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О Artem123_318

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  1. 2018-11-16_10:29:55.898 | INFO | 0x00000344 | Monitor started, product version="", file version="" 2018-11-16_10:29:55.907 | INFO | 0x00000344 | Starting IPC server 2018-11-16_10:29:55.907 | INFO | 0x00000E44 | Report processor thread: started 2018-11-16_10:29:55.907 | INFO | 0x00000344 | IPC server successfully started 2018-11-16_10:29:55.908 | INFO | 0x00000344 | Waiting for clients to connect... 2018-11-16_10:29:55.908 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | New connection request from PID="3872", CLID="1". Establishing connection... 2018-11-16_10:29:55.908 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Client PID="3872", CLID="1" connected 2018-11-16_10:29:55.909 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Client connected, application ID="wows", version="" 2018-11-16_10:29:56.956 | INFO | 0x00000598 | Looking for unprocessed reports in folder="C:/Games/World_of_Warships_Ru/Reports" 2018-11-16_10:29:57.630 | INFO | 0x00000E9C | Statistic event was successfully sent (url="cat.wargaming.net"). 2018-11-16_11:10:00.294 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Incoming event from client PID="3872", CLID="1". Event information: type="crash" crash type="unhandled_exception" exception code="3765269347" callstack hash="3644" thread id="2624" 2018-11-16_11:10:00.300 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Composing report(id="18-11-16-11_10_00_111")... 2018-11-16_11:10:00.301 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Start create minidump="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\Reports\18-11-16-11_10_00_111\2018-11-16_11_10_00_301.dmp" 2018-11-16_11:10:03.091 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Files Artifact Collector: artifacts="cef logs" was found 1 files in folder="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\profile" 2018-11-16_11:10:03.487 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Files Artifact Collector: artifacts="crash_info" was found 1 files in folder="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\crashes\" 2018-11-16_11:10:03.507 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Files Artifact Collector: artifacts="preferences" was found 1 files in folder="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\" 2018-11-16_11:10:03.510 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Files Artifact Collector: artifacts="python_log" was found 1 files in folder="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\profile" 2018-11-16_11:10:03.510 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Files Artifact Collector: artifacts="Monitor's logs" was found 1 files in folder="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\Logs" 2018-11-16_11:10:03.658 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Files Artifact Collector: 1 files (label="cef logs") were copied to intermediate folder="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\Reports\18-11-16-11_10_00_111" 2018-11-16_11:10:03.696 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Files Artifact Collector: 1 files (label="crash_info") were copied to intermediate folder="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\Reports\18-11-16-11_10_00_111" 2018-11-16_11:10:03.734 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Files Artifact Collector: 1 files (label="preferences") were copied to intermediate folder="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\Reports\18-11-16-11_10_00_111" 2018-11-16_11:10:04.150 | INFO | 0x00000AA8 | Files Artifact Collector: 1 files (label="python_log") were copied to intermediate folder="C:\Games\World_of_Warships_Ru\Reports\18-11-16-11_10_00_111"