 0), 4142284720L: (1, False, 0), 3975561136L: (1, False, 0), 4215685040L: (5, True, 0), 4289085360L: (5, True, 0), 3788914608L: (1, False, 0), 3971366832L: (1, False, 0), 4195762096L: (5, True, 0), 3899015088L: (1, False, 0), 4139138992L: (5, True, 0), 3972415408L: (1, False, 0), 4175839152L: (1, False, 0), 3842391984L: (1, False, 0), 4212539312L: (1, False, 0), 4082515888L: (1, False, 0), 4285939632L: (5, True, 0), 4227219376L: (5, True, 0), 4155916208L: (5, True, 0), 4192616368L: (1, False, 0), 4190519216L: (5, True, 0), 4229316528L: (5, True, 0), 3895869360L: (0, False, 0), 4135993264L: (2, False, 79335), 4172693424L: (5, True, 0), 3839246256L: (0, False, 0), 4209393584L: (1, False, 0), 4246093744L: (5, True, 0), 4282793904L: (5, True, 0), 4152770480L: (5, True, 0), 4160110512L: (1, False, 0), 4226170800L: (5, True, 0), 4174790576L: (5, True, 0), 4132847536L: (1, False, 0), 4189470640L: (1, False, 0), 4206247856L: (5, True, 0), 4242948016L: (1, False, 0), 4279648176L: (5, True, 0), 4149624752L: (5, True, 0), 4186324912L: (5, True, 0), 4223025072L: (1, False, 0), 4259725232L: (5, True, 0), 4159061936L: (5, True, 0), 4129701808L: (1, False, 0), 4166401968L: (5, True, 0), 4239802288L: (5, True, 0), 4276502448L: (5, True, 0), 4146479024L: (5, True, 0), 3813031856L: (1, False, 0), 4183179184L: (5, True, 0), 4219879344L: (5, True, 0), 4256579504L: (5, True, 0), 4293279664L: (5, True, 0), 4243996592L: (1, False, 0), 4163256240L: (5, True, 0), 4153819056L: (5, True, 0), 4236656560L: (5, True, 0), 3903209392L: (1, False, 0), 4273356720L: (5, True, 0), 4143333296L: (5, True, 0), 3976609712L: (1, False, 0), 4180033456L: (1, False, 0), 4253433776L: (5, True, 0), 4290133936L: (5, True, 0), 3789963184L: (1, False, 0), 3792060336L: (1, False, 0), 4196810672L: (5, True, 0), 3900063664L: (1, False, 0), 4140187568L: (1, False, 0), 3973463984L: (1, False, 0), 4176887728L: (1, False, 0), 3843440560L: (1, False, 0), 4213587888L: (1, False, 0), 4083564464L: (1, False, 0), 4286988208L: (5, True, 0), 4156964784L: (1, False, 0), 4178984880L: (5, True, 0), 4230365104L: (1, False, 0), 4063641520L: (0, False, 0), 3896917936L: (1, False, 0), 3970318256L: (0, False, 0), 4173742000L: (1, False, 0), 3840294832L: (1, False, 0), 4210442160L: (1, False, 0), 4247142320L: (5, True, 0)}) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:08] ClanProxy.onGetClanBattles {'seasonId': 2, 'finishTime': 1523908800.0, 'primeTimes': {2: (55800, 70200), 3: (55800, 70200), 5: (55800, 70200), 6: (55800, 70200)}, 'shipLevelMax': 10, 'shipLevelMin': 10, 'startTime': 1518274800.0, 'promoTime': 1518274800.0, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:11] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:11] Unlocks.receiveState [] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520380800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] LootboxProxyCommon.onGetLootboxesState: {'lootExp': 0, 'boughtToday': 0, 'inStorage': 0, 'dropAt': 1520380800.0, 'curBoxType': 0} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.createPVEState() [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onGetSeasonRules: config True, {'seasonId': 1, 'operations': {4293438384L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1517364000, 'caps': 3}, 4291341232L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1514944800, 'caps': 3}, 4284001200L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 3, 'unlockTime': 1519783200, 'caps': 3}, 4292389808L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1513735200, 'caps': 3}, 4290292656L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1516154400, 'caps': 3}, 4285049776L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 2, 'unlockTime': 1518573600, 'caps': 3}, 4286098352L: {'seasonId': 1, 'status': 0, 'unlockTime': 0, 'caps': 0}}, 'currentOperationIdx': 5, 'roster': [4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L, 4293438384L, 4285049776L, 4284001200L], 'startTime': 1513735200, 'seasons': {1: {'operations': [4284001200L, 4286098352L, 4285049776L, 4293438384L, 4292389808L, 4291341232L, 4290292656L], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}, 2: {'operations': [], 'rewards': [4181898160L, 4180849584L]}}, 'currentRotationTime': 1519783200, 'nextRotationTime': 1520992800, 'stage': 2} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] [4181898160L, 4180849584L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] [PVEScriptsProxyCommon] onLoadProgress: config True, season True, {'operations': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}, 'seasons': {'hard': [], 'normal': []}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] onClanResponse: response=(6, 0, {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 70, 'stage': 'league'}) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] ClanProxy.onClanResponse(): 6 {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 70, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] ClanDataHubUtils.addLadderInfo: {'league': 3, 'division': 2, 'clan_id': 431228, 'stage_info': {}, 'is_banned': False, 'division_rating_max': 100, 'division_rating': 70, 'stage': 'league'} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 15 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination duration=1200 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] onBecomeNonPlayer() [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] GatewayClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Login, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 7, 1: 7}} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] ShutDownCommon.onShutdownTime: 0 0 0 PlayerAvatar [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] ShutDownProxy.onShutdownTime() False 0 0 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:12] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] onGeometryMapped() MapName: 22_tierra_del_fuego [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] teamBuildType: 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 112896 Name: metal2009 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSB021_Izumo_1938 avatarId: 587392 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269788080L, 4259269552L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 187925 Name: lyoha407 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSC109_Roon avatarId: 587394 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4292823984L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 537022231 Name: fill13_zahvatchik TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 587396 isBot: False dogeTage: [4263889840L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 46107 Name: Electroschokker TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD021_Fletcher_1943 avatarId: 587398 isBot: False dogeTage: [4280273840L, 4272901040L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 536967198 Name: A_S_T_A_R_T_A_ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSD107_Leberecht_Maass avatarId: 587400 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288007088L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 171297 Name: romanov1968 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC012_Ibuki_1944 avatarId: 587402 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 89253 Name: deepdishhh TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 587404 isBot: False dogeTage: [4269132720L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 536886185 Name: 506SERGEI506 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PBSB109_Lion avatarId: 587406 isBot: False dogeTage: [4260744112L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 129967 Name: Sergo171270 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSC009_Mogami_1935 avatarId: 587408 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 50738 Name: uka0211 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASB509_Missouri avatarId: 587410 isBot: False dogeTage: [4288662448L, 4278143920L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 187700 Name: Blac_Attak TeamId: 0 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 587412 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 536955191 Name: Edj90 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSC107_Yorck avatarId: 587414 isBot: False dogeTage: [4292856752L, 4274998192L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 182715 Name: BATYR_GEROI1985 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASD008_Benson_1945 avatarId: 587416 isBot: False dogeTage: [4255501232L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 72257 Name: Hell_March TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSB509_Musashi avatarId: 587418 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289711024L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 536892617 Name: __romss__ TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSD209_Yugumo avatarId: 587420 isBot: False dogeTage: [4282764208L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 36301 Name: sasha_boec_76 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PGSB108_Bismarck avatarId: 587422 isBot: False dogeTage: [4271229872L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 536971985 Name: ValHD TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 587424 isBot: False dogeTage: [4289055664L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 110674 Name: zveroboy121 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PFSB108_Richelieu avatarId: 587426 isBot: False dogeTage: [4254452656L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 173274 Name: U_S_S_S_R TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASD006_Mahan_1936 avatarId: 587428 isBot: False dogeTage: [4285516720L, 4282338224L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 103717 Name: Sergio2517 TeamId: 1 ShipName: PJSD208_Kagero avatarId: 587430 isBot: False dogeTage: [4270836656L, 4279192496L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 537017574 Name: _zsharkz_ TeamId: 1 ShipName: PASC012_Pensacola_1944 avatarId: 587432 isBot: False dogeTage: [4276079536L, 4264512432L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 87152 Name: Tlen666 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PJSC008_Myoko_1945 avatarId: 587434 isBot: False dogeTage: [4293905328L, 4293872560L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 84338 Name: Tonic5 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PASB012_North_Carolina_1945 avatarId: 587436 isBot: False dogeTage: [4278176688L, 4276046768L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] player: Id: 110583 Name: blblv1902 TeamId: 0 ShipName: PGSB109_Friedrich_der_Grosse avatarId: 587438 isBot: False dogeTage: [4272933808L, 4289678256L] [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (190440, 0, 0, 587400, 1520327492420L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {190440: PreBattleInfo: id: 190440, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587400, creationTime 1520327492420, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (190139, 0, 0, 587432, 1520327492420L, False, False) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {190440: PreBattleInfo: id: 190440, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587400, creationTime 1520327492420, hidden False, locked False , 190139: PreBattleInfo: id: 190139, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587432, creationTime 1520327492420, hidden False, locked False } [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] (, 40957080870984, 46): 587390; BattleLogic() [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] (, 40957080870984, 46): 587390; onEnterWorld() State: {attentionMarkers: [], clientAnimations: None, controlPoints: [{position: [-528.0919189453125, 7.188799858093262], radius: 150.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: -1, progress: [0.8666666746139526, 8.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: 1, bothInside: 1, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [-43.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 0, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}, {position: [355.0, 0.0], radius: 110.0, buoy_modelID: 4290944628L, nextControlPoint: -1, controlPointType: 1, timerName: '', teamId: 1, progress: [0.0, 60.0], neutralProgress: 0.0, invaderTeam: -1, bothInside: 0, hasInvaders: 1, isEnabled: 1, isVisible: 1}], entityStates: [], expectedActions: None, interactiveZones: [], weather: {globalWeatherId: 587391, localWeather: [], entityLogicParams: []}, keyObjects: [], missions: {hold: [{reward: 3, penalty: 0, cpIndices: [0, 1, 2], period: 5}], capture: [], destroy: [], suppress: [], kill: [{reward: 30, penalty: 45, shipType: 'Destroyer'}, {reward: 35, penalty: 50, shipType: 'Cruiser'}, {reward: 40, penalty: 60, shipType: 'Battleship'}, {reward: 45, penalty: 65, shipType: 'AirCarrier'}], teamsScore: [342, 339], teamWinScore: 1000, teamLoseScore: 0}, resources: [], successStoryProgress: [], screenplayMessage: None, tasks: [], minefields: [], timers: [], entities: [], effects: []} [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] ('[ERROR] FeedbackController: empty config for event repair_finished',) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] BattleDataContext.__onEnterSpace [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:13] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:14] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:22] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:22] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: LoadingBattle, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] id 587427 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] name zveroboy121 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] [Weather][1257] onEnterWorld (map spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego/weathers.xml, scheme 2, weather 0) [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] id 587399 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] name Electroschokker [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:30] BattleDataContext.__onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:33] id 587407 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:33] name 506SERGEI506 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:33] @ launchpadAppeared 587407 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:34] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:34] (, 52072661853609, 60): in context [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:34] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:35] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:35] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Battle, final: True [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] id 587433 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] name _zsharkz_ [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] @ launchpadAppeared 587433 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:37] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:39] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:39] id 587419 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:39] name Hell_March [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:39] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:39] @ launchpadAppeared 587419 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:41] id 587423 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:41] name sasha_boec_76 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:41] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:41] @ launchpadAppeared 587423 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:43] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:43] id 587415 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:43] name Edj90 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:43] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:43] @ launchpadAppeared 587415 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:44] id 587425 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:44] name ValHD [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:44] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:44] @ launchpadAppeared 587425 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:44] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:44] id 587429 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:44] name U_S_S_S_R [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:44] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:45] id 587411 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:45] name uka0211 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:45] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:50] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:50] id 587423 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:50] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:50] id 587397 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:50] name fill13_zahvatchik [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:50] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:54] id 587397 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:57] id 587431 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:57] name Sergio2517 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:57] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:59] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:59] id 587409 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:59] name Sergo171270 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:59] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:59] @ launchpadAppeared 587409 [S] [2018_03_06 16:16:59] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:04] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:08] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:08] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:08] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:08] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:18] id 587439 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:18] name blblv1902 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:18] @ launchpadAppeared 587439 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:28] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:28] id 587397 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:28] name fill13_zahvatchik [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:28] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:31] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:31] id 587439 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:34] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:34] id 587403 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:34] name romanov1968 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:34] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:34] @ launchpadAppeared 587403 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:35] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:38] id 587439 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:38] name blblv1902 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:38] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:38] @ launchpadAppeared 587439 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:40] id 587439 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:41] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:41] name Blac_Attak [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:43] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:43] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:44] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:44] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] id 587439 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] name blblv1902 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:48] @ launchpadAppeared 587439 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] id 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] name Tlen666 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] @ launchpadAppeared 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] id 587401 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] name A_S_T_A_R_T_A_ [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] name Blac_Attak [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:54] id 587397 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:55] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:17:55] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:01] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:01] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:01] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:05] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:05] id 587401 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:06] id 587419 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:06] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:09] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:09] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:19] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:22] Avatar.updatePreBattlesInfo (190139, 0, 0, 587432, 1520327492420L, True, False) [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:22] PlayersInfo.updatePreBattles {190440: PreBattleInfo: id: 190440, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587400, creationTime 1520327492420, hidden False, locked False , 190139: PreBattleInfo: id: 190139, occupied: 0, sign: 0, ownerId 587432, creationTime 1520327492420, hidden True, locked False } [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:25] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:25] id 587423 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:25] name sasha_boec_76 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:25] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:25] @ launchpadAppeared 587423 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:28] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:28] id 587431 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:46] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:46] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:18:46] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:10] id 587431 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:10] name Sergio2517 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:10] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:10] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:27] id 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:27] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:29] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:29] id 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:29] name Tlen666 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:29] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:29] @ launchpadAppeared 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:30] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:30] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:30] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:30] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:30] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:39] id 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:39] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:41] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:41] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:41] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:41] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:44] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:44] id 587411 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:45] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:45] name Blac_Attak [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:45] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:46] id 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:46] name Tlen666 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:46] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:46] @ launchpadAppeared 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:19:59] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:04] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:04] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:04] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:06] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:06] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:06] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:19] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:30] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:33] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:33] id 587411 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:33] name uka0211 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:33] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:35] id 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:39] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:39] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:46] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:46] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:47] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:47] id 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:47] name Tlen666 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:47] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:47] @ launchpadAppeared 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:20:54] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:00] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:00] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:00] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:00] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:00] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:02] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:02] name Blac_Attak [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:08] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:08] id 587419 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:08] name Hell_March [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:08] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:08] @ launchpadAppeared 587419 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:16] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:16] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:18] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:18] id 587401 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:18] name A_S_T_A_R_T_A_ [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:18] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:25] id 587427 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:25] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:25] id 587431 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:26] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:26] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:26] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:30] id 587419 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:30] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:30] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:30] id 587411 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:31] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:31] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:35] id 587407 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:35] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:40] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:40] id 587403 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:40] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:40] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:40] id 587429 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:42] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:42] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:42] name Blac_Attak [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:42] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:21:45] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:06] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:06] id 587401 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:06] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:06] name Blac_Attak [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:06] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:10] id 587403 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:10] name romanov1968 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:10] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:10] @ launchpadAppeared 587403 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:27] id 587419 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:27] name Hell_March [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:27] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:27] @ launchpadAppeared 587419 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:31] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:31] id 587407 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:31] name 506SERGEI506 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:31] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:31] @ launchpadAppeared 587407 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:32] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:32] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:46] id 587431 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:46] name Sergio2517 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:46] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] name Blac_Attak [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] id 587417 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] name BATYR_GEROI1985 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] id 587401 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] name A_S_T_A_R_T_A_ [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 16:22:57] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:02] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:02] id 587417 [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:04] setMode ShellTracker [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:05] setMode SnakeTail [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:06] id 587429 [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:06] name U_S_S_S_R [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:06] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:45] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:45] id 587431 [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:55] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:55] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:56] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:56] id 587395 [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:56] name lyoha407 [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:56] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:23:56] @ launchpadAppeared 587395 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:01] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:01] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:01] name deepdishhh [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:01] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:01] @ launchpadAppeared 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:02] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:02] name Blac_Attak [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:02] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:03] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:12] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:12] id 587401 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:14] Vehicle.kill [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:14] id 587427 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:14] name zveroboy121 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:14] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] id 587417 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] name BATYR_GEROI1985 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] team id 0 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] id 587405 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] id 587411 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] name uka0211 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:15] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:16] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:16] id 587431 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:16] name Sergio2517 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:16] team id 1 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:16] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:17] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: GameMenu [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:17] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:20] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: SimpleModalWindow, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: GameMenu, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] (, 40957080870984, 46): 587390; onLeaveWorld() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] [Weather][1257] onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] id 587395 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] Avatar.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOver [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] __realRemoveExternalCallback: navpoints.mouseOut [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:21] [TOP] isTop: True, windowName: Waiting, final: False [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587399 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587403 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587407 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587409 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587411 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587413 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587415 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587417 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587419 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587423 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587425 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587427 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587429 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587431 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587433 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587435 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:22] id 587439 [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] (, 52076904374454, 113): out of context [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] Exception AttributeError: "'Avatar' object has no attribute 'onReceiveAuthPack'" in ignored [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] (, 13310555726487, 12): fini [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] (, 52076974650808, 107): out of context [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] clearAll 0 True [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] ClanProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] ClanProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] AccountLevelingProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] PreBattleInfoHolder.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] ShutDownProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] ShutDownProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] StatsProxy.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] StatsProxy.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] CampaignsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] IngamePortalProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] IngameNewsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] LootboxProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] LootboxProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] PVEScriptsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] PVEDatahubUtils.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] PVEScriptsProxyCommon.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] TrainingRoomsManagerClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] UIStatisticsProxyClient.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] UserDataGate.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] UserDataGate.cleanup() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:23] TrainingRoomsManagerProxyCommon.onLostConnection [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:24] [DH] release() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:24] [DH] fini() [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:24] Camera.fini [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:24] (, 13310450826058, 9): Removing tree nodes [S] [2018_03_06 16:24:24] PriceListClient.kill ========================================================================