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Kantai Collection!

В этой теме 15 742 комментария

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23 публикации
2 625 боёв

Давно не был, отстал от жизни.

Подскажите, плз, появились ли моды с озвучкой?


А то на EU выложена видяшка с озвучкой Конго, но ссылок никаких не нашел...

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Старший бета-тестер
968 публикаций
8 444 боя

ивент объявили на начало августа, надо по быстрому проходить экстры и переходить в режим фарма. Кай-ни дадут кому то из Нагара класса или Кума класса.

Изменено пользователем TmK
  • Плюс 1

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Старший бета-тестер
646 публикаций
5 116 боёв

ивент объявили на начало августа, надо по быстрому проходить экстры и переходить в режим фарма. Кай-ни дадут кому то из Нагара класса или Кума класса.


Остался всего месяц подготовки! NNNNNOOOOOOO

И немного артов










  • Плюс 7

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1 606
3 461 публикация
6 639 боёв

Давно не был, отстал от жизни.

Подскажите, плз, появились ли моды с озвучкой?


А то на EU выложена видяшка с озвучкой Конго, но ссылок никаких не нашел...


не, вроде пока не появлялось, сейчас же "новая инновационная" система защиты от модов.


ивент объявили на начало августа, надо по быстрому проходить экстры и переходить в режим фарма. Кай-ни дадут кому то из Нагара класса или Кума класса.


Кума Кай Ни.. хотеть!


совсем шлюпки распустились













 ох уж эти немки



  • Плюс 8

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794 публикации

Таки не дадут Кай Ни Дзуйкаку или Сёкаку? /*плак, плак*/ Придётся всё же апать Ямасиро. (Дрон, в пичали, любимая плоскопалубная осталась без кай ни, хотя если бы дали кай ни Хосё, тут было бы даже лучше, эх несбыточные мечты)

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Старший альфа-тестер, Коллекционер
6 448 публикаций
8 433 боя

Что-то тут совсем над юбкой Быстрейшей поиздевались


Не поверите, но это подлодка!


Сделайте Конго радостной (траффик!)


Линкор прикрыл крейсер эскорта. 


Тикума и Тонэ в атаке



  • Плюс 8

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Старший бета-тестер
968 публикаций
8 444 боя

Таки не дадут Кай Ни Дзуйкаку или Сёкаку? /*плак, плак*/ Придётся всё же апать Ямасиро. (Дрон, в пичали, любимая плоскопалубная осталась без кай ни, хотя если бы дали кай ни Хосё, тут было бы даже лучше, эх несбыточные мечты)


ну на кай ни для авика намекали, но точной инфы нет


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1 485
Старший альфа-тестер
934 публикации
2 887 боёв

Давно не был, отстал от жизни.

Подскажите, плз, появились ли моды с озвучкой?

А то на EU выложена видяшка с озвучкой Конго, но ссылок никаких не нашел...

Видяшка - скорее всего монтаж, т.к.

1. Модификации аудио-составляющей игры все еще официально запрещена.

2. Как уже и писал ранее, если разработчики не поделятся исходниками звуковых библиотек, то свою озвучку не сделать.


ивент объявили на начало августа, надо по быстрому проходить экстры и переходить в режим фарма. Кай-ни дадут кому то из Нагара класса или Кума класса.

А еще в пятницу запланированы тех. работы на 2 с половиной часа.


совсем шлюпки распустились

Это все из-за того, что кое-кто (не будем показывать пальцем) сделал из своего флота гарем!


Таки не дадут Кай Ни Дзуйкаку или Сёкаку? /*плак, плак*/

Не плачьте, сударь, будут у них Kai Ni, никуда не денутся!

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Старший альфа-тестер, Коллекционер, ПТ ''Сезон Ураганов'', Бета-тестер кланов, Столкновение Серв-ов, ПТ ''Мартобой''
3 516 публикаций
3 357 боёв

А как так получилось что я играю в Канколу и не сижу в этой теме?!:sceptic: Непорядок.

  • Плюс 1

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585 публикаций
175 боёв

А как так получилось что я играю в Канколу и не сижу в этой теме?!:sceptic: Непорядок.


Это вам должно быть известно:honoring:

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Старший альфа-тестер, Коллекционер, ПТ ''Сезон Ураганов'', Бета-тестер кланов, Столкновение Серв-ов, ПТ ''Мартобой''
3 516 публикаций
3 357 боёв


Это вам должно быть известно:honoring:


У меня нет логического объяснения как это произошло:(

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1 150 публикаций

А как так получилось что я играю в Канколу и не сижу в этой теме?!:sceptic: Непорядок.


Добро пожаловать в логово кусо тейтоку, фехтующий дух!


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1 606
3 461 публикация
6 639 боёв

Это все из-за того, что кое-кто (не будем показывать пальцем) сделал из своего флота гарем!


Ниправда, официально пока только одна жена! А остальное шведская семья!

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Старший бета-тестер
646 публикаций
5 116 боёв


Ниправда, официально пока только одна жена! А остальное шведская семья!


А твоя флотская, шведская семья знает о гареме семье трапомечей? >.>

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Старший альфа-тестер, Коллекционер, ПТ ''Сезон Ураганов'', Бета-тестер кланов, Столкновение Серв-ов, ПТ ''Мартобой''
3 516 публикаций
3 357 боёв


Добро пожаловать в логово кусо тейтоку, фехтующий дух!




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585 публикаций
175 боёв


Ниправда, официально пока только одна жена! А остальное шведская семья!


Это ты скажешь на суде присяжных, как оно так вышло:teethhappy:, а канмусиков жалко:coin:

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1 150 публикаций

Почти отчисленный адмирал сегодня будет пилить много музыки и песен наших любимых канмусу.


Начнем с 2-14-11 Наки и её First Love! Torpedo Squadron

Тексты буду впихивать под спойлер вместо с видео. 





1,2,3 Go!Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~
Torpedoes, torpedoes, torpedoes today tooDoing it over and over of course I'd get betterSo even a little would be fineI just want something that'll make my heart race
It might be a little selfish, but don't scrap me right away, 'kay?I always want to be with youHey, hello? (Huh?) Are you even listening? (Yeah?)Hey, hey, Admiral!
Bang bang bang! With my cannons of loveBang bang bang! I'll knock your heart outBang bang bang! Here come the torpedoes of passion
Bang bang bang! I'm all readyBang bang bang! It's time to sortieI'll sink you for sure!
Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~
Going back and forth to the same placeOver and over again, 'course I'd start to hate itBut it's kinda weirdIt feels kind of good and it's turning into a habit
Just a little clumsy is okay, isn't it? Don't leave me behind, 'kay?
I just want to be flagshipBut come on! (Hm?) What's wrong with you? (Right...)Oh come on Admiral!
Bang bang bang! With my cannons of loveBang bang bang! I'll aim for your heartBang bang bang! Here come the oxygen torpedoes!
Bang bang bang! I'm all readyBang bang bang! It's time to sortieMission accomplished, piece of cake, right?
Alright, here we go everyone! Ready...
Kanco Kanco KankoKancolle 'kay!Kanco Kanco KankoKancolle 'kay!KanKanKan CoCoColle go!KancoKancoKanKanKancoKanKancolle your turn!Yay--!
You could at least be around when I get chuuha'd,c ouldn't you?I just really want you to watch meHey, hello? (Huh?) Are you even listening? (Yeah?)Hey, hey, Admiral! Seriously? Admiral!
1, 2, 3 Go!Bang bang bang! With my torpedoes of loveBang bang bang! I'll knock our your heartBang bang bang! Don't stop this engine of passion
Bang bang bang! I'm all readyBang bang bang! It's time to sortieI'll sink you for sure!
Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~

Продолжим Хибики и её Endlessly Echoing Khorosho!




I reached out with this small hand of mineNot knowing what I could doAfter losing sight of it so many timesI finally found where I belong
Once I turned around I noticedThe friends I am always withAnd the smiles bright like the sunWere right thereKhorosho
I always want to protect youUntil the time when this body reaches it's endsAnd even if we are separatedMy heart is with you
Each of the steps I takeGather upon another and connect to eternityI can live by myselfBut right now, I spend this time with you
At some point in the days filled with battlesI had forgotten itThe words my heart had told meSo I can always remember them
I want to come back so many timesSo I don't lose sight of that your smileWhen fatigue drags me to sleepI wonder where you are and what you are doing
Each of these that begin to playOverlap each other and connect to eternityThis endlessly echoing melodyHas changed towards the truth
I always want to protect youUntil the time when this body reaches it's endsAnd even if we are separatedMy heart is with you
I want to come back so many timesSo I don't lose sight of your smileWhen fatigue drags me to sleepI believed your smile would be right here

Далее идут сестры Сендай и The Splendid 2nd Torpedo Squadron!




(Jintsuu)I illuminate the path I walkAnd cleave open the darkness of the night
To defendEverything I hold dear
(Sendai)Run faster than anyoneFree these emotions
I hid this heart in darknessPretending to be scared
(Naka)Gaze at my stage with that sight of yours
(Jintsuu)Gather these feelingsExpose this bodyLight the wayBreak free!
The colours of these flowersWill fade away in vainBut as long as I have tomorrow (hope)
I will sprint throughUntil a time where you areAnd escape this night
Thinking back on kinder daysEach time we exchange words it becomes deeperMore than the meaning of these battlesI’m sure something more dear
(Naka)The fire flowers like feelingsBefore you stand on stage
(Sendai)If you’re readyThen let the war beginAnd dive into the frayI won’t lose my way
(Jintsuu)The lives of these flowers inch towards deathBecoming battling tiger liliesI won’t look back
Slice through the darkness of the nightSo that there is peaceWhere I hope to be
Because it is nothing more than a sad day’s dreamFor the me of yesterdayLike the petals that dance in the windBeautiful
The colours of these flowersWill fade away in vainBut as long as I have tomorrow (hope)
By your side where you areIf I can one day carve the same time
The form of these flowers starts to changeOne day being reborn in a different body
I want to protect the gentle windBlooming, scattering and bloomingTowards a distant time

Две прекрасных авианосных девы и их On Dawn`s Horizon! 




(Both)Towards that ocean
(Akagi)The glory of the day and my feelingsI will engrave them into dawn’s ocean
Memories of days past and nostalgic smilesResolve and arrogance in a sea of regrets
Gaze at towards the skyRaise my head and head out on the ocean
With honed skills gather the glowing wingsRelease them into the skyAll units, launch!
97 lights (hopes), give me strength
Release the zeroes of rebirthTowards tomorrow (the future)
99 dreams (desires), these feelings
No matter when, no matter whereShine and break through
(Shokaku)I check these inherited wingsAnd defend this ocean as much as my strength allows
Why isn’t this enough?I don’t need to answer obvious questions like that
Noble like a craneI will put everything on the line for this
Gaze at the distant sky Beyond the dawn
With all my strength I release the bowstring, let these desires reach1st Carrier Division,Attack Wing, launch!
We will shine like cometsZeroes of memoryEscape the past to tomorrow (the future)
Fly nowAway from the sorrowAcross the rainbow to the heavenly mountains
We will glowLike those shooting stars
(Both)97 lights (hopes), give me strength
99 dreams (desires), these feelings
Release the zeroes of rebirthTowards tomorrow (the future)
Let the strong winds blowAnd charge forth
No matter when No matter where
The promise of dawn...


И наконец последнее.

Самые близкие мне 4 канмусу, которые пока никогда меня не подводили, ведя мой флот вперед, ensuring victory before the dawn`s horizon!

Сестры Конго и Our Bond with the Admiral!




(Kongou)Sleeping on the seabedFrom this deep sadness and the memories of timeAnd in the midst of the light of the waking morningI dream of you
(Hiei)You watch my back asI begin to float to the now calm sea of tomorrowThis map (course) of the future you gave meI'll make sure it comes true
(Kongou/Hiei/Haruna/Kirishima)This strait that drowns steelAnd these battles that cleave through the darknessAnd even the sadness of becoming aloneI can overcome them 
(Hiei/Kirishima)The winds of a blue timeAnd your gentle smileI will always hold them closeAnd head towards tomorrow (hope)
(Kongou/Haruna)I can respond at this timeTo that gaze of yoursEven the billowing smoke and this painYesThey are my bond with you
(Haruna)The end  of the sky beyond the horizonI can hear the rippling of a far away seaI fondly look backOn the days you gave me
(Kongou/Hiei/Haruna/Kirishima)The cold of sinking into the darknessAnd the sadness of of being left behindAnd even the loneliness of watching the endI will weave them together
(Kirishima)The infernos of a crimson red timeIf I’m with you then I won’t be scaredThese feelings echo through my heartAnd I head towards tomorrow (the future)
(Kongou)I will protect youI won’t leave you aloneEven the billowing smoke and this painThey make this dress of mine
(Everyone/Hiei)The winds of a blue timeAnd your gentle smileI will always hold them closeAnd head towards tomorrow (hope)
(Everyone)I am sure I can respond at this timeTo that gaze of yoursI believe in youSo could you always please
(Haruna)Hold this hand of mine

Пока искал тексты с видео, словил датфил под питерский ливень за окном...


Изменено пользователем anonym_h35K1CgYSVuJ
  • Плюс 7

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585 публикаций
175 боёв

Почти отчисленный адмирал сегодня будет пилить много музыки и песен наших любимых канмусу.


Начнем с 2-14-11 Наки и её First Love! Torpedo Squadron

Тексты буду впихивать под спойлер вместо с видео. 





1,2,3 Go!Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~
Torpedoes, torpedoes, torpedoes today tooDoing it over and over of course I'd get betterSo even a little would be fineI just want something that'll make my heart race
It might be a little selfish, but don't scrap me right away, 'kay?I always want to be with youHey, hello? (Huh?) Are you even listening? (Yeah?)Hey, hey, Admiral!
Bang bang bang! With my cannons of loveBang bang bang! I'll knock your heart outBang bang bang! Here come the torpedoes of passion
Bang bang bang! I'm all readyBang bang bang! It's time to sortieI'll sink you for sure!
Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~
Going back and forth to the same placeOver and over again, 'course I'd start to hate itBut it's kinda weirdIt feels kind of good and it's turning into a habit
Just a little clumsy is okay, isn't it? Don't leave me behind, 'kay?
I just want to be flagshipBut come on! (Hm?) What's wrong with you? (Right...)Oh come on Admiral!
Bang bang bang! With my cannons of loveBang bang bang! I'll aim for your heartBang bang bang! Here come the oxygen torpedoes!
Bang bang bang! I'm all readyBang bang bang! It's time to sortieMission accomplished, piece of cake, right?
Alright, here we go everyone! Ready...
Kanco Kanco KankoKancolle 'kay!Kanco Kanco KankoKancolle 'kay!KanKanKan CoCoColle go!KancoKancoKanKanKancoKanKancolle your turn!Yay--!
You could at least be around when I get chuuha'd,c ouldn't you?I just really want you to watch meHey, hello? (Huh?) Are you even listening? (Yeah?)Hey, hey, Admiral! Seriously? Admiral!
1, 2, 3 Go!Bang bang bang! With my torpedoes of loveBang bang bang! I'll knock our your heartBang bang bang! Don't stop this engine of passion
Bang bang bang! I'm all readyBang bang bang! It's time to sortieI'll sink you for sure!
Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~Kancolle! Kancolle! Kancolle! Oh~

Продолжим Хибики и её Endlessly Echoing Khorosho!




I reached out with this small hand of mineNot knowing what I could doAfter losing sight of it so many timesI finally found where I belong
Once I turned around I noticedThe friends I am always withAnd the smiles bright like the sunWere right thereKhorosho
I always want to protect youUntil the time when this body reaches it's endsAnd even if we are separatedMy heart is with you
Each of the steps I takeGather upon another and connect to eternityI can live by myselfBut right now, I spend this time with you
At some point in the days filled with battlesI had forgotten itThe words my heart had told meSo I can always remember them
I want to come back so many timesSo I don't lose sight of that your smileWhen fatigue drags me to sleepI wonder where you are and what you are doing
Each of these that begin to playOverlap each other and connect to eternityThis endlessly echoing melodyHas changed towards the truth
I always want to protect youUntil the time when this body reaches it's endsAnd even if we are separatedMy heart is with you
I want to come back so many timesSo I don't lose sight of your smileWhen fatigue drags me to sleepI believed your smile would be right here

Далее идут сестры Сендай и The Splendid 2nd Torpedo Squadron!




(Jintsuu)I illuminate the path I walkAnd cleave open the darkness of the night
To defendEverything I hold dear
(Sendai)Run faster than anyoneFree these emotions
I hid this heart in darknessPretending to be scared
(Naka)Gaze at my stage with that sight of yours
(Jintsuu)Gather these feelingsExpose this bodyLight the wayBreak free!
The colours of these flowersWill fade away in vainBut as long as I have tomorrow (hope)
I will sprint throughUntil a time where you areAnd escape this night
Thinking back on kinder daysEach time we exchange words it becomes deeperMore than the meaning of these battlesI’m sure something more dear
(Naka)The fire flowers like feelingsBefore you stand on stage
(Sendai)If you’re readyThen let the war beginAnd dive into the frayI won’t lose my way
(Jintsuu)The lives of these flowers inch towards deathBecoming battling tiger liliesI won’t look back
Slice through the darkness of the nightSo that there is peaceWhere I hope to be
Because it is nothing more than a sad day’s dreamFor the me of yesterdayLike the petals that dance in the windBeautiful
The colours of these flowersWill fade away in vainBut as long as I have tomorrow (hope)
By your side where you areIf I can one day carve the same time
The form of these flowers starts to changeOne day being reborn in a different body
I want to protect the gentle windBlooming, scattering and bloomingTowards a distant time

Две прекрасных авианосных девы и их On Dawn`s Horizon! 




(Both)Towards that ocean
(Akagi)The glory of the day and my feelingsI will engrave them into dawn’s ocean
Memories of days past and nostalgic smilesResolve and arrogance in a sea of regrets
Gaze at towards the skyRaise my head and head out on the ocean
With honed skills gather the glowing wingsRelease them into the skyAll units, launch!
97 lights (hopes), give me strength
Release the zeroes of rebirthTowards tomorrow (the future)
99 dreams (desires), these feelings
No matter when, no matter whereShine and break through
(Shokaku)I check these inherited wingsAnd defend this ocean as much as my strength allows
Why isn’t this enough?I don’t need to answer obvious questions like that
Noble like a craneI will put everything on the line for this
Gaze at the distant sky Beyond the dawn
With all my strength I release the bowstring, let these desires reach1st Carrier Division,Attack Wing, launch!
We will shine like cometsZeroes of memoryEscape the past to tomorrow (the future)
Fly nowAway from the sorrowAcross the rainbow to the heavenly mountains
We will glowLike those shooting stars
(Both)97 lights (hopes), give me strength
99 dreams (desires), these feelings
Release the zeroes of rebirthTowards tomorrow (the future)
Let the strong winds blowAnd charge forth
No matter when No matter where
The promise of dawn...


И наконец последнее.

Самые близкие мне 4 канмусу, которые пока никогда меня не подводили, ведя мой флот вперед, ensuring victory before the dawn`s horizon!

Сестры Конго и Our Bond with the Admiral!




(Kongou)Sleeping on the seabedFrom this deep sadness and the memories of timeAnd in the midst of the light of the waking morningI dream of you
(Hiei)You watch my back asI begin to float to the now calm sea of tomorrowThis map (course) of the future you gave meI'll make sure it comes true
(Kongou/Hiei/Haruna/Kirishima)This strait that drowns steelAnd these battles that cleave through the darknessAnd even the sadness of becoming aloneI can overcome them 
(Hiei/Kirishima)The winds of a blue timeAnd your gentle smileI will always hold them closeAnd head towards tomorrow (hope)
(Kongou/Haruna)I can respond at this timeTo that gaze of yoursEven the billowing smoke and this painYesThey are my bond with you
(Haruna)The end  of the sky beyond the horizonI can hear the rippling of a far away seaI fondly look backOn the days you gave me
(Kongou/Hiei/Haruna/Kirishima)The cold of sinking into the darknessAnd the sadness of of being left behindAnd even the loneliness of watching the endI will weave them together
(Kirishima)The infernos of a crimson red timeIf I’m with you then I won’t be scaredThese feelings echo through my heartAnd I head towards tomorrow (the future)
(Kongou)I will protect youI won’t leave you aloneEven the billowing smoke and this painThey make this dress of mine
(Everyone/Hiei)The winds of a blue timeAnd your gentle smileI will always hold them closeAnd head towards tomorrow (hope)
(Everyone)I am sure I can respond at this timeTo that gaze of yoursI believe in youSo could you always please
(Haruna)Hold this hand of mine

Пока искал тексты с видео, словил датфил под питерский ливень за окном...



Аригато Хару, очень душевные песенки

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Аригато Хару, очень душевные песенки


Не за что :3


Надо же делиться контентом с камрадами.

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