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О vvperedery

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1 008 просмотров профиля
  1. У меня тоже проблема с яйцами и все три корабля синие тоже, а ведь не должно так быть. Короче как перестанут быть синими, все заработает, я так думаю
  2. А у вас все три корабля синие, вот как не будут синими, так и бой заработает
  3. Yeeeeeeeeeeeh boy. Ура ура ура. Думаю надпись на шаре одна из подсказок Подозрительно что даты этой выставки вот вот наступят, может намек что будет еще одна посказка в это время
  4. Не eu и usa портале вот что писали, думаю нас не обделят
  5. Привет всем На карте все 8 меток. Вот пруф)) На карте один из островов напоминает эмблему игры. Если послушать робота, то он шутки травит Вот еще несколько интересных скринов, может они что дадут, хотя не уверен
  6. Жесть, почитал ночную (по мск) переписку, 13 мин вроде самый большой интервал.
  7. А что ночью тоже пишут??? В 4 или 5 утра??
  8. Так невезение так выглядит? Не думаю что причина в везении
  9. Очень позитивный и играбельный кусок. После него можно смело идти в казино, потому что если у Лесты не выиграл, то в казино или каратах точно пруха будет.
  10. Спасибо. Через год попробуем реддит обогнать с решением)))
  11. 7 контейнеров, как и всем. Бонус код никогда больших плюшек не давал. Ценным призом всегда награждали разрабы по их желанию и усмотрению
  12. Так он не работает потому что обнова вышла. У него срок до конца патча был
  13. Разгадка How we solved the 2022 birthday riddle : WorldOfWarships (reddit.com) Мы были рядом. И да я был прав про 6 цифр!!!!!!!!! On the basic level it consisted of finding a plaintext, the encryption method and the cipher key, similar to last year. The first step was finding the plaintext. Remember the letters on the items for the new Seven Seas collection? Spelling 'PEUNSCINGRIEHIFD' if viewed chronological. When searching for anagrams one may arrive at the correct phrase 'DECIPHERINGISFUN' already, but the intended way to find that phrase is by looking for hidden numbers in each of the depicted ports and ordering the letters that way. Some of the hidden numbers were especially hard to find (Dunkirk and Rotterdam come to mind). 'DECIPHERINGISFUN' was/is a bonuscode rewarding seven 'Thetis' camouflages. The second step, finding the correct encryption method, which was fairly easy. Under the above the treasure map there was the cryptic phrase 'Find your way to the treasure as fast as player FairPlayer_I did. Who will be the first?'. People who know their ciphers will have immediately jumped to the conclusion that this is a reference to the Playfair Cipher. Usually, a Playfair cipher consists of a 5x5 square generated from a key word or phrase (duplicated letters in there will be skipped) that is put in first and rest of the square is filled with the rest of the letters of the alphabet in alphabetic order (normally skipping 'J'). Then a ciphertext can be deciphered using this square, which is done in pairs, but I spare you the details. Step three, the key. The most in your face hint was the missions for Black Swan, Hermes and Albermale. Obviously, it was a hint to check the ships carefully. When doing so one will find maps corresponding to ingame minimaps on each of the ships' bridges. As well as a hidden number. Combined with the given combat Missions we got the following: Get one spotting ribbon in Black Swan (Map: Ring, Number: 4) Get one set on fire ribbon in Hermes (Map: Hotspot, Number: 3) Get one aircraft shot down ribbon in Albermale (Map: Mountain Range, Number, 6) The next step was visiting the maps and looking for anything odd. Here the combat missions proofed to be vital: On all three maps are hidden Morse codes: on Hotspot in the active volcano (hint: 'fire'), on Mountain Range at the airport (hint: 'aircraft') and on Ring at the harbour (hint: 'spot ship') The morse codes decoded revealed the following: Hotspot / 3: 'SSS' Ring / 4: 'KKK' Mountain Range / 6: 'YY' Promising, but we got more hints: The anniversary special (200% daily bonus and reduced module prices and the like) was titled as Big race on a little road — I. With Big Race being a map in the game it was clear where we had to look next. The trains used on the map have 'Little River Railroad' written onto them, so narrowing the search was easy. In the coal harbour next to the trainyard one can hear a music piece playing. And it turns out to be La donna è mobile by Giuseppe Verdi. On the model of the ship Giuseppe Verdi one can find the hidden digit '1'. Which leaves us with Big Race / 1: 'I' * since the '- I' part isn't used in this riddle. The next two clues were both hidden in the Designers Table port: We have a photo of an islands lying on the table. If you know your maps you can relative quickly narrow the position of the photo down to one of the pit mines on Land of Fire. When investigating the spot further we will find a huge skeleton partially uncovered in the mine, as well as a sign saying '59,3t'. This was quite the hard clue but eventually one will lend on a Wikipedia page about a recently discovered dinosaur type, that is estimated to have weight '59,3t' based on a skeleton found in the southern part of Argentina (relatively close to Land of Fire). The name of the type of dinosaur is 'Dreadnoughtus' and it was even named after the famous Dreadnought battleships. On the Dreadnought ingame we'll find the digit '2'. Combined with the sign we get the following: Land of Fire / 2: 'T' * The final clue was the Battleships or Warship Strike grid right below the photo: It shows a single hit in 'E7'. The map this time might not have been as straight forward, but with the Warship Strike map not featuring any islands, it leaves only one option: Ocean. Also there is 'Pacific' written next to the Strike square. After navigating to 'E7' on Ocean one will hear Richard Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. Since we don't have a Richard Wagner in the game (yet) the only ship to check was the British Valkyrie. On it we'll find the digit '5' combined with the 'E7' hit we get: Ocean / 5: 'E'. And therefore, our key after combining all the clues is: ITSKEY The last step is putting everything together. Which means creating a playfair square with 'ITSKEY' as key and encrypting 'DECIPHERINGISFUN' to the following: MDYKWPDZYUFTIHIU (which is a bonuscode rewarding 7x Rare Bonus Containers) Appendix (screenshots with the clues). https://eu.wargaming.net/shop/redeem/?bonus_mode=MDYKWPDZYUFTIHIU