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[A letter to developers] Problems with assets.bin

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We are SEA Group, a ASIA modder team dedicated to WOWS. Before Patch 0.5.5 we have already made several mods. There are a few examples with comments (in AISA).

ARP Yamato (ARP Movie ver.) – Eventually, this mod was not implemented in 0.5.5 due to the structural change in files.



ARP Takao – The most sophisticated mod with altered bulkhead and under-water jets.






URS Series – Original camo style. It is quite popular.



ARP Laser Turrets



Other individual mods





However, in Patch 0.5.5, Files such as .model.mfm and .visual were compiled into assets.bin. Hence our mods were simply not working anymore. And a lot of SEA followers were complaining about this.




What we want is your exclusive knowledge on the .bin file decomposition. And we promise the technique will only be used on making mods shown above.

If we are not to reveal the existence of private communication, then you can

We are a non-commercial organization

Also found that after 5.5 ARP ship Myoko number is not luminous effects, the Department may file in the bin package MFM parameter error, the hope can be modified.


Your loyal players,

SEA Group




I understood your problem, and assume you can ask about it some devs, who are online now.

The Sub_Octavian is one of the Community Managers, he solves the generic problems, but I doubt he can help with the game files.

I will write about your problem to some dev I know.

Hope he can solve it, or at least redirect you to someone who can.


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Hi there!


I will pass this question to the developers working on the file packaging system and game files protection. We will try to help you, though you will probably have to sign NDA to access some of the tools




Я передам вам вопрос разработчикам, которые работают над системой пакетирования файлов и защитой клиента. Мы постараемся помочь, но скорее всего вам придётся подписать НДА для доступа к части инструментов.

  • Плюс 15

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27 публикаций

Hi there!


I will pass this question to the developers working on the file packaging system and game files protection. We will try to help you, though you will probably have to sign NDA to access some of the tools




Я передам вам вопрос разработчикам, которые работают над системой пакетирования файлов и защитой клиента. Мы постараемся помочь, но скорее всего вам придётся подписать НДА для доступа к части инструментов.

Thank you very much, I look forward to your reply.

I'm glad you are willing to help us.

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26 публикаций

Hey Guys,

First of all let me tell tell I was really impressed by your mods. You're doing really mind-blowing things! 


Now as to assets.bin. The main reason it was introduced in 0.5.5 was loading time improvement. In a nutshell, all xml files (~1000 per ship or per map) were pre-compilied & combined to binary database now known as assets.bin. While 'moving' mfms, visuals & models to assets.bin, xml format changes to data-structures that are used directly by WoWS Client. Since 0.5.5 we don't need to read every xml file from HDD/SSD and parse it one by one.

Just telling you this to keep everybody on the same page.


Unfortunately, I cannot tell you guys the exact dates when assets.bin will be avaliable for modding. We have several option to discuss internally & will get back to you ASAP

  • Плюс 1

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Участник, Участник, Участник, Коллекционер
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И почему у нас такие не делают? (( 

  • Плюс 2

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1 816
Старший бета-тестер, Коллекционер
1 891 публикация

Там кстати порт офигенский есть японский у них стандартный в клиенте.. видел пару раз на Азиатских стримах и на скринах тут тоже есть.

Вот бы у нас такой же был в выборе...


Лел, добавили этот порт :)


Изменено пользователем Mebius_LW

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Вот это ничего себе!О_о Неимоверная круть!

  • Плюс 1

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27 публикаций

Hi there!


I will pass this question to the developers working on the file packaging system and game files protection. We will try to help you, though you will probably have to sign NDA to access some of the tools




Я передам вам вопрос разработчикам, которые работают над системой пакетирования файлов и защитой клиента. Мы постараемся помочь, но скорее всего вам придётся подписать НДА для доступа к части инструментов.


Hello, is there any progress?

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Бета-тестер, Коллекционер
1 556 публикаций

Вот это жесть, у нас история все дела, в тут звездный десант)

  • Плюс 1

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Бета-тестер кланов, Участник, Бета-тестер, Коллекционер
5 324 публикации
12 100 боёв


We are SEA Group, a ASIA modder team dedicated to WOWS. Before Patch 0.5.5 we have already made several mods. There are a few examples with comments (in AISA).

ARP Yamato (ARP Movie ver.) – Eventually, this mod was not implemented in 0.5.5 due to the structural change in files.



ARP Takao – The most sophisticated mod with altered bulkhead and under-water jets.






URS Series – Original camo style. It is quite popular.



ARP Laser Turrets



Other individual mods





However, in Patch 0.5.5, Files such as .model, .mfm and .visual were compiled into assets.bin. Hence our mods were simply not working anymore. And a lot of SEA followers were complaining about this.




What we want is your exclusive knowledge on the .bin file decomposition. And we promise the technique will only be used on making mods shown above.

If we are not to reveal the existence of private communication, then you can

We are a non-commercial organization

Also found that after 5.5 ARP ship Myoko number is not luminous effects, the Department may file in the bin package MFM parameter error, the hope can be modified.


Your loyal players,

SEA Group



God damn... Holy Cow... Awesome job there.


Holding my fingers crossed for the developers making adjustments to the bin file or give you rights to use their tools to adjust bin files make such beauty.


Keep up the awesome work ob ARP Ships, we are waiting for more of your awesome mods.

Изменено пользователем Fraulein_Prinz_Eugen
  • Плюс 2

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17 публикаций
17 328 боёв

Господи, пусть эта красота выйдет как официальное продолжение ивента Арпеджио. Это оооочень круто. А любители историчности пусть сменят порт Йокоско на самый историчный из всех портов-Океан.

  • Плюс 1

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Участник, Коллекционер
185 публикаций

Господи, пусть эта красота выйдет как официальное продолжение ивента Арпеджио. Это оооочень круто. А любители историчности пусть сменят порт Йокоско на самый историчный из всех портов-Океан.


Люто "ЗА"! В принципе для разработчиков это не должно составить большой проблемы (ИМХО), так же вариант ввести это в качестве дополнительных камуфляжей. 

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