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         Происходит вот это при попытке установить игру


Изменено пользователем 26_4_198623

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Сегодня в 23:35:54 пользователь 26_4_198623 сказал:

Лал мне 13 лет) а ник это отсылка к Чернобылю, обновление в смысле один из двух пакетов файлов при установке клиента 


Интернет нормально работает у вас, я только что клиент установила, всё норм!

  • Плюс 1

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Сегодня в 21:39:38 пользователь Margaret02 сказал:

Интернет нормально работает у вас, я только что клиент установила, всё норм!

35-50 мб/cекунда, этот вариант отпадает

Изменено пользователем Fantastic_Approved

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Сегодня в 21:49:51 пользователь asket_11 сказал:

Обязательно попробуйте. Не забудете?

Посмотрите нам мой рабочий стол, как я могу забыть об единственной игре

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Сегодня в 21:03:28 пользователь 26_4_198623 сказал:

         Происходит вот это при попытке установить игру


Как вариант - мало места или на диске, где находится игра или на системном (где архиваторы обычно создают временные файлы)

Менее вероятно, но более неприятно - проблемы с самим диском.

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Сегодня в 21:55:28 пользователь Ignitus сказал:

Как вариант - мало места или на диске, где находится игра или на системном (где архиваторы обычно создают временные файлы)

Менее вероятно, но более неприятно - проблемы с самим диском.

Дело в том что я спокойно играл утром, места на диске предостаточно, на счёт временных файлов проверю, ну а с диском проблем быть не должно ибо я ставил клиент и вчера и позавчера

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Бета-тестер, Коллекционер
438 публикаций
16 857 боёв
В 29.05.2019 в 23:03:28 пользователь 26_4_198623 сказал:

Происходит вот это при попытке установить игру

там же написали: "подробная информация доступна в файле журнала" (это файл WoWSLauncher.log в папке с игрой), вот и посмотрите, что там написано и можете заодно сюда его выложить.


Сегодня в 00:02:14 пользователь 26_4_198623 сказал:

ставил клиент и вчера и позавчера

зачем так часто его ставить, если не секрет?

  • Плюс 1

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Сегодня в 22:11:02 пользователь DrhA сказал:

там же написали: "подробная информация доступна в файле журнала" (это файл WoWSLauncher.log в папке с игрой), вот и посмотрите, что там написано и можете заодно сюда его выложить.


зачем так часто его ставить, если не секрет?

У меня  в прицепе мало места на диске и что бы поиграть в другие игры нужно сносить вовс

Сегодня в 22:11:02 пользователь DrhA сказал:

там же написали: "подробная информация доступна в файле журнала" (это файл WoWSLauncher.log в папке с игрой), вот и посмотрите, что там написано и можете заодно сюда его выложить.


зачем так часто его ставить, если не секрет?

Log started:

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29/05/2019 20:17:34

29/05/2019 20:17:33          Loading localized resources...
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Loading configuration...
29/05/2019 20:17:34  WARNING:    Error during reading of "app_type.xml".
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WoWSLauncher.cfg'
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Download speed is unlimited
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(1); check period: 14400 sec; install period: 14400 sec
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Restored selected chain: h15
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Applying -select_target high option
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Setting preferred chain: h15...
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Applying -select_auto_update disabled(1) option
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Update localizations...
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Start "WoWSLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WoWSLauncher.exe"  -postinstall -select_target high -select_auto_update 1 -session_id 92823638D0C349E393143F3345CF0657"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Session id="92823638D0C349E393143F3345CF0657"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Installation id="144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Tracking id="1545561769231824339"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Info for "WoWSLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20180613 105540, Revision: #627636 (stable_3.27.1)"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\temp"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\temp"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WoWSLauncher.cfg"
29/05/2019 20:17:34          Running tray request: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command notify_started -caller_pid 3796
29/05/2019 20:17:34  ERROR:    Failed to start process. Error(0x80070002): Не удается найти указанный файл.
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Start update process
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.26.629&client_ver=unknown&locale_ver=unknown&sdcontent_ver=unknown&lang=ru"
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Http request completed
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\launcher\"
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\launcher\"
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Patch for part launcher is available. version_from: unknown, version_to: 3.29.971
29/05/2019 20:17:35          file name: "wows.ru_3.29.971_launcher.wgpkg", size: 4599631 
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Start download process
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Getting torrent files via http...
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Getting patch files via ptp...
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Initializing P2P session 
29/05/2019 20:17:35          Getting patch files via http...
29/05/2019 20:17:35          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). file: "wows.ru_3.29.971_launcher.wgpkg", size: 4599631, url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows.ru_3.29.971_launcher.wgpkg"
29/05/2019 20:17:36          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:17:36          Stop download process
29/05/2019 20:17:36          Unpacking patches...
29/05/2019 20:17:36          open patch file. name="wows.ru_3.29.971_launcher.wgpkg", size=4599631, uncompressed_size=13101053
29/05/2019 20:17:36          Application is located on HDD drive
29/05/2019 20:17:36          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates\wows.ru_3.29.971_launcher.wgpkg; ", threading=2 
29/05/2019 20:17:37          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_3.29.971_launcher.wgpkg"
29/05/2019 20:17:37          Installing patches...
29/05/2019 20:17:37          apply bin-diffs. succeed
29/05/2019 20:17:37          post-update process. no processes
29/05/2019 20:17:37          Update complete. part: "launcher"
29/05/2019 20:17:38          Restarting...
29/05/2019 20:17:39          restart launcher: cmd="-session_id 92823638D0C349E393143F3345CF0657 -commit 3.29.971"
29/05/2019 20:17:39          Stop. Reason: self restart; Code: 0x01000002

Log started:
29/05/2019 20:17:40

29/05/2019 20:17:40          Loading localized resources...
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Loading configuration...
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WoWSLauncher.cfg'
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Download speed is unlimited
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Auto update settings: disabled(1); display(1); check period: 14400 sec; install period: 14400 sec
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Restored selected chain: h15
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Update localizations...
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Start "WoWSLauncher.exe" params=""C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WoWSLauncher.exe" -session_id 92823638D0C349E393143F3345CF0657 -commit 3.29.971"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Session id="92823638D0C349E393143F3345CF0657"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Installation id="144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Tracking id="1545561769231824339"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Info for "WoWSLauncher.exe": Version:, Comment: "Built: 20180613 105540, Revision: #627636 (stable_3.27.1)"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Commit launcher version: version="3.26.629"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Process configuration file: 'C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WoWSLauncher.cfg.update'
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Download speed is unlimited
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Auto update settings: disabled(1); display(1); check period: 1800 sec; install period: 14400 sec
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Restored selected chain: h15
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Node /info/install_mode_enabled was not found in C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WoWSLauncher.cfg.update, but install_mode exists. Suppose install_mode_enabled is true.
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Update localizations...
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Replace "7z.dll" with "7z.dll.update"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Replace "WargamingGameUpdater.exe" with "WargamingGameUpdater.exe.update"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Create update folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Try access patch folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Create temp folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\temp"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Try access temp folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\temp"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Save configuration: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WoWSLauncher.cfg"
29/05/2019 20:17:40          Running tray request: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\WargamingGameUpdater.exe -protocol 1 -command sync -caller_pid 4628 -upgraded
29/05/2019 20:17:41          Start update process
29/05/2019 20:17:41          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
29/05/2019 20:17:41          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 20:17:41          System update.
29/05/2019 20:17:41          Cleaning up update folder....
29/05/2019 20:17:41          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 20:17:41          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver=unknown&locale_ver=unknown&sdcontent_ver=unknown&lang=ru"
29/05/2019 20:17:42          Http request completed
29/05/2019 20:17:42          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\client\"
29/05/2019 20:17:42          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\client\"
29/05/2019 20:17:42          Patch for part client is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 20:17:42          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 20:17:42          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 2082337563 
29/05/2019 20:17:42          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 154453764 
29/05/2019 20:17:42          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 153617346 
29/05/2019 20:17:42          Start download process
29/05/2019 20:17:42          Getting torrent files via http...
29/05/2019 20:17:42          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:17:42          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:17:42          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:17:42          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:17:42          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:17:42          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:17:42          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:17:42          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:17:42          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:17:42          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:17:42          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:17:42          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:17:42          Getting patch files via ptp...
29/05/2019 20:17:42          Initializing P2P session 
29/05/2019 20:18:11          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:18:45          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:21:57          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:22:25          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:22:25          Getting patch files via http...
29/05/2019 20:22:25          Stop download process
29/05/2019 20:22:25          Unpacking patches...
29/05/2019 20:22:25          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=6276641563, uncompressed_size=8811075844
29/05/2019 20:22:25          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=154453764, uncompressed_size=378729673
29/05/2019 20:22:25          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=153617346, uncompressed_size=376510589
29/05/2019 20:22:25          Application is located on HDD drive
29/05/2019 20:22:25          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2 
29/05/2019 20:27:56          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:27:57          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates\wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2 
29/05/2019 20:28:15          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:28:15          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates\wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2 
29/05/2019 20:28:34          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:28:34          Installing patches...
29/05/2019 20:28:36          apply bin-diffs. succeed
29/05/2019 20:28:36          post-update process. no processes
29/05/2019 20:28:37          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="basecontent_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:30:24          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="gui_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:31:01          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="particles_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:31:01          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="shaders_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:31:01          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="system_data_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:31:02          apply bin-diffs. succeed
29/05/2019 20:31:02          post-update process. no processes
29/05/2019 20:31:02          Make cleaning, service file path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\client\wows.ru_0.\_service\service.xml
29/05/2019 20:31:02          Cleaning finished
29/05/2019 20:31:03          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="basecontent_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:32:45          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="gui_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:33:53          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="particles_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:33:53          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="shaders_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:33:53          apply bin-diffs. process file: name="system_data_0001.pkg."
29/05/2019 20:33:54          apply bin-diffs. succeed
29/05/2019 20:33:54          post-update process. no processes
29/05/2019 20:33:54          Update complete. part: "client"
29/05/2019 20:33:54          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 20:33:55          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
29/05/2019 20:33:55          Old update.xml found. Checking for relevance...
29/05/2019 20:33:55          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 20:33:55          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 20:33:55          Old update.xml is not relevant anymore, cleaning up update folder...
29/05/2019 20:33:56          Http request completed
29/05/2019 20:33:56          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\locale_ru\"
29/05/2019 20:33:56          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\locale_ru\"
29/05/2019 20:33:57          Patch for part locale is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 20:33:57          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 681478 
29/05/2019 20:33:57          Start download process
29/05/2019 20:33:57          Getting torrent files via http...
29/05/2019 20:33:57          Getting patch files via ptp...
29/05/2019 20:33:57          Initializing P2P session 
29/05/2019 20:33:57          Getting patch files via http...
29/05/2019 20:33:57          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). file: "wows.ru_0.", size: 681478, url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:57          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:33:57          Stop download process
29/05/2019 20:33:57          Unpacking patches...
29/05/2019 20:33:57          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=681478, uncompressed_size=3476727
29/05/2019 20:33:57          extracting patch file. name="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates\wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2 
29/05/2019 20:33:58          patch file extracted. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Installing patches...
29/05/2019 20:33:58          apply bin-diffs. succeed
29/05/2019 20:33:58          post-update process. no processes
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Update complete. part: "locale"
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Old update.xml found. Checking for relevance...
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Old update.xml is not relevant anymore, cleaning up update folder...
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Http request completed
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 20:33:58          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 20:33:58          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 20:33:58          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 20:33:58          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 20:33:58          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836 
29/05/2019 20:33:58          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32 
29/05/2019 20:33:58          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32 
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Start download process
29/05/2019 20:33:58          Getting torrent files via http...
29/05/2019 20:33:58          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:58          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:33:58          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:58          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:58          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:33:58          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:58          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:58          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:33:58          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:58          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:59          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:33:59          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:59          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:59          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:33:59          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:59          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:59          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:33:59          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:59          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:59          http request complete.
29/05/2019 20:33:59          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:33:59          Getting patch files via ptp...
29/05/2019 20:33:59          Initializing P2P session 
29/05/2019 20:47:53          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:47:55          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:48:10          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:48:13          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:48:17          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:49:59          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:50:44          torrent file complete. file: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 20:50:44          Getting patch files via http...
29/05/2019 20:50:44          Stop download process
29/05/2019 20:50:44          Unpacking patches...
29/05/2019 20:50:44          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=20552917836, uncompressed_size=33912263140
29/05/2019 20:50:44          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=32, uncompressed_size=0
29/05/2019 20:50:44          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=32, uncompressed_size=0
29/05/2019 20:50:44          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2 
29/05/2019 20:58:11  ERROR:    patch extraction. failed archive extraction. (0x80004005) Неопознанная ошибка occurred during extraction "res_packages\spaces_gold_harbor_0001.pkg" from "multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; " to "C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"
29/05/2019 20:58:11  ERROR:    patch extraction. name: "wows.ru_0.", what: extract file error: Неопознанная ошибка, msg: name="wows.ru_0." file="res_packages\spaces_gold_harbor_0001.pkg" to="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"
29/05/2019 21:05:00          User requested to start recovery
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Start update process
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Http request completed
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Part "client" needs integrity. Switching to integrity state...
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Start integrity for target: "client"...
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Start verify integrity process for target client
29/05/2019 21:05:00          Obtain integrity information...
29/05/2019 21:05:00          prepare http request(id = 1): url="http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 21:05:01          http request(id = 1): response info: status=200, error=0, content_len=0
29/05/2019 21:05:01          http request has completed: verb="GET" url="http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 21:05:01          http request(id = 1): SUCCESS
29/05/2019 21:05:01          Adding integrity repot: http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/references/wows_0.
29/05/2019 21:05:01          Get integrity check list
29/05/2019 21:05:01          prepare http request(id = 1): url="http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/references/wows_0."
29/05/2019 21:05:01          http request(id = 1): response info: status=200, error=0, content_len=21017
29/05/2019 21:05:01          http request(id = 1): SUCCESS
29/05/2019 21:05:01          Process integrity check list...
29/05/2019 21:06:54          All checked integrity files are already downloaded.
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Integrity check complete for target client
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Stop verify integrity process
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Http request completed
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Part "locale" needs integrity. Switching to integrity state...
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Start integrity for target: "locale"...
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Start verify integrity process for target locale
29/05/2019 21:06:54          Obtain integrity information...
29/05/2019 21:06:54          prepare http request(id = 1): url="http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 21:06:55          http request(id = 1): response info: status=200, error=0, content_len=0
29/05/2019 21:06:55          http request has completed: verb="GET" url="http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 21:06:55          http request(id = 1): SUCCESS
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Adding integrity repot: http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/references/wows_0.
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Get integrity check list
29/05/2019 21:06:55          prepare http request(id = 1): url="http://dl-wows-gc.wargaming.net/ru/references/wows_0."
29/05/2019 21:06:55          http request(id = 1): response info: status=200, error=0, content_len=245
29/05/2019 21:06:55          http request(id = 1): SUCCESS
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Process integrity check list...
29/05/2019 21:06:55          All checked integrity files are already downloaded.
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Integrity check complete for target locale
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Stop verify integrity process
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Http request completed
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 21:06:55          Unpacking patches...
29/05/2019 21:06:55          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=20552917836, uncompressed_size=33912263140
29/05/2019 21:06:55          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=32, uncompressed_size=0
29/05/2019 21:06:55          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=32, uncompressed_size=0
29/05/2019 21:06:55          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2 
29/05/2019 21:15:11  ERROR:    patch extraction. failed archive extraction. (0x80004005) Неопознанная ошибка occurred during extraction "res_packages\spaces_s09_LePVE_0001.pkg" from "multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; " to "C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"
29/05/2019 21:15:12  ERROR:    patch extraction. name: "wows.ru_0.", what: extract file error: Неопознанная ошибка, msg: name="wows.ru_0." file="res_packages\spaces_s09_LePVE_0001.pkg" to="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Start update process
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Http request completed
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 22:03:54          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:54          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:03:55          Unpacking patches...
29/05/2019 22:03:55          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=20552917836, uncompressed_size=33912263140
29/05/2019 22:03:55          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=32, uncompressed_size=0
29/05/2019 22:03:55          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=32, uncompressed_size=0
29/05/2019 22:03:55          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2 
29/05/2019 22:04:23  ERROR:    patch extraction. failed archive extraction. (0x80004005) Неопознанная ошибка occurred during extraction "res_packages\spaces_sea_hope_0001.pkg" from "multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; " to "C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"
29/05/2019 22:04:23  ERROR:    patch extraction. name: "wows.ru_0.", what: extract file error: Неопознанная ошибка, msg: name="wows.ru_0." file="res_packages\spaces_sea_hope_0001.pkg" to="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"
29/05/2019 22:06:34          Start update process
29/05/2019 22:06:34          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Http request completed
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:06:35          Unpacking patches...
29/05/2019 22:06:36          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=20552917836, uncompressed_size=33912263140
29/05/2019 22:06:36          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=32, uncompressed_size=0
29/05/2019 22:06:36          open patch file. name="wows.ru_0.", size=32, uncompressed_size=0
29/05/2019 22:06:36          extracting patch file. name="multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ", threading=2 
29/05/2019 22:07:42  ERROR:    patch extraction. failed archive extraction. (0x80004005) Неопознанная ошибка occurred during extraction "res_packages\vehicles_level8_0002.pkg" from "multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; " to "C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"
29/05/2019 22:07:42  ERROR:    patch extraction. name: "wows.ru_0.", what: extract file error: Неопознанная ошибка, msg: name="wows.ru_0." file="res_packages\vehicles_level8_0002.pkg" to="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"
29/05/2019 22:07:42  WARNING:    Deletion of invalid patch: "multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; ".
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Start update process
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Obtain patch information...
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Parsing of local update.xml is finished.
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Get update.xml from update service
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Send http request. url: "http://update.worldofwarships.ru?protocol_ver=4&install_id=144b58f3c8fa01510091686a0d7ff7cb850a01bc&target=launcher,client,locale,sdcontent&launcher_ver=3.29.971&client_ver="
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Http request completed
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Create update work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Try access patch work folder: path="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\"
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Patch for part sdcontent is available. version_from: unknown, version_to:
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 4194304000 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 3775701836 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          file name: "wows.ru_0.", size: 32, has been already downloaded 
29/05/2019 22:10:11          Start download process
29/05/2019 22:10:12          Getting torrent files via http...
29/05/2019 22:10:12          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          http request complete.
29/05/2019 22:10:12          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          http request complete.
29/05/2019 22:10:12          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          http request complete.
29/05/2019 22:10:12          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          http request complete.
29/05/2019 22:10:12          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          send http request(url id: 1, attempt: 1, total attempt: 1). url: "http://dl-wows-cdx.wargaming.net/ru/patches/wows_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          http request complete.
29/05/2019 22:10:12          torrent file created. name: "wows.ru_0."
29/05/2019 22:10:12          Getting patch files via ptp...
29/05/2019 22:10:12          Initializing P2P session 



Изменено пользователем 26_4_198623
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Сегодня в 22:12:16 пользователь 26_4_198623 сказал:

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всё что ниже спрячь в скрытый текст (символ глаза на панели редактора)


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Сегодня в 22:26:23 пользователь Ignitus сказал:

всё что ниже спрячь в скрытый текст (символ глаза на панели редактора)



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Сегодня в 00:12:16 пользователь 26_4_198623 сказал:

Log started:

выдает ошибку


29/05/2019 22:07:42  ERROR:    patch extraction. failed archive extraction. (0x80004005) Неопознанная ошибка occurred during extraction "res_packages\vehicles_level8_0002.pkg" from "multivolume archive, path: C:\Games\World_of_Warships\Updates, volumes: wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; wows.ru_0.; " to "C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"
29/05/2019 22:07:42  ERROR:    patch extraction. name: "wows.ru_0.", what: extract file error: Неопознанная ошибка, msg: name="wows.ru_0." file="res_packages\vehicles_level8_0002.pkg" to="C:\Games\World_of_Warships\UpdatesData\sdcontent\wows.ru_0.\"

ошибка 0x80004005 это обычно ошибка доступа (нет прав, например, антивирус ругается или с диском проблемы)

советы по порядку простоты выполнения:

1. запустить ланчер из под администратора (пкм по WorldOfWarships.exe -> "запустить от имени администратора")

2. отключите антивирус, если есть

3. сделайте проверку диска без проверки поверхности. Если диск работал вчера, это не гарантирует, что он будет работать сегодня.

4. перекачайте обновление, возможно побился какой-то файл при загрузке (закрываете ланчер, удаляете все из папки Update и запускаете ланчер). Можно вместо проверки, но проверку все равно лучше как нибудь сделать.

5. завтра патч, может быть стоит его дождаться

6. проверьте опертивку

  • Плюс 1

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Сегодня в 23:03:20 пользователь DrhA сказал:

выдает ошибку

ошибка 0x80004005 это обычно ошибка доступа (нет прав, например, антивирус ругается или с диском проблемы)

советы по порядку простоты выполнения:

1. запустить ланчер из под администратора (пкм по WorldOfWarships.exe -> "запустить от имени администратора")

2. отключите антивирус, если есть

3. сделайте проверку диска без проверки поверхности. Если диск работал вчера, это не гарантирует, что он будет работать сегодня.

4. перекачайте обновление, возможно побился какой-то файл при загрузке (закрываете ланчер, удаляете все из папки Update и запускаете ланчер). Можно вместо проверки, но проверку все равно лучше как нибудь сделать.

5. завтра патч, может быть стоит его дождаться

6. проверьте опертивку

Спасибо! Сейчас проверю!


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Если имеется возможность предоставьте пожалуйста отчет WGCheck найти его можно в этой инструкции: https://ru.wargaming.net/support/ru/products/wows/article/16381/


Просто скачайте приложение, устанавливать дополнительное ПО не обязательно.

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Выскажу частное мнение:


Когда начал устанавливать игру, на update уже лежали обновления 0.8.4


А ты ставил 0.8.3 (до 05-00 Мск 2019/05/30) поэтому клиент качает обнову 0.8.4 но распаковать его не может, ибо сервер пока не разрешает обновлять.


Это просто временный затык между выкладкой файлов обновы и временем обновления.



Системотехника - самый страшный зверь для джунглей Вселенной Варгейминг :cap_haloween:

  • Плюс 1

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Мне кажется, имея у СТ 32-битную систему и имея 2 гига памяти, будут происходить проблемы постоянно, лучше прикупить ещё 2 гига памяти( игра требует 4 гига) и с 32х битной перейти на 64х битную, то играть комфортнее чуток будет, если правда железо будет предраспологать заменить с 32 на 64, может железо и не поддерживать её, тогда лучше обратиться к мастерам по переустановке...

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В 29.05.2019 в 22:12:16 пользователь 26_4_198623 сказал:
  Показать содержимое
  Показать содержимое



У меня  в прицепе мало места на диске и что бы поиграть в другие игры нужно сносить вовс

Это плохо сказывается на компьютере..

В 29.05.2019 в 22:12:16 пользователь 26_4_198623 сказал:
  Показать содержимое
  Показать содержимое




Log started:

Приложить файл намного проще, чем всовывать ВЕСЬ лог в тему форума.




И предоставьте пожалуйста вот это. 

В 29.05.2019 в 23:26:44 пользователь Fantastic_Approved сказал:

Если имеется возможность предоставьте пожалуйста отчет WGCheck найти его можно в этой инструкции: https://ru.wargaming.net/support/ru/products/wows/article/16381/



  • Плюс 1

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