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[0.7.1] Общий тест. Вторая итерация. Производительность. Баги

С какими техническими проблемами Вы сталкивались?  

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Уважаемые игроки, 

В этой теме можно оставлять багрепорты с общего теста версии 0.7.1.

Багрепорт - это сообщение о дефекте: ошибке, неработающем или странно работающем функционале, необъяснимом вылете, кривой модели и т.д.


При публикации багрепортов, пожалуйста, придерживайтесь этого шаблона:


1. Описание

Четкое и емкое описание ошибки с необходимыми подробностями.

Пример: на крейсере "Аоба" не работает самолет-разведчик.


2. Шаги воспроизведения
Последовательность действий игрока, которая привела к возникновению ошибки.

Пример: 1. Взять крейсер "Аоба"; 2. Выйти в бой (тренировки или рандом); 3. Попытаться поднять самолет-разведчик.


3. Результат
Игровой результат, полученный вследствие ошибки.

Пример: при нажатии кнопки активации разведчика слышен звук, но ничего не происходит. Самолет стоит на катапульте.


4. Ожидаемый результат
Игровой результат, который должен был возникнуть при отсутствии ошибки.

Пример: самолет-разведчик должен стартовать с катапульты.


5. Техническая информация

Что такое "техническая информация"?

Скрытый текст

Это информация, которая поможет нашим специалистам точно установить характер найденных вами ошибок.


  • Скриншот или видео, которое демонстрирует проблему;
  • DxDiag (если отсутствует в подписи). Инструкция по DxDiag здесь;
  • Python.log (файл из директории игры); 
  • Пресет настроек графики или, если настройки отличаются от стандартного пресета - их скриншот;
  • В случаях с прокачиваемыми кораблями - скриншот модулей корабля (чтобы было видно установленные модули и корпус).


ВАЖНО: Перед каждым запуском клиента нужно удалять файл python.log из директории с игрой, чтобы не перегружать лог информацией о прошлых проблемах. После крашей клиента python.log также рекомендуется удалить или переименовать.


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Участник, Коллекционер
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канал поиск клана не работает управления кораблем клавишами W S A D опять перестало работать в баю


Изменено пользователем OlegRUS_2016
  • Ха-Ха 1

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Сегодня в 17:30:06 пользователь OlegRUS_2016 сказал:

поиск клана не работает управления кораблем опять перестало работать в баю стандартное 


Канал "Поиск клана" на сервере общего теста не работает. В чем выражается проблема с управлением корабля?

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Сегодня в 17:42:17 пользователь swede666 сказал:

Канал "Поиск клана" на сервере общего теста не работает. В чем выражается проблема с управлением корабля?

Не так выразился да канал поиск клана не магу открыть он не открывается в меню поиска клана не магу найти клан пишет нет подходящего клана это два варианта я уже попробовал и кораблем этими клавишами я не магу управлять W S A D они полностью не пашут

Изменено пользователем OlegRUS_2016
  • Ха-Ха 1

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Запустил лаунчер теста,скачал 90 мб обновление,потом идет установка файлов и зависает на 93 процентах,дальше не идет,потом скидываются проценты идет по новой до 93 и опять на круг. Подскажите что можно сделать в данной ситуации. Комп перезагружал,не помогает.

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Сегодня в 19:46:39 пользователь Graf_Mindykin сказал:

Запустил лаунчер теста,скачал 90 мб обновление,потом идет установка файлов и зависает на 93 процентах,дальше не идет,потом скидываются проценты идет по новой до 93 и опять на круг. Подскажите что можно сделать в данной ситуации. Комп перезагружал,не помогает.

День добрый, просьба прикрепить к посту, либо прислать в личные сообщения WowsLauncher.log (лежит около WorldOfWarships.exe)

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Log started:
30/01/2018 23:10:52

30/01/2018 23:10:52          Loading localized resources...
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Loading configuration...
30/01/2018 23:10:52  WARNING:    Error during reading of "app_type.xml".
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Download speed is unlimited
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Update localizations...
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" /"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Session id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20151201 100347, Revision: #623821 (stable_3.18.3)"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
30/01/2018 23:10:56  WARNING:    Install mode slides version file install\common\version.xml is unavailable. Reset install mode slides path.
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Start update process
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Obtain patch information. target: "launcher"...
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\launcher\"
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\launcher\"
30/01/2018 23:10:56          System update. Cleaning up system update folder.
30/01/2018 23:10:56          send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher&launcher_ver=unknown&client_ver=unknown&content_ver=unknown&lang=ru"
30/01/2018 23:10:56          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:10:56          patch is available. version_from: unknown, version_to: 3.26.709
30/01/2018 23:10:56          patch file. name: "wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg", size: 4599641
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Getting torrent files via http...
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Getting patch files via ptp...
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Initializing P2P session
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Getting patch files via http...
30/01/2018 23:10:56          send http request(attempt: 1). file: "wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg", size: 4599641, url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg"
30/01/2018 23:10:59          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:10:59          Unpacking patches...
30/01/2018 23:11:00          open patch file. name="wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg", size=4599641, uncompressed_size=13100432
30/01/2018 23:11:00          extracting patch file. name="wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg", threading=4
30/01/2018 23:11:00          patch file extracted. name: "wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg"
30/01/2018 23:11:00          Installing patches...
30/01/2018 23:11:00          apply bin-diffs. succeed
30/01/2018 23:11:00          post-update process. no processes
30/01/2018 23:11:00          Make cleaning
30/01/2018 23:11:00          Update complete: target=launcher
30/01/2018 23:11:01          Restarting...
30/01/2018 23:11:01          restart launcher: cmd="-commit 3.26.709"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Stop

Log started:
30/01/2018 23:11:02

30/01/2018 23:11:02          Loading localized resources...
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Loading configuration...
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Download speed is unlimited
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 14400 sec; install period: 14400 sec
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Restored selected chain: f0
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Update localizations...
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" -commit 3.26.709"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Session id="A5E774F14161C3BC0221DE9228893D7B"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Commit launcher version: version="unknown"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg.update'
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Download speed is unlimited
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
30/01/2018 23:11:02  WARNING:    Target value 'full' does not suit any supported chain, using app_type.xml
30/01/2018 23:11:02  WARNING:    Target value 'full' in tag switch_to_type of app_type.xml does not suit any supported chain
30/01/2018 23:11:02  WARNING:    Target value 'incomplete' in tag active_type of app_type.xml does not suit any supported chain
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Restored selected chain: h15
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Update localizations...
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Replace "7z.dll" with "7z.dll.update"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Replace "WargamingGameUpdater.exe" with "WargamingGameUpdater.exe.update"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command sync -caller_pid 13872 -upgraded
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Start update process
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Obtain patch information...
30/01/2018 23:11:03          System update.
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Cleaning up update folder....
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Get update.xml from update service
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver=unknown&locale_ver=unknown&sdcontent_ver=unknown&lang=ru"
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Http request completed
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\client\"
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\client\"
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Patch for part client is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
30/01/2018 23:11:03          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
30/01/2018 23:11:03          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 1360005313
30/01/2018 23:11:03          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 117738121
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Start download process
30/01/2018 23:11:04          Getting torrent files via http...
30/01/2018 23:11:04          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:11:04          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:11:04          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:11:04          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          Getting patch files via ptp...
30/01/2018 23:11:04          Initializing P2P session
30/01/2018 23:16:26          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
30/01/2018 23:49:45          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:38:19          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:38:19          Getting patch files via http...
31/01/2018 00:38:19          Stop download process
31/01/2018 00:38:19          Unpacking patches...
31/01/2018 00:38:21          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=5554309313, uncompressed_size=7247366607
31/01/2018 00:38:21          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=117738121, uncompressed_size=202407908
31/01/2018 00:38:21          Application is located on HDD drive
31/01/2018 00:38:21          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 00:40:40          Check possibility to set preferred chain: h15...
31/01/2018 00:40:42          Stop update process
31/01/2018 00:40:44          Restarting...
31/01/2018 00:40:44          restart launcher: cmd="-session_id A5E774F14161C3BC0221DE9228893D7B -restart"
31/01/2018 00:40:53          Stop. Reason: self restart; Code: 0x01000002

Log started:
31/01/2018 00:41:02

31/01/2018 00:40:59          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 00:41:00          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" -session_id A5E774F14161C3BC0221DE9228893D7B -restart"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Session id="A5E774F14161C3BC0221DE9228893D7B"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 00:41:07          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 00:41:19          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command sync -caller_pid 15180
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Start update process
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Patch for part client is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 00:41:33          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:33          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 1360005313, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:33          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 117738121, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver=unknown&locale_ver=unknown&sdcontent_ver=unknown&lang=ru"
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Http request completed
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\client\"
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\client\"
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Patch for part client is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 00:41:34          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:34          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 1360005313, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:34          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 117738121, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Unpacking patches...
31/01/2018 00:41:34          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=5554309313, uncompressed_size=7247366607
31/01/2018 00:41:35          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=117738121, uncompressed_size=202407908
31/01/2018 00:41:35          Application is located on HDD drive
31/01/2018 00:41:35          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 00:52:00          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:52:01          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates\wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 00:52:21          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:52:21          Installing patches...
31/01/2018 00:52:24          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 00:52:24          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 00:52:24          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="basecontent_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 00:52:51          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="gui_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 00:53:59          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="shaders_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 00:53:59          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="system_data_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 00:54:04          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 00:54:04          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Update complete. part: "client"
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Old update.xml found. Checking for relevance...
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Old update.xml is not relevant anymore, cleaning up update folder...
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Http request completed
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\locale_ru\"
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\locale_ru\"
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Patch for part locale is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 00:54:05          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 352711
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Start download process
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Getting torrent files via http...
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Getting patch files via ptp...
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Initializing P2P session (forbid upload)
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Getting patch files via http...
31/01/2018 00:54:05          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). file: "wows.ru_0.", size: 352711, url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:06          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Stop download process
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Unpacking patches...
31/01/2018 00:54:06          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=352711, uncompressed_size=2171279
31/01/2018 00:54:06          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates\wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 00:54:06          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Installing patches...
31/01/2018 00:54:06          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 00:54:06          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Update complete. part: "locale"
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Old update.xml found. Checking for relevance...
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Old update.xml is not relevant anymore, cleaning up update folder...
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Http request completed
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 2222510824
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 144499
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Start download process
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Getting torrent files via http...
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Getting patch files via ptp...
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Initializing P2P session (forbid upload)
31/01/2018 00:54:10          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:59:07          User cancel the update process
31/01/2018 00:59:07          Stop update process
31/01/2018 00:59:18          User requested to close the application
31/01/2018 00:59:18          Stop. Reason: user closed; Code: 0x01000003

Log started:
31/01/2018 01:59:52

31/01/2018 01:59:52          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Session id="EBD37EB04A3B2317E6B52EBA9D302FA7"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 8604
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Start update process
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 2222510824
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 144499, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Http request completed
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 2222510824
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 144499, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Start download process
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Getting torrent files via http...
31/01/2018 01:59:55          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          http request complete.
31/01/2018 01:59:55          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          http request complete.
31/01/2018 01:59:55          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          http request complete.
31/01/2018 01:59:55          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          http request complete.
31/01/2018 01:59:55          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Getting patch files via ptp...
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Initializing P2P session (forbid upload)
31/01/2018 02:58:30          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:08:29          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:10:17          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:15:04          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:15:05          Getting patch files via http...
31/01/2018 03:15:05          Stop download process
31/01/2018 03:15:05          Unpacking patches...
31/01/2018 03:15:05          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=14805422824, uncompressed_size=26182986010
31/01/2018 03:15:05          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=144499, uncompressed_size=442383
31/01/2018 03:15:05          Application is located on HDD drive
31/01/2018 03:15:05          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 03:36:55          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:36:55          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates\wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 03:36:55          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:36:55          Installing patches...
31/01/2018 03:36:56          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 03:36:57          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 03:36:57          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="spaces_canada_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 03:37:17          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="spaces_naval_mission_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 03:37:37          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="spaces_sleeping_giant_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 03:37:55          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 03:37:55          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Old update.xml found. Checking for relevance...
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Old update.xml is not relevant anymore, cleaning up update folder...
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Http request completed
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 03:37:56          Update complete
31/01/2018 07:18:40          User requested to close the application
31/01/2018 07:18:40          Stop. Reason: user closed; Code: 0x01000003

Log started:
31/01/2018 07:32:45

31/01/2018 07:32:45          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Session id="3C69709B491A9869E7F059AB84A7C640"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 10216
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Start update process
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Http request completed
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Update complete
31/01/2018 07:32:51          User requested to close the application
31/01/2018 07:32:51          Stop. Reason: user closed; Code: 0x01000003

Log started:
31/01/2018 08:00:05

31/01/2018 08:00:05          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Session id="4ADABD5844BCE950C33578892BA5DF9C"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 7512
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Start update process
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Http request completed
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Update complete
31/01/2018 08:00:08          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 08:00:09          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 09:33:40

31/01/2018 09:33:39          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Session id="A9CDA50B41C015A3894A56B700386E53"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 4544
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Start update process
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Http request completed
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Update complete
31/01/2018 09:37:12          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 09:37:12          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 09:54:20

31/01/2018 09:54:20          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Session id="C185C67743302DF5483FE59469131A53"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 11432
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Start update process
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Http request completed
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 09:54:22          Update complete
31/01/2018 09:54:23          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 09:54:23          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 10:32:48

31/01/2018 10:32:47          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Session id="70AAECE940464E6ACD77D9AFF8601B7F"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 5260
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Start update process
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Http request completed
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Update complete
31/01/2018 10:32:54          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 10:32:54          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 11:35:47

31/01/2018 11:35:47          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Session id="5CC989DE4802E9CB131686994EB0D9B1"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 10812
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Start update process
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Http request completed
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Update complete
31/01/2018 11:35:50          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 11:35:50          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 11:38:04

31/01/2018 11:38:04          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Session id="F8B63EC64725EC38323043B3FE006964"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 9196
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Start update process
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Http request completed
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Update complete
31/01/2018 11:38:07          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 11:38:07          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 11:44:17

31/01/2018 11:44:16          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Session id="6E6A5FDD40DB93771AD5A6B16E433E16"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 15256
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Start update process
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Http request completed
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Update complete
31/01/2018 11:44:23          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 11:44:24          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 13:50:00

31/01/2018 13:50:00          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Session id="A794F3C64D56551D25B16E91342EBB6A"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 10188
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Start update process
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Http request completed
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Update complete
31/01/2018 13:50:05          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 13:50:07          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
30/01/2018 23:10:52

30/01/2018 23:10:52          Loading localized resources...
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Loading configuration...
30/01/2018 23:10:52  WARNING:    Error during reading of "app_type.xml".
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Download speed is unlimited
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Update localizations...
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" /"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Session id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20151201 100347, Revision: #623821 (stable_3.18.3)"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
30/01/2018 23:10:52          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
30/01/2018 23:10:56  WARNING:    Install mode slides version file install\common\version.xml is unavailable. Reset install mode slides path.
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Start update process
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Obtain patch information. target: "launcher"...
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\launcher\"
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\launcher\"
30/01/2018 23:10:56          System update. Cleaning up system update folder.
30/01/2018 23:10:56          send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher&launcher_ver=unknown&client_ver=unknown&content_ver=unknown&lang=ru"
30/01/2018 23:10:56          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:10:56          patch is available. version_from: unknown, version_to: 3.26.709
30/01/2018 23:10:56          patch file. name: "wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg", size: 4599641
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Getting torrent files via http...
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Getting patch files via ptp...
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Initializing P2P session
30/01/2018 23:10:56          Getting patch files via http...
30/01/2018 23:10:56          send http request(attempt: 1). file: "wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg", size: 4599641, url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg"
30/01/2018 23:10:59          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:10:59          Unpacking patches...
30/01/2018 23:11:00          open patch file. name="wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg", size=4599641, uncompressed_size=13100432
30/01/2018 23:11:00          extracting patch file. name="wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg", threading=4
30/01/2018 23:11:00          patch file extracted. name: "wows.pt_3.26.709_launcher.wgpkg"
30/01/2018 23:11:00          Installing patches...
30/01/2018 23:11:00          apply bin-diffs. succeed
30/01/2018 23:11:00          post-update process. no processes
30/01/2018 23:11:00          Make cleaning
30/01/2018 23:11:00          Update complete: target=launcher
30/01/2018 23:11:01          Restarting...
30/01/2018 23:11:01          restart launcher: cmd="-commit 3.26.709"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Stop

Log started:
30/01/2018 23:11:02

30/01/2018 23:11:02          Loading localized resources...
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Loading configuration...
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Download speed is unlimited
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 14400 sec; install period: 14400 sec
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Restored selected chain: f0
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Update localizations...
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" -commit 3.26.709"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Session id="A5E774F14161C3BC0221DE9228893D7B"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Commit launcher version: version="unknown"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg.update'
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Download speed is unlimited
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
30/01/2018 23:11:02  WARNING:    Target value 'full' does not suit any supported chain, using app_type.xml
30/01/2018 23:11:02  WARNING:    Target value 'full' in tag switch_to_type of app_type.xml does not suit any supported chain
30/01/2018 23:11:02  WARNING:    Target value 'incomplete' in tag active_type of app_type.xml does not suit any supported chain
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Restored selected chain: h15
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Update localizations...
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Replace "7z.dll" with "7z.dll.update"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Replace "WargamingGameUpdater.exe" with "WargamingGameUpdater.exe.update"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
30/01/2018 23:11:02          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command sync -caller_pid 13872 -upgraded
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Start update process
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Obtain patch information...
30/01/2018 23:11:03          System update.
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Cleaning up update folder....
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Get update.xml from update service
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver=unknown&locale_ver=unknown&sdcontent_ver=unknown&lang=ru"
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Http request completed
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\client\"
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\client\"
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Patch for part client is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
30/01/2018 23:11:03          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
30/01/2018 23:11:03          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 1360005313
30/01/2018 23:11:03          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 117738121
30/01/2018 23:11:03          Start download process
30/01/2018 23:11:04          Getting torrent files via http...
30/01/2018 23:11:04          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:11:04          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:11:04          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          http request complete.
30/01/2018 23:11:04          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
30/01/2018 23:11:04          Getting patch files via ptp...
30/01/2018 23:11:04          Initializing P2P session
30/01/2018 23:16:26          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
30/01/2018 23:49:45          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:38:19          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:38:19          Getting patch files via http...
31/01/2018 00:38:19          Stop download process
31/01/2018 00:38:19          Unpacking patches...
31/01/2018 00:38:21          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=5554309313, uncompressed_size=7247366607
31/01/2018 00:38:21          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=117738121, uncompressed_size=202407908
31/01/2018 00:38:21          Application is located on HDD drive
31/01/2018 00:38:21          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 00:40:40          Check possibility to set preferred chain: h15...
31/01/2018 00:40:42          Stop update process
31/01/2018 00:40:44          Restarting...
31/01/2018 00:40:44          restart launcher: cmd="-session_id A5E774F14161C3BC0221DE9228893D7B -restart"
31/01/2018 00:40:53          Stop. Reason: self restart; Code: 0x01000002

Log started:
31/01/2018 00:41:02

31/01/2018 00:40:59          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 00:41:00          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 00:41:01          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" -session_id A5E774F14161C3BC0221DE9228893D7B -restart"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Session id="A5E774F14161C3BC0221DE9228893D7B"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 00:41:02          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 00:41:07          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 00:41:19          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command sync -caller_pid 15180
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Start update process
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Patch for part client is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 00:41:33          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:33          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 1360005313, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:33          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 117738121, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 00:41:33          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver=unknown&locale_ver=unknown&sdcontent_ver=unknown&lang=ru"
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Http request completed
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\client\"
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\client\"
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Patch for part client is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 00:41:34          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:34          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 1360005313, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:34          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 117738121, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 00:41:34          Unpacking patches...
31/01/2018 00:41:34          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=5554309313, uncompressed_size=7247366607
31/01/2018 00:41:35          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=117738121, uncompressed_size=202407908
31/01/2018 00:41:35          Application is located on HDD drive
31/01/2018 00:41:35          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 00:52:00          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:52:01          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates\wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 00:52:21          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:52:21          Installing patches...
31/01/2018 00:52:24          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 00:52:24          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 00:52:24          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="basecontent_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 00:52:51          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="gui_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 00:53:59          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="shaders_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 00:53:59          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="system_data_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 00:54:04          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 00:54:04          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Update complete. part: "client"
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Old update.xml found. Checking for relevance...
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 00:54:04          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Old update.xml is not relevant anymore, cleaning up update folder...
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Http request completed
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\locale_ru\"
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\locale_ru\"
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Patch for part locale is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 00:54:05          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 352711
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Start download process
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Getting torrent files via http...
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Getting patch files via ptp...
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Initializing P2P session (forbid upload)
31/01/2018 00:54:05          Getting patch files via http...
31/01/2018 00:54:05          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). file: "wows.ru_0.", size: 352711, url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:06          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Stop download process
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Unpacking patches...
31/01/2018 00:54:06          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=352711, uncompressed_size=2171279
31/01/2018 00:54:06          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates\wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 00:54:06          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Installing patches...
31/01/2018 00:54:06          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 00:54:06          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Update complete. part: "locale"
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Old update.xml found. Checking for relevance...
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 00:54:06          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Old update.xml is not relevant anymore, cleaning up update folder...
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Http request completed
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 2222510824
31/01/2018 00:54:07          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 144499
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Start download process
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Getting torrent files via http...
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          http request complete.
31/01/2018 00:54:07          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Getting patch files via ptp...
31/01/2018 00:54:07          Initializing P2P session (forbid upload)
31/01/2018 00:54:10          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 00:59:07          User cancel the update process
31/01/2018 00:59:07          Stop update process
31/01/2018 00:59:18          User requested to close the application
31/01/2018 00:59:18          Stop. Reason: user closed; Code: 0x01000003

Log started:
31/01/2018 01:59:52

31/01/2018 01:59:52          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Session id="EBD37EB04A3B2317E6B52EBA9D302FA7"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 01:59:52          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 8604
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Start update process
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 2222510824
31/01/2018 01:59:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 144499, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 01:59:54          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Http request completed
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 2222510824
31/01/2018 01:59:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 144499, has been already downloaded
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Start download process
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Getting torrent files via http...
31/01/2018 01:59:55          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          http request complete.
31/01/2018 01:59:55          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          http request complete.
31/01/2018 01:59:55          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          http request complete.
31/01/2018 01:59:55          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/projects/PT/ru/patches/wows_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          http request complete.
31/01/2018 01:59:55          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Getting patch files via ptp...
31/01/2018 01:59:55          Initializing P2P session (forbid upload)
31/01/2018 02:58:30          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:08:29          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:10:17          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:15:04          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:15:05          Getting patch files via http...
31/01/2018 03:15:05          Stop download process
31/01/2018 03:15:05          Unpacking patches...
31/01/2018 03:15:05          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=14805422824, uncompressed_size=26182986010
31/01/2018 03:15:05          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=144499, uncompressed_size=442383
31/01/2018 03:15:05          Application is located on HDD drive
31/01/2018 03:15:05          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 03:36:55          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:36:55          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates\wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2
31/01/2018 03:36:55          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
31/01/2018 03:36:55          Installing patches...
31/01/2018 03:36:56          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 03:36:57          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 03:36:57          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="spaces_canada_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 03:37:17          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="spaces_naval_mission_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 03:37:37          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="spaces_sleeping_giant_0001.pkg."
31/01/2018 03:37:55          apply bin-diffs. succeed
31/01/2018 03:37:55          post-update process. no processes
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Old update.xml found. Checking for relevance...
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Old update.xml is not relevant anymore, cleaning up update folder...
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Http request completed
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 03:37:55          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 03:37:56          Update complete
31/01/2018 07:18:40          User requested to close the application
31/01/2018 07:18:40          Stop. Reason: user closed; Code: 0x01000003

Log started:
31/01/2018 07:32:45

31/01/2018 07:32:45          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Session id="3C69709B491A9869E7F059AB84A7C640"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 07:32:45          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 10216
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Start update process
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Http request completed
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 07:32:46          Update complete
31/01/2018 07:32:51          User requested to close the application
31/01/2018 07:32:51          Stop. Reason: user closed; Code: 0x01000003

Log started:
31/01/2018 08:00:05

31/01/2018 08:00:05          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Session id="4ADABD5844BCE950C33578892BA5DF9C"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 08:00:05          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 7512
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Start update process
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Http request completed
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 08:00:06          Update complete
31/01/2018 08:00:08          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 08:00:09          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 09:33:40

31/01/2018 09:33:39          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Session id="A9CDA50B41C015A3894A56B700386E53"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 09:33:40          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 4544
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Start update process
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Http request completed
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 09:33:41          Update complete
31/01/2018 09:37:12          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 09:37:12          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 09:54:20

31/01/2018 09:54:20          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Session id="C185C67743302DF5483FE59469131A53"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 09:54:20          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 11432
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Start update process
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Http request completed
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 09:54:21          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 09:54:22          Update complete
31/01/2018 09:54:23          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 09:54:23          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 10:32:48

31/01/2018 10:32:47          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Session id="70AAECE940464E6ACD77D9AFF8601B7F"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 5260
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Start update process
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 10:32:48          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Http request completed
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 10:32:49          Update complete
31/01/2018 10:32:54          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 10:32:54          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 11:35:47

31/01/2018 11:35:47          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Session id="5CC989DE4802E9CB131686994EB0D9B1"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 11:35:47          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 10812
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Start update process
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Http request completed
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 11:35:48          Update complete
31/01/2018 11:35:50          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 11:35:50          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 11:38:04

31/01/2018 11:38:04          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Session id="F8B63EC64725EC38323043B3FE006964"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 11:38:04          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 9196
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Start update process
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Http request completed
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 11:38:05          Update complete
31/01/2018 11:38:07          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 11:38:07          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 11:44:17

31/01/2018 11:44:16          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 11:44:16          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Session id="6E6A5FDD40DB93771AD5A6B16E433E16"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 15256
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Start update process
31/01/2018 11:44:17          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Http request completed
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 11:44:18          Update complete
31/01/2018 11:44:23          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 11:44:24          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004

Log started:
31/01/2018 13:50:00

31/01/2018 13:50:00          Loading localized resources...
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Loading configuration...
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg'
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Download speed is unlimited
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Restored selected chain: h15
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Update localizations...
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Start "WoWsLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.exe" "
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Session id="A794F3C64D56551D25B16E91342EBB6A"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Installation id="199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Info for "WoWsLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20171227 144340, Revision: #627536 (stable_3.26.5)"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\Updates"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\UpdatesData\temp"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WoWsLauncher.cfg"
31/01/2018 13:50:00          Running tray request: C:\Games\WOWS_PublicTest\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 10188
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Start update process
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Obtain patch information...
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Get update.xml from update service
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Send http request. url: "http://update-wowspt.wargaming.net?protocol_ver=4&install_id=199290FA8473844A3625FCE13625FCE17F334E6C&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.709&client_ver="
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Http request completed
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Target (sdcontent) is up to date
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Update complete. part: "sdcontent"
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Clear old update files
31/01/2018 13:50:02          Update complete
31/01/2018 13:50:05          User has launched client. Executable: worldofwarships.exe
31/01/2018 13:50:07          Stop. Reason: user started game; Code: 0x01000004



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3 публикации

подскажите с чем связана данная проблема при регистрации мне выдаёт ошибку то что якобы мой данный почтовый сервис заблокирован на моей территории?


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3 362 боя
Сегодня в 19:55:24 пользователь Graf_Mindykin сказал:
  Показать содержимое


Просьба всё таки прислать файл, так как лог обрывается ( слишком много символов)

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56 публикаций
17 652 боя

Когда ставлю галочку "использовать свою музыку" и "воспроизводить музыку в бою" он начинает воспроизводить её в порту, и это при том, что галочка в "воспроизводить музыку в порту" не стоит. В чём дело?

Изменено пользователем CHS200_011

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600 публикаций
3 362 боя
Сегодня в 18:16:40 пользователь OlegRUS_2016 сказал:

Не так выразился да канал поиск клана не магу открыть он не открывается в меню поиска клана не магу найти клан пишет нет подходящего клана это два варианта я уже попробовал и кораблем этими клавишами я не магу управлять W S A D они полностью не пашут

Проверьте правильность настроек, поставьте " по умолчанию", либо удалите preferences.xml

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3 996 публикаций

Выкинуло из игры (спасибо провайдеру 3й день не могущему сделать стабильный интернет).

Перезашел, а там нет интерфейса.

Скрытый текст




  • Плюс 1

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3 362 боя
Сегодня в 20:04:58 пользователь IJN_Nachi сказал:

Выкинуло из игры (спасибо провайдеру 3й день не могущему сделать стабильный интернет).

Перезашел, а там нет интерфейса.

  Показать содержимое



Спасибо за python.log сразу.

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3 362 боя
Сегодня в 20:07:00 пользователь Graf_Mindykin сказал:

это немного не тот файл. Там есть WoWsLauncher.log и есть WowsLauncher.log.bak ( который вы и прислали), мне же нужен первый.  

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Старший бета-тестер
329 публикаций
6 280 боёв
Изменено пользователем Graf_Mindykin

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Участник, Коллекционер
2 642 публикации
71 076 боёв
Сегодня в 20:04:08 пользователь Dattebay0 сказал:

Проверьте правильность настроек, поставьте " по умолчанию", либо удалите preferences.

настойки сменил по умалчанию почемуто ани слетели у меня теперь управления работает   

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3 362 боя
Сегодня в 20:17:23 пользователь Graf_Mindykin сказал:

Спасибо, в логах не вижу ошибки, сколько времени вы ждете, прежде чем закрыть лаунчер?

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3 609
Старший альфа-тестер
16 980 публикаций
5 207 боёв
Сегодня в 20:01:10 пользователь vitaliy86 сказал:

подскажите с чем связана данная проблема при регистрации мне выдаёт ошибку то что якобы мой данный почтовый сервис заблокирован на моей территории?


а вы где живёте?

Возможные трудности с доступом к Mail.ru, Яндекс, «ВКонтакте» у жителей Украины

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45 227
Участник, Коллекционер
23 429 публикаций
18 281 бой

Высокий пинг (переваливало за тысячу). На Бисмарке зашёл на точку - пмк начал работать, но мне никого не было видно. Потом выкинуло на стартовый экран. При повторном заходе уже был на дне. Вышел в порт. Нажал поставить камуфляж (за дублоны) - долгая загрузка - вылет на стартовый экран. Скрины не сделал, к сожалению. 


Изменено пользователем MAPCuAHNH

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