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Там написано что забирают торпеды Тype93 mod1 у Кагеро и Шимы. Это 20км которые? ) 


​Да пусть забирают, вот только опыт потраченный на их исследование пусть вернут. Я короткие быстрые хотел поставить, но сначала длинные пришлось изучить, их даже не покупал.
  • Плюс 1

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Хипперу добавили брони?


корпус добавили с усиленным ПВО.

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Не знаю, к багтрекеру разработчиков у нас доступа нет. Но баг имхо серьезный (я лично ныл по этому поводу).


Вот прям хорошо, что так написал - если что, знаем кого обвинять и кто плохо ныл.

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Бета-тестер, Коллекционер
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Господи, скажите кто-нибудь этим ретардам, что если эсминцев на хайлевеле меньше не станет, то и торпед тоже меньше не станет. И да, где тогда нерф дальности торпед флетчера и гиринга?

  • Плюс 2

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Господи, скажите кто-нибудь этим ретардам, что если эсминцев на хайлевеле меньше не станет, то и торпед тоже меньше не станет. И да, где тогда нерф дальности торпед флетчера и гиринга?

У них же сейчас изменения в год по чайной ложке, чтобы не было повторения 0.5.3. Леста из крайности в крайность бросается. 7 раз отмерь, 1 раз отрежь -это не про них.

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Тут на форуме приоритетного региона выложили уже патчноут и дату запуска патча 0.5.6..



The update is scheduled for May 25 and will be applied on the servers from 03:00 PT/  06:00 ET until 05:30 PT/  08:30 ET  during which the game server will be offline.



Camo up!

New permanent camouflage patterns have been added for the following ships: Yorck, Hiryu, Roon, Hatsuharu, Myoko, Shchors, Dmitri Donskoi, Kiev, Ranger, New York and Cleveland.


Premium Ships

The following Premium Ships have been added, purchasable for Doubloons in the Port. The list will be extended with future releases. The Premium ships released for 0.5.6 are: Tachibana, Texas, Diana, Molotov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Emden, Tirpitz, Campbeltown, Warspite, Blyskawica.

We have also added the US tier VII Premium cruiser Indianapolis for testing by Wargaming employees and Supertesters. This ship is not yet available for purchase, but you may encounter it in battle.


Ship Rebalancing

Major levelling up changes were made to several ships that received new or overhauled hulls. Moreover, many ships underwent slight modifications in their performance characteristics and configurations of their AA and/or secondary guns. We have decided to spell out all the details for game balance changes below.

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46-K, 66-K, 70-K AA mounts

Increased firing range of AA guns for several ships.

  • 37mm 46-K AA mount: firing range increased by 0.3km (from 3.2km to 3.5km).

Affected ships:

  • Budyonny, hull (B)
  • Shchors
  • Udaloi, hull (B)
  • Khabarovsk

  • 37mm 66-K AA mount: firing range increased by 0.3km (from 3.2km to 3.5km).

Affected ships:

  • Chapayev, hull (A)
  • Kiev, hull (B)
  • Udaloi, hull (A)

  • 37mm 70-K AA mount: firing range increased by 1.2km (from 2km to 3.2km).

Affected ships:

  • Orlan, hull (A)
  • Kirov, hull (B)
  • Molotov
  • Budyonny, hull (A)
  • Gnevny, hull (B)
  • Gremyashchy
  • Ognevoi, hull (B)
  • Kiev
  • Tashkent, hull (A)


Torpedo launch angles were slightly adjusted.

  • For her aft torpedo tubes, the launch angle was increased by seven degrees
  • For her broadside torpedo tubes, the launch angle was decreased by two degrees and shifted towards the ship's bow


AA defenses were slightly improved for her top hull.

  • Hull (B): 4х1 45mm 21-K AA mounts were replaced with 9х1 76.2mm Lender guns. As a result, the AA engagement area radius increased by 0.5km (from 2.5km to 3km) and the average AA damage increased by 6 points (from 8 to 14 points)


AA defenses were slightly improved.

  • Four 37mm 70-K AA mounts were added on top of her second and third main turrets. As a result, her average AA damage within the 3.2km (previously 2km) AA engagement area radius increased by 22 points (from 46 to 68 points)


Secondary guns were improved.

  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 1.5km (from 5km to 6.5km) and the area of the dispersion ellipse for shells fired from her secondary guns was decreased by 25%




AA defenses were slightly improved, and two torpedo launchers were added to her top hull.

  • Hull (B) was replaced with the new one. The new hull has two additional broadside torpedo tube mounts (4 mounts in total for this hull) and an extra 88mm L/45 MPL C/13 AA mount
  • Average AA damage within the 3km AA engagement area radius increased by 2 points (3 -> 5 points)
  • Main turret's armament has been improved: 5mm have been added to the lower part of the turret's shield - 1mm armament layer has been removed from the back side


AA damage was slightly shifted in favor of long range AA guns.

  • Hull (B) was replaced by the new one. The new hull has the catapult gear for launching catapult fighters and a new set of AA defenses: 4х1 20mm Flak 38, 4x2 37mm Flakzwilling 30, and 3x2 88mm L/76 Dop. L. C/32 AA mounts. As a result, her AA damage was redistributed in favor of long range AA guns:
  • Average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius increased by 6 points (to 12 points)
  • Within 3.5km AA engagement area radius: Decreased by 28 (38 -> 10 points)
  • Within 4km AA engagement area radius: Increased by 16 (8 -> 24 points)
  • Secondary guns have become stronger thanks to the addition of all-purpose twin turrets


Nürnberg gets an alternative hull where the catapult gear and two torpedo tube mounts had been removed but AA capabilities had been significantly reinforced.

  • The alternative hull © can be researched after researching hull (B). This hull boasts a formidable set of AA defenses:
  • 6х1 20mm Flak 38, 14x2 20 mm Flakzwilling 38, and 2x4 20mm Flakvierling 38 (engagement area radius: 2km; average damage: 89 points)
  • 8x1 40mm L/56 Flak 28 (engagement area radius: 3.5km; average damage: 60 points)
  • 4x2 88mm L/76 Dop. L. C/32 (engagement area radius: 4km; average damage: 32 points)
  • If the ship had acquired Elite status before the update was released, the new alternative hull © will be researched without any XP cost for the player

Admiral Hipper

Received a new top hull with an impressive bow and reinforced AA capabilities. For hulls (B) and ©, a more powerful HE shell type was added to replace the old one.

  • Hull (A): two 20mm Flak 38 AA mounts were removed. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius decreased by 6 points (from 30 to 24 points)
  • Hull (B) was replaced by the new one, with the bow and a new set of AA defenses:
  • 6x1 20mm Flak 38, 8x2 20mm Flakzwilling 38: the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius decreased by 16 points (from 68 to 52 points)
  • 4x2 37mm Flakzwilling 30, 6х1 40mm L/56 Flak 28: the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 10 points (from 45 to 55 points)
  • 6х2 105mm L/65 Dop. L. C/31: the average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius did not change and is equal to 100 points
  • We added a subsequently researched hull © with the bow and more powerful set of AA defenses in comparison to hull (B):
  • 4х2 20mm Flakzwilling 38, 6x4 20mm Flakvierling 38 (engagement area radius: 2km; average damage: 53 points)
  • 18x1 40mm L/56 Flak 28 (engagement area radius: 3.5km; average damage: 135 points)
  • 6x2 105mm L/65 Dop. L. C/31 (engagement area radius: 4.5km; average damage: 100 points)
  • Hulls (B) and ©: the current 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Bdz HE shell type has been replaced by the 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Kz HE shell type. As a result, maximum HE shell damage has increased by 200 points (from 2300 to 2500), and the chances of causing fire have increased by 2% (from 11% to 13%)
  • If hull (B) had been researched before the update was released, the new hull © will be researched without any XP cost.
  • If hull (B) had been purchased before the update was released and the ship is still available in the Port, the new hull © will be researched and added for mounting without any cost in XP and Credits.
  • Hull research and purchase prices have been rebalanced in a way that the overall price of the ship research does not change


Top hull received significantly reinforced AA defenses. Besides this, she received a new more powerful HE shell type.

  • Hull (A): three 20mm Flak 38 AA mounts were added, and three 37mm Flak LM/42 mounts were removed. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius increased by 9 points (from 21 to 30 points), and the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius decreased by 31 points (from 148 to 117 points)
  • The current 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Bdz HE shell type has been replaced by the 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Kz HE shell type. As a result, maximum HE shell damage has increased by 200 points (from 2300 to 2500), and the chances of causing fire have increased by 2% (from 11% to 13%)
  • Hull (B) received a new set of AA defenses:
  • 8х2 20mm Flakzwilling 38, 4x4 20mm Flakvierling 38: the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius increased by 5 points (from 55 to 60 points)
  • 16x2 37mm Flak LM/42: the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 58 points (from 107 to 165 points)
  • 6х2 105mm L/65 Dop. L. C/37: the average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius has not changed and is equal to 100 points
  • The current 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Bdz HE shell type has been replaced by the 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Kz HE shell type. As a result, maximum HE shell damage has increased by 200 points (from 2300 to 2500), and the chances of causing fire have increased by 2% (from 11% to 13%)


Received a new more powerful HE shell type.

  • The current 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Bdz HE shell type has been replaced by the 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Kz HE shell type. As a result, maximum HE shell damage has increased by 200 points (from 2300 to 2500), and the chances of causing fire have increased by 2% (from 11% to 13%)
  • We extended the close range firing sectors of her main guns
  • Her set of AA defenses was altered - the average AA damage was slightly decreased:
  • 4х2 20mm Flakzwilling 38, 9x4 20mm Flakvierling 38: the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius decreased by 5 points (from 77 to 72 points)
  • The AA mounts that had previously been used within the 3.5km AA engagement area were removed: the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius decreased by 30 points (from 30 to 0 points)
  • 8х2 105mm L/65 Dop. L. C/31: the average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius did not change and is equal to 133 points
  • 2x1 55mm L/77 Gerat 58, 7x2 55mm L/77 Gerat 58 Zwilling: the average AA damage within the 5km AA engagement area radius decreased by 18 points (from 224 to 206 points)
  • With the more powerful HE shell type, she will have better performance in encounters with enemy destroyers. AA defenses that have been showing exceeding effectiveness have been slightly weakened, in regards to all the other advantages of the ship


AA defenses were slightly improved.

  • The 2x4 20mm Flakvierling 38 AA mount on top of the main turret that was previously unused is now working. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 6 points (from 78 to 84 points)
  • Aiming angles of torpedo tubes were readjusted for both sides of the ship. For the port side, the torpedo launch sector was moved one degree towards the bow. For the starboard side, the torpedo launch sector width was extended by one degree
  • Additional AA defenses can now be mounted on the main turrets, because the technology required for this has become available in the game.





We slightly altered her exterior appearance.

  • Hull (B): the unused AA mounts have been removed from the main turrets. The ship's battle performance characteristics have not changed


Secondary guns were reinforced.

  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 1km (from 4km to 5km)


AA defenses were reinforced.

  • 12x1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 AA mounts were added on top of the second and the third main turrets. As a result, average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 43 points (from 115 to 158 points)

New Mexico

AA defenses were slightly improved for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: 3x1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 AA mounts were added on top of the third main turret. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 11 points (from 49 to 60 points)


AA defenses were slightly improved for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: 4x1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 AA mounts were added on top of the third main turret. 2x2 40mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 2x4 40mm Bofors Mk2 AA mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 14 points (from 119 to 133 points), and the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 9 points (from 152 to 161 points)

North Carolina

AA defenses were significantly reinforced. Her secondary guns were also slightly improved. Firing accuracy of her main guns was enhanced. Now her guns will be more comfortable to fire.

  • Hull (A): All 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 AA mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 27 points (from 132 to 159 points)
  • Hull (B): All 4x 20mm Oerlikon Mk20 AA mounts were replaced with 1x 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 mounts, and all 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 mounts. One 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 AA mount was added on top of the third main turret. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has decreased by 10 points (from 168 to 158 points), and the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 53 points (from 185 to 238 points)
  • Firing range of the secondary guns was increased by 0.5km (from 4.5km to 5km)
  • Traverse angles were extended for the second and third main turrets (previously the traverse angles had been limited by obstructing AA mounts)
  • Firing accuracy of her main guns was increased by adjusting the distribution of shell impact points within the dispersion ellipse


AA defenses were significantly reinforced. The secondary guns were also improved. Firing accuracy of the main guns was enhanced. Now the guns will be more comfortable to fire. Moreover, the ship's maximum speed was increased.

  • Hull (A): All 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 65 points (158 -> 223 points)
  • Hull (B): All 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 83 points (203 -> 286 points)
  • Hull ©: All 4x 20mm Oerlikon Mk20 AA mounts were replaced with 1x 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 mounts, and all 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 mounts. One 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 AA mount was added on top of the third main turret. As a result, average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 30 points (from 165 to 195 points), and average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 80 points (from 222 to 302 points)
  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 1km (5km -> 6km)
  • Traverse angles were extended for the second and third main turrets (previously the traverse angles had been limited by obstructing AA mounts)
  • Firing accuracy of her main guns was increased by adjusting the distribution of shell impact points within the dispersion ellipse
  • Her maximum speed was increased by 2.2 knots (26.6 knots -> 28.8 knots)


AA and secondary guns were reinforced, and firing accuracy of the main guns was enhanced. Moreover, the ship's maximum speed was increased.

  • 45х1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 AA mounts were replaced with 20x1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 and 20х2 Oerlikon Mk20 mounts, and one 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 AA mount was added on top of the third main turret. As a result, her average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 32 points (from 162 to 194 points), and her average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 16 points (from 302 to 318 points)
  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 1km (from 5km to 6km)
  • Firing accuracy of her main guns was increased by adjusting the distribution of shell impact points within the dispersion ellipse
  • Her maximum speed was increased by two knots (to 30 knots)


We made corrections to her exterior appearance.

  • Now, all aircraft available with the currently mounted Flight Control modification will be shown on her deck, including extra aircraft that are added after the Commander's Air Supremacy skill is mastered

South Carolina

We slightly altered her exterior appearance.

  • Models of the range finders on main turrets have been improved




Performance characteristics were improved for the top hull.

  • Hull © was replaced by the new one, with improved performance characteristics:
  • Her main guns were reinforced: now the ship is equipped with three twin main turrets (3х2) instead of the previous 6х1 arrangement. Now her new twin main turrets are arranged in a more reasonable and conventional way (two forward turrets and one aft turret) and have higher traverse speed
  • Her torpedo tubes were reinforced: 2х4 instead of the previous 2х3 configuration. The new torpedo tubes reload slower, but they can launch one extra torpedo in each torpedo salvo
  • New set of AA defenses: 2х2 13mm/76 Type93 Twin, 4x2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1, and 4х1 120mm/40 10th Year Type mod. B2/C:
  • The AA damage within the 1km AA engagement area radius was nullified (3 -> 0 points)
  • The average AA damage within the 1.2km AA engagement area did not change (7 points)
  • The average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area was added (0 -> 20 points)
  • The average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 10 points (from 10 to 20 points)
  • Hull (В): rudder deflection speed and amount of XP now correspond with hull ©

The hull will now reflect the landmark modernisation of the ship when she had her main gun turrets upgraded. By making this change, we moved the ship a bit closer to later-period Japanese heavy cruisers to better prepare the player for a change in battle tactics.


AA defenses were reinforced for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: 4х4 12mm/62 "HI" Type and 4х2 40mm "HI" Type91 AA mounts were replaced with 8х2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1 mounts. As a result, her average AA damage within the 1.2km AA engagement area radius (8 points) and the 2km radius (32 points) was transferred to the 3.1km AA engagement area radius (40 points). Consequently, the total average damage of her AA guns remained unchanged but their firing range has increased.


AA defenses were reinforced for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: All types of 13mm/76 Type 93 AA mounts whose firing range was 1.2km were replaced with additional 10x1 25mm/60 Type96 mod. 1 plus 8x2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1 mounts. As a result, her average AA damage within the 1.3km AA engagement area radius (46 points) was nullified, but her average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area radius has increased by 58 points (from 23 to 81 points). Consequently, both the average damage and the firing range of her AA guns were increased.


AA defenses were significantly reinforced for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: we added 24х1 25mm/60 Type96 mod. 1, 8х2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1, and 2х3 25mm/60 Type96 Triple mod. 1 AA mounts. As a result, her average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area radius increased by 95 points (from 93 to 188 points)
  • Hulls (B) and ©: range finders were added on top of the second and third main turrets.


AA defenses were reinforced for the top hull. The ship's secondary guns were also improved.

  • Hull ©: 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1 AA mounts were replaced with 25mm/60 Type96 Triple mod. 1 mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area radius has increased by 26 points (from 189 to 215 points)
  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 0.5km (from 4.5km to 5km)

Fubuki, Kagero, Shimakaze

The range of the torpedoes was generally reduced. To prevent the "torpedo spam" situations in battles and encourage players who prefer high-tier Japanese destroyers to switch to a more aggressive gameplay style, we also removed some torpedo types, whose range was excessive, from the modules available for these destroyers.

  • Fubuki: Type 90 mod 1 torpedoes were removed
  • Kagero: Type 93 mod 1 torpedoes were removed
  • Shimakaze: Type 93 mod 1 torpedoes were removed
  • The research and purchase costs for the remaining torpedo types were adjusted to keep the total cost in XP and Credits unchanged. Players will receive compensation for the removed torpedo types


Increased survivability of her main guns.

  • Endurance of the turrets increased 1.5 times


Reinforced AA defenses for her top hull. The AA defense capabilities were reinforced to improve the ship's balancing against other tier IV cruisers.

  • Hull (B): The 2х1 7.7mm/80 Type90 AA mounts were replaced with 2х1 13mm/76 Type93 AA mounts, and 6х2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod.1 AA mounts were added.
  • Average AA damage within the 1km AA engagement area radius was nullified (from 3 to 0 points)
  • Average AA damage within the 1.2km AA engagement area was added (from 0 to 5 points)
  • Average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area radius increased by 20 points (from 10 to 30 points)


We increased her survivability and reinforced her AA defenses. The increase in performance characteristics is intended to show the qualitative difference between Aoba and her predecessor in the ship branch (Furutaka)

  • Hulls (A) and (B): The 4х1 120mm/40 10th Year Type mod. B2 AA mounts were replaced with 4х1 120mm/40 10th Year Type mod. B2/C mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 10 points (from 10 to 20 points)
  • Hull (A): the ship's HP was increased by 4,200 points (from 26,300 to 30,500)
  • Hull (B): the ship's HP was increased by 1,400 points (from 30,500 to 31,900)

For all Commanders who have specialisation in the affected ships, players will have the possibility to redistribute skill points of such Commanders for free


Sound Effects/Music

  • Added music tracks to the "Yokosuka" Port
  • Enhanced the overall sound design of the game. The improvements were made for shot sounds at low sound settings, sounds played when the camera is tracking shells/torpedoes after firing, sounds played when the camera is tracking air squadrons, AA gun sounds for the guns included in the medium AA engagement area, and ship destruction sounds
  • Shot sounds were reworked to achieve a cleaner sound without overloading the audio system
  • We changed the way musical tracks are stored. This will reduce the size of updates related to the game's soundtrack


Interface Overhaul

In Update 0.5.6, we introduced an important interface improvement: fully overhauled post-battle statistics. Now players will be able to see detailed information about their battle results and interactions with other players.

  • We added information about the total damage caused and received in battle to the "Personal Score" tab
  • The Detailed Report tab was fully reworked. Now players will be able to see detailed information about the damage caused to each enemy ship, including incapacitated modules. The information about the damage caused and received in battle (broken down by damage type) will now be displayed with more detail. Moreover, this tab will now include information about the player's "Team Killer" status and the number of battles required for this status to be removed
  • The economical information has been moved to a separate tab named "Credits and XP." This tab will include detailed information about the player's earnings and expenses, including all active XP and Credit modifiers. We hope that with this tab, the game's economy model will be more transparent and understandable to players.

The minimap has been extensively reworked to make it more informative.

  • Now the bisecting line will be displayed on the "spotting cone" to help the player stay more aware of their ship's direction
  • We added an icon that will be displayed on the minimap when the corresponding enemy target is locked
  • Now players will be able to set autopilot waypoints directly on the minimap when playing in aircraft carriers

Moreover, players will be able to customise the display of additional information on the minimap:

  • "Circles" showing the detectability range by sea and by air. The radius of these circles will dynamically change depending on various modifiers (for example, after firing a shot from the main guns)
  • "Circles" showing firing ranges for main guns, secondary guns, AA guns, and torpedoes
  • Markers on the minimap showing where an enemy ship was last spotted

Improvements were made to other parts of the interface as well: we implemented a lot of minor yet very useful tweaks based on feedback from players.

  • If the AA/secondary guns are off at the moment the player designates a priority target (default Ctrl+LMB), the AA/secondary guns will open fire
  • In case the player causes damage to an ally, a warning notice will appear in the chat
  • When in Spectator mode, hints will disappear after the first click on them
  • From now on, once a player spawns in a battle, they will see the chat history for that particular battle
  • The display of the distance to a catapult-launched aircraft has been enabled
  • To help players better understand the main gun ballistics and evaluate the ability of the shell to hit the target, an in-game indicator will appear whenever a player is likely to hit the terrain

We fixed a bug that caused main gun shells to hit the landscape due to incorrect operation of the targeting system. Previously, when a player was aiming at a target that was behind the mountains/island, the system wouldn't always "understand" their intentions correctly and sometimes the effective aim point was placed on the mountain/island rather than on the hypothetical course of the target

  • When hovering over a ship's XP bar, a hint will pop up showing the ship's performance characteristics, including updated information on the state of that ship's AA defense/secondary guns
  • Enhanced the visual display of damaged torpedo mounts on a ship's dynamic icon in artillery firing modes and the torpedo launch mode. A player will now be able to see the current condition of their ship's armament
  • The starting position of the camera in a battle may now be configured in the Settings
  • Experience and Credit modifiers display has been changed from "x1.5" to "50%" for unification purposes



To make the in-game economy more straightforward and suitable for display in the new post-battle results interface, the calculation scheme has been slightly reworked. Final results may sometimes differ slightly from the previous values due to rounding. Let's see how it works:

  • A player gets 1,000 XP. They won the battle, had a Premium Account and had an "Equal Speed Charlie London" signal (+50% XP per battle) mounted on their ship.
    • PREVIOUSLY:[base XP] х 1.5 for a victory x 1.5 for Premium Account х (1 +0.5 for using the Equal Speed Charlie London signal) = 1,000 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 = 3,375.
    • NOW:([base XP] х 1.5 for a victory x 1.5 for Premium Account) + modifiers to be applied to XP earned = 2,250(1,000 x 1.5 х 1.5) + 1,125(2,250 х 0.5) = 3,375.

Adjusted the selling price in Credits for the following Premium ships:

  • Arkansas Beta: from 375,000 to 2,137,500
  • Albany: from 375,000 to 1,162,500
  • Diana and Diana Lima: from 375,000 to 1,237,500
  • Iwaki Alpha: from 375,000 to 1,987,500
  • Tachibana: from 375,000 to 712,500
  • Kamikaze: from 3,750,000 to 1,762,500
  • Kamikaze R: from 3,750,000 to 3,000,000


Game Maps and Game Modes

  • Added a new map, "Okinawa," for tier VII-X battles. The map was created based on the real-life location. Get ready for battles in Domination mode amid picturesque islands and in open water!
  • Added a new map, "Estuary," that will be accessible for tier VII-IX ships in Domination and Standard Battle modes. Mountain ranges make artillery battles in the centre of the map trickier, but also provide opportunities with extensive pits and depressions in the terrain which provide certain areas with a line of fire
  • Added a new map, "Neighbors," for tier V-X  battleships, cruisers and destroyers and tier VI-IX aircraft carriers . Battles will take place in Domination and Standard Battle modes in the fictional waters somewhere between the shores of England and occupied France. The map has an interesting feature that makes the opposing teams spawn close to their Naval Installations
  • Added a new map, "New Land," that will be accessible for tier I-III ships in Domination and Standard Battle game modes. The map is small and intended for dynamic battles at lower tiers. It is dotted with icebergs and ideal for combat with lots of movement
  • On the "North" map, we removed a tiny island in the G9 square because it hampered ship movement while not serving any tactical purpose
  •  Maps "North" and "Northern Lights" are now available for tier VI-X ships



  • Reworked camouflage implementation: camouflage is now applied to secondary battery mounts to give the ship model a more natural look
  • Reduced the "Z-fighting effect" for objects located at a considerable distance from the player. This effect produced a visual jittering of islands and other objects
  • Enhanced ship destruction scenarios to increase in-game diversity and make it more atmospheric
  • Now upon the first launch on 32-bit operating systems, the texture quality settings will be automatically set to "Low," regardless of the OS version


Teamkilling Prevention Improvements

The unsportsmanlike conduct report system that has long been part of the game was not always capable of coping with new challenges. With the release of the game, purposeful killing of teammates and friendly fire have become way too common, and the previous settings of the penalty system ceased to be efficient enough to counter the teamkillers. We believe that the new changes will tame the worst offenders and at the same time provide better protection for fair players.

  • We lowered the threshold for obtaining 'Teamkiller' status. Now, even minor damage to an allied ship will result in the offender receiving this dishonourable status
  • The 'Teamkiller' status now takes into account allied aircraft destroyed in an Air Squadron Assault, launched by pressing [Alt], as well as damage to allies from fire and flooding
  • Compensation for damage caused by allies will cover the full cost of ship repairs, irrespective of how many Credits the offender earns in the corresponding battle. Please note that a fixed portion of the cost of ship servicing and the cost of ammunition will not be compensated
  • The more often a player breaks the rules of the game and gets the "Teamkiller" status, the more battles they will need to fight without violations in order to return to "normal" status
  • Regular offenders who damage allies will be subject to a special teamkill penalty calculation scheme. Under that scheme, the amount of damage they inflicted on an ally will be reduced by 90% while the return damage to the offender's own ship will be increased by more than 100% of its initial amount

The penalty mechanics have been reworked:

  • PREVIOUSLY: Penalties for damage caused to allies used to be applied to the amount of XP determined with the use of modifiers, including Premium Account
  • NOW: Penalties for damage caused to allies are applied to the final XP value determined after all of the modifiers have been applied
  • That way players with Premium accounts, signals and other boosters will be receiving similar fines to players without the listed modifiers


Introductory Mission

  • Allied ships will no longer open fire from secondary guns if the player's ship crosses their aiming line
  • Fixed a bug that caused hints regarding movement and fire extinguishing to continuously appear on the screen


Other Changes

Fixed the following bugs and issues:

  • The "Survivability expert" skill sometimes led to a reduction of torpedo damage
  • Commander skills tooltip message while retraining
  • Special event notifications remained in the client, even after the event was over
  • A battle pop-up did not display the amount of remaining equipment
  • the destroyed ship's propellers were rotating, even if the ship wasn't moving at the moment of destruction
  • Now maximum fire range of the main caliber gun in the port respects shell ballistics (for some small-caliber guns sometimes it could exceed the actual distance)
  • Fixed a bug that caused an emergency shutdown of the client when drawing after battle statistics in team battles
  • A torpedo cone did not display for one torpedo bomber in flight while under barrage fire
  • Incorrect interaction of the weather effects and the air camera
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour of the window when entering the battle having an incomplete team
  • Fixed a bug due to which, upon restarting the client, button configurations were reset
  • incorrect display of torpedo tube cone statuses at some armor angles
  • Upon changing weapons the target lock-on did not disappear on the minimap
  • incorrect display of torpedo effects on ARP Myoko for laptops with Intel ® HD Graphics
  • Incorrect positioning of the starting points on the "Land of Volcanoes" map
  • Module data display when retraining commanders
  • Fixed a bug that caused displaying two simultaneously locked-on targets in the interface
  • Fixed a bug that caused the disappearance of a strike squadron attack entry radius
  • Incorrect setting and display of the status of the "Enhance GUI Contrast" parameter in the settings
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "Hold the RMB to Take a Look" tooltip from disappearing in the introductory mission
  • Fixed a display of the black sky for a few seconds when loading the "New Dawn" map
  • Display of the torpedo hull when aircraft are approaching for attack
  • It was possible to call a compact list of the carousel without selecting the compact list option
  • Fixed a bug that caused camouflage disappearance at low graphics settings
  • Fighter air group weapons load displays when a player received the Teamkiller status
  • Displaying a ship that needs repairing in port
  • Issue with flashing shallows on some maps when lifting the camera
  • Recharge speed is now displayed in the performance characteristics as close as one decimal place
  • Fixed a bug for some configurations that caused a black screen at the beginning of the battle
  • Turret rotation angle display after reconnecting to the server
  • Disabled the possibility of moving the discharge point for squadrons after the start of the attack
  • An empty list of servers upon the launch of the client
  • Assorted icons in the Help window have been updated
  • Incorrect notification sound and animation when attacking the last squadron of aircraft
  • Incorrect working of the secondary armament at shorter distances
  • Emergency shutdown of the client after reconnecting to the server when the ship had been sunk

Как там у нас с этим делом? Всё тоже по плану? :hiding:


И что там с новыми прем.кораблями за дублоны в клиенте? У европейцев уже завтра будут доступны.


Как обычно по традиции все баги на буржуях тестят :playing:.

Лично я рад, меньше багов будет в релизе на нашем кластере.

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2 761 публикация
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Мне так то казалось что обнову накатывают для всех регионов одновременно. Ну с учетом разницы времени конечно.

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Господи, скажите кто-нибудь этим ретардам, что если эсминцев на хайлевеле меньше не станет, то и торпед тоже меньше не станет. И да, где тогда нерф дальности торпед флетчера и гиринга?


Они любят действовать, когда боржоми уже не помогает.

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Тут на форуме приоритетного региона выложили уже патчноут и дату запуска патча 0.5.6..



The update is scheduled for May 25 and will be applied on the servers from 03:00 PT/  06:00 ET until 05:30 PT/  08:30 ET  during which the game server will be offline.



Camo up!

New permanent camouflage patterns have been added for the following ships: Yorck, Hiryu, Roon, Hatsuharu, Myoko, Shchors, Dmitri Donskoi, Kiev, Ranger, New York and Cleveland.


Premium Ships

The following Premium Ships have been added, purchasable for Doubloons in the Port. The list will be extended with future releases. The Premium ships released for 0.5.6 are: Tachibana, Texas, Diana, Molotov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Emden, Tirpitz, Campbeltown, Warspite, Blyskawica.

We have also added the US tier VII Premium cruiser Indianapolis for testing by Wargaming employees and Supertesters. This ship is not yet available for purchase, but you may encounter it in battle.


Ship Rebalancing

Major levelling up changes were made to several ships that received new or overhauled hulls. Moreover, many ships underwent slight modifications in their performance characteristics and configurations of their AA and/or secondary guns. We have decided to spell out all the details for game balance changes below.

Jump to your favorite nation: U.S.S.R I Germany I USA I Japan



46-K, 66-K, 70-K AA mounts

Increased firing range of AA guns for several ships.

  • 37mm 46-K AA mount: firing range increased by 0.3km (from 3.2km to 3.5km).

Affected ships:

  • Budyonny, hull (B)
  • Shchors
  • Udaloi, hull (B)
  • Khabarovsk

  • 37mm 66-K AA mount: firing range increased by 0.3km (from 3.2km to 3.5km).

Affected ships:

  • Chapayev, hull (A)
  • Kiev, hull (B)
  • Udaloi, hull (A)

  • 37mm 70-K AA mount: firing range increased by 1.2km (from 2km to 3.2km).

Affected ships:

  • Orlan, hull (A)
  • Kirov, hull (B)
  • Molotov
  • Budyonny, hull (A)
  • Gnevny, hull (B)
  • Gremyashchy
  • Ognevoi, hull (B)
  • Kiev
  • Tashkent, hull (A)


Torpedo launch angles were slightly adjusted.

  • For her aft torpedo tubes, the launch angle was increased by seven degrees
  • For her broadside torpedo tubes, the launch angle was decreased by two degrees and shifted towards the ship's bow


AA defenses were slightly improved for her top hull.

  • Hull (B): 4х1 45mm 21-K AA mounts were replaced with 9х1 76.2mm Lender guns. As a result, the AA engagement area radius increased by 0.5km (from 2.5km to 3km) and the average AA damage increased by 6 points (from 8 to 14 points)


AA defenses were slightly improved.

  • Four 37mm 70-K AA mounts were added on top of her second and third main turrets. As a result, her average AA damage within the 3.2km (previously 2km) AA engagement area radius increased by 22 points (from 46 to 68 points)


Secondary guns were improved.

  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 1.5km (from 5km to 6.5km) and the area of the dispersion ellipse for shells fired from her secondary guns was decreased by 25%




AA defenses were slightly improved, and two torpedo launchers were added to her top hull.

  • Hull (B) was replaced with the new one. The new hull has two additional broadside torpedo tube mounts (4 mounts in total for this hull) and an extra 88mm L/45 MPL C/13 AA mount
  • Average AA damage within the 3km AA engagement area radius increased by 2 points (3 -> 5 points)
  • Main turret's armament has been improved: 5mm have been added to the lower part of the turret's shield - 1mm armament layer has been removed from the back side


AA damage was slightly shifted in favor of long range AA guns.

  • Hull (B) was replaced by the new one. The new hull has the catapult gear for launching catapult fighters and a new set of AA defenses: 4х1 20mm Flak 38, 4x2 37mm Flakzwilling 30, and 3x2 88mm L/76 Dop. L. C/32 AA mounts. As a result, her AA damage was redistributed in favor of long range AA guns:
  • Average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius increased by 6 points (to 12 points)
  • Within 3.5km AA engagement area radius: Decreased by 28 (38 -> 10 points)
  • Within 4km AA engagement area radius: Increased by 16 (8 -> 24 points)
  • Secondary guns have become stronger thanks to the addition of all-purpose twin turrets


Nürnberg gets an alternative hull where the catapult gear and two torpedo tube mounts had been removed but AA capabilities had been significantly reinforced.

  • The alternative hull © can be researched after researching hull (B). This hull boasts a formidable set of AA defenses:
  • 6х1 20mm Flak 38, 14x2 20 mm Flakzwilling 38, and 2x4 20mm Flakvierling 38 (engagement area radius: 2km; average damage: 89 points)
  • 8x1 40mm L/56 Flak 28 (engagement area radius: 3.5km; average damage: 60 points)
  • 4x2 88mm L/76 Dop. L. C/32 (engagement area radius: 4km; average damage: 32 points)
  • If the ship had acquired Elite status before the update was released, the new alternative hull © will be researched without any XP cost for the player

Admiral Hipper

Received a new top hull with an impressive bow and reinforced AA capabilities. For hulls (B) and ©, a more powerful HE shell type was added to replace the old one.

  • Hull (A): two 20mm Flak 38 AA mounts were removed. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius decreased by 6 points (from 30 to 24 points)
  • Hull (B) was replaced by the new one, with the bow and a new set of AA defenses:
  • 6x1 20mm Flak 38, 8x2 20mm Flakzwilling 38: the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius decreased by 16 points (from 68 to 52 points)
  • 4x2 37mm Flakzwilling 30, 6х1 40mm L/56 Flak 28: the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 10 points (from 45 to 55 points)
  • 6х2 105mm L/65 Dop. L. C/31: the average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius did not change and is equal to 100 points
  • We added a subsequently researched hull © with the bow and more powerful set of AA defenses in comparison to hull (B):
  • 4х2 20mm Flakzwilling 38, 6x4 20mm Flakvierling 38 (engagement area radius: 2km; average damage: 53 points)
  • 18x1 40mm L/56 Flak 28 (engagement area radius: 3.5km; average damage: 135 points)
  • 6x2 105mm L/65 Dop. L. C/31 (engagement area radius: 4.5km; average damage: 100 points)
  • Hulls (B) and ©: the current 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Bdz HE shell type has been replaced by the 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Kz HE shell type. As a result, maximum HE shell damage has increased by 200 points (from 2300 to 2500), and the chances of causing fire have increased by 2% (from 11% to 13%)
  • If hull (B) had been researched before the update was released, the new hull © will be researched without any XP cost.
  • If hull (B) had been purchased before the update was released and the ship is still available in the Port, the new hull © will be researched and added for mounting without any cost in XP and Credits.
  • Hull research and purchase prices have been rebalanced in a way that the overall price of the ship research does not change


Top hull received significantly reinforced AA defenses. Besides this, she received a new more powerful HE shell type.

  • Hull (A): three 20mm Flak 38 AA mounts were added, and three 37mm Flak LM/42 mounts were removed. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius increased by 9 points (from 21 to 30 points), and the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius decreased by 31 points (from 148 to 117 points)
  • The current 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Bdz HE shell type has been replaced by the 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Kz HE shell type. As a result, maximum HE shell damage has increased by 200 points (from 2300 to 2500), and the chances of causing fire have increased by 2% (from 11% to 13%)
  • Hull (B) received a new set of AA defenses:
  • 8х2 20mm Flakzwilling 38, 4x4 20mm Flakvierling 38: the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius increased by 5 points (from 55 to 60 points)
  • 16x2 37mm Flak LM/42: the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 58 points (from 107 to 165 points)
  • 6х2 105mm L/65 Dop. L. C/37: the average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius has not changed and is equal to 100 points
  • The current 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Bdz HE shell type has been replaced by the 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Kz HE shell type. As a result, maximum HE shell damage has increased by 200 points (from 2300 to 2500), and the chances of causing fire have increased by 2% (from 11% to 13%)


Received a new more powerful HE shell type.

  • The current 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Bdz HE shell type has been replaced by the 203mm Spr.gr. L/4.7 Kz HE shell type. As a result, maximum HE shell damage has increased by 200 points (from 2300 to 2500), and the chances of causing fire have increased by 2% (from 11% to 13%)
  • We extended the close range firing sectors of her main guns
  • Her set of AA defenses was altered - the average AA damage was slightly decreased:
  • 4х2 20mm Flakzwilling 38, 9x4 20mm Flakvierling 38: the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius decreased by 5 points (from 77 to 72 points)
  • The AA mounts that had previously been used within the 3.5km AA engagement area were removed: the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius decreased by 30 points (from 30 to 0 points)
  • 8х2 105mm L/65 Dop. L. C/31: the average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius did not change and is equal to 133 points
  • 2x1 55mm L/77 Gerat 58, 7x2 55mm L/77 Gerat 58 Zwilling: the average AA damage within the 5km AA engagement area radius decreased by 18 points (from 224 to 206 points)
  • With the more powerful HE shell type, she will have better performance in encounters with enemy destroyers. AA defenses that have been showing exceeding effectiveness have been slightly weakened, in regards to all the other advantages of the ship


AA defenses were slightly improved.

  • The 2x4 20mm Flakvierling 38 AA mount on top of the main turret that was previously unused is now working. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 6 points (from 78 to 84 points)
  • Aiming angles of torpedo tubes were readjusted for both sides of the ship. For the port side, the torpedo launch sector was moved one degree towards the bow. For the starboard side, the torpedo launch sector width was extended by one degree
  • Additional AA defenses can now be mounted on the main turrets, because the technology required for this has become available in the game.





We slightly altered her exterior appearance.

  • Hull (B): the unused AA mounts have been removed from the main turrets. The ship's battle performance characteristics have not changed


Secondary guns were reinforced.

  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 1km (from 4km to 5km)


AA defenses were reinforced.

  • 12x1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 AA mounts were added on top of the second and the third main turrets. As a result, average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 43 points (from 115 to 158 points)

New Mexico

AA defenses were slightly improved for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: 3x1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 AA mounts were added on top of the third main turret. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 11 points (from 49 to 60 points)


AA defenses were slightly improved for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: 4x1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 AA mounts were added on top of the third main turret. 2x2 40mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 2x4 40mm Bofors Mk2 AA mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 14 points (from 119 to 133 points), and the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 9 points (from 152 to 161 points)

North Carolina

AA defenses were significantly reinforced. Her secondary guns were also slightly improved. Firing accuracy of her main guns was enhanced. Now her guns will be more comfortable to fire.

  • Hull (A): All 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 AA mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 27 points (from 132 to 159 points)
  • Hull (B): All 4x 20mm Oerlikon Mk20 AA mounts were replaced with 1x 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 mounts, and all 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 mounts. One 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 AA mount was added on top of the third main turret. As a result, the average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has decreased by 10 points (from 168 to 158 points), and the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 53 points (from 185 to 238 points)
  • Firing range of the secondary guns was increased by 0.5km (from 4.5km to 5km)
  • Traverse angles were extended for the second and third main turrets (previously the traverse angles had been limited by obstructing AA mounts)
  • Firing accuracy of her main guns was increased by adjusting the distribution of shell impact points within the dispersion ellipse


AA defenses were significantly reinforced. The secondary guns were also improved. Firing accuracy of the main guns was enhanced. Now the guns will be more comfortable to fire. Moreover, the ship's maximum speed was increased.

  • Hull (A): All 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 65 points (158 -> 223 points)
  • Hull (B): All 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 83 points (203 -> 286 points)
  • Hull ©: All 4x 20mm Oerlikon Mk20 AA mounts were replaced with 1x 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 mounts, and all 2x 20mm Bofors Mk1 AA mounts were replaced with 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 mounts. One 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 AA mount was added on top of the third main turret. As a result, average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 30 points (from 165 to 195 points), and average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 80 points (from 222 to 302 points)
  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 1km (5km -> 6km)
  • Traverse angles were extended for the second and third main turrets (previously the traverse angles had been limited by obstructing AA mounts)
  • Firing accuracy of her main guns was increased by adjusting the distribution of shell impact points within the dispersion ellipse
  • Her maximum speed was increased by 2.2 knots (26.6 knots -> 28.8 knots)


AA and secondary guns were reinforced, and firing accuracy of the main guns was enhanced. Moreover, the ship's maximum speed was increased.

  • 45х1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 AA mounts were replaced with 20x1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 and 20х2 Oerlikon Mk20 mounts, and one 4x 20mm Bofors Mk2 AA mount was added on top of the third main turret. As a result, her average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius has increased by 32 points (from 162 to 194 points), and her average AA damage within the 3.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 16 points (from 302 to 318 points)
  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 1km (from 5km to 6km)
  • Firing accuracy of her main guns was increased by adjusting the distribution of shell impact points within the dispersion ellipse
  • Her maximum speed was increased by two knots (to 30 knots)


We made corrections to her exterior appearance.

  • Now, all aircraft available with the currently mounted Flight Control modification will be shown on her deck, including extra aircraft that are added after the Commander's Air Supremacy skill is mastered

South Carolina

We slightly altered her exterior appearance.

  • Models of the range finders on main turrets have been improved




Performance characteristics were improved for the top hull.

  • Hull © was replaced by the new one, with improved performance characteristics:
  • Her main guns were reinforced: now the ship is equipped with three twin main turrets (3х2) instead of the previous 6х1 arrangement. Now her new twin main turrets are arranged in a more reasonable and conventional way (two forward turrets and one aft turret) and have higher traverse speed
  • Her torpedo tubes were reinforced: 2х4 instead of the previous 2х3 configuration. The new torpedo tubes reload slower, but they can launch one extra torpedo in each torpedo salvo
  • New set of AA defenses: 2х2 13mm/76 Type93 Twin, 4x2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1, and 4х1 120mm/40 10th Year Type mod. B2/C:
  • The AA damage within the 1km AA engagement area radius was nullified (3 -> 0 points)
  • The average AA damage within the 1.2km AA engagement area did not change (7 points)
  • The average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area was added (0 -> 20 points)
  • The average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius increased by 10 points (from 10 to 20 points)
  • Hull (В): rudder deflection speed and amount of XP now correspond with hull ©

The hull will now reflect the landmark modernisation of the ship when she had her main gun turrets upgraded. By making this change, we moved the ship a bit closer to later-period Japanese heavy cruisers to better prepare the player for a change in battle tactics.


AA defenses were reinforced for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: 4х4 12mm/62 "HI" Type and 4х2 40mm "HI" Type91 AA mounts were replaced with 8х2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1 mounts. As a result, her average AA damage within the 1.2km AA engagement area radius (8 points) and the 2km radius (32 points) was transferred to the 3.1km AA engagement area radius (40 points). Consequently, the total average damage of her AA guns remained unchanged but their firing range has increased.


AA defenses were reinforced for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: All types of 13mm/76 Type 93 AA mounts whose firing range was 1.2km were replaced with additional 10x1 25mm/60 Type96 mod. 1 plus 8x2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1 mounts. As a result, her average AA damage within the 1.3km AA engagement area radius (46 points) was nullified, but her average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area radius has increased by 58 points (from 23 to 81 points). Consequently, both the average damage and the firing range of her AA guns were increased.


AA defenses were significantly reinforced for the top hull.

  • Hull ©: we added 24х1 25mm/60 Type96 mod. 1, 8х2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1, and 2х3 25mm/60 Type96 Triple mod. 1 AA mounts. As a result, her average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area radius increased by 95 points (from 93 to 188 points)
  • Hulls (B) and ©: range finders were added on top of the second and third main turrets.


AA defenses were reinforced for the top hull. The ship's secondary guns were also improved.

  • Hull ©: 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod. 1 AA mounts were replaced with 25mm/60 Type96 Triple mod. 1 mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area radius has increased by 26 points (from 189 to 215 points)
  • Firing range of her secondary guns was increased by 0.5km (from 4.5km to 5km)

Fubuki, Kagero, Shimakaze

The range of the torpedoes was generally reduced. To prevent the "torpedo spam" situations in battles and encourage players who prefer high-tier Japanese destroyers to switch to a more aggressive gameplay style, we also removed some torpedo types, whose range was excessive, from the modules available for these destroyers.

  • Fubuki: Type 90 mod 1 torpedoes were removed
  • Kagero: Type 93 mod 1 torpedoes were removed
  • Shimakaze: Type 93 mod 1 torpedoes were removed
  • The research and purchase costs for the remaining torpedo types were adjusted to keep the total cost in XP and Credits unchanged. Players will receive compensation for the removed torpedo types


Increased survivability of her main guns.

  • Endurance of the turrets increased 1.5 times


Reinforced AA defenses for her top hull. The AA defense capabilities were reinforced to improve the ship's balancing against other tier IV cruisers.

  • Hull (B): The 2х1 7.7mm/80 Type90 AA mounts were replaced with 2х1 13mm/76 Type93 AA mounts, and 6х2 25mm/60 Type96 Twin mod.1 AA mounts were added.
  • Average AA damage within the 1km AA engagement area radius was nullified (from 3 to 0 points)
  • Average AA damage within the 1.2km AA engagement area was added (from 0 to 5 points)
  • Average AA damage within the 3.1km AA engagement area radius increased by 20 points (from 10 to 30 points)


We increased her survivability and reinforced her AA defenses. The increase in performance characteristics is intended to show the qualitative difference between Aoba and her predecessor in the ship branch (Furutaka)

  • Hulls (A) and (B): The 4х1 120mm/40 10th Year Type mod. B2 AA mounts were replaced with 4х1 120mm/40 10th Year Type mod. B2/C mounts. As a result, the average AA damage within the 4.5km AA engagement area radius has increased by 10 points (from 10 to 20 points)
  • Hull (A): the ship's HP was increased by 4,200 points (from 26,300 to 30,500)
  • Hull (B): the ship's HP was increased by 1,400 points (from 30,500 to 31,900)

For all Commanders who have specialisation in the affected ships, players will have the possibility to redistribute skill points of such Commanders for free


Sound Effects/Music

  • Added music tracks to the "Yokosuka" Port
  • Enhanced the overall sound design of the game. The improvements were made for shot sounds at low sound settings, sounds played when the camera is tracking shells/torpedoes after firing, sounds played when the camera is tracking air squadrons, AA gun sounds for the guns included in the medium AA engagement area, and ship destruction sounds
  • Shot sounds were reworked to achieve a cleaner sound without overloading the audio system
  • We changed the way musical tracks are stored. This will reduce the size of updates related to the game's soundtrack


Interface Overhaul

In Update 0.5.6, we introduced an important interface improvement: fully overhauled post-battle statistics. Now players will be able to see detailed information about their battle results and interactions with other players.

  • We added information about the total damage caused and received in battle to the "Personal Score" tab
  • The Detailed Report tab was fully reworked. Now players will be able to see detailed information about the damage caused to each enemy ship, including incapacitated modules. The information about the damage caused and received in battle (broken down by damage type) will now be displayed with more detail. Moreover, this tab will now include information about the player's "Team Killer" status and the number of battles required for this status to be removed
  • The economical information has been moved to a separate tab named "Credits and XP." This tab will include detailed information about the player's earnings and expenses, including all active XP and Credit modifiers. We hope that with this tab, the game's economy model will be more transparent and understandable to players.

The minimap has been extensively reworked to make it more informative.

  • Now the bisecting line will be displayed on the "spotting cone" to help the player stay more aware of their ship's direction
  • We added an icon that will be displayed on the minimap when the corresponding enemy target is locked
  • Now players will be able to set autopilot waypoints directly on the minimap when playing in aircraft carriers

Moreover, players will be able to customise the display of additional information on the minimap:

  • "Circles" showing the detectability range by sea and by air. The radius of these circles will dynamically change depending on various modifiers (for example, after firing a shot from the main guns)
  • "Circles" showing firing ranges for main guns, secondary guns, AA guns, and torpedoes
  • Markers on the minimap showing where an enemy ship was last spotted

Improvements were made to other parts of the interface as well: we implemented a lot of minor yet very useful tweaks based on feedback from players.

  • If the AA/secondary guns are off at the moment the player designates a priority target (default Ctrl+LMB), the AA/secondary guns will open fire
  • In case the player causes damage to an ally, a warning notice will appear in the chat
  • When in Spectator mode, hints will disappear after the first click on them
  • From now on, once a player spawns in a battle, they will see the chat history for that particular battle
  • The display of the distance to a catapult-launched aircraft has been enabled
  • To help players better understand the main gun ballistics and evaluate the ability of the shell to hit the target, an in-game indicator will appear whenever a player is likely to hit the terrain

We fixed a bug that caused main gun shells to hit the landscape due to incorrect operation of the targeting system. Previously, when a player was aiming at a target that was behind the mountains/island, the system wouldn't always "understand" their intentions correctly and sometimes the effective aim point was placed on the mountain/island rather than on the hypothetical course of the target

  • When hovering over a ship's XP bar, a hint will pop up showing the ship's performance characteristics, including updated information on the state of that ship's AA defense/secondary guns
  • Enhanced the visual display of damaged torpedo mounts on a ship's dynamic icon in artillery firing modes and the torpedo launch mode. A player will now be able to see the current condition of their ship's armament
  • The starting position of the camera in a battle may now be configured in the Settings
  • Experience and Credit modifiers display has been changed from "x1.5" to "50%" for unification purposes



To make the in-game economy more straightforward and suitable for display in the new post-battle results interface, the calculation scheme has been slightly reworked. Final results may sometimes differ slightly from the previous values due to rounding. Let's see how it works:

  • A player gets 1,000 XP. They won the battle, had a Premium Account and had an "Equal Speed Charlie London" signal (+50% XP per battle) mounted on their ship.
    • PREVIOUSLY:[base XP] х 1.5 for a victory x 1.5 for Premium Account х (1 +0.5 for using the Equal Speed Charlie London signal) = 1,000 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 = 3,375.
    • NOW:([base XP] х 1.5 for a victory x 1.5 for Premium Account) + modifiers to be applied to XP earned = 2,250(1,000 x 1.5 х 1.5) + 1,125(2,250 х 0.5) = 3,375.

Adjusted the selling price in Credits for the following Premium ships:

  • Arkansas Beta: from 375,000 to 2,137,500
  • Albany: from 375,000 to 1,162,500
  • Diana and Diana Lima: from 375,000 to 1,237,500
  • Iwaki Alpha: from 375,000 to 1,987,500
  • Tachibana: from 375,000 to 712,500
  • Kamikaze: from 3,750,000 to 1,762,500
  • Kamikaze R: from 3,750,000 to 3,000,000


Game Maps and Game Modes

  • Added a new map, "Okinawa," for tier VII-X battles. The map was created based on the real-life location. Get ready for battles in Domination mode amid picturesque islands and in open water!
  • Added a new map, "Estuary," that will be accessible for tier VII-IX ships in Domination and Standard Battle modes. Mountain ranges make artillery battles in the centre of the map trickier, but also provide opportunities with extensive pits and depressions in the terrain which provide certain areas with a line of fire
  • Added a new map, "Neighbors," for tier V-X  battleships, cruisers and destroyers and tier VI-IX aircraft carriers . Battles will take place in Domination and Standard Battle modes in the fictional waters somewhere between the shores of England and occupied France. The map has an interesting feature that makes the opposing teams spawn close to their Naval Installations
  • Added a new map, "New Land," that will be accessible for tier I-III ships in Domination and Standard Battle game modes. The map is small and intended for dynamic battles at lower tiers. It is dotted with icebergs and ideal for combat with lots of movement
  • On the "North" map, we removed a tiny island in the G9 square because it hampered ship movement while not serving any tactical purpose
  •  Maps "North" and "Northern Lights" are now available for tier VI-X ships



  • Reworked camouflage implementation: camouflage is now applied to secondary battery mounts to give the ship model a more natural look
  • Reduced the "Z-fighting effect" for objects located at a considerable distance from the player. This effect produced a visual jittering of islands and other objects
  • Enhanced ship destruction scenarios to increase in-game diversity and make it more atmospheric
  • Now upon the first launch on 32-bit operating systems, the texture quality settings will be automatically set to "Low," regardless of the OS version


Teamkilling Prevention Improvements

The unsportsmanlike conduct report system that has long been part of the game was not always capable of coping with new challenges. With the release of the game, purposeful killing of teammates and friendly fire have become way too common, and the previous settings of the penalty system ceased to be efficient enough to counter the teamkillers. We believe that the new changes will tame the worst offenders and at the same time provide better protection for fair players.

  • We lowered the threshold for obtaining 'Teamkiller' status. Now, even minor damage to an allied ship will result in the offender receiving this dishonourable status
  • The 'Teamkiller' status now takes into account allied aircraft destroyed in an Air Squadron Assault, launched by pressing [Alt], as well as damage to allies from fire and flooding
  • Compensation for damage caused by allies will cover the full cost of ship repairs, irrespective of how many Credits the offender earns in the corresponding battle. Please note that a fixed portion of the cost of ship servicing and the cost of ammunition will not be compensated
  • The more often a player breaks the rules of the game and gets the "Teamkiller" status, the more battles they will need to fight without violations in order to return to "normal" status
  • Regular offenders who damage allies will be subject to a special teamkill penalty calculation scheme. Under that scheme, the amount of damage they inflicted on an ally will be reduced by 90% while the return damage to the offender's own ship will be increased by more than 100% of its initial amount

The penalty mechanics have been reworked:

  • PREVIOUSLY: Penalties for damage caused to allies used to be applied to the amount of XP determined with the use of modifiers, including Premium Account
  • NOW: Penalties for damage caused to allies are applied to the final XP value determined after all of the modifiers have been applied
  • That way players with Premium accounts, signals and other boosters will be receiving similar fines to players without the listed modifiers


Introductory Mission

  • Allied ships will no longer open fire from secondary guns if the player's ship crosses their aiming line
  • Fixed a bug that caused hints regarding movement and fire extinguishing to continuously appear on the screen


Other Changes

Fixed the following bugs and issues:

  • The "Survivability expert" skill sometimes led to a reduction of torpedo damage
  • Commander skills tooltip message while retraining
  • Special event notifications remained in the client, even after the event was over
  • A battle pop-up did not display the amount of remaining equipment
  • the destroyed ship's propellers were rotating, even if the ship wasn't moving at the moment of destruction
  • Now maximum fire range of the main caliber gun in the port respects shell ballistics (for some small-caliber guns sometimes it could exceed the actual distance)
  • Fixed a bug that caused an emergency shutdown of the client when drawing after battle statistics in team battles
  • A torpedo cone did not display for one torpedo bomber in flight while under barrage fire
  • Incorrect interaction of the weather effects and the air camera
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour of the window when entering the battle having an incomplete team
  • Fixed a bug due to which, upon restarting the client, button configurations were reset
  • incorrect display of torpedo tube cone statuses at some armor angles
  • Upon changing weapons the target lock-on did not disappear on the minimap
  • incorrect display of torpedo effects on ARP Myoko for laptops with Intel ® HD Graphics
  • Incorrect positioning of the starting points on the "Land of Volcanoes" map
  • Module data display when retraining commanders
  • Fixed a bug that caused displaying two simultaneously locked-on targets in the interface
  • Fixed a bug that caused the disappearance of a strike squadron attack entry radius
  • Incorrect setting and display of the status of the "Enhance GUI Contrast" parameter in the settings
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "Hold the RMB to Take a Look" tooltip from disappearing in the introductory mission
  • Fixed a display of the black sky for a few seconds when loading the "New Dawn" map
  • Display of the torpedo hull when aircraft are approaching for attack
  • It was possible to call a compact list of the carousel without selecting the compact list option
  • Fixed a bug that caused camouflage disappearance at low graphics settings
  • Fighter air group weapons load displays when a player received the Teamkiller status
  • Displaying a ship that needs repairing in port
  • Issue with flashing shallows on some maps when lifting the camera
  • Recharge speed is now displayed in the performance characteristics as close as one decimal place
  • Fixed a bug for some configurations that caused a black screen at the beginning of the battle
  • Turret rotation angle display after reconnecting to the server
  • Disabled the possibility of moving the discharge point for squadrons after the start of the attack
  • An empty list of servers upon the launch of the client
  • Assorted icons in the Help window have been updated
  • Incorrect notification sound and animation when attacking the last squadron of aircraft
  • Incorrect working of the secondary armament at shorter distances
  • Emergency shutdown of the client after reconnecting to the server when the ship had been sunk

Как там у нас с этим делом? Всё тоже по плану? :hiding:


И что там с новыми прем.кораблями за дублоны в клиенте? У европейцев уже завтра будут доступны.

Пока информация не поступала.

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Нусс ав смело могут не входить больше в бой. А Айова теперь отличный корабль, огромный крейсер с 33 узлами, точными орудиями и дальностью 24км

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Коллекционер, Коллекционер, Коллекционер
10 824 публикации

Нусс ав смело могут не входить больше в бой. А Айова теперь отличный корабль, огромный крейсер с 33 узлами, точными орудиями и дальностью 24км


23,3 и маневренностью утюга на песке.

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770 публикаций
1 859 боёв

Нусс ав смело могут не входить больше в бой. А Айова теперь отличный корабль, огромный крейсер с 33 узлами, точными орудиями и дальностью 24км


Если так, то я рад. А не проще было откатить 0.5.3? Мне кажется до него такого антагонизма между ЛК и АВ не было. Но Леста не ищет легких путей. 

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4 701
Коллекционер, Коллекционер, Коллекционер
10 824 публикации

Если так, то я рад. А не проще было откатить 0.5.3? Мне кажется до него такого антагонизма между ЛК и АВ не было. Но Леста не ищет легких путей. 


Вам кажется.

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Вам кажется.

Очень возможно, играю с конца декабря 2015, на форуме активности не проявлял до февраля. В любом случае взаимной неприязни до 0.5.3 было в разы меньше.

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4 701
Коллекционер, Коллекционер, Коллекционер
10 824 публикации

Очень возможно, играю с конца декабря 2015, на форуме активности не проявлял до февраля. В любом случае взаимной неприязни до 0.5.3 было в разы меньше.


Видимо вы не встречали Эссекс\Мидвей с двумя группами торпов.

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770 публикаций
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Видимо вы не встречали Эссекс\Мидвей с двумя группами торпов.

Конечно! К 0.5.3 только до Колорадо прокачался. Если так, то Авики нужно было нерфить, а не апать в 0.5.3. 

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23,3 и маневренностью утюга на песке.

34,7 с флажком ;)

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